Python / Zoom API / Enable SIP phone
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import sys
import chilkat
# This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
# See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.
http = chilkat.CkHttp()
req = chilkat.CkHttpRequest()
req.AddParam("domain","enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minim")
req.AddParam("register_server","enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsum")
req.AddParam("proxy_server","enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officia")
req.AddParam("user_name","enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officiaipsum non sunt in")
req.AddParam("password","enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officiaipsum non sunt inipsum pariatur do")
req.AddParam("authorization_name","enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officiaipsum non sunt inipsum pariatur doculpa esse elit aliquip")
req.AddParam("user_email","enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officiaipsum non sunt inipsum pariatur doculpa esse elit aliquipQeCAO@apAzxdTgbybZeD.ptfm")
req.AddParam("voice_mail","enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officiaipsum non sunt inipsum pariatur doculpa esse elit aliquipQeCAO@apAzxdTgbybZeD.ptfmsit proident ut exercitation")
req.AddParam("transport_protocol","enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officiaipsum non sunt inipsum pariatur doculpa esse elit aliquipQeCAO@apAzxdTgbybZeD.ptfmsit proident ut exercitationTCP")
req.AddParam("register_server2","enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officiaipsum non sunt inipsum pariatur doculpa esse elit aliquipQeCAO@apAzxdTgbybZeD.ptfmsit proident ut exercitationTCPcupidatat commodo ad enim")
req.AddParam("transport_protocol2","enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officiaipsum non sunt inipsum pariatur doculpa esse elit aliquipQeCAO@apAzxdTgbybZeD.ptfmsit proident ut exercitationTCPcupidatat commodo ad enimAUTO")
req.AddParam("proxy_server2","enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officiaipsum non sunt inipsum pariatur doculpa esse elit aliquipQeCAO@apAzxdTgbybZeD.ptfmsit proident ut exercitationTCPcupidatat commodo ad enimAUTOid do")
req.AddParam("register_server3","enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officiaipsum non sunt inipsum pariatur doculpa esse elit aliquipQeCAO@apAzxdTgbybZeD.ptfmsit proident ut exercitationTCPcupidatat commodo ad enimAUTOid dooccaeca")
req.AddParam("transport_protocol3","enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officiaipsum non sunt inipsum pariatur doculpa esse elit aliquipQeCAO@apAzxdTgbybZeD.ptfmsit proident ut exercitationTCPcupidatat commodo ad enimAUTOid dooccaecaUDP")
req.AddParam("proxy_server3","enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officiaipsum non sunt inipsum pariatur doculpa esse elit aliquipQeCAO@apAzxdTgbybZeD.ptfmsit proident ut exercitationTCPcupidatat commodo ad enimAUTOid dooccaecaUDPsint aute")
req.AddParam("registration_expire_time","enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officiaipsum non sunt inipsum pariatur doculpa esse elit aliquipQeCAO@apAzxdTgbybZeD.ptfmsit proident ut exercitationTCPcupidatat commodo ad enimAUTOid dooccaecaUDPsint aute60")
req.AddHeader("Authorization","Bearer <access_token>")
# resp is a CkHttpResponse
resp = http.SynchronousRequest("",443,True,req)
if (http.get_LastMethodSuccess() == False):
Curl Command
curl -X POST
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data"
--form 'domain=enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minim'
--form 'register_server=enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsum'
--form 'proxy_server=enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officia'
--form 'user_name=enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officiaipsum non sunt in'
--form 'password=enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officiaipsum non sunt inipsum pariatur do'
--form 'authorization_name=enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officiaipsum non sunt inipsum pariatur doculpa esse elit aliquip'
--form 'user_email=enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officiaipsum non sunt inipsum pariatur doculpa esse elit aliquipQeCAO@apAzxdTgbybZeD.ptfm'
--form 'voice_mail=enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officiaipsum non sunt inipsum pariatur doculpa esse elit aliquipQeCAO@apAzxdTgbybZeD.ptfmsit proident ut exercitation'
