Chilkat Online Tools

Swift / Salesforce Platform APIs / Get Lookup Field Suggestions for a Specified Object

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func chilkatTest() {
    // This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
    // See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

    let http = CkoHttp()!
    var success: Bool

    // Adds the "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" header.
    http.authToken = "<access_token>"

    let sbResponseBody = CkoStringBuilder()!
    success = http.quickGetSb("{{version}}/ui-api/lookups/:SOBJECT_API_NAME/:FIELD_API_NAME/:TARGET_API_NAME", sbContent: sbResponseBody)
    if success == false {

    let jResp = CkoJsonObject()!
    jResp.emitCompact = false

    print("Response Body:")

    var respStatusCode: Int = http.lastStatus.intValue
    print("Response Status Code = \(respStatusCode)")
    if respStatusCode >= 400 {
        print("Response Header:")

    // Sample JSON response:
    // (Sample code for parsing the JSON response is shown below)

    // {
    //   "count": 2,
    //   "currentPageToken": null,
    //   "currentPageUrl": "/services/data/v58.0/ui-api/lookups/Contact/AccountId/Account?searchType=Recent&page=1&pageSize=25",
    //   "nextPageToken": null,
    //   "nextPageUrl": null,
    //   "previousPageToken": null,
    //   "previousPageUrl": null,
    //   "records": [
    //     {
    //       "apiName": "Account",
    //       "childRelationships": {},
    //       "eTag": "2316c5f4a27ac31b407d91aab610b281",
    //       "fields": {
    //         "DisambiguationField": {
    //           "displayValue": null,
    //           "value": null
    //         },
    //         "Id": {
    //           "displayValue": null,
    //           "value": "001B000000UnQ2yIAF"
    //         },
    //         "Name": {
    //           "displayValue": null,
    //           "value": "Dickenson plc"
    //         },
    //         "Site": {
    //           "displayValue": null,
    //           "value": null
    //         }
    //       },
    //       "id": "001B000000UnQ2yIAF",
    //       "lastModifiedById": "005B0000003TOI6IAO",
    //       "lastModifiedDate": "2017-08-18T14:46:22.000Z",
    //       "recordTypeId": "012000000000000AAA",
    //       "recordTypeInfo": null,
    //       "systemModstamp": "2017-08-18T14:46:22.000Z",
    //       "weakEtag": 1503067582000
    //     },
    //     {
    //       "apiName": "Account",
    //       "childRelationships": {},
    //       "eTag": "cb5afb4494d9c9f6f81ab0e5f214585c",
    //       "fields": {
    //         "DisambiguationField": {
    //           "displayValue": null,
    //           "value": null
    //         },
    //         "Id": {
    //           "displayValue": null,
    //           "value": "001B000000UnQ2wIAF"
    //         },
    //         "Name": {
    //           "displayValue": null,
    //           "value": "Burlington Textiles Corp of America"
    //         },
    //         "Site": {
    //           "displayValue": null,
    //           "value": null
    //         }
    //       },
    //       "id": "001B000000UnQ2wIAF",
    //       "lastModifiedById": "005B0000003TOI6IAO",
    //       "lastModifiedDate": "2017-08-18T14:46:22.000Z",
    //       "recordTypeId": "012000000000000AAA",
    //       "recordTypeInfo": null,
    //       "systemModstamp": "2017-08-18T14:46:22.000Z",
    //       "weakEtag": 1503067582000
    //     }
    //   ]
    // }

    // Sample code for parsing the JSON response...
    // Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: Generate JSON Parsing Code

    var apiName: String?
    var eTag: String?
    var DisplayValue: String?
    var Value: String?
    var IdDisplayValue: String?
    var IdValue: String?
    var NameDisplayValue: String?
    var NameValue: String?
    var SiteDisplayValue: String?
    var SiteValue: String?
    var id: String?
    var lastModifiedById: String?
    var lastModifiedDate: String?
    var recordTypeId: String?
    var recordTypeInfo: String?
    var systemModstamp: String?
    var weakEtag: Int

