VB.NET / Orchestrator / Gets Jobs. Copy
Back to Collection Items
' This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
' See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.
Dim http As New Chilkat.Http
Dim success As Boolean
Dim queryParams As New Chilkat.JsonObject
queryParams.UpdateString("mandatoryPermissions","enim officia ut oc")
queryParams.UpdateString("mandatoryPermissions","quis ex ullamco sit")
queryParams.UpdateString("atLeastOnePermissions","enim officia ut oc")
queryParams.UpdateString("atLeastOnePermissions","quis ex ullamco sit")
queryParams.UpdateString("$expand","esse sit qui")
queryParams.UpdateString("$filter","esse sit qui")
queryParams.UpdateString("$select","esse sit qui")
queryParams.UpdateString("$orderby","esse sit qui")
' Adds the "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" header.
http.AuthToken = "<access_token>"
Dim resp As Chilkat.HttpResponse = http.QuickRequestParams("GET","https://domain.com/odata/Jobs",queryParams)
If (http.LastMethodSuccess = False) Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim sbResponseBody As New Chilkat.StringBuilder
Dim jResp As New Chilkat.JsonObject
jResp.EmitCompact = False
Debug.WriteLine("Response Body:")
Dim respStatusCode As Integer = resp.StatusCode
Debug.WriteLine("Response Status Code = " & respStatusCode)
If (respStatusCode >= 400) Then
Debug.WriteLine("Response Header:")
Exit Sub
End If
' Sample JSON response:
' (Sample code for parsing the JSON response is shown below)
' {
' "value": [
' {
' "Key": "urn:uuid:be08766e-ac51-bb45-5501-0a3dc5154af2",
' "StartTime": "1968-12-05T22:17:50.256Z",
' "EndTime": "1987-05-29T17:04:27.173Z",
' "State": "Running",
' "JobPriority": "Normal",
' "Robot": {
' "HostingType": "Standard",
' "Name": "ve",
' "Type": "RpaDeveloper",
' "Username": "exercitation et ea",
' "LicenseKey": "elit in",
' "MachineName": "irure Ut mollit dolore",
' "MachineId": -25291783,
' "ExternalName": "laboris commodo dolor do",
' "Description": "culpa eu consequat",
' "ProvisionType": "Automatic",
' "Password": "officia eu ut cupidatat",
' "CredentialStoreId": 68306960,
' "UserId": 31877342,
' "Enabled": true,
' "CredentialType": "Default",
' "Environments": [
' {
' "value": "<Circular reference to #/components/schemas/EnvironmentDto detected>"
' },
' {
' "value": "<Circular reference to #/components/schemas/EnvironmentDto detected>"
' }
' ],
' "RobotEnvironments": "non exercitation ut dolor",
' "ExecutionSettings": {},
' "IsExternalLicensed": false,
' "LimitConcurrentExecution": false,
' "Id": -59332040
' },
' "Release": {
' "Name": "sed in aliquip consequat",
' "ProcessKey": "exercitation",
' "ProcessVersion": "amet",
' "Key": "velit ipsum ut",
' "IsLatestVersion": false,
' "IsProcessDeleted": true,
' "Description": "dolore",
' "EnvironmentId": -41748387,
' "EnvironmentName": "esse culpa",
' "Environment": {
' "Name": "ea dolor",
' "Description": "cillum Duis enim",
' "Robots": [
' {
' "HostingType": "Standard",
' "Name": "magna adip",
' "Type": "Development",
' "Username": "dolore ex",
' "LicenseKey": "nulla veniam dolor proident ipsum",
' "MachineName": "deserunt sed aute reprehenderit",
' "MachineId": 99549561,
' "ExternalName": "ad laboris veniam sint incididunt",
' "Description": "Ut commodo",
' "ProvisionType": "Automatic",
' "Password": "reprehenderit",
' "CredentialStoreId": -86457645,
' "UserId": -62740279,
' "Enabled": false,
' "CredentialType": "Default",
' "Environments": [
' {
' "value": "<Circular reference to #/components/schemas/EnvironmentDto detected>"
' },
' {
' "value": "<Circular reference to #/components/schemas/EnvironmentDto detected>"
' }
' ],
' "RobotEnvironments": "fugiat labore sunt non",
' "ExecutionSettings": {},
' "IsExternalLicensed": false,
' "LimitConcurrentExecution": false,
' "Id": -57032659
' },
' {
' "HostingType": "Standard",
' "Name": "ut",
' "Type": "Studio",
' "Username": "ipsum fugiat",
' "LicenseKey": "laboris",
' "MachineName": "nisi consequat nostrud adipisicing",
' "MachineId": -86957591,
' "ExternalName": "consequat nulla culpa",
' "Description": "quis proident",
' "ProvisionType": "Automatic",
' "Password": "dolor laborum dolore exercitation",
' "CredentialStoreId": -50712714,
' "UserId": -77316487,
' "Enabled": true,
' "CredentialType": "NCipher",
' "Environments": [
' {
' "value": "<Circular reference to #/components/schemas/EnvironmentDto detected>"
' },
' {
' "value": "<Circular reference to #/components/schemas/EnvironmentDto detected>"
' }
' ],
' "RobotEnvironments": "consectetur proident",
' "ExecutionSettings": {},
' "IsExternalLicensed": false,
' "LimitConcurrentExecution": false,
' "Id": 61973728
' }
' ],
' "Type": "Dev",
' "Id": -81564071
' },
' "EntryPointId": 65883382,
' "EntryPoint": {
' "UniqueId": "33d009ac-efb0-a268-39d6-f418e596355f",
' "Path": "ipsum enim est sunt",
' "InputArguments": "quis incididunt sed aliquip laboris",
' "OutputArguments": "labore in a",
' "DataVariation": {
' "Content": {
' "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
' },
' "ContentType": {
' "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
' },
' "Id": {
' "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
' }
' },
' "Id": -88661283
' },
' "InputArguments": "aliqua laborum id reprehenderit irure",
' "ProcessType": "Process",
' "SupportsMultipleEntryPoints": false,
' "RequiresUserInteraction": true,
' "CurrentVersion": {
' "ReleaseId": 74749251,
' "VersionNumber": "et sed in",
' "CreationTime": "2004-08-18T18:18:03.338Z",
' "ReleaseName": "culpa irure eiusmod cillum",
' "Id": -2823220
' },
' "ReleaseVersions": [
' {
' "ReleaseId": 98978237,
' "VersionNumber": "dolor",
' "CreationTime": "1946-05-25T08:32:13.398Z",
' "ReleaseName": "cillum amet do sit",
' "Id": 20089819
' },
' {
' "ReleaseId": -81798741,
' "VersionNumber": "commodo",
' "CreationTime": "1948-07-19T18:02:36.929Z",
' "ReleaseName": "commodo ut",
' "Id": -50835643
' }
' ],
' "Arguments": {
' "Input": "cupidatat nulla dolore laboris",
' "Output": "irure enim"
' },
' "ProcessSettings": {
' "ErrorRecordingEnabled": false,
' "Duration": 21017457,
' "Frequency": -78467124,
' "Quality": -81865886,
' "AutoStartProcess": false,
' "AlwaysRunning": false
' },
' "AutoUpdate": true,
' "FeedId": "b75e256e-424d-3bf4-0039-f805bddcfa1c",
' "JobPriority": "Normal",
' "CreationTime": "1968-10-01T15:48:41.828Z",
' "OrganizationUnitId": 83258498,
' "OrganizationUnitFullyQualifiedName": "deserunt Excepteur velit fugiat ipsum",
' "Id": 97579630
' },
' "Source": "in sed eiusmod officia",
' "SourceType": "Manual",
' "BatchExecutionKey": "0af7775b-abfd-b5da-a616-c1368d064956",
' "Info": "elit qui cupidatat Excepteur irure",
' "CreationTime": "2011-03-20T05:47:21.122Z",
' "StartingScheduleId": -96622782,
' "ReleaseName": "aliqua cillum do",
' "Type": "Attended",
' "InputArguments": "mollit et anim Duis la",
' "OutputArguments": "nisi eu",
' "HostMachineName": "ex nisi est",
' "HasMediaRecorded": true,
' "PersistenceId": "7d168d12-cdee-3fc1-6573-e51cf722927c",
' "ResumeVersion": 80821028,
' "StopStrategy": "Kill",
' "RuntimeType": "Studio",
' "RequiresUserInteraction": true,
' "ReleaseVersionId": -14684718,
' "EntryPointPath": "irure ex",
' "OrganizationUnitId": -47866254,
' "OrganizationUnitFullyQualifiedName": "in dolor adipisicing irure fugiat",
' "Reference": "veniam quis",
' "ProcessType": "TestAutomationProcess",
' "Id": 74454915
' },
' {
' "Key": "urn:uuid:ebc451f5-37de-ca57-6a04-841f283e3db3",
' "StartTime": "2015-06-26T01:29:47.772Z",
' "EndTime": "1975-12-07T06:11:09.831Z",
' "State": "Terminating",
' "JobPriority": "Normal",
' "Robot": {
' "HostingType": "Floating",
' "Name": "reprehenderit mag",
' "Type": "NonProduction",
' "Username": "amet",
' "LicenseKey": "in",
' "MachineName": "veniam sint Duis in",
' "MachineId": -69775421,
' "ExternalName": "sit esse in in",
' "Description": "mollit laboris et adipisicing",
' "ProvisionType": "Manual",
' "Password": "mollit exercitation",
' "CredentialStoreId": -60643044,
' "UserId": 69734890,
' "Enabled": false,
' "CredentialType": "NCipher",
' "Environments": [
' {
' "value": "<Circular reference to #/components/schemas/EnvironmentDto detected>"
' },
' {
' "value": "<Circular reference to #/components/schemas/EnvironmentDto detected>"
' }
' ],
' "RobotEnvironments": "fugiat velit",
' "ExecutionSettings": {},
' "IsExternalLicensed": true,
' "LimitConcurrentExecution": true,
' "Id": -10649011
' },
' "Release": {
' "Name": "exer",
' "ProcessKey": "esse irure sunt",
' "ProcessVersion": "commodo esse",
' "Key": "et",
' "IsLatestVersion": false,
' "IsProcessDeleted": false,
' "Description": "cillum elit sint proident laboris",
' "EnvironmentId": -28668699,
' "EnvironmentName": "fugiat dolor",
' "Environment": {
' "Name": "aliquip in ",