--form 'transport_protocol=enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officiaipsum non sunt inipsum pariatur doculpa esse elit aliquipQeCAO@apAzxdTgbybZeD.ptfmsit proident ut exercitationTCP'
--form 'register_server2=enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officiaipsum non sunt inipsum pariatur doculpa esse elit aliquipQeCAO@apAzxdTgbybZeD.ptfmsit proident ut exercitationTCPcupidatat commodo ad enim'
--form 'transport_protocol2=enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officiaipsum non sunt inipsum pariatur doculpa esse elit aliquipQeCAO@apAzxdTgbybZeD.ptfmsit proident ut exercitationTCPcupidatat commodo ad enimAUTO'
--form 'proxy_server2=enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officiaipsum non sunt inipsum pariatur doculpa esse elit aliquipQeCAO@apAzxdTgbybZeD.ptfmsit proident ut exercitationTCPcupidatat commodo ad enimAUTOid do'
--form 'register_server3=enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officiaipsum non sunt inipsum pariatur doculpa esse elit aliquipQeCAO@apAzxdTgbybZeD.ptfmsit proident ut exercitationTCPcupidatat commodo ad enimAUTOid dooccaeca'
--form 'transport_protocol3=enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officiaipsum non sunt inipsum pariatur doculpa esse elit aliquipQeCAO@apAzxdTgbybZeD.ptfmsit proident ut exercitationTCPcupidatat commodo ad enimAUTOid dooccaecaUDP'
--form 'proxy_server3=enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officiaipsum non sunt inipsum pariatur doculpa esse elit aliquipQeCAO@apAzxdTgbybZeD.ptfmsit proident ut exercitationTCPcupidatat commodo ad enimAUTOid dooccaecaUDPsint aute'
--form 'registration_expire_time=enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minimquis eu Ut ipsumdolor aliquip ipsum in officiaipsum non sunt inipsum pariatur doculpa esse elit aliquipQeCAO@apAzxdTgbybZeD.ptfmsit proident ut exercitationTCPcupidatat commodo ad enimAUTOid dooccaecaUDPsint aute60'
Postman Collection Item JSON
"name": "Enable SIP phone",
"request": {
"auth": {
"type": "oauth2"
"method": "POST",
"header": [
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "multipart/form-data"
"body": {
"mode": "formdata",
"formdata": [
"key": "domain",
"value": "enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minim",
"description": "(Required) The name or IP address of your provider’s SIP domain. (example: CDC.WEB).",
"type": "text"
"key": "register_server",
"value": "quis eu Ut ipsum",
"description": "(Required) IP address of the server that accepts REGISTER requests. Note that if you are using the UDP transport protocol, the default port is 5060. If you are using UDP with a different port number, that port number must be included with the IP address.",
"type": "text"
"key": "proxy_server",
"value": "dolor aliquip ipsum in officia",
"description": "(Required) IP address of the proxy server for SIP requests. Note that if you are using the UDP transport protocol, the default port is 5060. If you are using UDP with a different port number, that port number must be included with the IP address. If you are not using a proxy server, this value can be the same as the Register Server.",
"type": "text"
"key": "user_name",
"value": "ipsum non sunt in",
"description": "(Required) The phone number associated with the user in the SIP account.",
"type": "text"
"key": "password",
"value": "ipsum pariatur do",
"description": "(Required) The password generated for the user in the SIP account.",
"type": "text"
"key": "authorization_name",
"value": "culpa esse elit aliquip",
"description": "(Required) Authorization name of the user registered for SIP Phone.",
"type": "text"
"key": "user_email",
"value": "QeCAO@apAzxdTgbybZeD.ptfm",
"description": "(Required) The email address of the user to associate with the SIP Phone. Can add `.win`, `.mac`, `.android`, `.ipad`, `.iphone`, `.linux`, `.pc`, `.mobile`, `.pad` at the end of the email (for example, ``) to add accounts for different platforms for the same user.",
"type": "text"
"key": "voice_mail",
"value": "sit proident ut exercitation",
"description": "(Required) The number to dial for checking voicemail.",
"type": "text"
"key": "transport_protocol",
"value": "TCP",
"description": "Protocols supported by the SIP provider.<br> The value must be either `UDP`, `TCP`, `TLS`, `AUTO`. (This can only be one of UDP,TCP,TLS,AUTO)",
"type": "text"
