// Use "chilkat_9_5_0.php" for versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0
$xml = newCkXml();
// In a SOAP HTTP request, including the XML declaration (<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>) in the XML body is generally not required.
$soapRequestBody = $xml->getXml();
$endpoint = 'unknown';
$soapAction = 'http://busdox.org/serviceMetadata/ManageServiceMetadataService/1.0/:createIn';
// For SOAP requests, the standard Content-Type is usually set to "text/xml" or "application/soap+xml"
$contentType = 'text/xml';
$http = newCkHttp();
// resp is a CkHttpResponse
$resp = $http->PostXml($endpoint,$soapRequestBody,'utf-8');
if ($http->get_LastMethodSuccess() == false) {
print $http->lastErrorText() . "\n";
print'Failed to send SOAP request.' . "\n";
// Get the XML response body.
$responseXml = newCkXml();
$statusCode = $resp->get_StatusCode();
print'response status code: ' . $statusCode . "\n";
// If the status code does not indicate succcess, then show the response XML,
// which probably contains error information.if ($statusCode != 200) {
print $responseXml->getXml() . "\n";
print $responseXml->getXml() . "\n";
// Parse the successful SOAP response XML.// This is a sample of the response XML, but the namespace prefixes will be different.
// We can parse the result using "*" for the namespace prefixes (see below).