Chilkat Online Tools

PureBasic / Zoom API / Create a meeting

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IncludeFile "CkJsonObject.pb"
IncludeFile "CkStringBuilder.pb"
IncludeFile "CkHttp.pb"
IncludeFile "CkHttpResponse.pb"
IncludeFile "CkHttpRequest.pb"

Procedure ChilkatExample()

    ; This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
    ; See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

    http.i = CkHttp::ckCreate()
    If http.i = 0
        Debug "Failed to create object."


    req.i = CkHttpRequest::ckCreate()
    If req.i = 0
        Debug "Failed to create object."

    CkHttpRequest::setCkHttpVerb(req, "POST")
    CkHttpRequest::setCkPath(req, "/v2/users/:userId/meetings")
    CkHttpRequest::setCkContentType(req, "multipart/form-data")
    CkHttpRequest::ckAddParam(req,"topic","amet nisi cil")

    CkHttpRequest::ckAddStringForUpload2(req,"","","","","amet nisi cil2")

    CkHttpRequest::ckAddParam(req,"pre_schedule","amet nisi cil2false")

    CkHttpRequest::ckAddParam(req,"start_time","amet nisi cil2false1956-07-25T11:47:36.530Z")

    CkHttpRequest::ckAddParam(req,"duration","amet nisi cil2false1956-07-25T11:47:36.530Z-45271657")

    CkHttpRequest::ckAddParam(req,"schedule_for","amet nisi cil2false1956-07-25T11:47:36.530Z-45271657consequat incididunt reprehenderit occaecat")

    CkHttpRequest::ckAddParam(req,"timezone","amet nisi cil2false1956-07-25T11:47:36.530Z-45271657consequat incididunt reprehenderit occaecatdeserunt mollit tempor qui ea")

    CkHttpRequest::ckAddParam(req,"password","amet nisi cil2false1956-07-25T11:47:36.530Z-45271657consequat incididunt reprehenderit occaecatdeserunt mollit tempor qui eanostru")

    CkHttpRequest::ckAddParam(req,"default_password","amet nisi cil2false1956-07-25T11:47:36.530Z-45271657consequat incididunt reprehenderit occaecatdeserunt mollit tempor qui eanostrufalse")

    CkHttpRequest::ckAddParam(req,"agenda","amet nisi cil2false1956-07-25T11:47:36.530Z-45271657consequat incididunt reprehenderit occaecatdeserunt mollit tempor qui eanostrufalsequi ipsum")

    CkHttpRequest::ckAddParam(req,"tracking_fields","amet nisi cil2false1956-07-25T11:47:36.530Z-45271657consequat incididunt reprehenderit occaecatdeserunt mollit tempor qui eanostrufalsequi ipsum[{" + Chr(34) + "field" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "cupidatat aute consequat sit" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "value" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "laborum adipisicing in nulla exercitation" + Chr(34) + "},{" + Chr(34) + "field" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "aliquip Lorem in aliqua" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "value" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "laboris aliqua Ut" + Chr(34) + "}]")

    CkHttpRequest::ckAddParam(req,"recurrence","amet nisi cil2false1956-07-25T11:47:36.530Z-45271657consequat incididunt reprehenderit occaecatdeserunt mollit tempor qui eanostrufalsequi ipsum[{" + Chr(34) + "field" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "cupidatat aute consequat sit" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "value" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "laborum adipisicing in nulla exercitation" + Chr(34) + "},{" + Chr(34) + "field" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "aliquip Lorem in aliqua" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "value" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "laboris aliqua Ut" + Chr(34) + "}]{" + Chr(34) + "type" + Chr(34) + ":3," + Chr(34) + "repeat_interval" + Chr(34) + ":-71464741," + Chr(34) + "weekly_days" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "1" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "monthly_day" + Chr(34) + ":1," + Chr(34) + "monthly_week" + Chr(34) + ":2," + Chr(34) + "monthly_week_day" + Chr(34) + ":6," + Chr(34) + "end_times" + Chr(34) + ":1," + Chr(34) + "end_date_time" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "1953-01-15T21:48:56.357Z" + Chr(34) + "}")

    CkHttpRequest::ckAddParam(req,"settings","amet nisi cil2false1956-07-25T11:47:36.530Z-45271657consequat incididunt reprehenderit occaecatdeserunt mollit tempor qui eanostrufalsequi ipsum[{" + Chr(34) + "field" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "cupidatat aute consequat sit" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "value" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "laborum adipisicing in nulla exercitation" + Chr(34) + "},{" + Chr(34) + "field" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "aliquip Lorem in aliqua" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "value" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "laboris aliqua Ut" + Chr(34) + "}]{" + Chr(34) + "type" + Chr(34) + ":3," + Chr(34) + "repeat_interval" + Chr(34) + ":-71464741," + Chr(34) + "weekly_days" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "1" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "monthly_day" + Chr(34) + ":1," + Chr(34) + "monthly_week" + Chr(34) + ":2," + Chr(34) + "monthly_week_day" + Chr(34) + ":6," + