SOAP WSDL Generate Code

SpringCMServiceSoap / GetMetadataFields

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Dim xml As New Chilkat.Xml
xml.Tag = "soapenv:Envelope"

' In a SOAP HTTP request, including the XML declaration (<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>) in the XML body is generally not required. 
xml.EmitXmlDecl = False
Dim soapRequestBody As String = xml.GetXml()

Dim endpoint As String = ""
Dim soapAction As String = ""
'  For SOAP requests, the standard Content-Type is usually set to "text/xml" or "application/soap+xml"
Dim contentType As String = "text/xml"

Dim http As New Chilkat.Http


Dim resp As Chilkat.HttpResponse = http.PostXml(endpoint,soapRequestBody,"utf-8")
If (http.LastMethodSuccess = False) Then
    Debug.WriteLine("Failed to send SOAP request.")
    Exit Sub
End If

' Get the XML response body.
Dim responseXml As New Chilkat.Xml

Dim statusCode As Integer = resp.StatusCode
Debug.WriteLine("response status code: " & statusCode)

' If the status code does not indicate succcess, then show the response XML,
' which probably contains error information.
If (statusCode <> 200) Then
    Exit Sub
End If


' Parse the successful SOAP response XML.

' This is a sample of the response XML, but the namespace prefixes will be different.
' We can parse the result using "*" for the namespace prefixes (see below).

Dim GroupName As String = responseXml.GetChildContent("*:Body|*:GetMetadataFieldsResponse|*:GetMetadataFieldsResult|*:SCMMetadataField|*:GroupName")
Dim Name As String = responseXml.GetChildContent("*:Body|*:GetMetadataFieldsResponse|*:GetMetadataFieldsResult|*:SCMMetadataField|*:Name")
Dim Required As String = responseXml.GetChildContent("*:Body|*:GetMetadataFieldsResponse|*:GetMetadataFieldsResult|*:SCMMetadataField|*:Required")
Dim ReadOnly As String = responseXml.GetChildContent("*:Body|*:GetMetadataFieldsResponse|*:GetMetadataFieldsResult|*:SCMMetadataField|*:ReadOnly")
Dim SetName As String = responseXml.GetChildContent("*:Body|*:GetMetadataFieldsResponse|*:GetMetadataFieldsResult|*:SCMMetadataField|*:SetName")
Dim SetRepeating As String = responseXml.GetChildContent("*:Body|*:GetMetadataFieldsResponse|*:GetMetadataFieldsResult|*:SCMMetadataField|*:SetRepeating")
Dim Repeatable As String = responseXml.GetChildContent("*:Body|*:GetMetadataFieldsResponse|*:GetMetadataFieldsResult|*:SCMMetadataField|*:Repeatable")
Dim DataType As String = responseXml.GetChildContent("*:Body|*:GetMetadataFieldsResponse|*:GetMetadataFieldsResult|*:SCMMetadataField|*:DataType")
Dim v_string As String = responseXml.GetChildContent("*:Body|*:GetMetadataFieldsResponse|*:GetMetadataFieldsResult|*:SCMMetadataField|*:PicklistValues|*:string")
Request XML
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:spr="">
Response XML
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:spr="">