Chilkat Online Tools
Chilkat Sofware, Inc.
Generate Code to Create JSON
Generate Code to Parse JSON
JSON Formatter
Generate Code to Create XML
Generate Code to Parse XML
XML Formatter
XML Canonicalizer
Convert CURL Command to HTTP Source Code
Convert CURL Command to REST Source Code
Convert HTTP Request to Source Code
Convert HTTP Request to CURL Command
SOAP Generate Code and Request/Response XML from WSDL
Sample WSDL URLs
Generate Code from Postman Collection
View Binary File
Decode ASN.1 Binary File to XML
Decode Base64 ASN.1 to XML
Generate Random Encoded Bytes
Obfuscate/Unobfuscate a String
Decode a JWT
TOTP Authenticator Token Generator
Hash Text
Hash File at URL
Upload File to Hash
CMS (Cryptographic Message Syntax)
Verify P7M
Generate Code to Create .p7s / .p7m
Examine PDF Signature
Generate PDF Signature Code
Verify XML Digital Signature
Generate XML DSig Code
Canonicalize XML
Amazon AWS
Amazon AWS Examples
Classic ASP OAuth2
REST Examples
swift3 Examples for
Zoom API
Postman Collection Items
accounts/{account Id}/settings/virtual backgrounds/Upload virtual background files
accounts/{account Id}/settings/virtual backgrounds/Delete virtual background files
accounts/{account Id}/settings/Update settings
accounts/{account Id}/settings/Get settings
accounts/{account Id}/lock settings/Update locked settings
accounts/{account Id}/lock settings/Get locked settings
accounts/{account Id}/billing/invoices/List billing invoices
accounts/{account Id}/billing/invoices/Get invoice details
accounts/{account Id}/billing/Update billing information
accounts/{account Id}/billing/Get billing information
accounts/{account Id}/plans/base/Update a base plan
accounts/{account Id}/plans/base/Cancel a base plan
accounts/{account Id}/plans/addons/Update an account's additional plan
accounts/{account Id}/plans/addons/Subscribe account to an additional plan
accounts/{account Id}/plans/addons/Cancel additional plans
accounts/{account Id}/plans/Subscribe account to a plan
accounts/{account Id}/plans/Get account plan information
accounts/{account Id}/plans/Get plan usage
accounts/{account Id}/sip trunk/settings/Assign SIP trunk configuration
accounts/{account Id}/sip trunk/settings/Get SIP trunk configuration
accounts/{account Id}/sip trunk/numbers/Assign numbers
accounts/{account Id}/sip trunk/numbers/Delete all numbers
accounts/{account Id}/sip trunk/trunks/Assign SIP trunks
accounts/{account Id}/sip trunk/trunks/List SIP trunks
accounts/{account Id}/sip trunk/trunks/Delete a SIP trunk
accounts/{account Id}/sip trunk/callout countries/Add internal call-out countries
accounts/{account Id}/sip trunk/callout countries/List internal call-out countries
accounts/{account Id}/sip trunk/callout countries/Delete internal call-out country
accounts/{account Id}/sip trunk/internal numbers/Add internal numbers
accounts/{account Id}/sip trunk/internal numbers/List internal numbers
accounts/{account Id}/sip trunk/internal numbers/Delete an internal number
accounts/{account Id}/Disassociate a sub account
accounts/{account Id}/Get sub account details
accounts/{account Id}/Update options
accounts/{account Id}/Get managed domains
accounts/{account Id}/Get trusted domains
accounts/{account Id}/Update the account owner
accounts/{account Id}/List account's archived files
accounts/Create a sub account
accounts/List sub accounts
roles/{role Id}/members/Assign a role
roles/{role Id}/members/List members in a role
roles/{role Id}/members/Unassign a role
roles/{role Id}/Delete a role
roles/{role Id}/Update role information
roles/{role Id}/Get role information
roles/Create a role
roles/List roles
past meetings/{meeting Id}/List past meeting's files
past meetings/{meeting Id}/List past meeting instances
past meetings/{meeting Id}/List past meeting's poll results
past meetings/{meeting UUID}/archive files/Delete archived meeting files
past meetings/{meeting UUID}/archive files/Get meeting archived files
past meetings/{meeting UUID}/Get past meeting details
past meetings/{meeting UUID}/Get past meeting participants
past webinars/{webinar Id}/List past webinar files
past webinars/{webinar Id}/List webinar participants
past webinars/{webinar Id}/List past webinar instances
past webinars/{webinar Id}/List past webinar poll results