    var count: Int = "count").intValue
    var currentPageToken: String? = jResp.string(of: "currentPageToken")
    var currentPageUrl: String? = jResp.string(of: "currentPageUrl")
    var nextPageToken: String? = jResp.string(of: "nextPageToken")
    var nextPageUrl: String? = jResp.string(of: "nextPageUrl")
    var previousPageToken: String? = jResp.string(of: "previousPageToken")
    var previousPageUrl: String? = jResp.string(of: "previousPageUrl")
    var i: Int = 0
    var count_i: Int = jResp.size(ofArray: "records").intValue
    while i < count_i {
        jResp.i = i
        apiName = jResp.string(of: "records[i].apiName")
        eTag = jResp.string(of: "records[i].eTag")
        DisplayValue = jResp.string(of: "records[i].fields.DisambiguationField.displayValue")
        Value = jResp.string(of: "records[i].fields.DisambiguationField.value")
        IdDisplayValue = jResp.string(of: "records[i].fields.Id.displayValue")
        IdValue = jResp.string(of: "records[i].fields.Id.value")
        NameDisplayValue = jResp.string(of: "records[i].fields.Name.displayValue")
        NameValue = jResp.string(of: "records[i].fields.Name.value")
        SiteDisplayValue = jResp.string(of: "records[i].fields.Site.displayValue")
        SiteValue = jResp.string(of: "records[i].fields.Site.value")
        id = jResp.string(of: "records[i].id")
        lastModifiedById = jResp.string(of: "records[i].lastModifiedById")
        lastModifiedDate = jResp.string(of: "records[i].lastModifiedDate")
        recordTypeId = jResp.string(of: "records[i].recordTypeId")
        recordTypeInfo = jResp.string(of: "records[i].recordTypeInfo")
        systemModstamp = jResp.string(of: "records[i].systemModstamp")
        weakEtag = "records[i].weakEtag").intValue
        i = i + 1


Curl Command

curl -X GET
	-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"{{version}}/ui-api/lookups/:SOBJECT_API_NAME/:FIELD_API_NAME/:TARGET_API_NAME

