Chilkat Online Tools

SQL Server / Core Services API / CreateImage

Back to Collection Items

-- Important: See this note about string length limitations for strings returned by sp_OAMethod calls.
    DECLARE @hr int
    DECLARE @iTmp0 int
    -- Important: Do not use nvarchar(max).  See the warning about using nvarchar(max).
    DECLARE @sTmp0 nvarchar(4000)
    -- This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
    -- See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

    DECLARE @http int
    EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'Chilkat_9_5_0.Http', @http OUT
    IF @hr <> 0
        PRINT 'Failed to create ActiveX component'

    DECLARE @success int

    -- Use this online tool to generate code from sample JSON: Generate Code to Create JSON

    -- The following JSON is sent in the request body.

    -- {
    --   "compartmentId": "AVAILABLE",
    --   "definedTags": {},
    --   "displayName": "pariatur eiusmod elit",
    --   "freeformTags": {},
    --   "imageSourceDetails": {
    --     "sourceType": {
    --       "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    --     },
    --     "operatingSystem": {
    --       "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    --     },
    --     "operatingSystemVersion": {
    --       "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    --     },
    --     "sourceImageType": {
    --       "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    --     }
    --   },
    --   "instanceId": "consectetur adipisicing dolor",
    --   "launchMode": "NATIVE",
    --   "launchOptions": {
    --     "bootVolumeType": {
    --       "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    --     },
    --     "firmware": {
    --       "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    --     },
    --     "isConsistentVolumeNamingEnabled": {
    --       "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    --     },
    --     "isPvEncryptionInTransitEnabled": {
    --       "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    --     },
    --     "networkType": {
    --       "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    --     },
    --     "remoteDataVolumeType": {
    --       "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    --     }
    --   }
    -- }

    DECLARE @json int
    EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'Chilkat_9_5_0.JsonObject', @json OUT

    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'compartmentId', 'AVAILABLE'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateNewObject', @success OUT, 'definedTags'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'displayName', 'pariatur eiusmod elit'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateNewObject', @success OUT, 'freeformTags'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'imageSourceDetails.sourceType.value', '<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'imageSourceDetails.operatingSystem.value', '<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'imageSourceDetails.operatingSystemVersion.value', '<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'imageSourceDetails.sourceImageType.value', '<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'instanceId', 'consectetur adipisicing dolor'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'launchMode', 'NATIVE'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'launchOptions.bootVolumeType.value', '<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'launchOptions.firmware.value', '<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'launchOptions.isConsistentVolumeNamingEnabled.value', '<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'launchOptions.isPvEncryptionInTransitEnabled.value', '<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'launchOptions.networkType.value', '<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'launchOptions.remoteDataVolumeType.value', '<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>'

    EXEC sp_OAMethod @http, 'SetRequestHeader', NULL, 'opc-retry-token', 'aliqua enim i'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @http, 'SetRequestHeader', NULL, 'Content-Type', 'application/json'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @http, 'SetRequestHeader', NULL, 'x-content-sha256', '{{content_sha256}}'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @http, 'SetRequestHeader', NULL, 'Authorization', '{{signature}}'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @http, 'SetRequestHeader', NULL, 'Date', '{{date}}'

    DECLARE @resp int
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @http, 'PostJson3', @resp OUT, 'https://iaas.{{region}}', 'application/json', @json
    EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @http, 'LastMethodSuccess', @iTmp0 OUT
    IF @iTmp0 = 0
        EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @http, 'LastErrorText', @sTmp0 OUT
        PRINT @sTmp0
        EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @http
        EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @json

    DECLARE @sbResponseBody int
    EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'Chilkat_9_5_0.StringBuilder', @sbResponseBody OUT

    EXEC sp_OAMethod @resp, 'GetBodySb', @success OUT, @sbResponseBody

    DECLARE @jResp int
    EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'Chilkat_9_5_0.JsonObject', @jResp OUT

    EXEC sp_OAMethod @jResp, 'LoadSb', @success OUT, @sbResponseBody
    EXEC sp_OASetProperty @jResp, 'EmitCompact', 0

    PRINT 'Response Body:'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @jResp, 'Emit', @sTmp0 OUT
    PRINT @sTmp0

    DECLARE @respStatusCode int
    EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @resp, 'StatusCode', @respStatusCode OUT

    PRINT 'Response Status Code = ' + @respStatusCode
    IF @respStatusCode >= 400

        PRINT 'Response Header:'
        EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @resp, 'Header', @sTmp0 OUT
        PRINT @sTmp0

        PRINT 'Failed.'
        EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @resp

        EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @http
        EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @json
        EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @sbResponseBody
        EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @jResp
    EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @resp

    -- Sample JSON response:
    -- (Sample code for parsing the JSON response is shown below)

