VB6 / Datadog API Collection / Get estimated cost across your account
Back to Collection Items
' This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
' See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.
Dim http As New ChilkatHttp
Dim success As Long
Dim queryParams As New ChilkatJsonObject
success = queryParams.UpdateString("view","<string>")
success = queryParams.UpdateString("start_month","<dateTime>")
success = queryParams.UpdateString("end_month","<dateTime>")
success = queryParams.UpdateString("start_date","<dateTime>")
success = queryParams.UpdateString("end_date","<dateTime>")
http.SetRequestHeader "Accept","application/json;datetime-format=rfc3339"
Dim resp As ChilkatHttpResponse
Set resp = http.QuickRequestParams("GET","https://api.app.ddog-gov.com/api/v2/usage/estimated_cost",queryParams)
If (http.LastMethodSuccess = 0) Then
Debug.Print http.LastErrorText
Exit Sub
End If
Dim sbResponseBody As New ChilkatStringBuilder
success = resp.GetBodySb(sbResponseBody)
Dim jResp As New ChilkatJsonObject
success = jResp.LoadSb(sbResponseBody)
jResp.EmitCompact = 0
Debug.Print "Response Body:"
Debug.Print jResp.Emit()
Dim respStatusCode As Long
respStatusCode = resp.StatusCode
Debug.Print "Response Status Code = " & respStatusCode
If (respStatusCode >= 400) Then
Debug.Print "Response Header:"
Debug.Print resp.Header
Debug.Print "Failed."
Exit Sub
End If
' Sample JSON response:
' (Sample code for parsing the JSON response is shown below)
' {
' "data": [
' {
' "attributes": {
' "charges": [
' {
' "charge_type": "<string>",
' "cost": "<double>",
' "product_name": "<string>"
' },
' {
' "charge_type": "<string>",
' "cost": "<double>",
' "product_name": "<string>"
' }
' ],
' "date": "<dateTime>",
' "org_name": "<string>",
' "public_id": "<string>",
' "region": "<string>",
' "total_cost": "<double>"
' },
' "id": "<string>",
' "type": "cost_by_org"
' },
' {
' "attributes": {
' "charges": [
' {
' "charge_type": "<string>",
' "cost": "<double>",
' "product_name": "<string>"
' },
' {
' "charge_type": "<string>",
' "cost": "<double>",
' "product_name": "<string>"
' }
' ],
' "date": "<dateTime>",
' "org_name": "<string>",
' "public_id": "<string>",
' "region": "<string>",
' "total_cost": "<double>"
' },
' "id": "<string>",
' "type": "cost_by_org"
' }
' ]
' }
' Sample code for parsing the JSON response...
' Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: Generate JSON Parsing Code
Dim Date As String
Dim Org_name As String
Dim Public_id As String
Dim Region As String
Dim Total_cost As String
Dim id As String
Dim v_type As String
Dim j As Long
Dim count_j As Long
Dim charge_type As String
Dim cost As String
Dim product_name As String
Dim i As Long
i = 0
Dim count_i As Long
count_i = jResp.SizeOfArray("data")
Do While i < count_i
jResp.I = i
Date = jResp.StringOf("data[i].attributes.date")
Org_name = jResp.StringOf("data[i].attributes.org_name")
Public_id = jResp.StringOf("data[i].attributes.public_id")
Region = jResp.StringOf("data[i].attributes.region")
Total_cost = jResp.StringOf("data[i].attributes.total_cost")
id = jResp.StringOf("data[i].id")
v_type = jResp.StringOf("data[i].type")
j = 0
count_j = jResp.SizeOfArray("data[i].attributes.charges")
Do While j < count_j
jResp.J = j
charge_type = jResp.StringOf("data[i].attributes.charges[j].charge_type")
cost = jResp.StringOf("data[i].attributes.charges[j].cost")
product_name = jResp.StringOf("data[i].attributes.charges[j].product_name")
j = j + 1
i = i + 1
Curl Command
curl -G -d "view=%3Cstring%3E"
-d "start_month=%3CdateTime%3E"
-d "end_month=%3CdateTime%3E"
-d "start_date=%3CdateTime%3E"
-d "end_date=%3CdateTime%3E"
-H "Accept: application/json;datetime-format=rfc3339"
Postman Collection Item JSON
"name": "Get estimated cost across your account",
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"key": "Accept",
"value": "application/json;datetime-format=rfc3339"
"url": {
"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v2/usage/estimated_cost?view=<string>&start_month=<dateTime>&end_month=<dateTime>&start_date=<dateTime>&end_date=<dateTime>",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "view",
"value": "<string>",
"description": "String to specify whether cost is broken down at a parent-org level or at the sub-org level. Available views are `summary` and `sub-org`. Defaults to `summary`."