' "Description": "ullamco Ut ipsum",
' "Robots": [
' {
' "HostingType": "Standard",
' "Name": "veniam irure",
' "Type": "Unattended",
' "Username": "exercitation eu",
' "LicenseKey": "eu",
' "MachineName": "laborum non ut",
' "MachineId": -97603824,
' "ExternalName": "do",
' "Description": "commodo",
' "ProvisionType": "Manual",
' "Password": "amet",
' "CredentialStoreId": -46683638,
' "UserId": -79507069,
' "Enabled": false,
' "CredentialType": "SafeNet",
' "Environments": [
' {
' "value": "<Circular reference to #/components/schemas/EnvironmentDto detected>"
' },
' {
' "value": "<Circular reference to #/components/schemas/EnvironmentDto detected>"
' }
' ],
' "RobotEnvironments": "ut nisi cupidatat",
' "ExecutionSettings": {},
' "IsExternalLicensed": true,
' "LimitConcurrentExecution": false,
' "Id": 54910452
' },
' {
' "HostingType": "Standard",
' "Name": "ipsum labor",
' "Type": "TestAutomation",
' "Username": "sed enim anim",
' "LicenseKey": "laboris ut officia id",
' "MachineName": "quis in",
' "MachineId": -90219792,
' "ExternalName": "in pariatur laborum sit",
' "Description": "minim fugiat nisi dolore consectetur",
' "ProvisionType": "Manual",
' "Password": "officia cupidatat",
' "CredentialStoreId": 43407097,
' "UserId": -57075544,
' "Enabled": false,
' "CredentialType": "SafeNet",
' "Environments": [
' {
' "value": "<Circular reference to #/components/schemas/EnvironmentDto detected>"
' },
' {
' "value": "<Circular reference to #/components/schemas/EnvironmentDto detected>"
' }
' ],
' "RobotEnvironments": "Duis proident irure",
' "ExecutionSettings": {},
' "IsExternalLicensed": true,
' "LimitConcurrentExecution": true,
' "Id": -9267781
' }
' ],
' "Type": "Prod",
' "Id": -62000928
' },
' "EntryPointId": -90692421,
' "EntryPoint": {
' "UniqueId": "urn:uuid:d301be4a-2392-bf86-7e46-bb8be011fbf7",
' "Path": "velit minim a",
' "InputArguments": "aliquip eu reprehenderit sit",
' "OutputArguments": "in Lorem sint",
' "DataVariation": {
' "Content": {
' "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
' },
' "ContentType": {
' "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
' },
' "Id": {
' "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
' }
' },
' "Id": -7344118
' },
' "InputArguments": "commodo aute",
' "ProcessType": "TestAutomationProcess",
' "SupportsMultipleEntryPoints": true,
' "RequiresUserInteraction": true,
' "CurrentVersion": {
' "ReleaseId": 81406107,
' "VersionNumber": "id dolor fugiat est",
' "CreationTime": "1985-09-08T00:08:37.146Z",
' "ReleaseName": "amet nisi in et",
' "Id": 18866201
' },
' "ReleaseVersions": [
' {
' "ReleaseId": -18017135,
' "VersionNumber": "laboris",
' "CreationTime": "2010-11-11T00:55:45.791Z",
' "ReleaseName": "s",
' "Id": -24543215
' },
' {
' "ReleaseId": 55664279,
' "VersionNumber": "sint",
' "CreationTime": "2017-11-30T09:41:33.627Z",
' "ReleaseName": "laboris dolore",
' "Id": 98955952
' }
' ],
' "Arguments": {
' "Input": "laboris Ut eiusmod ad occaecat",
' "Output": "dolor ut aliquip Lorem"
' },
' "ProcessSettings": {
' "ErrorRecordingEnabled": true,
' "Duration": -46266930,
' "Frequency": 79484330,
' "Quality": 57996402,
' "AutoStartProcess": false,
' "AlwaysRunning": false
' },
' "AutoUpdate": true,
' "FeedId": "ba07e4b6-b53b-9353-118a-b30abad1721a",
' "JobPriority": "Low",
' "CreationTime": "2018-12-13T23:39:20.742Z",
' "OrganizationUnitId": -70783962,
' "OrganizationUnitFullyQualifiedName": "ullamco dolor",
' "Id": -27097135
' },
' "Source": "elit exercitation",
' "SourceType": "Schedule",
' "BatchExecutionKey": "8ab4e543-f97f-69ee-ff36-3957c3150367",
' "Info": "deserunt ullamco non ",
' "CreationTime": "2017-03-10T11:50:24.671Z",
' "StartingScheduleId": 95117699,
' "ReleaseName": "sunt commodo ex in ut",
' "Type": "Attended",
' "InputArguments": "cupid",
' "OutputArguments": "enim ad",
' "HostMachineName": "elit Lorem",
' "HasMediaRecorded": false,
' "PersistenceId": "urn:uuid:cdafed65-066d-922a-b8e4-414a65fc1ee1",
' "ResumeVersion": 96117442,
' "StopStrategy": "SoftStop",
' "RuntimeType": "CitizenDeveloper",
' "RequiresUserInteraction": true,
' "ReleaseVersionId": 49481835,
' "EntryPointPath": "culpa enim",
' "OrganizationUnitId": 73582213,
' "OrganizationUnitFullyQualifiedName": "in Lorem ex",
' "Reference": "sunt cupidatat id",
' "ProcessType": "TestAutomationProcess",
' "Id": 15658384
' }
' ]
' }
' Sample code for parsing the JSON response...
' Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: Generate JSON Parsing Code
Dim Key As String
Dim StartTime As String
Dim EndTime As String
Dim State As String
Dim JobPriority As String
Dim HostingType As String
Dim Name As String
Dim v_Type As String
Dim Username As String
Dim LicenseKey As String
Dim MachineName As String
Dim MachineId As Integer
Dim ExternalName As String
Dim Description As String
Dim ProvisionType As String
Dim Password As String
Dim CredentialStoreId As Integer
Dim UserId As Integer
Dim Enabled As Boolean
Dim CredentialType As String
Dim RobotEnvironments As String
Dim IsExternalLicensed As Boolean
Dim LimitConcurrentExecution As Boolean
Dim Id As Integer
Dim ReleaseName As String
Dim ProcessKey As String
Dim ProcessVersion As String
Dim ReleaseKey As String
Dim IsLatestVersion As Boolean
Dim IsProcessDeleted As Boolean
Dim ReleaseDescription As String
Dim EnvironmentId As Integer
Dim EnvironmentName As String
Dim EnvironmentDescription As String
Dim EnvironmentType As String
Dim EntryPointId As Integer
Dim UniqueId As String
Dim Path As String
Dim InputArguments As String
Dim OutputArguments As String
Dim Value As String
Dim ContentTypeValue As String
Dim IdValue As String
Dim ReleaseInputArguments As String
Dim ProcessType As String
Dim SupportsMultipleEntryPoints As Boolean
Dim RequiresUserInteraction As Boolean
Dim ReleaseId As Integer
Dim VersionNumber As String
Dim CreationTime As String
Dim CurrentVersionReleaseName As String
Dim CurrentVersionId As Integer
Dim Input As String
Dim Output As String
Dim ErrorRecordingEnabled As Boolean
Dim Duration As Integer
Dim Frequency As Integer
Dim Quality As Integer
Dim AutoStartProcess As Boolean
Dim AlwaysRunning As Boolean
Dim AutoUpdate As Boolean
Dim FeedId As String
Dim ReleaseJobPriority As String
Dim ReleaseCreationTime As String
Dim OrganizationUnitId As Integer
Dim OrganizationUnitFullyQualifiedName As String
Dim Source As String
Dim SourceType As String
Dim BatchExecutionKey As String
Dim Info As String
Dim StartingScheduleId As Integer
Dim HostMachineName As String
Dim HasMediaRecorded As Boolean
Dim PersistenceId As String
Dim ResumeVersion As Integer
Dim StopStrategy As String
Dim RuntimeType As String
Dim ReleaseVersionId As Integer
Dim EntryPointPath As String
Dim Reference As String
Dim j As Integer
Dim count_j As Integer
Dim value As String
Dim k As Integer
Dim count_k As Integer
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim count_i As Integer = jResp.SizeOfArray("value")
While i < count_i
jResp.I = i
Key = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Key")
StartTime = jResp.StringOf("value[i].StartTime")
EndTime = jResp.StringOf("value[i].EndTime")
State = jResp.StringOf("value[i].State")
JobPriority = jResp.StringOf("value[i].JobPriority")
HostingType = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Robot.HostingType")
Name = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Robot.Name")
v_Type = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Robot.Type")
Username = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Robot.Username")
LicenseKey = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Robot.LicenseKey")
MachineName = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Robot.MachineName")
MachineId = jResp.IntOf("value[i].Robot.MachineId")
ExternalName = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Robot.ExternalName")
Description = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Robot.Description")
ProvisionType = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Robot.ProvisionType")
Password = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Robot.Password")
CredentialStoreId = jResp.IntOf("value[i].Robot.CredentialStoreId")
UserId = jResp.IntOf("value[i].Robot.UserId")
Enabled = jResp.BoolOf("value[i].Robot.Enabled")
CredentialType = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Robot.CredentialType")
RobotEnvironments = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Robot.RobotEnvironments")
IsExternalLicensed = jResp.BoolOf("value[i].Robot.IsExternalLicensed")
LimitConcurrentExecution = jResp.BoolOf("value[i].Robot.LimitConcurrentExecution")
Id = jResp.IntOf("value[i].Robot.Id")
ReleaseName = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.Name")
ProcessKey = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.ProcessKey")
ProcessVersion = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.ProcessVersion")
ReleaseKey = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.Key")
IsLatestVersion = jResp.BoolOf("value[i].Release.IsLatestVersion")
IsProcessDeleted = jResp.BoolOf("value[i].Release.IsProcessDeleted")
ReleaseDescription = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.Description")
EnvironmentId = jResp.IntOf("value[i].Release.EnvironmentId")
EnvironmentName = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.EnvironmentName")
