swift3 / Support API / Search Automations
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func chilkatTest() {
// This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
// See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.
let http = CkoHttp()!
var success: Bool
http.basicAuth = true
http.login = "login"
http.password = "password"
let queryParams = CkoJsonObject()!
queryParams.update("query", value: "<string>")
queryParams.update("active", value: "<boolean>")
queryParams.update("sort_by", value: "<string>")
queryParams.update("sort_order", value: "<string>")
queryParams.update("include", value: "<string>")
http.setRequestHeader("Accept", value: "application/json")
var resp: CkoHttpResponse? = http.quickRequestParams("GET", url: "https://example.zendesk.com/api/v2/automations/search", json: queryParams)
if http.lastMethodSuccess == false {
let sbResponseBody = CkoStringBuilder()!
let jResp = CkoJsonObject()!
jResp.emitCompact = false
print("Response Body:")
var respStatusCode: Int = resp!.statusCode.intValue
print("Response Status Code = \(respStatusCode)")
if respStatusCode >= 400 {
print("Response Header:")
resp = nil
resp = nil
// Sample JSON response:
// (Sample code for parsing the JSON response is shown below)
// {
// "automations": [
// {
// "actions": [
// {
// "field": "<string>",
// "value": "<string>"
// },
// {
// "field": "<string>",
// "value": "<string>"
// }
// ],
// "active": "<boolean>",
// "conditions": {
// "all": [
// {
// "field": "<string>",
// "operator": "<string>",
// "value": "<string>"
// },
// {
// "field": "<string>",
// "operator": "<string>",
// "value": "<string>"
// }
// ],
// "any": [
// {
// "field": "<string>",
// "operator": "<string>",
// "value": "<string>"
// },
// {
// "field": "<string>",
// "operator": "<string>",
// "value": "<string>"
// }
// ]
// },
// "created_at": "<dateTime>",
// "default": "<boolean>",
// "id": "<integer>",
// "position": "<integer>",
// "raw_title": "<string>",
// "title": "<string>",
// "updated_at": "<dateTime>"
// },
// {
// "actions": [
// {
// "field": "<string>",
// "value": "<string>"
// },
// {
// "field": "<string>",
// "value": "<string>"
// }
// ],
// "active": "<boolean>",
// "conditions": {
// "all": [
// {
// "field": "<string>",
// "operator": "<string>",
// "value": "<string>"
// },
// {
// "field": "<string>",
// "operator": "<string>",
// "value": "<string>"
// }
// ],
// "any": [
// {
// "field": "<string>",
// "operator": "<string>",
// "value": "<string>"
// },
// {
// "field": "<string>",
// "operator": "<string>",
// "value": "<string>"
// }
// ]
// },
// "created_at": "<dateTime>",
// "default": "<boolean>",
// "id": "<integer>",
// "position": "<integer>",
// "raw_title": "<string>",
// "title": "<string>",
// "updated_at": "<dateTime>"
// }
// ],
// "count": "<integer>",
// "next_page": "<string>",
// "previous_page": "<string>"
// }
// Sample code for parsing the JSON response...
// Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: Generate JSON Parsing Code
var active: String?
var created_at: String?
var default: String?
var id: String?
var position: String?
var raw_title: String?
var title: String?
var updated_at: String?
var j: Int
var count_j: Int
var field: String?
var value: String?
var operator: String?
var count: String? = jResp.string(of: "count")
var next_page: String? = jResp.string(of: "next_page")
var previous_page: String? = jResp.string(of: "previous_page")
var i: Int = 0
var count_i: Int = jResp.size(ofArray: "automations").intValue
while i < count_i {
jResp.i = i
active = jResp.string(of: "automations[i].active")
created_at = jResp.string(of: "automations[i].created_at")
default = jResp.string(of: "automations[i].default")
id = jResp.string(of: "automations[i].id")
position = jResp.string(of: "automations[i].position")
raw_title = jResp.string(of: "automations[i].raw_title")
title = jResp.string(of: "automations[i].title")
updated_at = jResp.string(of: "automations[i].updated_at")
j = 0
count_j = jResp.size(ofArray: "automations[i].actions").intValue
while j < count_j {
jResp.j = j
field = jResp.string(of: "automations[i].actions[j].field")
value = jResp.string(of: "automations[i].actions[j].value")
j = j + 1
j = 0
count_j = jResp.size(ofArray: "automations[i].conditions.all").intValue
while j < count_j {
jResp.j = j
field = jResp.string(of: "automations[i].conditions.all[j].field")
operator = jResp.string(of: "automations[i].conditions.all[j].operator")
value = jResp.string(of: "automations[i].conditions.all[j].value")
j = j + 1
j = 0
count_j = jResp.size(ofArray: "automations[i].conditions.any").intValue
while j < count_j {
jResp.j = j
field = jResp.string(of: "automations[i].conditions.any[j].field")
operator = jResp.string(of: "automations[i].conditions.any[j].operator")
value = jResp.string(of: "automations[i].conditions.any[j].value")
j = j + 1
i = i + 1
Curl Command
curl -u login:password -G -d "query=%3Cstring%3E"
-d "active=%3Cboolean%3E"
-d "sort_by=%3Cstring%3E"
-d "sort_order=%3Cstring%3E"
-d "include=%3Cstring%3E"
-H "Accept: application/json"
Postman Collection Item JSON