    -- {
    --   "compartmentId": "dolor commodo in",
    --   "id": "eu dolor Duis dolore irure",
    --   "lifecycleState": "AVAILABLE",
    --   "timeCreated": "1985-05-13T06:46:51.335Z",
    --   "operatingSystem": "deserunt cillum elit",
    --   "operatingSystemVersion": "sint et mollit do",
    --   "createImageAllowed": true,
    --   "agentFeatures": {
    --     "isManagementSupported": {
    --       "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    --     },
    --     "isMonitoringSupported": {
    --       "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    --     }
    --   },
    --   "baseImageId": "cillum exercitation voluptate non ullamco",
    --   "billableSizeInGBs": 16490567,
    --   "definedTags": {},
    --   "displayName": "qui laborum ad",
    --   "freeformTags": {},
    --   "launchMode": "PARAVIRTUALIZED",
    --   "launchOptions": {
    --     "bootVolumeType": {
    --       "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    --     },
    --     "firmware": {
    --       "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    --     },
    --     "isConsistentVolumeNamingEnabled": {
    --       "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    --     },
    --     "isPvEncryptionInTransitEnabled": {
    --       "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    --     },
    --     "networkType": {
    --       "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    --     },
    --     "remoteDataVolumeType": {
    --       "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    --     }
    --   },
    --   "sizeInMBs": 57090852
    -- }

    -- Sample code for parsing the JSON response...
    -- Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: Generate JSON Parsing Code

    DECLARE @compartmentId nvarchar(4000)
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @jResp, 'StringOf', @compartmentId OUT, 'compartmentId'
    DECLARE @id nvarchar(4000)
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @jResp, 'StringOf', @id OUT, 'id'
    DECLARE @lifecycleState nvarchar(4000)
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @jResp, 'StringOf', @lifecycleState OUT, 'lifecycleState'
    DECLARE @timeCreated nvarchar(4000)
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @jResp, 'StringOf', @timeCreated OUT, 'timeCreated'
    DECLARE @operatingSystem nvarchar(4000)
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @jResp, 'StringOf', @operatingSystem OUT, 'operatingSystem'
    DECLARE @operatingSystemVersion nvarchar(4000)
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @jResp, 'StringOf', @operatingSystemVersion OUT, 'operatingSystemVersion'
    DECLARE @createImageAllowed int
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @jResp, 'BoolOf', @createImageAllowed OUT, 'createImageAllowed'
    DECLARE @Value nvarchar(4000)
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @jResp, 'StringOf', @Value OUT, 'agentFeatures.isManagementSupported.value'
    DECLARE @IsMonitoringSupportedValue nvarchar(4000)
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @jResp, 'StringOf', @IsMonitoringSupportedValue OUT, 'agentFeatures.isMonitoringSupported.value'
    DECLARE @baseImageId nvarchar(4000)
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @jResp, 'StringOf', @baseImageId OUT, 'baseImageId'
    DECLARE @billableSizeInGBs int
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @jResp, 'IntOf', @billableSizeInGBs OUT, 'billableSizeInGBs'
    DECLARE @displayName nvarchar(4000)
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @jResp, 'StringOf', @displayName OUT, 'displayName'
    DECLARE @launchMode nvarchar(4000)
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @jResp, 'StringOf', @launchMode OUT, 'launchMode'
    DECLARE @BootVolumeTypeValue nvarchar(4000)
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @jResp, 'StringOf', @BootVolumeTypeValue OUT, 'launchOptions.bootVolumeType.value'
    DECLARE @FirmwareValue nvarchar(4000)
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @jResp, 'StringOf', @FirmwareValue OUT, 'launchOptions.firmware.value'
    DECLARE @IsConsistentVolumeNamingEnabledValue nvarchar(4000)
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @jResp, 'StringOf', @IsConsistentVolumeNamingEnabledValue OUT, 'launchOptions.isConsistentVolumeNamingEnabled.value'
    DECLARE @IsPvEncryptionInTransitEnabledValue nvarchar(4000)
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @jResp, 'StringOf', @IsPvEncryptionInTransitEnabledValue OUT, 'launchOptions.isPvEncryptionInTransitEnabled.value'
    DECLARE @NetworkTypeValue nvarchar(4000)
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @jResp, 'StringOf', @NetworkTypeValue OUT, 'launchOptions.networkType.value'
    DECLARE @RemoteDataVolumeTypeValue nvarchar(4000)
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @jResp, 'StringOf', @RemoteDataVolumeTypeValue OUT, 'launchOptions.remoteDataVolumeType.value'
    DECLARE @sizeInMBs int
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @jResp, 'IntOf', @sizeInMBs OUT, 'sizeInMBs'

    EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @http
    EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @json
    EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @sbResponseBody
    EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @jResp


