Chilkat Online Tools
Chilkat Sofware, Inc.
Generate Code to Create JSON
Generate Code to Parse JSON
JSON Formatter
Generate Code to Create XML
Generate Code to Parse XML
XML Formatter
XML Canonicalizer
Convert CURL Command to HTTP Source Code
Convert CURL Command to REST Source Code
Convert HTTP Request to Source Code
Convert HTTP Request to CURL Command
SOAP Generate Code and Request/Response XML from WSDL
Sample WSDL URLs
Generate Code from Postman Collection
View Binary File
Decode ASN.1 Binary File to XML
Decode Base64 ASN.1 to XML
Generate Random Encoded Bytes
Obfuscate/Unobfuscate a String
Decode a JWT
TOTP Authenticator Token Generator
Hash Text
Hash File at URL
Upload File to Hash
CMS (Cryptographic Message Syntax)
Verify P7M
Generate Code to Create .p7s / .p7m
Examine PDF Signature
Generate PDF Signature Code
Verify XML Digital Signature
Generate XML DSig Code
Canonicalize XML
Amazon AWS
Amazon AWS Examples
Classic ASP OAuth2
REST Examples
swift3 Examples for
Postman Collection Items
Messaging/Media/Upload Media
Messaging/Media/Retrieve Media
Messaging/Media/List Media
Messaging/Powerpack/Number Pool/Add a Number
Messaging/Powerpack/Number Pool/Retrieve a Number
Messaging/Powerpack/Number Pool/List all Numbers
Messaging/Powerpack/Number Pool/Remove a Number
Messaging/Powerpack/Number Pool/Add a TollFree Number
Messaging/Powerpack/Number Pool/Remove a TollFree number
Messaging/Powerpack/Number Pool/List all TollFree Number
Messaging/Powerpack/Number Pool/Retrieve a Shortcode
Messaging/Powerpack/Number Pool/List all Shortcodes
Messaging/Powerpack/Number Pool/Remove a Shortcode
Messaging/Powerpack/Number Pool/Retrieve a TollFree number
Messaging/Powerpack/Create a Powerpack
Messaging/Powerpack/Retrieve a Powerpack
Messaging/Powerpack/List all Powerpacks
Messaging/Powerpack/Update a Powerpack
Messaging/Powerpack/Delete a Powerpack
Messaging/Powerpack/Create a Powerpack Copy
Messaging/Send SMS
Messaging/Send MMS
Messaging/Send SMS-MMS using powerpack
Messaging/Retrieve a message
Messaging/List all messages
Messaging/List MMS Media
Lookup/Lookup a Phone Number
PHLO/Multi-Party Call/Update a Multi-Party Call/Member/Hold a member
PHLO/Multi-Party Call/Update a Multi-Party Call/Member/Unhold a member
PHLO/Multi-Party Call/Update a Multi-Party Call/Member/Hangup a member
PHLO/Multi-Party Call/Update a Multi-Party Call/Member/Resume call on warm transfer
PHLO/Multi-Party Call/Update a Multi-Party Call/Member/Abort a call transfer
PHLO/Multi-Party Call/Update a Multi-Party Call/Member/Voicemail drop a member
PHLO/Multi-Party Call/Update a Multi-Party Call/Add user to a Multi-Party Call
PHLO/Multi-Party Call/Update a Multi-Party Call/Warm transfer a caller
PHLO/Multi-Party Call/Update a Multi-Party Call/Cold transfer a caller
PHLO/Multi-Party Call/Retrieve a Multi-Party Call
PHLO/PHLO Run/Retrieve a PHLO Run
PHLO/Retrieve a PHLO
Account/Subaccount/Create a Subaccount
Account/Subaccount/Update a Subaccount
Account/Subaccount/Retrieve a Subaccount
Account/Subaccount/Delete a Subaccount
Account/Subaccount/List all Subaccounts
Account/Application/Create an Application
Account/Application/Get Details of a Single Application
Account/Application/Update an Application
Account/Application/Delete an Application
Account/Application/Get Details of All Applications
Account/Pricing/Retrieve pricing for a country
Account/Retrieve account details
Account/Update the account details
Call/Record Calls/Start recording a call
Call/Record Calls/Stop currently active recording
Call/Play audio on calls/Play audio on a call
Call/Play audio on calls/Stop playing audio on a call
Call/Speak text on calls/Play Text During a Call
Call/Speak text on calls/Stop speaking text during a call
Call/DTMF/Send digits on an active call
Call/Conference/Conference Member/Hangup a Member
Call/Conference/Conference Member/Kick or disconnect a member from a conference
Call/Conference/Conference Member/Mute Member
Call/Conference/Conference Member/Unmute Member
Call/Conference/Conference Member/Deaf a conference member
Call/Conference/Conference Member/Undeaf a conference member
Call/Conference/Conference Member/Play audio to a member
Call/Conference/Conference Member/Stop play audio to a member
Call/Conference/Conference Member/Play text to a member
Call/Conference/Conference Member/Stop playing text to a member
Call/Conference/Record a conference/Start Recording a Conference
Call/Conference/Record a conference/Stop recording a conference
Call/Conference/Retrieve a conference
Call/Conference/Hangup a specific conference
Call/Conference/List all conferences
Call/Conference/Hangup all conferences
Call/Endpoint/Create an endpoint
Call/Endpoint/Retrieve an endpoint
Call/Endpoint/List all endpoints
Call/Endpoint/Update an endpoint
Call/Endpoint/Delete an Endpoint
Call/Recording/Retrieve a recording
Call/Recording/List All Recordings
Call/Recording/Delete a Specific Recording
Call/Make an outbound call
Call/Get Call Detail Record (CDR) of a call
Call/Retrieve details of all calls
Call/Get details of all ongoing calls
Call/Get details of a specific ongoing Call
Call/Retrieve a queued call
Call/Retrieve all queued calls
Call/Transfer a call
Call/Hangup a specific call
Call/Posting Call Quality Feedback Using API
Phone Numbers/Search-Buy New Phone Number/Search Phone Numbers
Phone Numbers/Search-Buy New Phone Number/Buy a Phone Number
Phone Numbers/Incoming Carrier/Create an incoming carrier
Phone Numbers/Incoming Carrier/Retrieve an incoming carrier
Phone Numbers/Incoming Carrier/List all incoming carriers
Phone Numbers/Incoming Carrier/Update an incoming carrier
Phone Numbers/Incoming Carrier/Delete an incoming carrier
Phone Numbers/Get an account phone number
Phone Numbers/List account phone numbers
Phone Numbers/Update an account phone number
Phone Numbers/Unrent a Number
Phone Numbers/Add a number from your own carrier