past webinars/{webinar Id}/List Q&A of past webinar
past webinars/Get webinar absentees
users/{user Id}/tsp/{tsp Id}/Delete a user's TSP account
users/{user Id}/tsp/{tsp Id}/Update a TSP account
users/{user Id}/tsp/{tsp Id}/Get a user's TSP account
users/{user Id}/tsp/Add a user's TSP account
users/{user Id}/tsp/List user's TSP accounts
users/{user Id}/tsp/Set global dial-in URL for a TSP user
users/{user Id}/meetings/Create a meeting
users/{user Id}/meetings/List meetings
users/{user Id}/assistants/Add assistants
users/{user Id}/assistants/Delete user assistants
users/{user Id}/assistants/List user assistants
users/{user Id}/assistants/Delete a user assistant
users/{user Id}/schedulers/Delete user schedulers
users/{user Id}/schedulers/List user schedulers
users/{user Id}/schedulers/Delete a scheduler
users/{user Id}/picture/Upload a user's profile picture
users/{user Id}/picture/Delete a user's profile picture
users/{user Id}/settings/virtual backgrounds/Upload virtual background file
users/{user Id}/settings/virtual backgrounds/Delete virtual background files
users/{user Id}/settings/Update user settings
users/{user Id}/settings/Get user settings
users/{user Id}/token/Revoke a user's SSO token
users/{user Id}/token/Get a user token
users/{user Id}/webinars/Create a webinar
users/{user Id}/webinars/List webinars
users/{user Id}/Delete a user
users/{user Id}/Update a user
users/{user Id}/Get a user
users/{user Id}/List all recordings
users/{user Id}/List a user's PAC accounts
users/{user Id}/List meeting templates
users/{user Id}/Update user status
users/{user Id}/Update a user's password
users/{user Id}/Get user permissions
users/{user Id}/Update a user's email
users/{user Id}/Update a user's presence status
users/{user Id}/List webinar templates
users/Create users
users/List users
users/Get user's ZAK
users/Check a user email
users/Check a user's PM room
meetings-{meeting Id}/recordings/{recording Id}/Delete a meeting recording file
meetings-{meeting Id}/recordings/{recording Id}/Recover a single recording
meetings-{meeting Id}/recordings/settings/Update meeting recording settings
meetings-{meeting Id}/recordings/settings/Get meeting recording settings
meetings-{meeting Id}/recordings/registrants/questions/Update registration questions
meetings-{meeting Id}/recordings/registrants/questions/Get registration questions
meetings-{meeting Id}/recordings/registrants/Create a recording registrant
meetings-{meeting Id}/recordings/registrants/List recording registrants
meetings-{meeting Id}/recordings/registrants/Update registrant's status
meetings-{meeting Id}/recordings/Delete meeting recordings
meetings-{meeting Id}/recordings/Get meeting recordings
meetings-{meeting Id}/recordings/Recover meeting recordings
meetings-{meeting Id}/registrants/{registrant Id}/Delete a meeting registrant
meetings-{meeting Id}/registrants/{registrant Id}/Get a meeting registrant
meetings-{meeting Id}/registrants/questions/Update registration questions
meetings-{meeting Id}/registrants/questions/List registration questions
meetings-{meeting Id}/registrants/Add meeting registrant
meetings-{meeting Id}/registrants/List meeting registrants
meetings-{meeting Id}/registrants/Update registrant's status
meetings-{meeting Id}/polls/{poll Id}/Update a meeting poll
meetings-{meeting Id}/polls/{poll Id}/Delete a meeting poll
meetings-{meeting Id}/polls/{poll Id}/Get a meeting poll
meetings-{meeting Id}/polls/Create a meeting poll
meetings-{meeting Id}/polls/List meeting polls
meetings-{meeting Id}/livestream/Update a live stream
meetings-{meeting Id}/livestream/Get live stream details
meetings-{meeting Id}/livestream/Update Live Stream Status
meetings-{meeting Id}/survey/Delete a meeting survey
meetings-{meeting Id}/survey/Update a meeting survey
meetings-{meeting Id}/survey/Get a meeting survey
meetings-{meeting Id}/Delete a meeting
meetings-{meeting Id}/Update a meeting
meetings-{meeting Id}/Get a meeting
meetings-{meeting Id}/Update meeting status
meetings-{meeting Id}/Get meeting invitation
meetings-{meeting Id}/Perform batch registration
meetings-{meeting Id}/Perform batch poll creation
meetings-{meeting Id}/Create meeting's invite links