"key": "register_server2",
"value": "cupidatat commodo ad enim",
"description": "IP address of the server that accepts REGISTER requests. Note that if you are using the UDP transport protocol, the default port is 5060. If you are using UDP with a different port number, that port number must be included with the IP address.",
"type": "text"
"key": "transport_protocol2",
"value": "AUTO",
"description": "Protocols supported by the SIP provider.<br> The value must be either `UDP`, `TCP`, `TLS`, `AUTO`. (This can only be one of UDP,TCP,TLS,AUTO)",
"type": "text"
"key": "proxy_server2",
"value": "id do",
"description": "IP address of the proxy server for SIP requests. Note that if you are using the UDP transport protocol, the default port is 5060. If you are using UDP with a different port number, that port number must be included with the IP address. If you are not using a proxy server, this value can be the same as the Register Server, or empty.",
"type": "text"
"key": "register_server3",
"value": "occaeca",
"description": "IP address of the server that accepts REGISTER requests. Note that if you are using the UDP transport protocol, the default port is 5060. If you are using UDP with a different port number, that port number must be included with the IP address.",
"type": "text"
"key": "transport_protocol3",
"value": "UDP",
"description": "Protocols supported by the SIP provider.<br> The value must be either `UDP`, `TCP`, `TLS`, `AUTO`. (This can only be one of UDP,TCP,TLS,AUTO)",
"type": "text"
"key": "proxy_server3",
"value": "sint aute",
"description": "IP address of the proxy server for SIP requests. Note that if you are using the UDP transport protocol, the default port is 5060. If you are using UDP with a different port number, that port number must be included with the IP address. If you are not using a proxy server, this value can be the same as the Register Server, or empty.",
"type": "text"
"key": "registration_expire_time",
"value": "60",
"description": "The number of minutes after which the SIP registration of the Zoom client user will expire, and the client will auto register to the SIP server.",
"type": "text"
"url": {
"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/sip_phones",
"host": [
"path": [
"description": "Zoom’s Phone System Integration (PSI), also referred as SIP phones, enables an organization to leverage the Zoom client to complete a softphone registration to supported premise based PBX system. End users will have the ability to have softphone functionality within a single client while maintaining a comparable interface to Zoom Phone. Use this API to enable a user to use SIP phone.<br><br>\n**Prerequisites**:\n* Currently only supported on Cisco and Avaya PBX systems. \n* The account owner or account admin must first enable SIP Phone Integration by contacting the [Sales]( team.<br> **Scope:** `sip_phone:write:admin`\n<br> \n **[Rate Limit Label](** `Light`\n\n"
"response": [
"name": "**HTTP Status Code:** `201`<br>\nSIP Phone Created.\n",
"originalRequest": {
"method": "POST",
"header": [
"description": "Added as a part of security scheme: oauth2",
"key": "Authorization",
"value": "<token>"
"body": {
"mode": "formdata",
"formdata": [
"key": "domain",
"value": "enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minim",
"description": "(Required) The name or IP address of your provider’s SIP domain. (example: CDC.WEB).",
"type": "text"
"key": "register_server",
"value": "quis eu Ut ipsum",
"description": "(Required) IP address of the server that accepts REGISTER requests. Note that if you are using the UDP transport protocol, the default port is 5060. If you are using UDP with a different port number, that port number must be included with the IP address.",
"type": "text"
"key": "proxy_server",
"value": "dolor aliquip ipsum in officia",
"description": "(Required) IP address of the proxy server for SIP requests. Note that if you are using the UDP transport protocol, the default port is 5060. If you are using UDP with a different port number, that port number must be included with the IP address. If you are not using a proxy server, this value can be the same as the Register Server.",
"type": "text"
"key": "user_name",
"value": "ipsum non sunt in",
"description": "(Required) The phone number associated with the user in the SIP account.",
"type": "text"
"key": "password",
"value": "ipsum pariatur do",