"key": "start_month",
"value": "<dateTime>",
"description": "Datetime in ISO-8601 format, UTC, precise to month: `[YYYY-MM]` for cost beginning this month. Either start_month or start_date should be specified, but not both. (start_month cannot go beyond two months in the past). Provide an `end_month` to view month-over-month cost."
"key": "end_month",
"value": "<dateTime>",
"description": "Datetime in ISO-8601 format, UTC, precise to month: `[YYYY-MM]` for cost ending this month."
"key": "start_date",
"value": "<dateTime>",
"description": "Datetime in ISO-8601 format, UTC, precise to day: `[YYYY-MM-DD]` for cost beginning this day. Either start_month or start_date should be specified, but not both. (start_date cannot go beyond two months in the past). Provide an `end_date` to view day-over-day cumulative cost."
"key": "end_date",
"value": "<dateTime>",
"description": "Datetime in ISO-8601 format, UTC, precise to day: `[YYYY-MM-DD]` for cost ending this day."
"description": "Get estimated cost across multi-org and single root-org accounts.\nEstimated cost data is only available for the current month and previous month\nand is delayed by up to 72 hours from when it was incurred.\nTo access historical costs prior to this, use the `/historical_cost` endpoint."
"response": [
"name": "OK",
"originalRequest": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"key": "Accept",
"value": "application/json;datetime-format=rfc3339"
"description": "Added as a part of security scheme: apikey",
"key": "DD-API-KEY",
"value": "<API Key>"
"url": {
"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v2/usage/estimated_cost?view=<string>&start_month=<dateTime>&end_month=<dateTime>&start_date=<dateTime>&end_date=<dateTime>",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "view",
"value": "<string>",
"description": "String to specify whether cost is broken down at a parent-org level or at the sub-org level. Available views are `summary` and `sub-org`. Defaults to `summary`."
"key": "start_month",
"value": "<dateTime>",
"description": "Datetime in ISO-8601 format, UTC, precise to month: `[YYYY-MM]` for cost beginning this month. Either start_month or start_date should be specified, but not both. (start_month cannot go beyond two months in the past). Provide an `end_month` to view month-over-month cost."
"key": "end_month",
"value": "<dateTime>",
"description": "Datetime in ISO-8601 format, UTC, precise to month: `[YYYY-MM]` for cost ending this month."
"key": "start_date",
"value": "<dateTime>",
"description": "Datetime in ISO-8601 format, UTC, precise to day: `[YYYY-MM-DD]` for cost beginning this day. Either start_month or start_date should be specified, but not both. (start_date cannot go beyond two months in the past). Provide an `end_date` to view day-over-day cumulative cost."
"key": "end_date",
"value": "<dateTime>",
"description": "Datetime in ISO-8601 format, UTC, precise to day: `[YYYY-MM-DD]` for cost ending this day."
"status": "OK",
"code": 200,
"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
"header": [
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json;datetime-format=rfc3339"
"cookie": [
"body": "{\n \"data\": [\n {\n \"attributes\": {\n \"charges\": [\n {\n \"charge_type\": \"<string>\",\n \"cost\": \"<double>\",\n \"product_name\": \"<string>\"\n },\n {\n \"charge_type\": \"<string>\",\n \"cost\": \"<double>\",\n \"product_name\": \"<string>\"\n }\n ],\n \"date\": \"<dateTime>\",\n \"org_name\": \"<string>\",\n \"public_id\": \"<string>\",\n \"region\": \"<string>\",\n \"total_cost\": \"<double>\"\n },\n \"id\": \"<string>\",\n \"type\": \"cost_by_org\"\n },\n {\n \"attributes\": {\n \"charges\": [\n {\n \"charge_type\": \"<string>\",\n \"cost\": \"<double>\",\n \"product_name\": \"<string>\"\n },\n {\n \"charge_type\": \"<string>\",\n \"cost\": \"<double>\",\n \"product_name\": \"<string>\"\n }\n ],\n \"date\": \"<dateTime>\",\n \"org_name\": \"<string>\",\n \"public_id\": \"<string>\",\n \"region\": \"<string>\",\n \"total_cost\": \"<double>\"\n },\n \"id\": \"<string>\",\n \"type\": \"cost_by_org\"\n }\n ]\n}"
"name": "Bad Request",
"originalRequest": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"key": "Accept",
"value": "application/json;datetime-format=rfc3339"
"description": "Added as a part of security scheme: apikey",
"key": "DD-API-KEY",
"value": "<API Key>"
"url": {
"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v2/usage/estimated_cost?view=<string>&start_month=<dateTime>&end_month=<dateTime>&start_date=<dateTime>&end_date=<dateTime>",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "view",
"value": "<string>",
"description": "String to specify whether cost is broken down at a parent-org level or at the sub-org level. Available views are `summary` and `sub-org`. Defaults to `summary`."