"name": "Search Automations",
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"key": "Accept",
"value": "application/json"
"url": {
"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v2/automations/search?query=<string>&active=<boolean>&sort_by=<string>&sort_order=<string>&include=<string>",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "query",
"value": "<string>",
"description": "(Required) Query string used to find all automations with matching title"
"key": "active",
"value": "<boolean>",
"description": "Filter by active automations if true or inactive automations if false"
"key": "sort_by",
"value": "<string>",
"description": "Possible values are \"alphabetical\", \"created_at\", \"updated_at\", and \"position\". If unspecified, the automations are sorted by relevance"
"key": "sort_order",
"value": "<string>",
"description": "One of \"asc\" or \"desc\". Defaults to \"asc\" for alphabetical and position sort, \"desc\" for all others"
"key": "include",
"value": "<string>",
"description": "A sideload to include in the response. See [Sideloads](#sideloads-2)"
"description": "#### Pagination\n\n* Offset pagination only\n\nSee [Using Offset Pagination](/api-reference/ticketing/introduction/#using-offset-pagination).\n\n#### Allowed For\n\n* Agents\n\n#### Sideloads\n\nThe following sideloads are supported. For more information, see [Side-loading](/documentation/ticketing/using-the-zendesk-api/side_loading/).\n\n| Name | Will sideload\n| ---------------- | -------------\n| app_installation | The app installation that requires each automation, if present\n| permissions | The permissions for each automation\n| usage_1h | The number of times each automation has been used in the past hour\n| usage_24h | The number of times each automation has been used in the past day\n| usage_7d | The number of times each automation has been used in the past week\n| usage_30d | The number of times each automation has been used in the past thirty days\n"
"response": [
"name": "Success response",
"originalRequest": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"description": "Added as a part of security scheme: basic",
"key": "Authorization",
"value": "Basic <credentials>"
"url": {
"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v2/automations/search?query=<string>&active=<boolean>&sort_by=<string>&sort_order=<string>&include=<string>",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "query",
"value": "<string>",
"description": "(Required) Query string used to find all automations with matching title"
"key": "active",
"value": "<boolean>",
"description": "Filter by active automations if true or inactive automations if false"
"key": "sort_by",
"value": "<string>",
"description": "Possible values are \"alphabetical\", \"created_at\", \"updated_at\", and \"position\". If unspecified, the automations are sorted by relevance"
"key": "sort_order",
"value": "<string>",
"description": "One of \"asc\" or \"desc\". Defaults to \"asc\" for alphabetical and position sort, \"desc\" for all others"
"key": "include",
"value": "<string>",
"description": "A sideload to include in the response. See [Sideloads](#sideloads-2)"
"status": "OK",
"code": 200,
"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
"header": [
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"cookie": [
"body": "{\n \"automations\": [\n {\n \"actions\": [\n {\n \"field\": \"<string>\",\n \"value\": \"<string>\"\n },\n {\n \"field\": \"<string>\",\n \"value\": \"<string>\"\n }\n ],\n \"active\": \"<boolean>\",\n \"conditions\": {\n \"all\": [\n {\n \"field\": \"<string>\",\n \"operator\": \"<string>\",\n \"value\": \"<string>\"\n },\n {\n \"field\": \"<string>\",\n \"operator\": \"<string>\",\n \"value\": \"<string>\"\n }\n ],\n \"any\": [\n {\n \"field\": \"<string>\",\n \"operator\": \"<string>\",\n \"value\": \"<string>\"\n },\n {\n \"field\": \"<string>\",\n \"operator\": \"<string>\",\n \"value\": \"<string>\"\n }\n ]\n },\n \"created_at\": \"<dateTime>\",\n \"default\": \"<boolean>\",\n \"id\": \"<integer>\",\n \"position\": \"<integer>\",\n \"raw_title\": \"<string>\",\n \"title\": \"<string>\",\n \"updated_at\": \"<dateTime>\"\n },\n {\n \"actions\": [\n {\n \"field\": \"<string>\",\n \"value\": \"<string>\"\n },\n {\n \"field\": \"<string>\",\n \"value\": \"<string>\"\n }\n ],\n \"active\": \"<boolean>\",\n \"conditions\": {\n \"all\": [\n {\n \"field\": \"<string>\",\n \"operator\": \"<string>\",\n \"value\": \"<string>\"\n },\n {\n \"field\": \"<string>\",\n \"operator\": \"<string>\",\n \"value\": \"<string>\"\n }\n ],\n \"any\": [\n {\n \"field\": \"<string>\",\n \"operator\": \"<string>\",\n \"value\": \"<string>\"\n },\n {\n \"field\": \"<string>\",\n \"operator\": \"<string>\",\n \"value\": \"<string>\"\n }\n ]\n },\n \"created_at\": \"<dateTime>\",\n \"default\": \"<boolean>\",\n \"id\": \"<integer>\",\n \"position\": \"<integer>\",\n \"raw_title\": \"<string>\",\n \"title\": \"<string>\",\n \"updated_at\": \"<dateTime>\"\n }\n ],\n \"count\": \"<integer>\",\n \"next_page\": \"<string>\",\n \"previous_page\": \"<string>\"\n}"