Python / Plivo REST API / List all messages
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import sys
import chilkat
# This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
# See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.
http = chilkat.CkHttp()
queryParams = chilkat.CkJsonObject()
# resp is a CkHttpResponse
resp = http.QuickRequestParams("GET","<auth_id>/Message/",queryParams)
if (http.get_LastMethodSuccess() == False):
Curl Command
curl -G -d "message_state=undelivered"
-u '{{auth_id}}:password'<auth_id>/Message/
Postman Collection Item JSON
"name": "List all messages",
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"url": {
"raw": "{{auth_id}}/Message/?message_state=undelivered",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "subaccount",
"value": "<subaccount_auth>",
"description": "1. Outbound messages sent using a specific sub-account's auth token.\n2. Inbound messages received on a phone number associated with a specific sub-account.",
"disabled": true
"key": "message_direction",
"value": "outbound",
"description": "Use this argument to filter the results by message direction. The valid inputs are inbound and outbound.",
"disabled": true
"key": "message_time",
"value": "2020-11-19 05:45:30.738800",
"description": "The timestamps are expected to in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM[:ss[.uuuuuu]] format, and are considered to be in UTC timezone.",
"disabled": true
"key": "message_state",
"value": "undelivered",
"description": "Use this argument to filter by the current status of a message. This argument can be set to one of following states : queued, sent, failed, delivered, undelivered, received or rejected"
"key": "message_type",
"value": "sms",
"description": "Use this argument to filter results by the type of message - sms or mms.",
"disabled": true
"key": "error_code\n",
"value": "100",
"description": "Use this argument to filter results by a standard Plivo error code. Read more about Plivo SMS error codes here.",
"disabled": true
"key": "limit",
"value": "5",
"description": "Used to display the number of results per page. The maximum number of results that can be fetched is 20. Defaults to 20.",
"disabled": true
"key": "offset",
"value": "20",
"description": "Denotes the number of value items by which the results should be offset. Defaults to 0. Read more about offset based pagination here.",
"disabled": true
"description": "This API can be used to fetch a list of message detail records (MDRs) based on a filter criteria. More information can be found [here](\n\n| Arguments | Description | Required/Conditional/Optional |\n| :--- | :----: | ---: |\n| subaccount | Use this argument to filter for.<br /> - Outbound messages sent using a specific sub-account's auth token. <br /> - Inbound messages received on a phone number associated with a specific sub-account.| Optional |\n| message_direction | Use this argument to filter the results by message direction. The valid inputs are inbound and outbound. | Optional |\n| message_time | Forms of this parameter can be used to filter outbound/inbound messages based on the time the message was initiated/received.<br />The timestamps are expected to in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM[:ss[.uuuuuu]] format, and are considered to be in UTC timezone.<br />The filter can be used in the following five forms:<br />message_time: Use this argument to filter for messages by the exact timestamp. The format expected is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:ss:uuuuuu. Eg: To get all messages that were sent/received at 2012-03-21 11:47:30.982811, use message_time=2012-03-21 11:47:30.982811<br />message_time__gt: gt stands for greater than. Use this argument to filter for messages sent/received after a given time. Eg: To get all messages that were sent/received after 2012-03-21 11:47, use message_time__gt=2012-03-21 11:47<br />message_time__gte: gte stands for greater than or equal. Eg: To get all messages that were sent/received after or exactly at 2012-03-21 11:47[:30], use message_time__gte=2012-03-21 11:47[:30]<br />message_time__lt: lt stands for lesser than. Use this argument to filter for messages sent/received before a given time. Eg: To get all messages that were sent/received before 2012-03-21 11:47, use message_time__lt=2012-03-21 11:47<br />message_time__lte: lte stands for lesser than or equal. Eg: To get all messages that were sent/received before or exactly at 2012-03-21 11:47[:30], use message_time__lte=2012-03-21 11:47[:30] | Optional |\n| message_state | Use this argument to filter by the current status of a message. This argument can be set to one of following states : queued, sent, failed, delivered, undelivered, received or rejected.