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "Get Lookup Field Suggestions for a Specified Object",
  "event": [
      "listen": "prerequest",
      "script": {
        "exec": [
        "type": "text/javascript"
  "protocolProfileBehavior": {
    "disableBodyPruning": true
  "request": {
    "method": "GET",
    "header": [
    "body": {
      "mode": "raw",
      "raw": ""
    "url": {
      "raw": "{{_endpoint}}/services/data/v{{version}}/ui-api/lookups/:SOBJECT_API_NAME/:FIELD_API_NAME/:TARGET_API_NAME",
      "host": [
      "path": [
      "query": [
          "key": "dependentFieldBindings",
          "value": "",
          "description": "The dependent field bindings for dependent lookups. These field bindings represent the lookup filter that restricts the valid values for the field.\nSpecify field bindings in a comma-separated list in the format dependentFieldBindings=<FIELD_API_NAME1>​=[FIELD_VALUE1],<FIELD_API_NAME2>=[FIELD_VALUE2].\n\nTo know whether a field is a dependent lookup, check the Object Info response body for a non-null filteredLookupInfo property. Specify the name and a value for each field in the controllingFields property. Get the field values from the Record response body. Both responses are returned from the /ui-api/record-ui/<RECORD_IDS> resource.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "page",
          "value": "",
          "description": "The page number. The default value is 1.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "pageSize",
          "value": "",
          "description": "The number of items per page. The default value is 25.\n",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "q",
          "value": "",
          "description": "The term the user is searching for.\nWhen searchType=Search, specify at least 2 characters. A wildcard at the end of the search term is implied. For example, q=ca returns Cat and Cats.\n\nWhen searchType=TypeAhead, specify at least 3 characters. A wildcard at the end of the search term is implied. You can’t use a ?.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "searchType",
          "value": "",
          "description": "The type of search to perform. One of these values:\nRecent—Return most recently used matches.\nSearch—Search for records with searchable fields that match the query term.\nTypeAhead—Search for records whose names start with the query term.\nThe default value is Recent.",
          "disabled": true
      "variable": [
          "key": "SOBJECT_API_NAME",
          "value": "",
          "description": "The API name of a source object."
          "key": "FIELD_API_NAME",
          "value": "",
          "description": "The API name of a lookup field on the source object."
          "key": "TARGET_API_NAME",
          "value": "",
          "description": "The API name of the target (lookup) object."
    "description": "When a user edits a lookup field, use this resource to search for and display suggestions for a specified object. You can search for most recently used matches, for matching names, or for any match in a searchable field. You can also specify lookup filter bindings for dependent lookups."
  "response": [
      "name": "Get Lookup Field Suggestions for a Specified Object",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
        "body": {
          "mode": "raw",
          "raw": ""
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{_endpoint}}/services/data/v{{version}}/ui-api/lookups/:SOBJECT_API_NAME/:FIELD_API_NAME/:TARGET_API_NAME",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "query": [
              "key": "dependentFieldBindings",
              "value": "",
              "description": "The dependent field bindings for dependent lookups. These field bindings represent the lookup filter that restricts the valid values for the field.\nSpecify field bindings in a comma-separated list in the format dependentFieldBindings=<FIELD_API_NAME1>​=[FIELD_VALUE1],<FIELD_API_NAME2>=[FIELD_VALUE2].\n\nTo know whether a field is a dependent lookup, check the Object Info response body for a non-null filteredLookupInfo property. Specify the name and a value for each field in the controllingFields property. Get the field values from the Record response body. Both responses are returned from the /ui-api/record-ui/<RECORD_IDS> resource.",
              "disabled": true
              "key": "page",
              "value": "",
              "description": "The page number. The default value is 1.",
              "disabled": true
              "key": "pageSize",
              "value": "",
              "description": "The number of items per page. The default value is 25.\n",
              "disabled": true
              "key": "q",
              "value": "",
              "description": "The term the user is searching for.\nWhen searchType=Search, specify at least 2 characters. A wildcard at the end of the search term is implied. For example, q=ca returns Cat and Cats.\n\nWhen searchType=TypeAhead, specify at least 3 characters. A wildcard at the end of the search term is implied. You can’t use a ?.",
              "disabled": true
              "key": "searchType",
              "value": "",
              "description": "The type of search to perform. One of these values:\nRecent—Return most recently used matches.\nSearch—Search for records with searchable fields that match the query term.\nTypeAhead—Search for records whose names start with the query term.\nThe default value is Recent.",
              "disabled": true
          "variable": [
              "key": "SOBJECT_API_NAME",
              "value": "Contact",
              "description": "The API name of a source object."
              "key": "FIELD_API_NAME",
              "value": "AccountId",
              "description": "The API name of a lookup field on the source object."
              "key": "TARGET_API_NAME",
              "value": "Account",
              "description": "The API name of the target (lookup) object."
      "status": "OK",
      "code": 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
          "key": "Date",
          "value": "Wed, 27 Sep 2023 16:10:07 GMT"
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          "value": "chunked"
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n    \"count\": 2,\n    \"currentPageToken\": null,\n    \"currentPageUrl\": \"/services/data/v58.0/ui-api/lookups/Contact/AccountId/Account?searchType=Recent&page=1&pageSize=25\",\n    \"nextPageToken\": null,\n    \"nextPageUrl\": null,\n    \"previousPageToken\": null,\n    \"previousPageUrl\": null,\n    \"records\": [\n        {\n            \"apiName\": \"Account\",\n            \"childRelationships\": {},\n            \"eTag\": \"2316c5f4a27ac31b407d91aab610b281\",\n            \"fields\": {\n                \"DisambiguationField\": {\n                    \"displayValue\": null,\n                    \"value\": null\n                },\n                \"Id\": {\n                    \"displayValue\": null,\n                    \"value\": \"001B000000UnQ2yIAF\"\n                },\n                \"Name\": {\n                    \"displayValue\": null,\n                    \"value\": \"Dickenson plc\"\n                },\n                \"Site\": {\n                    \"displayValue\": null,\n                    \"value\": null\n                }\n            },\n            \"id\": \"001B000000UnQ2yIAF\",\n            \"lastModifiedById\": \"005B0000003TOI6IAO\",\n            \"lastModifiedDate\": \"2017-08-18T14:46:22.000Z\",\n            \"recordTypeId\": \"012000000000000AAA\",\n            \"recordTypeInfo\": null,\n            \"systemModstamp\": \"2017-08-18T14:46:22.000Z\",\n            \"weakEtag\": 1503067582000\n        },\n        {\n            \"apiName\": \"Account\",\n            \"childRelationships\": {},\n            \"eTag\": \"cb5afb4494d9c9f6f81ab0e5f214585c\",\n            \"fields\": {\n                \"DisambiguationField\": {\n                    \"displayValue\": null,\n                    \"value\": null\n                },\n                \"Id\": {\n                    \"displayValue\": null,\n                    \"value\": \"001B000000UnQ2wIAF\"\n                },\n                \"Name\": {\n                    \"displayValue\": null,\n                    \"value\": \"Burlington Textiles Corp of America\"\n                },\n                \"Site\": {\n                    \"displayValue\": null,\n                    \"value\": null\n                }\n            },\n            \"id\": \"001B000000UnQ2wIAF\",\n            \"lastModifiedById\": \"005B0000003TOI6IAO\",\n            \"lastModifiedDate\": \"2017-08-18T14:46:22.000Z\",\n            \"recordTypeId\": \"012000000000000AAA\",\n            \"recordTypeInfo\": null,\n            \"systemModstamp\": \"2017-08-18T14:46:22.000Z\",\n            \"weakEtag\": 1503067582000\n        }\n    ]\n}"