"description": "(Required) The password generated for the user in the SIP account.",
"type": "text"
"key": "authorization_name",
"value": "culpa esse elit aliquip",
"description": "(Required) Authorization name of the user registered for SIP Phone.",
"type": "text"
"key": "user_email",
"value": "QeCAO@apAzxdTgbybZeD.ptfm",
"description": "(Required) The email address of the user to associate with the SIP Phone. Can add `.win`, `.mac`, `.android`, `.ipad`, `.iphone`, `.linux`, `.pc`, `.mobile`, `.pad` at the end of the email (for example, ``) to add accounts for different platforms for the same user.",
"type": "text"
"key": "voice_mail",
"value": "sit proident ut exercitation",
"description": "(Required) The number to dial for checking voicemail.",
"type": "text"
"key": "transport_protocol",
"value": "TCP",
"description": "Protocols supported by the SIP provider.<br> The value must be either `UDP`, `TCP`, `TLS`, `AUTO`. (This can only be one of UDP,TCP,TLS,AUTO)",
"type": "text"
"key": "register_server2",
"value": "cupidatat commodo ad enim",
"description": "IP address of the server that accepts REGISTER requests. Note that if you are using the UDP transport protocol, the default port is 5060. If you are using UDP with a different port number, that port number must be included with the IP address.",
"type": "text"
"key": "transport_protocol2",
"value": "AUTO",
"description": "Protocols supported by the SIP provider.<br> The value must be either `UDP`, `TCP`, `TLS`, `AUTO`. (This can only be one of UDP,TCP,TLS,AUTO)",
"type": "text"
"key": "proxy_server2",
"value": "id do",
"description": "IP address of the proxy server for SIP requests. Note that if you are using the UDP transport protocol, the default port is 5060. If you are using UDP with a different port number, that port number must be included with the IP address. If you are not using a proxy server, this value can be the same as the Register Server, or empty.",
"type": "text"
"key": "register_server3",
"value": "occaeca",
"description": "IP address of the server that accepts REGISTER requests. Note that if you are using the UDP transport protocol, the default port is 5060. If you are using UDP with a different port number, that port number must be included with the IP address.",
"type": "text"
"key": "transport_protocol3",
"value": "UDP",
"description": "Protocols supported by the SIP provider.<br> The value must be either `UDP`, `TCP`, `TLS`, `AUTO`. (This can only be one of UDP,TCP,TLS,AUTO)",
"type": "text"
"key": "proxy_server3",
"value": "sint aute",
"description": "IP address of the proxy server for SIP requests. Note that if you are using the UDP transport protocol, the default port is 5060. If you are using UDP with a different port number, that port number must be included with the IP address. If you are not using a proxy server, this value can be the same as the Register Server, or empty.",
"type": "text"
"key": "registration_expire_time",
"value": "60",
"description": "The number of minutes after which the SIP registration of the Zoom client user will expire, and the client will auto register to the SIP server.",
"type": "text"
"url": {
"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/sip_phones",
"host": [
"path": [
"status": "Created",
"code": 201,
"_postman_previewlanguage": "text",
"header": [
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "text/plain"
"cookie": [
"body": ""
"name": "**HTTP Status Code:** `400`<br>\nBad request.<br>\n**Error Code:** `200`<br> Permission missing: Enable SIP Phone Integration by contacting a Zoom Admin first.<br>\n**Error Code:** `300`<br>SIP Phone with the same email already exists.\n\n\n",
"originalRequest": {
"method": "POST",
"header": [
"description": "Added as a part of security scheme: oauth2",
"key": "Authorization",
"value": "<token>"
"body": {
"mode": "formdata",
"formdata": [
"key": "domain",
"value": "enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minim",
"description": "(Required) The name or IP address of your provider’s SIP domain. (example: CDC.WEB).",
"type": "text"
"key": "register_server",
"value": "quis eu Ut ipsum",
"description": "(Required) IP address of the server that accepts REGISTER requests. Note that if you are using the UDP transport protocol, the default port is 5060. If you are using UDP with a different port number, that port number must be included with the IP address.",
"type": "text"
"key": "proxy_server",
"value": "dolor aliquip ipsum in officia",
