Chilkat Online Tools

Ruby / Salesforce Platform APIs / Get Most Recently Used List View Records

Back to Collection Items

require 'chilkat'

# This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
# See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

http =

# Adds the "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" header.

sbResponseBody =
success = http.QuickGetSb("{{version}}/ui-api/mru-list-records/:SOBJECT_API_NAME",sbResponseBody)
if (success == false)
    print http.lastErrorText() + "\n";

jResp =

print "Response Body:" + "\n";
print jResp.emit() + "\n";

respStatusCode = http.get_LastStatus()
print "Response Status Code = " + respStatusCode.to_s() + "\n";
if (respStatusCode >= 400)
    print "Response Header:" + "\n";
    print http.lastHeader() + "\n";
    print "Failed." + "\n";

# Sample JSON response:
# (Sample code for parsing the JSON response is shown below)

# {
#   "count": 4,
#   "currentPageToken": "0",
#   "currentPageUrl": "/services/data/v58.0/ui-api/mru-list-records/Account?pageSize=50&pageToken=0",
#   "fields": [
#   ],
#   "listInfoETag": "4c63719f66dbb57c7cb86c2effc5f08b",
#   "listReference": {
#     "id": null,
#     "listViewApiName": null,
#     "objectApiName": "Account",
#     "type": "mru"
#   },
#   "nextPageToken": null,
#   "nextPageUrl": null,
#   "optionalFields": [
#   ],
#   "pageSize": 50,
#   "previousPageToken": null,
#   "previousPageUrl": null,
#   "records": [
#     {
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#       "fields": {
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#           "displayValue": "09/05/2016 15:51",
#           "value": "2016-05-09T13:51:39.000Z"
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#           "displayValue": "06/10/2023 11:14",
#           "value": "2023-10-06T09:14:04.000Z"
#         },
#         "Name": {
#           "displayValue": null,
#           "value": "United Oil & Gas Corp."
#         },
#         "Owner": {
#           "displayValue": "Philippe Ozil",
#           "value": {
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#             "fields": {
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#                 "displayValue": "09/05/2016 15:51",
#                 "value": "2016-05-09T13:51:39.000Z"
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#               "LastModifiedById": {
#                 "displayValue": null,
#                 "value": "00558000000yFyDAAU"
#               },
#               "LastModifiedDate": {
#                 "displayValue": "06/10/2023 10:34",
#                 "value": "2023-10-06T08:34:22.000Z"
#               },
#               "Name": {
#                 "displayValue": null,
#                 "value": "Philippe Ozil"
#               },
#               "SystemModstamp": {
#                 "displayValue": "06/10/2023 10:34",
#                 "value": "2023-10-06T08:34:22.000Z"
#               }
#             },
#             "id": "00558000000yFyDAAU",
#             "lastModifiedById": "00558000000yFyDAAU",
#             "lastModifiedDate": "2023-10-06T08:34:22.000Z",
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#             "recordTypeInfo": null,
#             "systemModstamp": "2023-10-06T08:34:22.000Z",
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#         },
#         "OwnerId": {
#           "displayValue": null,
#           "value": "00558000000yFyDAAU"
#         },
#         "Phone": {
#           "displayValue": null,
#           "value": "(212) 842-5500"
#         },
#         "Site": {
#           "displayValue": null,
#           "value": null
#         },
#         "SystemModstamp": {
#           "displayValue": "06/10/2023 11:14",
#           "value": "2023-10-06T09:14:04.000Z"
#         }
#       },
#       "id": "00158000006QBOlAAO",
#       "lastModifiedById": "00558000000yFyDAAU",
#       "lastModifiedDate": "2023-10-06T09:14:04.000Z",
#       "recordTypeId": "012000000000000AAA",
#       "recordTypeInfo": null,
#       "systemModstamp": "2023-10-06T09:14:04.000Z",
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#     },
