Chilkat Online Tools

SQL Server / New FreshBooks / Update Expense with Receipt

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-- Important: See this note about string length limitations for strings returned by sp_OAMethod calls.
    DECLARE @hr int
    DECLARE @iTmp0 int
    -- Important: Do not use nvarchar(max).  See the warning about using nvarchar(max).
    DECLARE @sTmp0 nvarchar(4000)
    -- This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
    -- See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

    DECLARE @http int
    EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'Chilkat_9_5_0.Http', @http OUT
    IF @hr <> 0
        PRINT 'Failed to create ActiveX component'

    DECLARE @success int

    -- Use this online tool to generate code from sample JSON: Generate Code to Create JSON

    -- The following JSON is sent in the request body.

    -- {
    --   "expense": {
    --     "transactionid": null,
    --     "status": null,
    --     "has_receipt": false,
    --     "always_remember": false,
    --     "is_cogs": false,
    --     "account_name": null,
    --     "include_receipt": false,
    --     "amount": {
    --       "amount": "79.73",
    --       "code": "USD"
    --     },
    --     "notes": "Purchased Gasoline for deliveries",
    --     "vendor": "Shell Gas Station",
    --     "date": "2019-05-23",
    --     "staffid": 1,
    --     "author_name": null,
    --     "taxName1": "other tax",
    --     "taxName2": null,
    --     "taxAmount1": {
    --       "amount": "9.17",
    --       "code": "USD"
    --     },
    --     "taxPercent1": 13,
    --     "taxPercent2": null,
    --     "markup_percent": null,
    --     "invoiceid": null,
    --     "attachment": {
    --       "jwt": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2NvdW50Ijo0MjM2NDEwLCJvcmlnaW5hbF9maWxlbmFtZSI6IlNjcmVlbiBTaG90IDIwMTktMDQtMjQgYXQgOS4zOS4xOSBBTS5wbmciLCJidWNrZXQiOiJ1cGxvYWRzIiwiZmlsZW5hbWUiOiJ1cGxvYWQtMGU2ZDMwOWQ1ZTI5MzA3NmNhMGIyNDdkODFlOGJlNWE4NDZlZWE0YSIsImxlbmd0aCI6MTkxNDcyLCJrZXkiOiInZG9jcy0nLTQyMzY0MTAvdXBsb2FkLTBlNmQzMDlkNWUyOTMwNzZjYTBiMjQ3ZDgxZThiZTVhODQ2ZWVhNGEifQ.SOoW3_nTUrxjYO76g1UXHPIrO_aLbTpXCHEa-ZcnejA",
    --       "media_type": "image/png",
    --       "expenseid": null
    --     },
    --     "categoryid": "2003174",
    --     "clientid": null
    --   }
    -- }

    DECLARE @json int
    EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'Chilkat_9_5_0.JsonObject', @json OUT

    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateNull', @success OUT, 'expense.transactionid'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateNull', @success OUT, 'expense.status'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateBool', @success OUT, 'expense.has_receipt', 0
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateBool', @success OUT, 'expense.always_remember', 0
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateBool', @success OUT, 'expense.is_cogs', 0
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateNull', @success OUT, 'expense.account_name'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateBool', @success OUT, 'expense.include_receipt', 0
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'expense.amount.amount', '79.73'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'expense.amount.code', 'USD'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'expense.notes', 'Purchased Gasoline for deliveries'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'expense.vendor', 'Shell Gas Station'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, '', '2019-05-23'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateInt', @success OUT, 'expense.staffid', 1
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateNull', @success OUT, 'expense.author_name'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'expense.taxName1', 'other tax'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateNull', @success OUT, 'expense.taxName2'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'expense.taxAmount1.amount', '9.17'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'expense.taxAmount1.code', 'USD'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateInt', @success OUT, 'expense.taxPercent1', 13
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateNull', @success OUT, 'expense.taxPercent2'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateNull', @success OUT, 'expense.markup_percent'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateNull', @success OUT, 'expense.invoiceid'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'expense.attachment.jwt', 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2NvdW50Ijo0MjM2NDEwLCJvcmlnaW5hbF9maWxlbmFtZSI6IlNjcmVlbiBTaG90IDIwMTktMDQtMjQgYXQgOS4zOS4xOSBBTS5wbmciLCJidWNrZXQiOiJ1cGxvYWRzIiwiZmlsZW5hbWUiOiJ1cGxvYWQtMGU2ZDMwOWQ1ZTI5MzA3NmNhMGIyNDdkODFlOGJlNWE4NDZlZWE0YSIsImxlbmd0aCI6MTkxNDcyLCJrZXkiOiInZG9jcy0nLTQyMzY0MTAvdXBsb2FkLTBlNmQzMDlkNWUyOTMwNzZjYTBiMjQ3ZDgxZThiZTVhODQ2ZWVhNGEifQ.SOoW3_nTUrxjYO76g1UXHPIrO_aLbTpXCHEa-ZcnejA'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'expense.attachment.media_type', 'image/png'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateNull', @success OUT, 'expense.attachment.expenseid'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'expense.categoryid', '2003174'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateNull', @success OUT, 'expense.clientid'

    -- Adds the "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" header.
    EXEC sp_OASetProperty @http, 'AuthToken', '<access_token>'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @http, 'SetRequestHeader', NULL, 'Content-Type', 'application/json'