| Optional |\n| message_type | Use this argument to filter results by the type of message - sms or mms. | Optional |\n| error_code | Use this argument to filter results by a standard Plivo error code | Optional |\n| limit | Used to display the number of results per page. The maximum number of results that can be fetched is 20. Defaults to 20. | Optional |\n| offset |Denotes the number of value items by which the results should be offset. Defaults to 0 | Optional |"
"response": [
"name": "List all messages",
"originalRequest": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"url": {
"raw": "{{auth_id}}/Message/?limit=2&offset=0",
"protocol": "https",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "subaccount",
"value": "<subaccount_auth>",
"description": "1. Outbound messages sent using a specific sub-account's auth token.\n2. Inbound messages received on a phone number associated with a specific sub-account.",
"disabled": true
"key": "message_direction",
"value": "outbound",
"description": "Use this argument to filter the results by message direction. The valid inputs are inbound and outbound.",
"disabled": true
"key": "message_time",
"value": "2020-11-19 05:45:30.738800",
"description": "The timestamps are expected to in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM[:ss[.uuuuuu]] format, and are considered to be in UTC timezone.",
"disabled": true
"key": "message_state",
"value": "undelivered",
"description": "Use this argument to filter by the current status of a message. This argument can be set to one of following states : queued, sent, failed, delivered, undelivered, received or rejected",
"disabled": true
"key": "message_type",
"value": "sms",
"description": "Use this argument to filter results by the type of message - sms or mms.",
"disabled": true
"key": "error_code\n",
"value": "100",
"description": "Use this argument to filter results by a standard Plivo error code. Read more about Plivo SMS error codes here.",
"disabled": true
"key": "limit",
"value": "2",
"description": "Used to display the number of results per page. The maximum number of results that can be fetched is 20. Defaults to 20."
"key": "offset",
"value": "0",
"description": "Denotes the number of value items by which the results should be offset. Defaults to 0. Read more about offset based pagination here."
"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
"header": [
"cookie": [
"body": "{\n \"api_id\": \"88415194-6df0-11e6-b608-06a72a185e87\",\n \"meta\": {\n \"limit\": 2,\n \"next\": \"/v1/Account/{auth_id}/Message/?limit=20&error_code=200&offset=20\",\n \"offset\": 0,\n \"previous\": null,\n \"total_count\": 22\n },\n \"objects\": [\n {\n \"error_code\": \"200\",\n \"from_number\": \"18552828641\",\n \"message_direction\": \"outbound\",\n \"message_state\": \"failed\",\n \"message_time\": \"2016-08-17 21:26:44+05:30\",\n \"message_type\": \"sms\",\n \"message_uuid\": \"85ce8068-6fab-4f0a-9dc7-d6c852cdde91\",\n \"resource_uri\": \"/v1/Account/{auth_id}/Message/85ce8068-6fab-4f0a-9dc7-d6c852cdde91/\",\n \"to_number\": \"19352326448\",\n \"total_amount\": \"0.00000\",\n \"total_rate\": \"0.00350\",\n \"units\": 1\n },\n {\n \"error_code\": \"200\",\n \"from_number\": \"18552828641\",\n \"message_direction\": \"outbound\",\n \"message_state\": \"failed\",\n \"message_time\": \"2016-08-17 21:22:36+05:30\",\n \"message_type\": \"sms\",\n \"message_uuid\": \"2a340179-e8a9-4b1d-ae2c-9f346e7b6d7d\",\n \"resource_uri\": \"/v1/Account/{auth_id}/Message/2a340179-e8a9-4b1d-ae2c-9f346e7b6d7d/\",\n \"to_number\": \"19352326448\",\n \"total_amount\": \"0.00000\",\n \"total_rate\": \"0.00350\",\n \"units\": 1\n }\n ]\n}"