EnvironmentName = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.Environment.Name")
EnvironmentDescription = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.Environment.Description")
EnvironmentType = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.Environment.Type")
EnvironmentId = jResp.IntOf("value[i].Release.Environment.Id")
EntryPointId = jResp.IntOf("value[i].Release.EntryPointId")
UniqueId = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.EntryPoint.UniqueId")
Path = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.EntryPoint.Path")
InputArguments = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.EntryPoint.InputArguments")
OutputArguments = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.EntryPoint.OutputArguments")
Value = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.EntryPoint.DataVariation.Content.value")
ContentTypeValue = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.EntryPoint.DataVariation.ContentType.value")
IdValue = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.EntryPoint.DataVariation.Id.value")
EntryPointId = jResp.IntOf("value[i].Release.EntryPoint.Id")
ReleaseInputArguments = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.InputArguments")
ProcessType = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.ProcessType")
SupportsMultipleEntryPoints = jResp.BoolOf("value[i].Release.SupportsMultipleEntryPoints")
RequiresUserInteraction = jResp.BoolOf("value[i].Release.RequiresUserInteraction")
ReleaseId = jResp.IntOf("value[i].Release.CurrentVersion.ReleaseId")
VersionNumber = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.CurrentVersion.VersionNumber")
CreationTime = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.CurrentVersion.CreationTime")
CurrentVersionReleaseName = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.CurrentVersion.ReleaseName")
CurrentVersionId = jResp.IntOf("value[i].Release.CurrentVersion.Id")
Input = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.Arguments.Input")
Output = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.Arguments.Output")
ErrorRecordingEnabled = jResp.BoolOf("value[i].Release.ProcessSettings.ErrorRecordingEnabled")
Duration = jResp.IntOf("value[i].Release.ProcessSettings.Duration")
Frequency = jResp.IntOf("value[i].Release.ProcessSettings.Frequency")
Quality = jResp.IntOf("value[i].Release.ProcessSettings.Quality")
AutoStartProcess = jResp.BoolOf("value[i].Release.ProcessSettings.AutoStartProcess")
AlwaysRunning = jResp.BoolOf("value[i].Release.ProcessSettings.AlwaysRunning")
AutoUpdate = jResp.BoolOf("value[i].Release.AutoUpdate")
FeedId = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.FeedId")
ReleaseJobPriority = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.JobPriority")
ReleaseCreationTime = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.CreationTime")
OrganizationUnitId = jResp.IntOf("value[i].Release.OrganizationUnitId")
OrganizationUnitFullyQualifiedName = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.OrganizationUnitFullyQualifiedName")
ReleaseId = jResp.IntOf("value[i].Release.Id")
Source = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Source")
SourceType = jResp.StringOf("value[i].SourceType")
BatchExecutionKey = jResp.StringOf("value[i].BatchExecutionKey")
Info = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Info")
CreationTime = jResp.StringOf("value[i].CreationTime")
StartingScheduleId = jResp.IntOf("value[i].StartingScheduleId")
ReleaseName = jResp.StringOf("value[i].ReleaseName")
v_Type = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Type")
InputArguments = jResp.StringOf("value[i].InputArguments")
OutputArguments = jResp.StringOf("value[i].OutputArguments")
HostMachineName = jResp.StringOf("value[i].HostMachineName")
HasMediaRecorded = jResp.BoolOf("value[i].HasMediaRecorded")
PersistenceId = jResp.StringOf("value[i].PersistenceId")
ResumeVersion = jResp.IntOf("value[i].ResumeVersion")
StopStrategy = jResp.StringOf("value[i].StopStrategy")
RuntimeType = jResp.StringOf("value[i].RuntimeType")
RequiresUserInteraction = jResp.BoolOf("value[i].RequiresUserInteraction")
ReleaseVersionId = jResp.IntOf("value[i].ReleaseVersionId")
EntryPointPath = jResp.StringOf("value[i].EntryPointPath")
OrganizationUnitId = jResp.IntOf("value[i].OrganizationUnitId")
OrganizationUnitFullyQualifiedName = jResp.StringOf("value[i].OrganizationUnitFullyQualifiedName")
Reference = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Reference")
ProcessType = jResp.StringOf("value[i].ProcessType")
Id = jResp.IntOf("value[i].Id")
j = 0
count_j = jResp.SizeOfArray("value[i].Robot.Environments")
While j < count_j
jResp.J = j
value = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Robot.Environments[j].value")
j = j + 1
End While
j = 0
count_j = jResp.SizeOfArray("value[i].Release.Environment.Robots")
While j < count_j
jResp.J = j