#     {
#       "apiName": "Account",
#       "childRelationships": {},
#       "eTag": "08edfcddd69a2afecdf0ebb41cb56796",
#       "fields": {
#         "CreatedDate": {
#           "displayValue": "09/05/2016 15:51",
#           "value": "2016-05-09T13:51:39.000Z"
#         },
#         "Id": {
#           "displayValue": null,
#           "value": "00158000006QBOiAAO"
#         },
#         "LastModifiedById": {
#           "displayValue": null,
#           "value": "00558000000yFyDAAU"
#         },
#         "LastModifiedDate": {
#           "displayValue": "11/05/2016 10:48",
#           "value": "2016-05-11T08:48:05.000Z"
#         },
#         "Name": {
#           "displayValue": null,
#           "value": "Pyramid Construction Inc."
#         },
#         "Owner": {
#           "displayValue": "Philippe Ozil",
#           "value": {
#             "apiName": "User",
#             "childRelationships": {},
#             "eTag": "a12d0b3adcc7691ad4ffd5dc82bd3276",
#             "fields": {
#               "Alias": {
#                 "displayValue": null,
#                 "value": "POzil"
#               },
#               "CreatedDate": {
#                 "displayValue": "09/05/2016 15:51",
#                 "value": "2016-05-09T13:51:39.000Z"
#               },
#               "Id": {
#                 "displayValue": null,
#                 "value": "00558000000yFyDAAU"
#               },
#               "LastModifiedById": {
#                 "displayValue": null,
#                 "value": "00558000000yFyDAAU"
#               },
#               "LastModifiedDate": {
#                 "displayValue": "06/10/2023 10:34",
#                 "value": "2023-10-06T08:34:22.000Z"
#               },
#               "Name": {
#                 "displayValue": null,
#                 "value": "Philippe Ozil"
#               },
#               "SystemModstamp": {
#                 "displayValue": "06/10/2023 10:34",
#                 "value": "2023-10-06T08:34:22.000Z"
#               }
#             },
#             "id": "00558000000yFyDAAU",
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#             "lastModifiedDate": "2023-10-06T08:34:22.000Z",
#             "recordTypeId": null,
#             "recordTypeInfo": null,
#             "systemModstamp": "2023-10-06T08:34:22.000Z",
#             "weakEtag": 1696581262000
#           }
#         },
#         "OwnerId": {
#           "displayValue": null,
#           "value": "00558000000yFyDAAU"
#         },
#         "Phone": {
#           "displayValue": null,
#           "value": "(014) 427-4427"
#         },
#         "Site": {
#           "displayValue": null,
#           "value": null
#         },
#         "SystemModstamp": {
#           "displayValue": "11/05/2016 10:48",
#           "value": "2016-05-11T08:48:05.000Z"
#         }
#       },
#       "id": "00158000006QBOiAAO",
#       "lastModifiedById": "00558000000yFyDAAU",
#       "lastModifiedDate": "2016-05-11T08:48:05.000Z",
#       "recordTypeId": "012000000000000AAA",
#       "recordTypeInfo": null,
#       "systemModstamp": "2016-05-11T08:48:05.000Z",
#       "weakEtag": 1462956485000
#     },
#     {
#       "apiName": "Account",
#       "childRelationships": {},
#       "eTag": "2e6480ff0176177161db7d13b49b6a70",
#       "fields": {
#         "CreatedDate": {
#           "displayValue": "27/02/2020 10:28",
#           "value": "2020-02-27T09:28:06.000Z"
#         },
#         "Id": {
#           "displayValue": null,
#           "value": "0014H00002LbR7QQAV"
#         },
#         "LastModifiedById": {
#           "displayValue": null,
#           "value": "00558000000yFyDAAU"
#         },
#         "LastModifiedDate": {
#           "displayValue": "04/10/2023 20:35",
#           "value": "2023-10-04T18:35:13.000Z"
#         },
#         "Name": {
#           "displayValue": null,
#           "value": "ABC Computing"
#         },
#         "Owner": {
#           "displayValue": "Philippe Ozil",
#           "value": {
#             "apiName": "User",
#             "childRelationships": {},
#             "eTag": "a12d0b3adcc7691ad4ffd5dc82bd3276",
#             "fields": {
#               "Alias": {
#                 "displayValue": null,
#                 "value": "POzil"
#               },
#               "CreatedDate": {
#                 "displayValue": "09/05/2016 15:51",
#                 "value": "2016-05-09T13:51:39.000Z"
#               },
#               "Id": {
#                 "displayValue": null,
#                 "value": "00558000000yFyDAAU"
#               },
#               "LastModifiedById": {
#                 "displayValue": null,
#                 "value": "00558000000yFyDAAU"
#               },
#               "LastModifiedDate": {
#                 "displayValue": "06/10/2023 10:34",
#                 "value": "2023-10-06T08:34:22.000Z"
#               },
#               "Name": {
#                 "displayValue": null,