rooms/account profile/Update Zoom Room account profile
rooms/account profile/Get Zoom Room account profile
rooms/account settings/Update Zoom Room account settings
rooms/account settings/Get Zoom Room account settings
rooms/locations/{location Id}/settings/Update location settings
rooms/locations/{location Id}/settings/Get location settings
rooms/locations/{location Id}/Update Zoom Room location profile
rooms/locations/{location Id}/Get Zoom Room location profile
rooms/locations/{location Id}/Change the assigned parent location
rooms/locations/structure/Update Zoom Rooms location structure
rooms/locations/structure/Get Zoom Room location structure
rooms/locations/Add a location
rooms/locations/List Zoom Room locations
rooms/{room Id}/settings/Update Zoom Room settings
rooms/{room Id}/settings/Get Zoom Room settings
rooms/{room Id}/devices/List Zoom Room devices
rooms/{room Id}/devices/Change Zoom Rooms app version
rooms/{room Id}/Delete a Zoom Room
rooms/{room Id}/Update a Zoom Room profile
rooms/{room Id}/Get Zoom Room profile
rooms/{room Id}/Change a Zoom Room's location
rooms/Add a Zoom Room
rooms/List Zoom Rooms
rooms/Check-in or check-out of a Zoom Room
rooms/List digital signage contents
rooms/Update E911 digital signage
tsp/Update account's TSP information
tsp/Get account's TSP information
tracking fields/{field Id}/Delete a tracking field
tracking fields/{field Id}/Update a tracking field
tracking fields/{field Id}/Get a tracking field
tracking fields/Create a tracking field
tracking fields/List tracking fields
chat/users/{user Id}/messages/{message Id}/Update a message
chat/users/{user Id}/messages/{message Id}/Delete a message
chat/users/{user Id}/messages/{message Id}/Get a message
chat/users/{user Id}/messages/{message Id}/Mark message read or unread
chat/users/{user Id}/messages/{message Id}/React to a chat message
chat/users/{user Id}/messages/Send a chat message
chat/users/{user Id}/messages/List user's chat messages
chat/users/{user Id}/channels/{channel Id}/members/Invite channel members
chat/users/{user Id}/channels/{channel Id}/members/List channel members
chat/users/{user Id}/channels/{channel Id}/members/Remove a member
chat/users/{user Id}/channels/{channel Id}/Delete a channel
chat/users/{user Id}/channels/{channel Id}/Update a channel
chat/users/{user Id}/channels/{channel Id}/Get a channel
chat/users/{user Id}/channels/Create a channel
chat/users/{user Id}/channels/List user's channels
chat/users/me-contacts/List user's contacts
chat/users/me-contacts/Get user's contact details
chat/channels-{channel Id}/members/me/Join a channel
chat/channels-{channel Id}/members/me/Leave a channel
chat/channels-{channel Id}/members/Remove a member
chat/channels-{channel Id}/Delete a channel
chat/channels-{channel Id}/Update a channel
chat/channels-{channel Id}/Get a channel
im/chat-sessions/Get IM chat sessions
im/chat-sessions/Get IM chat messages
im/users/Get user’s IM messages
im/users/Send IM messages
im/groups/{group Id}/members/Add IM directory group members
im/groups/{group Id}/members/List IM directory group members
im/groups/{group Id}/members/Delete IM directory group member
im/groups/{group Id}/Delete an IM directory group
im/groups/{group Id}/Update an IM directory group
im/groups/{group Id}/Retrieve an IM directory group
im/groups/Create an IM directory group
im/groups/List IM directory groups
report/users/Get active-inactive host reports
report/users/Get meeting reports
report/meetings-{meeting Id}/Get meeting detail reports
report/meetings-{meeting Id}/Get meeting participant reports
report/meetings-{meeting Id}/Get meeting poll reports
report/webinars-{webinar Id}/Get webinar detail reports
report/webinars-{webinar Id}/Get webinar participant reports
report/webinars-{webinar Id}/Get webinar poll reports
report/webinars-{webinar Id}/Get webinar Q&A report
report/billing/Get billing reports
report/billing/Get billing invoice reports
report/chat-sessions/Get chat sessions reports
report/chat-sessions/Get chat messages reports
report/Get daily usage report
report/Get telephone reports
report/Get cloud recording usage report
report/Get operation logs report
report/Get upcoming events report
report/Get sign In - sign out activity report