Curl Command

curl -X POST
	-H "opc-retry-token: aliqua enim i"
	-H "Content-Type: application/json"
	-H "Date: {{date}}"
	-H "Authorization: {{signature}}"
	-H "x-content-sha256: {{content_sha256}}"
	-d '{
    "compartmentId": "AVAILABLE",
    "definedTags": {},
    "displayName": "pariatur eiusmod elit",
    "freeformTags": {},
    "imageSourceDetails": {
        "sourceType": {
            "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
        "operatingSystem": {
            "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
        "operatingSystemVersion": {
            "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
        "sourceImageType": {
            "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    "instanceId": "consectetur adipisicing dolor",
    "launchMode": "NATIVE",
    "launchOptions": {
        "bootVolumeType": {
            "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
        "firmware": {
            "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
        "isConsistentVolumeNamingEnabled": {
            "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
        "isPvEncryptionInTransitEnabled": {
            "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
        "networkType": {
            "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
        "remoteDataVolumeType": {
            "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "CreateImage",
  "request": {
    "method": "POST",
    "header": [
        "description": "A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or\nserver error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24\nhours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (for example, if a resource\nhas been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request\nmay be rejected).\n",
        "key": "opc-retry-token",
        "value": "aliqua enim i"
        "key": "Content-Type",
        "value": "application/json"
        "key": "Date",
        "value": "{{date}}",
        "description": "(Required) Current Date",
        "type": "text"
        "key": "Authorization",
        "value": "{{signature}}",
        "description": "(Required) Signature Authentication on Authorization header",
        "type": "text"
        "key": "x-content-sha256",
        "value": "{{content_sha256}}",
        "description": "(Required) Content sha256 for POST, PUT and PATCH operations",
        "type": "text"
    "body": {
      "mode": "raw",
      "raw": "{\n    \"compartmentId\": \"AVAILABLE\",\n    \"definedTags\": {},\n    \"displayName\": \"pariatur eiusmod elit\",\n    \"freeformTags\": {},\n    \"imageSourceDetails\": {\n        \"sourceType\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        },\n        \"operatingSystem\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        },\n        \"operatingSystemVersion\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        },\n        \"sourceImageType\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        }\n    },\n    \"instanceId\": \"consectetur adipisicing dolor\",\n    \"launchMode\": \"NATIVE\",\n    \"launchOptions\": {\n        \"bootVolumeType\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        },\n        \"firmware\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        },\n        \"isConsistentVolumeNamingEnabled\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        },\n        \"isPvEncryptionInTransitEnabled\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        },\n        \"networkType\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        },\n        \"remoteDataVolumeType\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        }\n    }\n}"
    "url": {
      "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/images",
      "host": [
      "path": [
    "description": "Creates a boot disk image for the specified instance or imports an exported image from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage service.\n\nWhen creating a new image, you must provide the OCID of the instance you want to use as the basis for the image, and\nthe OCID of the compartment containing that instance. For more information about images,\nsee [Managing Custom Images](/iaas/Content/Compute/Tasks/managingcustomimages.htm).\n\nWhen importing an exported image from Object Storage, you specify the source information\nin [ImageSourceDetails](#/en/iaas/latest/requests/ImageSourceDetails).\n\nWhen importing an image based on the namespace, bucket name, and object name,\nuse [ImageSourceViaObjectStorageTupleDetails](#/en/iaas/latest/requests/ImageSourceViaObjectStorageTupleDetails).\n\nWhen importing an image based on the Object Storage URL, use\n[ImageSourceViaObjectStorageUriDetails](#/en/iaas/latest/requests/ImageSourceViaObjectStorageUriDetails).\nSee [Object Storage URLs](/iaas/Content/Compute/Tasks/imageimportexport.htm#URLs) and [Using Pre-Authenticated Requests](/iaas/Content/Object/Tasks/usingpreauthenticatedrequests.htm)\nfor constructing URLs for image import/export.\n\nFor more information about importing exported images, see\n[Image Import/Export](/iaas/Content/Compute/Tasks/imageimportexport.htm).\n\nYou may optionally specify a *display name* for the image, which is simply a friendly name or description.\nIt does not have to be unique, and you can change it. See [UpdateImage](#/en/iaas/latest/Image/UpdateImage).\nAvoid entering confidential information.\n"
  "response": [
      "name": "The image is being created.",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "POST",
        "header": [
            "description": "A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or\nserver error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24\nhours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (for example, if a resource\nhas been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request\nmay be rejected).\n",
            "key": "opc-retry-token",
            "value": "aliqua enim i"
        "body": {
          "mode": "raw",
          "raw": "{\n    \"compartmentId\": \"elit nisi pariatur\",\n    \"definedTags\": {},\n    \"displayName\": \"pariatur eiusmod elit\",\n    \"freeformTags\": {},\n    \"imageSourceDetails\": {\n        \"sourceType\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        },\n        \"operatingSystem\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        },\n        \"operatingSystemVersion\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        },\n        \"sourceImageType\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        }\n    },\n    \"instanceId\": \"consectetur adipisicing dolor\",\n    \"launchMode\": \"NATIVE\",\n    \"launchOptions\": {\n        \"bootVolumeType\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        },\n        \"firmware\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        },\n        \"isConsistentVolumeNamingEnabled\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        },\n        \"isPvEncryptionInTransitEnabled\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        },\n        \"networkType\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        },\n        \"remoteDataVolumeType\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        }\n    }\n}"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/images",
