Back to Collection Items
load ./chilkat.dll
# This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
# See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.
set http [new_CkHttp]
set queryParams [new_CkJsonObject]
CkJsonObject_UpdateString $queryParams "limit" "<integer>"
CkJsonObject_UpdateString $queryParams "page" "<integer>"
CkHttp_SetRequestHeader $http "Authorization" "{{apiKey}}"
CkHttp_SetRequestHeader $http "Accept" "application/json"
# resp is a CkHttpResponse
set resp [CkHttp_QuickRequestParams $http "GET" "" $queryParams]
if {[CkHttp_get_LastMethodSuccess $http] == 0} then {
puts [CkHttp_lastErrorText $http]
delete_CkHttp $http
delete_CkJsonObject $queryParams
set sbResponseBody [new_CkStringBuilder]
CkHttpResponse_GetBodySb $resp $sbResponseBody
set jResp [new_CkJsonObject]
CkJsonObject_LoadSb $jResp $sbResponseBody
CkJsonObject_put_EmitCompact $jResp 0
puts "Response Body:"
puts [CkJsonObject_emit $jResp]
set respStatusCode [CkHttpResponse_get_StatusCode $resp]
puts "Response Status Code = $respStatusCode"
if {$respStatusCode >= 400} then {
puts "Response Header:"
puts [CkHttpResponse_header $resp]
puts "Failed."
delete_CkHttpResponse $resp
delete_CkHttp $http
delete_CkJsonObject $queryParams
delete_CkStringBuilder $sbResponseBody
delete_CkJsonObject $jResp
delete_CkHttpResponse $resp
# Sample JSON response:
# (Sample code for parsing the JSON response is shown below)
# {
# "page": "<integer>",
# "pages": "<integer>",
# "limit": "<integer>",
# "total": "<integer>",
# "items": [
# {
# "name": "<string>",
# "status": "CANCEL",
# "category": null,
# "category_custom": null,
# "created_at": "<dateTime>",
# "customer_id": null,
# "description": null,
# "document_id": null,
# "end_at": "<dateTime>",
# "finish_at": "<dateTime>",
# "id": "<long>",
# "login_id": "<long>",
# "position_id": null,
# "priority": "NORMAL",
# "project_id": null,
# "start_at": null,
# "status_percent": null
# },
# {
# "name": "<string>",
# "status": "CANCEL",
# "category": null,
# "category_custom": null,
# "created_at": "<dateTime>",
# "customer_id": null,
# "description": null,
# "document_id": null,
# "end_at": "<dateTime>",
# "finish_at": "<dateTime>",
# "id": "<long>",
# "login_id": "<long>",
# "position_id": null,
# "priority": "NORMAL",
# "project_id": null,
# "start_at": null,
# "status_percent": null
# }
# ]
# }
# Sample code for parsing the JSON response...
# Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: Generate JSON Parsing Code
set page [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "page"]
set pages [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "pages"]
set limit [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "limit"]
set total [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "total"]
set i 0
set count_i [CkJsonObject_SizeOfArray $jResp "items"]
while {$i < $count_i} {
CkJsonObject_put_I $jResp $i
set name [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "items[i].name"]
set status [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "items[i].status"]
set category [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "items[i].category"]
set category_custom [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "items[i].category_custom"]
set created_at [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "items[i].created_at"]
set customer_id [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "items[i].customer_id"]
set description [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "items[i].description"]
set document_id [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "items[i].document_id"]
set end_at [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "items[i].end_at"]
set finish_at [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "items[i].finish_at"]
set id [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "items[i].id"]
set login_id [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "items[i].login_id"]
set position_id [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "items[i].position_id"]
set priority [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "items[i].priority"]
set project_id [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "items[i].project_id"]
set start_at [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "items[i].start_at"]
set status_percent [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "items[i].status_percent"]
set i [expr $i + 1]
delete_CkHttp $http
delete_CkJsonObject $queryParams
delete_CkStringBuilder $sbResponseBody
delete_CkJsonObject $jResp
Curl Command
curl -G -d "limit=%3Cinteger%3E"
-d "page=%3Cinteger%3E"
-H "Authorization: {{apiKey}}"
-H "Accept: application/json"
Postman Collection Item JSON
"name": "Fetch tasks list",
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"key": "Accept",
"value": "application/json"
"url": {
"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/tasks?limit=<integer>&page=<integer>",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "limit",
"value": "<integer>",
"description": "Limited the result. Default is 100. Maximum can be 1000."
"key": "page",
"value": "<integer>",
"description": "Set current Page. Default is 1."
"response": [
"name": "Successful operation",
"originalRequest": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"key": "Accept",
"value": "application/json"
"description": "Added as a part of security scheme: apikey",
"key": "Authorization",
"value": "<API Key>"
"url": {
"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/tasks?limit=<integer>&page=<integer>",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "limit",
"value": "<integer>",
"description": "Limited the result. Default is 100. Maximum can be 1000."
"key": "page",
"value": "<integer>",
"description": "Set current Page. Default is 1."
"status": "OK",
"code": 200,
"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
"header": [
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"cookie": [
"body": "{\n \"page\": \"<integer>\",\n \"pages\": \"<integer>\",\n \"limit\": \"<integer>\",\n \"total\": \"<integer>\",\n \"items\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"<string>\",\n \"status\": \"CANCEL\",\n \"category\": null,\n \"category_custom\": null,\n \"created_at\": \"<dateTime>\",\n \"customer_id\": null,\n \"description\": null,\n \"document_id\": null,\n \"end_at\": \"<dateTime>\",\n \"finish_at\": \"<dateTime>\",\n \"id\": \"<long>\",\n \"login_id\": \"<long>\",\n \"position_id\": null,\n \"priority\": \"NORMAL\",\n \"project_id\": null,\n \"start_at\": null,\n \"status_percent\": null\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"<string>\",\n \"status\": \"CANCEL\",\n \"category\": null,\n \"category_custom\": null,\n \"created_at\": \"<dateTime>\",\n \"customer_id\": null,\n \"description\": null,\n \"document_id\": null,\n \"end_at\": \"<dateTime>\",\n \"finish_at\": \"<dateTime>\",\n \"id\": \"<long>\",\n \"login_id\": \"<long>\",\n \"position_id\": null,\n \"priority\": \"NORMAL\",\n \"project_id\": null,\n \"start_at\": null,\n \"status_percent\": null\n }\n ]\n}"
"name": "Too Many Requests",
"originalRequest": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"description": "Added as a part of security scheme: apikey",
"key": "Authorization",
"value": "<API Key>"
"url": {
"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/tasks?limit=<integer>&page=<integer>",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "limit",
"value": "<integer>",
"description": "Limited the result. Default is 100. Maximum can be 1000."
"key": "page",
"value": "<integer>",
"description": "Set current Page. Default is 1."
"status": "Too Many Requests",
"code": 429,
"_postman_previewlanguage": "text",
"header": [
"cookie": [
"body": ""