Chilkat Online Tools

unicodeCpp / Twilio Messaging / SMS / List all messages sent from your Twilio number

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System.OutOfMemoryException: Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program.
   at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(String s)
   at Chilkat.CkMarshal.StringToX(String s, XString* x)
   at Chilkat.Xml.LoadXml(String xmlData)
   at ChilkatApi.XClass.LoadClass(String className, Log log)
   at ChilkatApi.ApiCache.getApiClass(String className, Log log)
   at ChilkatApi.ApiCache.getApiProperty(String className, String propName, Log log)
   at ChilkatCode.CodeGen.getXProp(String className, String propName)
   at ChilkatCode.CodeGen.getPropType(String varName, String propName)
   at ChilkatCode.CodeGen.emitAssignment(String varName, String propName, String op, Xml xml)
   at ChilkatCode.Parser.assignment()
   at ChilkatCode.Parser.statement()
   at ChilkatCode.Parser.Chilkat()
   at ChilkatCode.Parser.Parse()
   at ChilkatCode.Compile.CompileForToolsIO(String srcCode, String langHashKey, StringBuilder sbHtmlOut)

Curl Command

curl -G -d "From=%7B%7BTWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER%7D%7D"

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "List all messages sent from your Twilio number",
  "event": [
      "listen": "test",
      "script": {
        "exec": [
          "var template = `",
          "    <table bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">",
          "        <tr>",
          "            <th>To</th>",
          "            <th>Message Body</th>",
          "            <th>Sent at</th>",
          "        </tr>",
          "        {{#each messages}}",
          "            <tr>",
          "                <td>{{to}}</td>",
          "                <td>{{body}}</td>",
          "                <td>{{date_sent}}</td>",
          "            </tr>",
          "        {{/each}}",
          "    </table>",
          "// Set visualizer",
          "pm.visualizer.set(template, {",
          "    // Pass the response body parsed as JSON as `data`",
          "    messages: pm.response.json().messages",
        "type": "text/javascript"
  "request": {
    "auth": {
      "type": "basic",
      "basic": [
          "key": "password",
          "value": "{{TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN}}",
          "type": "string"
          "key": "username",
          "value": "{{TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID}}",
          "type": "string"
    "method": "GET",
    "header": [
    "url": {
      "raw": "{{2010-04-01-Accounts-AccountSid-Messages.json-Url}}/2010-04-01/Accounts/:AccountSid/Messages.json?From={{TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER}}",
      "host": [
      "path": [
      "query": [
          "key": "To",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "Read messages sent to only this phone number.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "From",
          "value": "{{TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER}}",
          "description": "Read messages sent from only this phone number or alphanumeric sender ID."
          "key": "DateSent",
          "value": "<dateTime>",
          "description": "The date of the messages to show. Specify a date as `YYYY-MM-DD` in GMT to read only messages sent on this date. For example: `2009-07-06`. You can also specify an inequality, such as `DateSent<=YYYY-MM-DD`, to read messages sent on or before midnight on a date, and `DateSent>=YYYY-MM-DD` to read messages sent on or after midnight on a date.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "DateSent<",
          "value": "<dateTime>",
          "description": "The date of the messages to show. Specify a date as `YYYY-MM-DD` in GMT to read only messages sent on this date. For example: `2009-07-06`. You can also specify an inequality, such as `DateSent<=YYYY-MM-DD`, to read messages sent on or before midnight on a date, and `DateSent>=YYYY-MM-DD` to read messages sent on or after midnight on a date.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "DateSent>",