    DECLARE @sbRequestBody int
    EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'Chilkat_9_5_0.StringBuilder', @sbRequestBody OUT

    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'EmitSb', @success OUT, @sbRequestBody

    DECLARE @resp int
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @http, 'PTextSb', @resp OUT, 'PUT', '{{accountId}}/expenses/expenses/{{expenseId}}?include%5B%5D=attachment', @sbRequestBody, 'utf-8', 'application/json', 0, 0
    EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @http, 'LastMethodSuccess', @iTmp0 OUT
    IF @iTmp0 = 0
        EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @http, 'LastErrorText', @sTmp0 OUT
        PRINT @sTmp0
        EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @http
        EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @json
        EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @sbRequestBody

    EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @resp, 'StatusCode', @iTmp0 OUT
    PRINT @iTmp0
    EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @resp, 'BodyStr', @sTmp0 OUT
    PRINT @sTmp0
    EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @resp

    EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @http
    EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @json
    EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @sbRequestBody


Curl Command

curl -X PUT
	-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
	-H "Content-Type: application/json"
	-d '{
    "expense": {
        "transactionid": null,
        "status": null,
        "has_receipt": false,
        "always_remember": false,
        "is_cogs": false,
        "account_name": null,
        "include_receipt": false,
        "amount": {
            "amount": "79.73",
            "code": "USD"
        "notes": "Purchased Gasoline for deliveries",
        "vendor": "Shell Gas Station",
        "date": "2019-05-23",
        "staffid": 1,
        "author_name": null,
        "taxName1": "other tax",
        "taxName2": null,
        "taxAmount1": {
            "amount": "9.17",
            "code": "USD"
        "taxPercent1": 13,
        "taxPercent2": null,
        "markup_percent": null,
        "invoiceid": null,
        "attachment": {
            "jwt": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2NvdW50Ijo0MjM2NDEwLCJvcmlnaW5hbF9maWxlbmFtZSI6IlNjcmVlbiBTaG90IDIwMTktMDQtMjQgYXQgOS4zOS4xOSBBTS5wbmciLCJidWNrZXQiOiJ1cGxvYWRzIiwiZmlsZW5hbWUiOiJ1cGxvYWQtMGU2ZDMwOWQ1ZTI5MzA3NmNhMGIyNDdkODFlOGJlNWE4NDZlZWE0YSIsImxlbmd0aCI6MTkxNDcyLCJrZXkiOiInZG9jcy0nLTQyMzY0MTAvdXBsb2FkLTBlNmQzMDlkNWUyOTMwNzZjYTBiMjQ3ZDgxZThiZTVhODQ2ZWVhNGEifQ.SOoW3_nTUrxjYO76g1UXHPIrO_aLbTpXCHEa-ZcnejA",
            "media_type": "image/png",
            "expenseid": null
        "categoryid": "2003174",
        "clientid": null

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "Update Expense with Receipt",
  "request": {
    "method": "PUT",
    "header": [
        "key": "Content-Type",
        "name": "Content-Type",
        "type": "text",
        "value": "application/json"
    "body": {
      "mode": "raw",
      "raw": "{\n    \"expense\": {\n        \"transactionid\": null,\n        \"status\": null,\n        \"has_receipt\": false,\n        \"always_remember\": false,\n        \"is_cogs\": false,\n        \"account_name\": null,\n        \"include_receipt\": false,\n        \"amount\": {\n            \"amount\": \"79.73\",\n            \"code\": \"USD\"\n        },\n        \"notes\": \"Purchased Gasoline for deliveries\",\n        \"vendor\": \"Shell Gas Station\",\n        \"date\": \"2019-05-23\",\n        \"staffid\": 1,\n        \"author_name\": null,\n        \"taxName1\": \"other tax\",\n        \"taxName2\": null,\n        \"taxAmount1\": {\n            \"amount\": \"9.17\",\n            \"code\": \"USD\"\n        },\n        \"taxPercent1\": 13,\n        \"taxPercent2\": null,\n        \"markup_percent\": null,\n        \"invoiceid\": null,\n        \"attachment\": {\n            \"jwt\": \"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2NvdW50Ijo0MjM2NDEwLCJvcmlnaW5hbF9maWxlbmFtZSI6IlNjcmVlbiBTaG90IDIwMTktMDQtMjQgYXQgOS4zOS4xOSBBTS5wbmciLCJidWNrZXQiOiJ1cGxvYWRzIiwiZmlsZW5hbWUiOiJ1cGxvYWQtMGU2ZDMwOWQ1ZTI5MzA3NmNhMGIyNDdkODFlOGJlNWE4NDZlZWE0YSIsImxlbmd0aCI6MTkxNDcyLCJrZXkiOiInZG9jcy0nLTQyMzY0MTAvdXBsb2FkLTBlNmQzMDlkNWUyOTMwNzZjYTBiMjQ3ZDgxZThiZTVhODQ2ZWVhNGEifQ.SOoW3_nTUrxjYO76g1UXHPIrO_aLbTpXCHEa-ZcnejA\",\n            \"media_type\": \"image/png\",\n            \"expenseid\": null\n        },\n        \"categoryid\": \"2003174\",\n        \"clientid\": null\n    }\n}"
    "url": {
      "raw": "{{accountId}}/expenses/expenses/{{expenseId}}?include%5B%5D=attachment",
      "protocol": "https",
      "host": [
      "path": [
      "query": [
          "key": "include%5B%5D",
          "value": "attachment"
  "response": [