Chilkat Online Tools

TCL / Cognite API v1 / Convert engineering diagrams to SVG format.

Back to Collection Items

load ./chilkat.dll

# This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
# See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

set http [new_CkHttp]

# Use this online tool to generate code from sample JSON: Generate Code to Create JSON

# The following JSON is sent in the request body.

# {
#   "items": [
#     {
#       "annotations": [
#         {
#           "text": "ullamco sit do id",
#           "region": {
#             "shape": "rectangle",
#             "vertices": [
#               {
#                 "x": 0.3313160824131578,
#                 "y": 0.06017099978470597
#               },
#               {
#                 "x": 0.4553815976895428,
#                 "y": 0.144886445412165
#               }
#             ],
#             "page": 37
#           },
#           "confidence": 0.13333561382131243,
#           "entities": [
#             {},
#             {}
#           ]
#         },
#         {
#           "text": "nulla incididunt eu elit",
#           "region": {
#             "shape": "rectangle",
#             "vertices": [
#               {
#                 "x": 0.7156592481743367,
#                 "y": 0.574575250659763
#               },
#               {
#                 "x": 0.3406638759937599,
#                 "y": 0.9382533039282044
#               }
#             ],
#             "page": 27
#           },
#           "confidence": 0.4455875462977701,
#           "entities": [
#             {},
#             {}
#           ]
#         }
#       ],
#       "fileId": -57827040,
#       "fileExternalId": "ea aliquip ipsum"
#     },
#     {
#       "annotations": [
#         {
#           "text": "aliquip exercitation",
#           "region": {
#             "shape": "rectangle",
#             "vertices": [
#               {
#                 "x": 0.2442804051829428,
#                 "y": 0.4917796879609626
#               },
#               {
#                 "x": 0.7404857062791013,
#                 "y": 0.8271623596435489
#               }
#             ],
#             "page": 4
#           },
#           "confidence": 0.4320602168658312,
#           "entities": [
#             {},
#             {}
#           ]
#         },
#         {
#           "text": "aliqua ea ut voluptate",
#           "region": {
#             "shape": "rectangle",
#             "vertices": [
#               {
#                 "x": 0.25343046275755277,
#                 "y": 0.8190223707736768
#               },
#               {
#                 "x": 0.9117316520574312,
#                 "y": 0.865071569037893
#               }
#             ],
#             "page": 38
#           },
#           "confidence": 0.4476938516764881,
#           "entities": [
#             {},
#             {}
#           ]
#         }
#       ],
#       "fileId": 98464957,
#       "fileExternalId": 20163608
#     }
#   ],
#   "grayscale": true
# }

set json [new_CkJsonObject]