"description": "(Required) IP address of the proxy server for SIP requests. Note that if you are using the UDP transport protocol, the default port is 5060. If you are using UDP with a different port number, that port number must be included with the IP address. If you are not using a proxy server, this value can be the same as the Register Server.",
"type": "text"
"key": "user_name",
"value": "ipsum non sunt in",
"description": "(Required) The phone number associated with the user in the SIP account.",
"type": "text"
"key": "password",
"value": "ipsum pariatur do",
"description": "(Required) The password generated for the user in the SIP account.",
"type": "text"
"key": "authorization_name",
"value": "culpa esse elit aliquip",
"description": "(Required) Authorization name of the user registered for SIP Phone.",
"type": "text"
"key": "user_email",
"value": "QeCAO@apAzxdTgbybZeD.ptfm",
"description": "(Required) The email address of the user to associate with the SIP Phone. Can add `.win`, `.mac`, `.android`, `.ipad`, `.iphone`, `.linux`, `.pc`, `.mobile`, `.pad` at the end of the email (for example, ``) to add accounts for different platforms for the same user.",
"type": "text"
"key": "voice_mail",
"value": "sit proident ut exercitation",
"description": "(Required) The number to dial for checking voicemail.",
"type": "text"
"key": "transport_protocol",
"value": "TCP",
"description": "Protocols supported by the SIP provider.<br> The value must be either `UDP`, `TCP`, `TLS`, `AUTO`. (This can only be one of UDP,TCP,TLS,AUTO)",
"type": "text"
"key": "register_server2",
"value": "cupidatat commodo ad enim",
"description": "IP address of the server that accepts REGISTER requests. Note that if you are using the UDP transport protocol, the default port is 5060. If you are using UDP with a different port number, that port number must be included with the IP address.",
"type": "text"
"key": "transport_protocol2",
"value": "AUTO",
"description": "Protocols supported by the SIP provider.<br> The value must be either `UDP`, `TCP`, `TLS`, `AUTO`. (This can only be one of UDP,TCP,TLS,AUTO)",
"type": "text"
"key": "proxy_server2",
"value": "id do",
"description": "IP address of the proxy server for SIP requests. Note that if you are using the UDP transport protocol, the default port is 5060. If you are using UDP with a different port number, that port number must be included with the IP address. If you are not using a proxy server, this value can be the same as the Register Server, or empty.",
"type": "text"
"key": "register_server3",
"value": "occaeca",
"description": "IP address of the server that accepts REGISTER requests. Note that if you are using the UDP transport protocol, the default port is 5060. If you are using UDP with a different port number, that port number must be included with the IP address.",
"type": "text"
"key": "transport_protocol3",
"value": "UDP",
"description": "Protocols supported by the SIP provider.<br> The value must be either `UDP`, `TCP`, `TLS`, `AUTO`. (This can only be one of UDP,TCP,TLS,AUTO)",
"type": "text"
"key": "proxy_server3",
"value": "sint aute",
"description": "IP address of the proxy server for SIP requests. Note that if you are using the UDP transport protocol, the default port is 5060. If you are using UDP with a different port number, that port number must be included with the IP address. If you are not using a proxy server, this value can be the same as the Register Server, or empty.",
"type": "text"
"key": "registration_expire_time",
"value": "60",
"description": "The number of minutes after which the SIP registration of the Zoom client user will expire, and the client will auto register to the SIP server.",
"type": "text"
"url": {
"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/sip_phones",
"host": [
"path": [
"status": "Bad Request",
"code": 400,
"_postman_previewlanguage": "text",
"header": [
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "text/plain"
"cookie": [
"body": ""
"name": "**HTTP Status Code:** `404`<br>\n**Error Code:** `1001`<br> User {userId} not exist or not belong to this account.\n\n\n",
"originalRequest": {
"method": "POST",
"header": [
"description": "Added as a part of security scheme: oauth2",
"key": "Authorization",
"value": "<token>"
"body": {
"mode": "formdata",
"formdata": [
"key": "domain",
"value": "enim adipisicing sunt nostrud minim",
"description": "(Required) The name or IP address of your provider’s SIP domain. (example: CDC.WEB).",
