Chilkat Online Tools

TCL / ORACLE Hospitality OPERA Cloud REST API Workflows / Search for available event resources

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load ./chilkat.dll

# This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
# See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

set http [new_CkHttp]

set queryParams [new_CkJsonObject]

CkJsonObject_UpdateString $queryParams "usedForEvents" "true"
CkJsonObject_UpdateString $queryParams "startDateTime" "2021-06-01 08:00:00.0"
CkJsonObject_UpdateString $queryParams "endDateTime" "2021-06-01 09:00:00.0"

CkHttp_SetRequestHeader $http "x-app-key" "{{AppKey}}"
CkHttp_SetRequestHeader $http "x-hotelid" "{{HotelId}}"
# Adds the "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" header.
CkHttp_put_AuthToken $http "<access_token>"

# resp is a CkHttpResponse
set resp [CkHttp_QuickRequestParams $http "GET" "{{HotelId}}/inventoryItems" $queryParams]
if {[CkHttp_get_LastMethodSuccess $http] == 0} then {
    puts [CkHttp_lastErrorText $http]
    delete_CkHttp $http
    delete_CkJsonObject $queryParams

puts [CkHttpResponse_get_StatusCode $resp]
puts [CkHttpResponse_bodyStr $resp]
delete_CkHttpResponse $resp

delete_CkHttp $http
delete_CkJsonObject $queryParams

Curl Command

curl -G -d "usedForEvents=true"
	-d "startDateTime=2021-06-01%2008%3A00%3A00.0"
	-d "endDateTime=2021-06-01%2009%3A00%3A00.0"
	-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
	-H "x-hotelid: {{HotelId}}"
	-H "x-app-key: {{AppKey}}"{{HotelId}}/inventoryItems

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "Search for available event resources",
  "request": {
    "auth": {
      "type": "bearer",
      "bearer": [
          "key": "token",
          "value": "{{Token}}",
          "type": "string"
    "method": "GET",
    "header": [
        "key": "x-hotelid",
        "value": "{{HotelId}}"
        "key": "x-app-key",
        "value": "{{AppKey}}"
    "url": {
      "raw": "{{HostName}}/evm/config/v0/hotels/{{HotelId}}/inventoryItems?usedForEvents=true&startDateTime=2021-06-01+08:00:00.0&endDateTime=2021-06-01+09:00:00.0",
      "host": [
      "path": [
      "query": [
          "key": "itemClassCode",
          "value": "RMSET",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "usedForEvents",
          "value": "true"
          "key": "startDateTime",
          "value": "2021-06-01+08:00:00.0"
          "key": "endDateTime",
          "value": "2021-06-01+09:00:00.0"
  "response": [