CkJsonObject_UpdateString $json "items[0].annotations[0].text" "ullamco sit do id"
CkJsonObject_UpdateString $json "items[0].annotations[0].region.shape" "rectangle"
CkJsonObject_UpdateNumber $json "items[0].annotations[0].region.vertices[0].x" "0.3313160824131578"
CkJsonObject_UpdateNumber $json "items[0].annotations[0].region.vertices[0].y" "0.06017099978470597"
CkJsonObject_UpdateNumber $json "items[0].annotations[0].region.vertices[1].x" "0.4553815976895428"
CkJsonObject_UpdateNumber $json "items[0].annotations[0].region.vertices[1].y" "0.144886445412165"
CkJsonObject_UpdateInt $json "items[0].annotations[0]" 37
CkJsonObject_UpdateNumber $json "items[0].annotations[0].confidence" "0.13333561382131243"
CkJsonObject_UpdateString $json "items[0].annotations[1].text" "nulla incididunt eu elit"
CkJsonObject_UpdateString $json "items[0].annotations[1].region.shape" "rectangle"
CkJsonObject_UpdateNumber $json "items[0].annotations[1].region.vertices[0].x" "0.7156592481743367"
CkJsonObject_UpdateNumber $json "items[0].annotations[1].region.vertices[0].y" "0.574575250659763"
CkJsonObject_UpdateNumber $json "items[0].annotations[1].region.vertices[1].x" "0.3406638759937599"
CkJsonObject_UpdateNumber $json "items[0].annotations[1].region.vertices[1].y" "0.9382533039282044"
CkJsonObject_UpdateInt $json "items[0].annotations[1]" 27
CkJsonObject_UpdateNumber $json "items[0].annotations[1].confidence" "0.4455875462977701"
CkJsonObject_UpdateInt $json "items[0].fileId" -57827040
CkJsonObject_UpdateString $json "items[0].fileExternalId" "ea aliquip ipsum"
CkJsonObject_UpdateString $json "items[1].annotations[0].text" "aliquip exercitation"
CkJsonObject_UpdateString $json "items[1].annotations[0].region.shape" "rectangle"
CkJsonObject_UpdateNumber $json "items[1].annotations[0].region.vertices[0].x" "0.2442804051829428"
CkJsonObject_UpdateNumber $json "items[1].annotations[0].region.vertices[0].y" "0.4917796879609626"
CkJsonObject_UpdateNumber $json "items[1].annotations[0].region.vertices[1].x" "0.7404857062791013"
CkJsonObject_UpdateNumber $json "items[1].annotations[0].region.vertices[1].y" "0.8271623596435489"
CkJsonObject_UpdateInt $json "items[1].annotations[0]" 4
CkJsonObject_UpdateNumber $json "items[1].annotations[0].confidence" "0.4320602168658312"
CkJsonObject_UpdateString $json "items[1].annotations[1].text" "aliqua ea ut voluptate"
CkJsonObject_UpdateString $json "items[1].annotations[1].region.shape" "rectangle"
CkJsonObject_UpdateNumber $json "items[1].annotations[1].region.vertices[0].x" "0.25343046275755277"
CkJsonObject_UpdateNumber $json "items[1].annotations[1].region.vertices[0].y" "0.8190223707736768"
CkJsonObject_UpdateNumber $json "items[1].annotations[1].region.vertices[1].x" "0.9117316520574312"
CkJsonObject_UpdateNumber $json "items[1].annotations[1].region.vertices[1].y" "0.865071569037893"
CkJsonObject_UpdateInt $json "items[1].annotations[1]" 38
CkJsonObject_UpdateNumber $json "items[1].annotations[1].confidence" "0.4476938516764881"
CkJsonObject_UpdateInt $json "items[1].fileId" 98464957
CkJsonObject_UpdateInt $json "items[1].fileExternalId" 20163608
CkJsonObject_UpdateBool $json "grayscale" 1

CkHttp_SetRequestHeader $http "content-type" "application/json"
CkHttp_SetRequestHeader $http "api-key" "{{api-key}}"

# resp is a CkHttpResponse
set resp [CkHttp_PostJson3 $http "{{project}}/context/diagram/convert" "application/json" $json]
if {[CkHttp_get_LastMethodSuccess $http] == 0} then {
    puts [CkHttp_lastErrorText $http]
    delete_CkHttp $http
    delete_CkJsonObject $json

puts [CkHttpResponse_get_StatusCode $resp]
puts [CkHttpResponse_bodyStr $resp]
delete_CkHttpResponse $resp

delete_CkHttp $http
delete_CkJsonObject $json

Curl Command

curl -X POST
	-H "api-key: {{api-key}}"
	-H "content-type: application/json"
	-d '{
    "items": [
            "annotations": [
                    "text": "ullamco sit do id",
                    "region": {
                        "shape": "rectangle",
                        "vertices": [
                                "x": 0.3313160824131578,
                                "y": 0.06017099978470597
                                "x": 0.4553815976895428,
                                "y": 0.144886445412165
                        "page": 37
                    "confidence": 0.13333561382131243,
                    "entities": [
                    "text": "nulla incididunt eu elit",
                    "region": {
                        "shape": "rectangle",
                        "vertices": [
                                "x": 0.7156592481743367,
                                "y": 0.574575250659763
                                "x": 0.3406638759937599,
                                "y": 0.9382533039282044
                        "page": 27
                    "confidence": 0.4455875462977701,
                    "entities": [
            "fileId": -57827040,
            "fileExternalId": "ea aliquip ipsum"
            "annotations": [
                    "text": "aliquip exercitation",
                    "region": {
                        "shape": "rectangle",
                        "vertices": [
                                "x": 0.2442804051829428,
                                "y": 0.4917796879609626
                                "x": 0.7404857062791013,
                                "y": 0.8271623596435489
                        "page": 4
                    "confidence": 0.4320602168658312,
                    "entities": [
                    "text": "aliqua ea ut voluptate",
                    "region": {
                        "shape": "rectangle",
                        "vertices": [
                                "x": 0.25343046275755277,
                                "y": 0.8190223707736768
                                "x": 0.9117316520574312,
                                "y": 0.865071569037893
                        "page": 38
                    "confidence": 0.4476938516764881,
                    "entities": [
            "fileId": 98464957,
            "fileExternalId": 20163608
    "grayscale": true