          "host": [
          "path": [
      "status": "OK",
      "code": 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
          "key": "etag",
          "value": "officia sed",
          "description": "For optimistic concurrency control. See `if-match`.\n"
          "key": "opc-request-id",
          "value": "officia sed",
          "description": "Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact\nOracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.\n"
          "key": "opc-work-request-id",
          "value": "officia sed",
          "description": "The [OCID](/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the work request. Use [GetWorkRequest](/api/#/en/workrequests/20160918/WorkRequest/GetWorkRequest)\nwith this ID to track the status of the request.\n"
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "application/json"
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n \"compartmentId\": \"dolor commodo in\",\n \"id\": \"eu dolor Duis dolore irure\",\n \"lifecycleState\": \"AVAILABLE\",\n \"timeCreated\": \"1985-05-13T06:46:51.335Z\",\n \"operatingSystem\": \"deserunt cillum elit\",\n \"operatingSystemVersion\": \"sint et mollit do\",\n \"createImageAllowed\": true,\n \"agentFeatures\": {\n  \"isManagementSupported\": {\n   \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n  },\n  \"isMonitoringSupported\": {\n   \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n  }\n },\n \"baseImageId\": \"cillum exercitation voluptate non ullamco\",\n \"billableSizeInGBs\": 16490567,\n \"definedTags\": {},\n \"displayName\": \"qui laborum ad\",\n \"freeformTags\": {},\n \"launchMode\": \"PARAVIRTUALIZED\",\n \"launchOptions\": {\n  \"bootVolumeType\": {\n   \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n  },\n  \"firmware\": {\n   \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n  },\n  \"isConsistentVolumeNamingEnabled\": {\n   \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n  },\n  \"isPvEncryptionInTransitEnabled\": {\n   \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n  },\n  \"networkType\": {\n   \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n  },\n  \"remoteDataVolumeType\": {\n   \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n  }\n },\n \"sizeInMBs\": 57090852\n}"
      "name": "Bad Request",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "POST",
        "header": [
            "description": "A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or\nserver error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24\nhours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (for example, if a resource\nhas been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request\nmay be rejected).\n",
            "key": "opc-retry-token",
            "value": "aliqua enim i"
        "body": {
          "mode": "raw",
          "raw": "{\n    \"compartmentId\": \"elit nisi pariatur\",\n    \"definedTags\": {},\n    \"displayName\": \"pariatur eiusmod elit\",\n    \"freeformTags\": {},\n    \"imageSourceDetails\": {\n        \"sourceType\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        },\n        \"operatingSystem\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        },\n        \"operatingSystemVersion\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        },\n        \"sourceImageType\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        }\n    },\n    \"instanceId\": \"consectetur adipisicing dolor\",\n    \"launchMode\": \"NATIVE\",\n    \"launchOptions\": {\n        \"bootVolumeType\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        },\n        \"firmware\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        },\n        \"isConsistentVolumeNamingEnabled\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        },\n        \"isPvEncryptionInTransitEnabled\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        },\n        \"networkType\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        },\n        \"remoteDataVolumeType\": {\n            \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n        }\n    }\n}"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/images",
          "host": [
          "path": [
      "status": "Bad Request",
      "code": 400,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
          "key": "opc-request-id",
          "value": "officia sed",
          "description": "Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact\nOracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.\n"
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "application/json"
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n \"code\": \"et exercitation Excepteur\",\n \"message\": \"irure sit\"\n}"
      "name": "Unauthorized",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "POST",
        "header": [
            "description": "A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or\nserver error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24\nhours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (for example, if a resource\nhas been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request\nmay be rejected).\n",
            "key": "opc-retry-token",
            "value": "aliqua enim i"
        "body": {
          "mode": "raw",
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            "description": "A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or\nserver error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24\nhours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (for example, if a resource\nhas been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request\nmay be rejected).\n",
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          "description": "Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact\nOracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.\n"
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      "body": "{\n \"code\": \"et exercitation Excepteur\",\n \"message\": \"irure sit\"\n}"
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          "key": "opc-request-id",
          "value": "officia sed",
          "description": "Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact\nOracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.\n"
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "application/json"
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n \"code\": \"et exercitation Excepteur\",\n \"message\": \"irure sit\"\n}"