Back to Collection Items
#include <CkHttpW.h>
#include <CkStringBuilderW.h>
#include <CkJsonObjectW.h>
void ChilkatSample(void)
// This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
// See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.
CkHttpW http;
bool success;
// Adds the "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" header.
CkStringBuilderW sbResponseBody;
success = http.QuickGetSb(L"{{record_id}}/actions/blueprint",sbResponseBody);
if (success == false) {
CkJsonObjectW jResp;
wprintf(L"Response Body:\n");
int respStatusCode = http.get_LastStatus();
wprintf(L"Response Status Code = %d\n",respStatusCode);
if (respStatusCode >= 400) {
wprintf(L"Response Header:\n");
// Sample JSON response:
// (Sample code for parsing the JSON response is shown below)
// {
// "blueprint": {
// "process_info": {
// "field_id": "738964000000000575",
// "escalation": null,
// "is_continuous": false,
// "api_name": "Lead_Status",
// "continuous": false,
// "field_label": "Lead Status",
// "name": "Lead nurturing process",
// "column_name": "STATUS",
// "field_value": "-None-",
// "id": "738964000000293572",
// "field_name": "Lead Status"
// },
// "transitions": [
// {
// "next_transitions": [
// {
// "name": "Establish contact",
// "id": "738964000000293593",
// "type": "manual"
// },
// {
// "name": "No answer",
// "id": "738964000000293596",
// "type": "manual"
// }
// ],
// "data": {},
// "next_field_value": "Not Contacted",
// "name": "Gather details",
// "criteria_matched": true,
// "id": "738964000000293590",
// "fields": [
// {
// "display_label": "message",
// "data_type": "message",
// "_type": "messages",
// "column_name": null,
// "id": "0",
// "transition_sequence": 3,
// "mandatory": false,
// "layouts": null,
// "content": "Gather basic details about Lead that you're trying to establish\ncommunication with."
// },
// {
// "system_mandatory": false,
// "private": null,
// "webhook": true,
// "json_type": "string",
// "crypt": null,
// "field_label": "Email",
// "tooltip": null,
// "created_source": "default",
// "layouts": {
// "name": "Standard",
// "id": "738964000000095055"
// },
// "field_read_only": false,
// "content": null,
// "display_label": "Email",
// "ui_type": 25,
// "validation_rule": null,
// "read_only": false,
// "association_details": null,
// "quick_sequence_number": "4",
// "currency": {},
// "id": "738964000000000563",
// "custom_field": false,
// "lookup": {},
// "hipaa_compliance": null,
// "convert_mapping": {
// "Contacts": "Email",
// "Deals": null,
// "Accounts": null
// },
// "visible": false,
// "length": 100,
// "column_name": "EMAIL",
// "_type": "fields",
// "view_type": {
// "view": true,
// "edit": true,
// "quick_create": true,
// "create": true
// },
// "transition_sequence": 4,
// "external": null,
// "api_name": "Email",
// "unique": {},
// "history_tracking": false,
// "data_type": "email",
// "formula": {},
// "hipaa_compliance_enabled": false,
// "decimal_place": null,
// "multiselectlookup": {},
// "pick_list_values": [
// ],
// "auto_number": {}
// },
// {
// "system_mandatory": false,
// "private": null,
// "webhook": true,
// "json_type": "string",
// "crypt": null,
// "field_label": "Phone",
// "tooltip": null,
// "created_source": "default",
// "layouts": {
// "name": "Standard",
// "id": "738964000000095055"
// },
// "field_read_only": false,
// "content": null,
// "display_label": "Phone",
// "ui_type": 33,
// "validation_rule": null,
// "read_only": false,
// "association_details": null,
// "quick_sequence_number": "5",
// "currency": {},
// "id": "738964000000000565",
// "custom_field": false,
// "lookup": {},
// "hipaa_compliance": null,
// "convert_mapping": {
// "Contacts": "Phone",
// "Deals": null,
// "Accounts": "Phone"
// },
// "visible": false,
// "length": 30,
// "column_name": "PHONE",
// "_type": "fields",
// "view_type": {
// "view": true,
// "edit": true,
// "quick_create": true,
// "create": true
// },
// "transition_sequence": 5,
// "external": null,
// "api_name": "Phone",
// "unique": {},
// "history_tracking": false,
// "data_type": "phone",
// "formula": {},
// "hipaa_compliance_enabled": false,
// "decimal_place": null,
// "multiselectlookup": {},
// "pick_list_values": [
// ],
// "auto_number": {}
// },
// {
// "system_mandatory": false,
// "private": null,
// "webhook": true,
// "json_type": "string",
// "crypt": null,
// "field_label": "City",
// "tooltip": null,
// "created_source": "default",
// "layouts": {
// "name": "Standard",
// "id": "738964000000095055"
// },
// "field_read_only": false,
// "content": null,
// "display_label": "City",
// "ui_type": 1,
// "validation_rule": null,
// "read_only": false,
// "association_details": null,
// "currency": {},
// "id": "738964000000000605",
// "custom_field": false,
// "lookup": {},
// "hipaa_compliance": null,
// "convert_mapping": {
// "Contacts": "Mailing_City",
// "Deals": null,
// "Accounts": "Billing_City"
// },
// "visible": false,
// "length": 100,
// "column_name": "CITY",
// "_type": "fields",
// "view_type": {
// "view": true,
// "edit": true,
// "quick_create": false,
// "create": true
// },
// "transition_sequence": 6,
// "external": null,
// "api_name": "City",
// "unique": {},
// "history_tracking": false,
// "data_type": "text",
// "formula": {},
// "hipaa_compliance_enabled": false,
// "decimal_place": null,
// "multiselectlookup": {},
// "pick_list_values": [
// ],
// "auto_number": {}
// }
// ],
// "type": "manual",
// "criteria_message": null,
// "percent_partial_save": 0,
// "execution_time": null
// }
// ]
// }
// }
// Sample code for parsing the JSON response...
// Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: Generate JSON Parsing Code
// Chilkat functions returning "const char *" return a pointer to temporary internal memory owned and managed by Chilkat.
const wchar_t *next_field_value = 0;
const wchar_t *name = 0;
bool criteria_matched;
const wchar_t *id = 0;
const wchar_t *v_type = 0;
const wchar_t *criteria_message = 0;
int percent_partial_save;
const wchar_t *execution_time = 0;
int j;
int count_j;
const wchar_t *display_label = 0;
const wchar_t *data_type = 0;
const wchar_t *column_name = 0;
int transition_sequence;
bool mandatory;
const wchar_t *layouts = 0;
const wchar_t *content = 0;
bool system_mandatory;
const wchar_t *v_private = 0;
bool webhook;
const wchar_t *json_type = 0;
const wchar_t *crypt = 0;
const wchar_t *field_label = 0;
const wchar_t *tooltip = 0;
const wchar_t *created_source = 0;
const wchar_t *layoutsName = 0;
const wchar_t *layoutsId = 0;
bool field_read_only;
int ui_type;
const wchar_t *validation_rule = 0;
bool read_only;
const wchar_t *association_details = 0;
const wchar_t *quick_sequence_number = 0;
bool custom_field;
const wchar_t *hipaa_compliance = 0;
const wchar_t *Contacts = 0;
const wchar_t *Deals = 0;
const wchar_t *Accounts = 0;
bool visible;
int length;
bool View;
bool Edit;
bool Quick_create;
bool Create;
const wchar_t *external = 0;
const wchar_t *api_name = 0;
bool history_tracking;
bool hipaa_compliance_enabled;
const wchar_t *decimal_place = 0;
int k;
int count_k;
const wchar_t *Field_id = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.process_info.field_id");
const wchar_t *Escalation = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.process_info.escalation");
bool Is_continuous = jResp.BoolOf(L"blueprint.process_info.is_continuous");
const wchar_t *Api_name = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.process_info.api_name");
bool Continuous = jResp.BoolOf(L"blueprint.process_info.continuous");
const wchar_t *Field_label = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.process_info.field_label");
const wchar_t *Name = jResp.stringOf(L"");
const wchar_t *Column_name = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.process_info.column_name");
const wchar_t *Field_value = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.process_info.field_value");
const wchar_t *Id = jResp.stringOf(L"");
const wchar_t *Field_name = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.process_info.field_name");
int i = 0;
int count_i = jResp.SizeOfArray(L"blueprint.transitions");
while (i < count_i) {
next_field_value = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].next_field_value");
name = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].name");
criteria_matched = jResp.BoolOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].criteria_matched");
id = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].id");
v_type = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].type");
criteria_message = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].criteria_message");
percent_partial_save = jResp.IntOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].percent_partial_save");
execution_time = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].execution_time");
j = 0;
count_j = jResp.SizeOfArray(L"blueprint.transitions[i].next_transitions");
while (j < count_j) {
name = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].next_transitions[j].name");
id = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].next_transitions[j].id");
v_type = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].next_transitions[j].type");
j = j + 1;
j = 0;
count_j = jResp.SizeOfArray(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields");
while (j < count_j) {
display_label = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].display_label");
data_type = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].data_type");
v_type = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j]._type");
column_name = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].column_name");
id = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].id");
transition_sequence = jResp.IntOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].transition_sequence");
mandatory = jResp.BoolOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].mandatory");
layouts = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].layouts");
content = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].content");
system_mandatory = jResp.BoolOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].system_mandatory");
v_private = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].private");
webhook = jResp.BoolOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].webhook");
json_type = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].json_type");
crypt = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].crypt");
field_label = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].field_label");
tooltip = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].tooltip");
created_source = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].created_source");
layoutsName = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j]");
layoutsId = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j]");
field_read_only = jResp.BoolOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].field_read_only");
ui_type = jResp.IntOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].ui_type");
validation_rule = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].validation_rule");
read_only = jResp.BoolOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].read_only");
association_details = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].association_details");
quick_sequence_number = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].quick_sequence_number");
custom_field = jResp.BoolOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].custom_field");
hipaa_compliance = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].hipaa_compliance");
Contacts = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].convert_mapping.Contacts");
Deals = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].convert_mapping.Deals");
Accounts = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].convert_mapping.Accounts");
visible = jResp.BoolOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].visible");
length = jResp.IntOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].length");
View = jResp.BoolOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].view_type.view");
Edit = jResp.BoolOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].view_type.edit");
Quick_create = jResp.BoolOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].view_type.quick_create");
Create = jResp.BoolOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].view_type.create");
external = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].external");
api_name = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].api_name");
history_tracking = jResp.BoolOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].history_tracking");
hipaa_compliance_enabled = jResp.BoolOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].hipaa_compliance_enabled");
decimal_place = jResp.stringOf(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].decimal_place");
k = 0;
count_k = jResp.SizeOfArray(L"blueprint.transitions[i].fields[j].pick_list_values");
while (k < count_k) {
k = k + 1;
j = j + 1;
i = i + 1;
Curl Command
curl -X GET
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"{{record_id}}/actions/blueprint
Postman Collection Item JSON
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"url": {
"raw": "{{api-domain}}/crm/v2/Leads/{{record_id}}/actions/blueprint",
"host": [
"path": [
"description": "To get the next available transitions for that record, fields available for each transitions, current value of each field, and their validation(if any)."
"response": [
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