"key": "start_month",
"value": "<dateTime>",
"description": "Datetime in ISO-8601 format, UTC, precise to month: `[YYYY-MM]` for cost beginning this month. Either start_month or start_date should be specified, but not both. (start_month cannot go beyond two months in the past). Provide an `end_month` to view month-over-month cost."
"key": "end_month",
"value": "<dateTime>",
"description": "Datetime in ISO-8601 format, UTC, precise to month: `[YYYY-MM]` for cost ending this month."
"key": "start_date",
"value": "<dateTime>",
"description": "Datetime in ISO-8601 format, UTC, precise to day: `[YYYY-MM-DD]` for cost beginning this day. Either start_month or start_date should be specified, but not both. (start_date cannot go beyond two months in the past). Provide an `end_date` to view day-over-day cumulative cost."
"key": "end_date",
"value": "<dateTime>",
"description": "Datetime in ISO-8601 format, UTC, precise to day: `[YYYY-MM-DD]` for cost ending this day."
"status": "Bad Request",
"code": 400,
"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
"header": [
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json;datetime-format=rfc3339"
"cookie": [
"body": "{\n \"errors\": [\n \"<string>\",\n \"<string>\"\n ]\n}"
"name": "Forbidden - User is not authorized",
"originalRequest": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"key": "Accept",
"value": "application/json;datetime-format=rfc3339"
"description": "Added as a part of security scheme: apikey",
"key": "DD-API-KEY",
"value": "<API Key>"
"url": {
"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v2/usage/estimated_cost?view=<string>&start_month=<dateTime>&end_month=<dateTime>&start_date=<dateTime>&end_date=<dateTime>",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "view",
"value": "<string>",
"description": "String to specify whether cost is broken down at a parent-org level or at the sub-org level. Available views are `summary` and `sub-org`. Defaults to `summary`."
"key": "start_month",
"value": "<dateTime>",
"description": "Datetime in ISO-8601 format, UTC, precise to month: `[YYYY-MM]` for cost beginning this month. Either start_month or start_date should be specified, but not both. (start_month cannot go beyond two months in the past). Provide an `end_month` to view month-over-month cost."
"key": "end_month",
"value": "<dateTime>",
"description": "Datetime in ISO-8601 format, UTC, precise to month: `[YYYY-MM]` for cost ending this month."
"key": "start_date",
"value": "<dateTime>",
"description": "Datetime in ISO-8601 format, UTC, precise to day: `[YYYY-MM-DD]` for cost beginning this day. Either start_month or start_date should be specified, but not both. (start_date cannot go beyond two months in the past). Provide an `end_date` to view day-over-day cumulative cost."
"key": "end_date",
"value": "<dateTime>",
"description": "Datetime in ISO-8601 format, UTC, precise to day: `[YYYY-MM-DD]` for cost ending this day."
"status": "Forbidden",
"code": 403,
"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
"header": [
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json;datetime-format=rfc3339"
"cookie": [
"body": "{\n \"errors\": [\n \"<string>\",\n \"<string>\"\n ]\n}"
"name": "Too many requests",
"originalRequest": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"key": "Accept",
"value": "application/json;datetime-format=rfc3339"
"description": "Added as a part of security scheme: apikey",
"key": "DD-API-KEY",
"value": "<API Key>"
"url": {
"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v2/usage/estimated_cost?view=<string>&start_month=<dateTime>&end_month=<dateTime>&start_date=<dateTime>&end_date=<dateTime>",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "view",
"value": "<string>",
"description": "String to specify whether cost is broken down at a parent-org level or at the sub-org level. Available views are `summary` and `sub-org`. Defaults to `summary`."
"key": "start_month",
"value": "<dateTime>",
"description": "Datetime in ISO-8601 format, UTC, precise to month: `[YYYY-MM]` for cost beginning this month. Either start_month or start_date should be specified, but not both. (start_month cannot go beyond two months in the past). Provide an `end_month` to view month-over-month cost."
"key": "end_month",
"value": "<dateTime>",
"description": "Datetime in ISO-8601 format, UTC, precise to month: `[YYYY-MM]` for cost ending this month."
"key": "start_date",
"value": "<dateTime>",
"description": "Datetime in ISO-8601 format, UTC, precise to day: `[YYYY-MM-DD]` for cost beginning this day. Either start_month or start_date should be specified, but not both. (start_date cannot go beyond two months in the past). Provide an `end_date` to view day-over-day cumulative cost."
"key": "end_date",
"value": "<dateTime>",
"description": "Datetime in ISO-8601 format, UTC, precise to day: `[YYYY-MM-DD]` for cost ending this day."
"status": "Too Many Requests",
"code": 429,
"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
"header": [
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json;datetime-format=rfc3339"
"cookie": [
"body": "{\n \"errors\": [\n \"<string>\",\n \"<string>\"\n ]\n}"