sip phones/{phone Id}/Delete SIP phone
sip phones/{phone Id}/Update SIP phone
sip phones/Enable SIP phone
sip phones/List SIP phones
h323-devices/{device Id}/Delete a H.323-SIP device
h323-devices/{device Id}/Update a H.323-SIP device
h323-devices/Create a H.323-SIP device
h323-devices/List H.323-SIP devices
metrics/meetings/{meeting Id}/participants/List meeting participants
metrics/meetings/{meeting Id}/participants/Get meeting participant QoS
metrics/meetings/{meeting Id}/participants/List meeting participants QoS
metrics/meetings/{meeting Id}/participants/Get sharing-recording details
metrics/meetings/{meeting Id}/participants/Get post meeting feedback
metrics/meetings/{meeting Id}/Get meeting details
metrics/meetings/List meetings
metrics/webinars/{webinar Id}/participants/Get webinar participants
metrics/webinars/{webinar Id}/participants/Get webinar participant QoS
metrics/webinars/{webinar Id}/participants/List webinar participant QoS
metrics/webinars/{webinar Id}/participants/Get sharing-recording details
metrics/webinars/{webinar Id}/participants/Get post webinar feedback
metrics/webinars/{webinar Id}/Get webinar details
metrics/webinars/List webinars
metrics/zoomrooms/List Zoom Rooms
metrics/zoomrooms/Get Zoom Rooms details
metrics/zoomrooms/Get top 25 issues of Zoom Rooms
metrics/client/feedback/List Zoom meetings client feedback
metrics/client/feedback/Get zoom meetings client feedback
metrics/client/List client meeting satisfaction
metrics/issues-zoomrooms/Get top 25 Zoom Rooms with issues
metrics/issues-zoomrooms/Get issues of Zoom Rooms
metrics/Get CRC port usage
metrics/Get IM metrics
metrics/Get chat metrics
metrics/Get meeting quality scores
groups/{group Id}/members/{member Id}/Delete a group member
groups/{group Id}/members/{member Id}/Update a group member
groups/{group Id}/members/Add group members
groups/{group Id}/members/List group members
groups/{group Id}/admins/Add group admins
groups/{group Id}/admins/List group admins
groups/{group Id}/admins/Delete a group admin
groups/{group Id}/settings/virtual backgrounds/Upload Virtual Background files
groups/{group Id}/settings/virtual backgrounds/Delete Virtual Background files
groups/{group Id}/settings/Update a group's settings
groups/{group Id}/settings/Get a group's settings
groups/{group Id}/lock settings/Update locked settings
groups/{group Id}/lock settings/Get locked settings
groups/{group Id}/Delete a group
groups/{group Id}/Update a group
groups/{group Id}/Get a group
groups/Create a group
groups/List groups
webinars-{webinar Id}/panelists/Add panelists
webinars-{webinar Id}/panelists/Remove panelists
webinars-{webinar Id}/panelists/List panelists
webinars-{webinar Id}/panelists/Remove a panelist
webinars-{webinar Id}/registrants/questions/Update registration questions
webinars-{webinar Id}/registrants/questions/List registration questions
webinars-{webinar Id}/registrants/{registrant Id}/Delete a webinar registrant
webinars-{webinar Id}/registrants/{registrant Id}/Get a webinar registrant
webinars-{webinar Id}/registrants/Add a webinar registrant
webinars-{webinar Id}/registrants/List webinar registrants
webinars-{webinar Id}/registrants/Update registrant's status
webinars-{webinar Id}/polls/{poll Id}/Update a webinar poll
webinars-{webinar Id}/polls/{poll Id}/Delete a webinar poll
webinars-{webinar Id}/polls/{poll Id}/Get a webinar poll
webinars-{webinar Id}/polls/Create a webinar's poll
webinars-{webinar Id}/polls/List a webinar's polls
webinars-{webinar Id}/livestream/Update a live stream
webinars-{webinar Id}/livestream/Get live stream details
webinars-{webinar Id}/livestream/Update Live Stream Status
webinars-{webinar Id}/survey/Delete a webinar survey
webinars-{webinar Id}/survey/Update a webinar survey
webinars-{webinar Id}/survey/Get a webinar survey
webinars-{webinar Id}/Delete a webinar
webinars-{webinar Id}/Update a webinar
webinars-{webinar Id}/Get a webinar
webinars-{webinar Id}/Update webinar status
webinars-{webinar Id}/Perform batch registration
webinars-{webinar Id}/Get webinar tracking sources
webinars-{webinar Id}/Create webinar's invite links
List archived files
Download an invoice file
Search company contacts
List SIP trunk numbers
Use in-meeting cloud recording controls