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "id": "diagramConvert",
  "name": "Convert engineering diagrams to SVG format.",
  "request": {
    "url": {
      "host": "{{baseUrl}}",
      "path": [
      "query": [
      "variable": [
    "method": "POST",
    "header": [
        "key": "api-key",
        "value": "{{api-key}}",
        "description": "An admin can create API keys in the Cognite console."
        "key": "content-type",
        "value": "application/json"
    "description": "Create interactive engineering diagrams in SVG format with highlighted annotations.",
    "body": {
      "mode": "raw",
      "raw": "{\n    \"items\": [\n        {\n            \"annotations\": [\n                {\n                    \"text\": \"ullamco sit do id\",\n                    \"region\": {\n                        \"shape\": \"rectangle\",\n                        \"vertices\": [\n                            {\n                                \"x\": 0.3313160824131578,\n                                \"y\": 0.06017099978470597\n                            },\n                            {\n                                \"x\": 0.4553815976895428,\n                                \"y\": 0.144886445412165\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        \"page\": 37\n                    },\n                    \"confidence\": 0.13333561382131243,\n                    \"entities\": [\n                        {},\n                        {}\n                    ]\n                },\n                {\n                    \"text\": \"nulla incididunt eu elit\",\n                    \"region\": {\n                        \"shape\": \"rectangle\",\n                        \"vertices\": [\n                            {\n                                \"x\": 0.7156592481743367,\n                                \"y\": 0.574575250659763\n                            },\n                            {\n                                \"x\": 0.3406638759937599,\n                                \"y\": 0.9382533039282044\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        \"page\": 27\n                    },\n                    \"confidence\": 0.4455875462977701,\n                    \"entities\": [\n                        {},\n                        {}\n                    ]\n                }\n            ],\n            \"fileId\": -57827040,\n            \"fileExternalId\": \"ea aliquip ipsum\"\n        },\n        {\n            \"annotations\": [\n                {\n                    \"text\": \"aliquip exercitation\",\n                    \"region\": {\n                        \"shape\": \"rectangle\",\n                        \"vertices\": [\n                            {\n                                \"x\": 0.2442804051829428,\n                                \"y\": 0.4917796879609626\n                            },\n                            {\n                                \"x\": 0.7404857062791013,\n                                \"y\": 0.8271623596435489\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        \"page\": 4\n                    },\n                    \"confidence\": 0.4320602168658312,\n                    \"entities\": [\n                        {},\n                        {}\n                    ]\n                },\n                {\n                    \"text\": \"aliqua ea ut voluptate\",\n                    \"region\": {\n                        \"shape\": \"rectangle\",\n                        \"vertices\": [\n                            {\n                                \"x\": 0.25343046275755277,\n                                \"y\": 0.8190223707736768\n                            },\n                            {\n                                \"x\": 0.9117316520574312,\n                                \"y\": 0.865071569037893\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        \"page\": 38\n                    },\n                    \"confidence\": 0.4476938516764881,\n                    \"entities\": [\n                        {},\n                        {}\n                    ]\n                }\n            ],\n            \"fileId\": 98464957,\n            \"fileExternalId\": 20163608\n        }\n    ],\n    \"grayscale\": true\n}"