Chilkat Online Tools

Swift / EDS API / Izveidot dokumentu "IeIeN avansa maksājumu aprēķins no saimnieciskās darbības".

Back to Collection Items

func chilkatTest() {
    // This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
    // See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

    let http = CkoHttp()!
    var success: Bool

    let req = CkoHttpRequest()!
    req.addParam("ParskGads", value: "-83951702")
    req.addParam("Epasts", value: "irure")
    req.addParam("Talrunis", value: "non sed")
    req.addParam("Sagatavotajs", value: "qui nisi fugiat irure cillum")
    req.addParam("PrecizetsAvanss", value: "true")
    req.addParam("Gramatina", value: "true")
    req.addParam("Pirmstaksac", value: "-54588698.64014355")
    req.addParam("Prognoze", value: "97569849.08257464")
    req.addParam("NeaplMin", value: "-49770640.77327245")
    req.addParam("Atvieglojumi", value: "30978332.25873421")
    req.addParam("Papildu", value: "87746908.73043701")
    req.addParam("Ienakums", value: "-29782402.252732918")
    req.addParam("Summa1", value: "-93290287.22262941")
    req.addParam("Summa2", value: "72123630.9810856")
    req.addParam("Avanss", value: "26577345.621076003")
    req.addParam("Maksat", value: "43685698.03802377")
    req.addParam("Maijam", value: "23069235.365286157")
    req.addParam("Augustam", value: "24463852.92602402")
    req.addParam("Novembrim", value: "-8773589.000599638")
    req.addParam("NakGadam", value: "-10846760.263477325")

    let jsonParam21 = CkoJsonObject()!
    jsonParam21.update("Fails.value", value: "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>")
    jsonParam21.update("Komentars", value: "pariatur Duis")
    req.addParam("Pielikumi", value: jsonParam21.emit())

    let jsonParam22 = CkoJsonObject()!
    jsonParam22.update("Fails.value", value: "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>")
    jsonParam22.update("Komentars", value: "ullamco sint consectetur amet Duis")
    req.addParam("Pielikumi", value: jsonParam22.emit())
    req.addParam("MaksajumuDatumuNobide", value: "false")
    req.addParam("NmrKods", value: "amet")
    req.addParam("Precizejums", value: "true")
    req.addParam("PrecizejamaisDokuments", value: "24369404")
    req.addParam("PrecizejumaPamatojums", value: "veniam")

    req.addHeader("Accept", value: "application/json")

    var resp: CkoHttpResponse? = http.postUrlEncoded("", req: req)
    if http.lastMethodSuccess == false {

    let sbResponseBody = CkoStringBuilder()!

    let jResp = CkoJsonObject()!
    jResp.emitCompact = false

    print("Response Body:")

    var respStatusCode: Int = resp!.statusCode.intValue
    print("Response Status Code = \(respStatusCode)")
    if respStatusCode >= 400 {
        print("Response Header:")
        resp = nil

    resp = nil


Curl Command

curl -X POST
	-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
	-H "Accept: application/json"
	--data-urlencode 'ParskGads=-83951702'
	--data-urlencode 'Epasts=irure'
	--data-urlencode 'Talrunis=non sed'
	--data-urlencode 'Sagatavotajs=qui nisi fugiat irure cillum'
	--data-urlencode 'PrecizetsAvanss=true'
	--data-urlencode 'Gramatina=true'
	--data-urlencode 'Pirmstaksac=-54588698.64014355'
	--data-urlencode 'Prognoze=97569849.08257464'
	--data-urlencode 'NeaplMin=-49770640.77327245'
	--data-urlencode 'Atvieglojumi=30978332.25873421'
	--data-urlencode 'Papildu=87746908.73043701'
	--data-urlencode 'Ienakums=-29782402.252732918'
	--data-urlencode 'Summa1=-93290287.22262941'
	--data-urlencode 'Summa2=72123630.9810856'
	--data-urlencode 'Avanss=26577345.621076003'
	--data-urlencode 'Maksat=43685698.03802377'
	--data-urlencode 'Maijam=23069235.365286157'
	--data-urlencode 'Augustam=24463852.92602402'
	--data-urlencode 'Novembrim=-8773589.000599638'
	--data-urlencode 'NakGadam=-10846760.263477325'
	--data-urlencode 'Pielikumi={"Fails":{"value":"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"},"Komentars":"pariatur Duis"}'
	--data-urlencode 'Pielikumi={"Fails":{"value":"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"},"Komentars":"ullamco sint consectetur amet Duis"}'
	--data-urlencode 'MaksajumuDatumuNobide=false'
	--data-urlencode 'NmrKods=amet'
	--data-urlencode 'Precizejums=true'
	--data-urlencode 'PrecizejamaisDokuments=24369404'
	--data-urlencode 'PrecizejumaPamatojums=veniam'

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "Izveidot dokumentu \"IeIeN avansa maksājumu aprēķins no saimnieciskās darbības\".",
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      "mode": "urlencoded",
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          "description": "(Required) Iesniedzēja epasts."
          "key": "Talrunis",
          "value": "non sed",
          "description": "(Required) Iesniedzēja tālrunis."
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          "value": "qui nisi fugiat irure cillum",
          "description": "Sagatavotāja vārds, uzvārds."
          "key": "PrecizetsAvanss",
          "value": "true",
          "description": "Atzīmē, ja avansa aprēķins tiek precizēts."
          "key": "Gramatina",
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          "value": "{\"Fails\":{\"value\":\"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"},\"Komentars\":\"pariatur Duis\"}",
          "description": "Pielikumu faili."
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          "value": "{\"Fails\":{\"value\":\"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"},\"Komentars\":\"ullamco sint consectetur amet Duis\"}",
          "description": "Pielikumu faili."
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          "description": "Vai R9_2 un R9_2 maksājumu datumi jāpāgarina par mēnesi"
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          "description": "Precizējuma pamatojums."
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      "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/doc/avav3",
      "host": [
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              "description": "(Required) Iesniedzēja epasts."
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              "description": "Pielikumu faili."
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              "value": "false",
              "description": "Vai R9_2 un R9_2 maksājumu datumi jāpāgarina par mēnesi"
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              "description": "Precizējamā dokumenta numurs."
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