HostingType = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.Environment.Robots[j].HostingType")
Name = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.Environment.Robots[j].Name")
v_Type = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.Environment.Robots[j].Type")
Username = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.Environment.Robots[j].Username")
LicenseKey = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.Environment.Robots[j].LicenseKey")
MachineName = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.Environment.Robots[j].MachineName")
MachineId = jResp.IntOf("value[i].Release.Environment.Robots[j].MachineId")
ExternalName = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.Environment.Robots[j].ExternalName")
Description = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.Environment.Robots[j].Description")
ProvisionType = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.Environment.Robots[j].ProvisionType")
Password = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.Environment.Robots[j].Password")
CredentialStoreId = jResp.IntOf("value[i].Release.Environment.Robots[j].CredentialStoreId")
UserId = jResp.IntOf("value[i].Release.Environment.Robots[j].UserId")
Enabled = jResp.BoolOf("value[i].Release.Environment.Robots[j].Enabled")
CredentialType = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.Environment.Robots[j].CredentialType")
RobotEnvironments = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.Environment.Robots[j].RobotEnvironments")
IsExternalLicensed = jResp.BoolOf("value[i].Release.Environment.Robots[j].IsExternalLicensed")
LimitConcurrentExecution = jResp.BoolOf("value[i].Release.Environment.Robots[j].LimitConcurrentExecution")
Id = jResp.IntOf("value[i].Release.Environment.Robots[j].Id")
k = 0
count_k = jResp.SizeOfArray("value[i].Release.Environment.Robots[j].Environments")
While k < count_k
jResp.K = k
value = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.Environment.Robots[j].Environments[k].value")
k = k + 1
End While
j = j + 1
End While
j = 0
count_j = jResp.SizeOfArray("value[i].Release.ReleaseVersions")
While j < count_j
jResp.J = j
ReleaseId = jResp.IntOf("value[i].Release.ReleaseVersions[j].ReleaseId")
VersionNumber = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.ReleaseVersions[j].VersionNumber")
CreationTime = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.ReleaseVersions[j].CreationTime")
ReleaseName = jResp.StringOf("value[i].Release.ReleaseVersions[j].ReleaseName")
Id = jResp.IntOf("value[i].Release.ReleaseVersions[j].Id")
j = j + 1
End While
i = i + 1
End While
Curl Command
curl -G -d "mandatoryPermissions=enim%20officia%20ut%20oc"
-d "mandatoryPermissions=quis%20ex%20ullamco%20sit"
-d "atLeastOnePermissions=enim%20officia%20ut%20oc"
-d "atLeastOnePermissions=quis%20ex%20ullamco%20sit"
-d "$expand=esse%20sit%20qui"
-d "$filter=esse%20sit%20qui"
-d "$select=esse%20sit%20qui"
-d "$orderby=esse%20sit%20qui"
-d "$top=12575632"
-d "$skip=12575632"
-d "$count=true"
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
-H "X-UIPATH-OrganizationUnitId: 12575632"
Postman Collection Item JSON
"name": "Gets Jobs. Copy",
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"description": "Folder/OrganizationUnit Id",
"key": "X-UIPATH-OrganizationUnitId",
"value": "12575632"
"url": {
"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/odata/Jobs?mandatoryPermissions=enim officia ut oc&mandatoryPermissions=quis ex ullamco sit&atLeastOnePermissions=enim officia ut oc&atLeastOnePermissions=quis ex ullamco sit&$expand=esse sit qui&$filter=esse sit qui&$select=esse sit qui&$orderby=esse sit qui&$top=12575632&$skip=12575632&$count=true",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "mandatoryPermissions",
"value": "enim officia ut oc",
"description": "If in a cross-folder scenario, these represent the additional permissions\r\n required in the folders the data is retrieved from; all permissions in this set must be met"
"key": "mandatoryPermissions",
"value": "quis ex ullamco sit",
"description": "If in a cross-folder scenario, these represent the additional permissions\r\n required in the folders the data is retrieved from; all permissions in this set must be met"
"key": "atLeastOnePermissions",
"value": "enim officia ut oc",
"description": "If in a cross-folder scenario, these represent the additional permissions\r\n required in the folders the data is retrieved from; at least one permission in this set must be met"
"key": "atLeastOnePermissions",
"value": "quis ex ullamco sit",
"description": "If in a cross-folder scenario, these represent the additional permissions\r\n required in the folders the data is retrieved from; at least one permission in this set must be met"
"key": "$expand",
"value": "esse sit qui",
"description": "Indicates the related entities to be represented inline. The maximum depth is 2."
