Chilkat Online Tools

Swift3 / DocuSign REST API / Reserverd: Purchase additional envelopes.

Back to Collection Items

func chilkatTest() {
    // This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
    // See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

    let http = CkoHttp()!
    var success: Bool

    // Adds the "Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}}" header.
    http.authToken = "{{accessToken}}"
    http.setRequestHeader("Accept", value: "application/json")

    var resp: CkoHttpResponse? = http.quickRequest("PUT", url: "{{accountId}}/billing_plan/purchased_envelopes")
    if http.lastMethodSuccess == false {

    resp = nil


Curl Command

curl -X PUT
	-H "Accept: application/json"
	-H "Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}}"{{accountId}}/billing_plan/purchased_envelopes

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "Reserverd: Purchase additional envelopes.",
  "request": {
    "method": "PUT",
    "header": [
        "key": "Accept",
        "value": "application/json"
        "key": "Authorization",
        "value": "Bearer {{accessToken}}"
    "body": {
      "mode": "raw",
      "raw": ""
    "url": {
      "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/v2.1/accounts/{{accountId}}/billing_plan/purchased_envelopes",
      "host": [
      "path": [
      "variable": [
          "key": "accountId",
          "value": "{{accountId}}"
    "description": "Reserved: At this time, this endpoint is limited to DocuSign internal use only. Completes the purchase of envelopes for your account. The actual purchase is done as part of an internal workflow interaction with an envelope vendor."
  "response": [