"type": "text"
"key": "register_server",
"value": "quis eu Ut ipsum",
"description": "(Required) IP address of the server that accepts REGISTER requests. Note that if you are using the UDP transport protocol, the default port is 5060. If you are using UDP with a different port number, that port number must be included with the IP address.",
"type": "text"
"key": "proxy_server",
"value": "dolor aliquip ipsum in officia",
"description": "(Required) IP address of the proxy server for SIP requests. Note that if you are using the UDP transport protocol, the default port is 5060. If you are using UDP with a different port number, that port number must be included with the IP address. If you are not using a proxy server, this value can be the same as the Register Server.",
"type": "text"
"key": "user_name",
"value": "ipsum non sunt in",
"description": "(Required) The phone number associated with the user in the SIP account.",
"type": "text"
"key": "password",
"value": "ipsum pariatur do",
"description": "(Required) The password generated for the user in the SIP account.",
"type": "text"
"key": "authorization_name",
"value": "culpa esse elit aliquip",
"description": "(Required) Authorization name of the user registered for SIP Phone.",
"type": "text"
"key": "user_email",
"value": "QeCAO@apAzxdTgbybZeD.ptfm",
"description": "(Required) The email address of the user to associate with the SIP Phone. Can add `.win`, `.mac`, `.android`, `.ipad`, `.iphone`, `.linux`, `.pc`, `.mobile`, `.pad` at the end of the email (for example, ``) to add accounts for different platforms for the same user.",
"type": "text"
"key": "voice_mail",
"value": "sit proident ut exercitation",
"description": "(Required) The number to dial for checking voicemail.",
"type": "text"
"key": "transport_protocol",
"value": "TCP",
"description": "Protocols supported by the SIP provider.<br> The value must be either `UDP`, `TCP`, `TLS`, `AUTO`. (This can only be one of UDP,TCP,TLS,AUTO)",
"type": "text"
"key": "register_server2",
"value": "cupidatat commodo ad enim",
"description": "IP address of the server that accepts REGISTER requests. Note that if you are using the UDP transport protocol, the default port is 5060. If you are using UDP with a different port number, that port number must be included with the IP address.",
"type": "text"
"key": "transport_protocol2",
"value": "AUTO",
"description": "Protocols supported by the SIP provider.<br> The value must be either `UDP`, `TCP`, `TLS`, `AUTO`. (This can only be one of UDP,TCP,TLS,AUTO)",
"type": "text"
"key": "proxy_server2",
"value": "id do",
"description": "IP address of the proxy server for SIP requests. Note that if you are using the UDP transport protocol, the default port is 5060. If you are using UDP with a different port number, that port number must be included with the IP address. If you are not using a proxy server, this value can be the same as the Register Server, or empty.",
"type": "text"
"key": "register_server3",
"value": "occaeca",
"description": "IP address of the server that accepts REGISTER requests. Note that if you are using the UDP transport protocol, the default port is 5060. If you are using UDP with a different port number, that port number must be included with the IP address.",
"type": "text"
"key": "transport_protocol3",
"value": "UDP",
"description": "Protocols supported by the SIP provider.<br> The value must be either `UDP`, `TCP`, `TLS`, `AUTO`. (This can only be one of UDP,TCP,TLS,AUTO)",
"type": "text"
"key": "proxy_server3",
"value": "sint aute",
"description": "IP address of the proxy server for SIP requests. Note that if you are using the UDP transport protocol, the default port is 5060. If you are using UDP with a different port number, that port number must be included with the IP address. If you are not using a proxy server, this value can be the same as the Register Server, or empty.",
"type": "text"
"key": "registration_expire_time",
"value": "60",
"description": "The number of minutes after which the SIP registration of the Zoom client user will expire, and the client will auto register to the SIP server.",
"type": "text"
"url": {
"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/sip_phones",
"host": [
"path": [
"status": "Not Found",
"code": 404,
"_postman_previewlanguage": "text",
"header": [
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "text/plain"
"cookie": [
"body": ""