"key": "$filter",
"value": "esse sit qui",
"description": "Restricts the set of items returned. The maximum number of expressions is 100."
"key": "$select",
"value": "esse sit qui",
"description": "Limits the properties returned in the result."
"key": "$orderby",
"value": "esse sit qui",
"description": "Specifies the order in which items are returned. The maximum number of expressions is 5."
"key": "$top",
"value": "12575632",
"description": "Limits the number of items returned from a collection. The maximum value is 1000."
"key": "$skip",
"value": "12575632",
"description": "Excludes the specified number of items of the queried collection from the result."
"key": "$count",
"value": "true",
"description": "Indicates whether the total count of items within a collection are returned in the result."
"description": "OAuth required scopes: OR.Jobs or OR.Jobs.Read.\r\n\r\nRequired permissions: Jobs.View."
"response": [
"name": "Success",
"originalRequest": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"description": "Folder/OrganizationUnit Id",
"key": "X-UIPATH-OrganizationUnitId",
"value": "12575632"
"url": {
"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/odata/Jobs?mandatoryPermissions=eiusmod officia pariatur&mandatoryPermissions=amet eiusmod nulla dolore&atLeastOnePermissions=eiusmod officia pariatur&atLeastOnePermissions=amet eiusmod nulla dolore&$expand=esse sit qui&$filter=esse sit qui&$select=esse sit qui&$orderby=esse sit qui&$top=12575632&$skip=12575632&$count=true",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "mandatoryPermissions",
"value": "eiusmod officia pariatur"
"key": "mandatoryPermissions",
"value": "amet eiusmod nulla dolore"
"key": "atLeastOnePermissions",
"value": "eiusmod officia pariatur"
"key": "atLeastOnePermissions",
"value": "amet eiusmod nulla dolore"
"key": "$expand",
"value": "esse sit qui"
"key": "$filter",
"value": "esse sit qui"
"key": "$select",
"value": "esse sit qui"
"key": "$orderby",
"value": "esse sit qui"
"key": "$top",
"value": "12575632"
"key": "$skip",
"value": "12575632"
"key": "$count",
"value": "true"
"status": "OK",
"code": 200,
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"body": "{\n \"value\": [\n {\n \"Key\": \"urn:uuid:be08766e-ac51-bb45-5501-0a3dc5154af2\",\n \"StartTime\": \"1968-12-05T22:17:50.256Z\",\n \"EndTime\": \"1987-05-29T17:04:27.173Z\",\n \"State\": \"Running\",\n \"JobPriority\": \"Normal\",\n \"Robot\": {\n \"HostingType\": \"Standard\",\n \"Name\": \"ve\",\n \"Type\": \"RpaDeveloper\",\n \"Username\": \"exercitation et ea\",\n \"LicenseKey\": \"elit in\",\n \"MachineName\": \"irure Ut mollit dolore\",\n \"MachineId\": -25291783,\n \"ExternalName\": \"laboris commodo dolor do\",\n \"Description\": \"culpa eu consequat\",\n \"ProvisionType\": \"Automatic\",\n \"Password\": \"officia eu ut cupidatat\",\n \"CredentialStoreId\": 68306960,\n \"UserId\": 31877342,\n \"Enabled\": true,\n \"CredentialType\": \"Default\",\n \"Environments\": [\n {\n \"value\": \"<Circular reference to #/components/schemas/EnvironmentDto detected>\"\n },\n {\n \"value\": \"<Circular reference to #/components/schemas/EnvironmentDto detected>\"\n }\n ],\n 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\"HasMediaRecorded\": true,\n \"PersistenceId\": \"7d168d12-cdee-3fc1-6573-e51cf722927c\",\n \"ResumeVersion\": 80821028,\n \"StopStrategy\": \"Kill\",\n \"RuntimeType\": \"Studio\",\n \"RequiresUserInteraction\": true,\n \"ReleaseVersionId\": -14684718,\n \"EntryPointPath\": \"irure ex\",\n \"OrganizationUnitId\": -47866254,\n \"OrganizationUnitFullyQualifiedName\": \"in dolor adipisicing irure fugiat\",\n \"Reference\": \"veniam quis\",\n \"ProcessType\": \"TestAutomationProcess\",\n \"Id\": 74454915\n },\n {\n \"Key\": \"urn:uuid:ebc451f5-37de-ca57-6a04-841f283e3db3\",\n \"StartTime\": \"2015-06-26T01:29:47.772Z\",\n \"EndTime\": \"1975-12-07T06:11:09.831Z\",\n \"State\": \"Terminating\",\n \"JobPriority\": \"Normal\",\n \"Robot\": {\n \"HostingType\": \"Floating\",\n \"Name\": \"reprehenderit mag\",\n \"Type\": \"NonProduction\",\n \"Username\": \"amet\",\n \"LicenseKey\": \"in\",\n \"MachineName\": \"veniam sint Duis in\",\n \"MachineId\": -69775421,\n \"ExternalName\": \"sit esse 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\"aliquip in \",\n \"Description\": \"ullamco Ut ipsum\",\n \"Robots\": [\n {\n \"HostingType\": \"Standard\",\n \"Name\": \"veniam irure\",\n \"Type\": \"Unattended\",\n \"Username\": \"exercitation eu\",\n \"LicenseKey\": \"eu\",\n \"MachineName\": \"laborum non ut\",\n \"MachineId\": -97603824,\n \"ExternalName\": \"do\",\n \"Description\": \"commodo\",\n \"ProvisionType\": \"Manual\",\n \"Password\": \"amet\",\n \"CredentialStoreId\": -46683638,\n \"UserId\": -79507069,\n \"Enabled\": false,\n \"CredentialType\": \"SafeNet\",\n \"Environments\": [\n {\n \"value\": \"<Circular reference to #/components/schemas/EnvironmentDto detected>\"\n },\n {\n \"value\": \"<Circular reference to #/components/schemas/EnvironmentDto detected>\"\n }\n ],\n \"RobotEnvironments\": \"ut nisi cupidatat\",\n \"ExecutionSettings\": {},\n \"IsExternalLicensed\": true,\n \"LimitConcurrentExecution\": false,\n \"Id\": 54910452\n },\n {\n \"HostingType\": \"Standard\",\n \"Name\": \"ipsum labor\",\n \"Type\": \"TestAutomation\",\n \"Username\": \"sed enim anim\",\n \"LicenseKey\": \"laboris ut officia id\",\n \"MachineName\": \"quis in\",\n \"MachineId\": -90219792,\n \"ExternalName\": \"in pariatur laborum sit\",\n \"Description\": \"minim fugiat nisi dolore consectetur\",\n \"ProvisionType\": \"Manual\",\n \"Password\": \"officia cupidatat\",\n \"CredentialStoreId\": 43407097,\n \"UserId\": -57075544,\n \"Enabled\": false,\n \"CredentialType\": \"SafeNet\",\n \"Environments\": [\n {\n \"value\": \"<Circular reference to #/components/schemas/EnvironmentDto detected>\"\n },\n {\n \"value\": \"<Circular reference to #/components/schemas/EnvironmentDto detected>\"\n }\n ],\n \"RobotEnvironments\": \"Duis proident irure\",\n \"ExecutionSettings\": {},\n \"IsExternalLicensed\": true,\n \"LimitConcurrentExecution\": true,\n \"Id\": -9267781\n }\n ],\n \"Type\": \"Prod\",\n \"Id\": -62000928\n },\n \"EntryPointId\": -90692421,\n \"EntryPoint\": {\n \"UniqueId\": \"urn:uuid:d301be4a-2392-bf86-7e46-bb8be011fbf7\",\n \"Path\": \"velit minim a\",\n \"InputArguments\": \"aliquip eu reprehenderit sit\",\n \"OutputArguments\": \"in Lorem sint\",\n \"DataVariation\": {\n \"Content\": {\n \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n },\n \"ContentType\": {\n \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n },\n \"Id\": {\n \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n }\n },\n \"Id\": -7344118\n },\n \"InputArguments\": \"commodo aute\",\n \"ProcessType\": \"TestAutomationProcess\",\n \"SupportsMultipleEntryPoints\": true,\n \"RequiresUserInteraction\": true,\n \"CurrentVersion\": {\n \"ReleaseId\": 81406107,\n \"VersionNumber\": \"id dolor fugiat est\",\n \"CreationTime\": \"1985-09-08T00:08:37.146Z\",\n \"ReleaseName\": \"amet nisi in et\",\n \"Id\": 18866201\n },\n \"ReleaseVersions\": [\n {\n \"ReleaseId\": -18017135,\n \"VersionNumber\": \"laboris\",\n \"CreationTime\": 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\"Info\": \"deserunt ullamco non \",\n \"CreationTime\": \"2017-03-10T11:50:24.671Z\",\n \"StartingScheduleId\": 95117699,\n \"ReleaseName\": \"sunt commodo ex in ut\",\n \"Type\": \"Attended\",\n \"InputArguments\": \"cupid\",\n \"OutputArguments\": \"enim ad\",\n \"HostMachineName\": \"elit Lorem\",\n \"HasMediaRecorded\": false,\n \"PersistenceId\": \"urn:uuid:cdafed65-066d-922a-b8e4-414a65fc1ee1\",\n \"ResumeVersion\": 96117442,\n \"StopStrategy\": \"SoftStop\",\n \"RuntimeType\": \"CitizenDeveloper\",\n \"RequiresUserInteraction\": true,\n \"ReleaseVersionId\": 49481835,\n \"EntryPointPath\": \"culpa enim\",\n \"OrganizationUnitId\": 73582213,\n \"OrganizationUnitFullyQualifiedName\": \"in Lorem ex\",\n \"Reference\": \"sunt cupidatat id\",\n \"ProcessType\": \"TestAutomationProcess\",\n \"Id\": 15658384\n }\n ]\n}"