          "value": "<dateTime>",
          "description": "The date of the messages to show. Specify a date as `YYYY-MM-DD` in GMT to read only messages sent on this date. For example: `2009-07-06`. You can also specify an inequality, such as `DateSent<=YYYY-MM-DD`, to read messages sent on or before midnight on a date, and `DateSent>=YYYY-MM-DD` to read messages sent on or after midnight on a date.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "PageSize",
          "value": "<integer>",
          "description": "How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000.",
          "disabled": true
      "variable": [
          "key": "AccountSid",
          "value": "{{TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID}}",
          "description": "(Required) The SID of the [Account]( that created the Message resources to read."
    "description": "Retrieve a list of messages belonging to the account used to make the request. You can filter for example for only the messages that were sent from a specific phone number.\n\nRead more about it in the [Twilio Docs]("
  "response": [
      "name": "OK",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
            "description": "Added as a part of security scheme: basic",
            "key": "Authorization",
            "value": "Basic <credentials>"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{2010-04-01-Accounts-AccountSid-Messages.json-Url}}/2010-04-01/Accounts/:AccountSid/Messages.json?To=<string>&From=<string>&DateSent=<dateTime>&DateSent<=<dateTime>&DateSent>=<dateTime>&PageSize=<integer>",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "query": [
              "key": "To",
              "value": "<string>"
              "key": "From",
              "value": "<string>"
              "key": "DateSent",
              "value": "<dateTime>"
              "key": "DateSent<",
              "value": "<dateTime>"
              "key": "DateSent>",
              "value": "<dateTime>"
              "key": "PageSize",
              "value": "<integer>"
          "variable": [
              "key": "AccountSid"
      "status": "OK",
      "code": 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "application/json"
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n \"end\": 51142961,\n \"first_page_uri\": \"https://ZvltuXKxENEyvG.fnbzDIxrccIwHE6GxsyHjMd\",\n \"messages\": [\n  {\n   \"account_sid\": \"AC9E\",\n   \"api_version\": \"commodo sint sunt eu\",\n   \"body\": \"ut cillum\",\n   \"date_created\": \"fugiat ipsum enim quis\",\n   \"date_sent\": \"o\",\n   \"date_updated\": \"laborum id esse elit\",\n   \"direction\": \"outbound-reply\",\n   \"error_code\": 89665305,\n   \"error_message\": \"deserunt\",\n   \"from\": \"anim esse\",\n   \"messaging_service_sid\": \"MGC0\",\n   \"num_media\": \"enim et\",\n   \"num_segments\": \"quis qui ipsum\",\n   \"price\": \"exercitation Duis\",\n   \"price_unit\": \"consequat qu\",\n   \"sid\": \"SMe5\",\n   \"status\": \"scheduled\",\n   \"subresource_uris\": {},\n   \"to\": \"nulla\",\n   \"uri\": \"cillum ut in irure\"\n  },\n  {\n   \"account_sid\": \"ACD4\",\n   \"api_version\": \"incididunt in non\",\n   \"body\": \"deserunt incididunt irure eiusmod\",\n   \"date_created\": \"sint ea\",\n   \"date_sent\": \"Ut ut consectetur\",\n   \"date_updated\": \"non dolore\",\n   \"direction\": \"outbound-api\",\n   \"error_code\": -69524035,\n   \"error_message\": \"dolore Ut officia\",\n   \"from\": \"reprehenderit\",\n   \"messaging_service_sid\": \"MGEe\",\n   \"num_media\": \"voluptate fugiat eiusmod qui Ut\",\n   \"num_segments\": \"ea\",\n   \"price\": \"consequat\",\n   \"price_unit\": \"fugiat aliquip\",\n   \"sid\": \"MM38\",\n   \"status\": \"received\",\n   \"subresource_uris\": {},\n   \"to\": \"in tempor labore eiusmod\",\n   \"uri\": \"elit non dol\"\n  }\n ],\n \"next_page_uri\": \"http://fSikGpthYZQbOt.sncsPW4TzW44TkKnuDgx8f2FJz.\",\n \"page\": -43897926,\n \"page_size\": 12121047,\n \"previous_page_uri\": \"https://lSrGpSrECCMzKudcyRlwJdfhlnZEaAQ.hytgI,rCvOIy,x1C6vbgTvc9p6X2hkAdrqkd5jx8JKwJPiCrpsg2w\",\n \"start\": -23084704,\n \"uri\": \"https://USSzIQwA.hvxpmaT2476DlQGIi\"\n}"