#                 "value": "Philippe Ozil"
#               },
#               "SystemModstamp": {
#                 "displayValue": "06/10/2023 10:34",
#                 "value": "2023-10-06T08:34:22.000Z"
#               }
#             },
#             "id": "00558000000yFyDAAU",
#             "lastModifiedById": "00558000000yFyDAAU",
#             "lastModifiedDate": "2023-10-06T08:34:22.000Z",
#             "recordTypeId": null,
#             "recordTypeInfo": null,
#             "systemModstamp": "2023-10-06T08:34:22.000Z",
#             "weakEtag": 1696581262000
#           }
#         },
#         "OwnerId": {
#           "displayValue": null,
#           "value": "00558000000yFyDAAU"
#         },
#         "Phone": {
#           "displayValue": null,
#           "value": "123123123"
#         },
#         "Site": {
#           "displayValue": null,
#           "value": null
#         },
#         "SystemModstamp": {
#           "displayValue": "04/10/2023 20:35",
#           "value": "2023-10-04T18:35:13.000Z"
#         }
#       },
#       "id": "0014H00002LbR7QQAV",
#       "lastModifiedById": "00558000000yFyDAAU",
#       "lastModifiedDate": "2023-10-04T18:35:13.000Z",
#       "recordTypeId": "012000000000000AAA",
#       "recordTypeInfo": null,
#       "systemModstamp": "2023-10-04T18:35:13.000Z",
#       "weakEtag": 1696444513000
#     },
#     {
#       "apiName": "Account",
#       "childRelationships": {},
#       "eTag": "5577bcfb6590f3f00dfa044865276944",
#       "fields": {
#         "CreatedDate": {
#           "displayValue": "14/09/2023 00:04",
#           "value": "2023-09-13T22:04:24.000Z"
#         },
#         "Id": {
#           "displayValue": null,
#           "value": "0014H00004GXwPnQAL"
#         },
#         "LastModifiedById": {
#           "displayValue": null,
#           "value": "00558000000yFyDAAU"
#         },
#         "LastModifiedDate": {
#           "displayValue": "14/09/2023 00:04",
#           "value": "2023-09-13T22:04:24.000Z"
#         },
#         "Name": {
#           "displayValue": null,
#           "value": "test"
#         },
#         "Owner": {
#           "displayValue": "Philippe Ozil",
#           "value": {
#             "apiName": "User",
#             "childRelationships": {},
#             "eTag": "a12d0b3adcc7691ad4ffd5dc82bd3276",
#             "fields": {
#               "Alias": {
#                 "displayValue": null,
#                 "value": "POzil"
#               },
#               "CreatedDate": {
#                 "displayValue": "09/05/2016 15:51",
#                 "value": "2016-05-09T13:51:39.000Z"
#               },
#               "Id": {
#                 "displayValue": null,
#                 "value": "00558000000yFyDAAU"
#               },
#               "LastModifiedById": {
#                 "displayValue": null,
#                 "value": "00558000000yFyDAAU"
#               },
#               "LastModifiedDate": {
#                 "displayValue": "06/10/2023 10:34",
#                 "value": "2023-10-06T08:34:22.000Z"
#               },
#               "Name": {
#                 "displayValue": null,
#                 "value": "Philippe Ozil"
#               },
#               "SystemModstamp": {
#                 "displayValue": "06/10/2023 10:34",
#                 "value": "2023-10-06T08:34:22.000Z"
#               }
#             },
#             "id": "00558000000yFyDAAU",
#             "lastModifiedById": "00558000000yFyDAAU",
#             "lastModifiedDate": "2023-10-06T08:34:22.000Z",
#             "recordTypeId": null,
#             "recordTypeInfo": null,
#             "systemModstamp": "2023-10-06T08:34:22.000Z",
#             "weakEtag": 1696581262000
#           }
#         },
#         "OwnerId": {
#           "displayValue": null,
#           "value": "00558000000yFyDAAU"
#         },
#         "Phone": {
#           "displayValue": null,
#           "value": null
#         },
#         "Site": {
#           "displayValue": null,
#           "value": null
#         },
#         "SystemModstamp": {
#           "displayValue": "14/09/2023 00:04",
#           "value": "2023-09-13T22:04:24.000Z"
#         }
#       },
#       "id": "0014H00004GXwPnQAL",
#       "lastModifiedById": "00558000000yFyDAAU",
#       "lastModifiedDate": "2023-09-13T22:04:24.000Z",
#       "recordTypeId": "012000000000000AAA",
#       "recordTypeInfo": null,
#       "systemModstamp": "2023-09-13T22:04:24.000Z",
#       "weakEtag": 1694642664000
#     }
#   ],
#   "sortBy": null
# }

# Sample code for parsing the JSON response...
# Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: Generate JSON Parsing Code

count = jResp.IntOf("count")
currentPageToken = jResp.stringOf("currentPageToken")
currentPageUrl = jResp.stringOf("currentPageUrl")
listInfoETag = jResp.stringOf("listInfoETag")
Id = jResp.stringOf("")
ListViewApiName = jResp.stringOf("listReference.listViewApiName")
ObjectApiName = jResp.stringOf("listReference.objectApiName")
v_Type = jResp.stringOf("listReference.type")
nextPageToken = jResp.stringOf("nextPageToken")
nextPageUrl = jResp.stringOf("nextPageUrl")
pageSize = jResp.IntOf("pageSize")
previousPageToken = jResp.stringOf("previousPageToken")
previousPageUrl = jResp.stringOf("previousPageUrl")
sortBy = jResp.stringOf("sortBy")
i = 0
count_i = jResp.SizeOfArray("fields")
while i < count_i
    i = i + 1
i = 0
count_i = jResp.SizeOfArray("optionalFields")
while i < count_i
    i = i + 1
i = 0
count_i = jResp.SizeOfArray("records")
while i < count_i
    apiName = jResp.stringOf("records[i].apiName")
    eTag = jResp.stringOf("records[i].eTag")
    DisplayValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.CreatedDate.displayValue")
    Value = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.CreatedDate.value")
    IdDisplayValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Id.displayValue")
    IdValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Id.value")
    LastModifiedByIdDisplayValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.LastModifiedById.displayValue")
    LastModifiedByIdValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.LastModifiedById.value")
    LastModifiedDateDisplayValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.LastModifiedDate.displayValue")
    LastModifiedDateValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.LastModifiedDate.value")
    NameDisplayValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Name.displayValue")
    NameValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Name.value")
    OwnerDisplayValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Owner.displayValue")
    ApiName = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Owner.value.apiName")
    ETag = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Owner.value.eTag")
    AliasDisplayValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Owner.value.fields.Alias.displayValue")
    AliasValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Owner.value.fields.Alias.value")
    CreatedDateDisplayValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Owner.value.fields.CreatedDate.displayValue")
    CreatedDateValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Owner.value.fields.CreatedDate.value")
    IdDisplayValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Owner.value.fields.Id.displayValue")
    IdValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Owner.value.fields.Id.value")
    LastModifiedByIdDisplayValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Owner.value.fields.LastModifiedById.displayValue")
    LastModifiedByIdValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Owner.value.fields.LastModifiedById.value")
    LastModifiedDateDisplayValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Owner.value.fields.LastModifiedDate.displayValue")
    LastModifiedDateValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Owner.value.fields.LastModifiedDate.value")
    NameDisplayValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Owner.value.fields.Name.displayValue")
    NameValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Owner.value.fields.Name.value")
    SystemModstampDisplayValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Owner.value.fields.SystemModstamp.displayValue")
    SystemModstampValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Owner.value.fields.SystemModstamp.value")
    ValueId = jResp.stringOf("records[i]")
    LastModifiedById = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Owner.value.lastModifiedById")
    LastModifiedDate = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Owner.value.lastModifiedDate")
    RecordTypeId = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Owner.value.recordTypeId")
    RecordTypeInfo = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Owner.value.recordTypeInfo")
    SystemModstamp = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Owner.value.systemModstamp")
    WeakEtag = jResp.IntOf("records[i].fields.Owner.value.weakEtag")
    OwnerIdDisplayValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.OwnerId.displayValue")
    OwnerIdValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.OwnerId.value")
    PhoneDisplayValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Phone.displayValue")
    PhoneValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Phone.value")
    SiteDisplayValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Site.displayValue")
    SiteValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.Site.value")
    SystemModstampDisplayValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.SystemModstamp.displayValue")
    SystemModstampValue = jResp.stringOf("records[i].fields.SystemModstamp.value")
    id = jResp.stringOf("records[i].id")
    lastModifiedById = jResp.stringOf("records[i].lastModifiedById")
    lastModifiedDate = jResp.stringOf("records[i].lastModifiedDate")
    recordTypeId = jResp.stringOf("records[i].recordTypeId")
    recordTypeInfo = jResp.stringOf("records[i].recordTypeInfo")
    systemModstamp = jResp.stringOf("records[i].systemModstamp")
    weakEtag = jResp.IntOf("records[i].weakEtag")
    i = i + 1

Curl Command

curl -X GET
	-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"{{version}}/ui-api/mru-list-records/:SOBJECT_API_NAME

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "Get Most Recently Used List View Records",
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      "host": [
      "path": [
      "variable": [
          "key": "SOBJECT_API_NAME",
          "value": "",
          "description": "Object API name"
    "description": "Returns record data for an object’s most recently used (MRU) list view."
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      "name": "Get Most Recently Used List View Records",
      "originalRequest": {
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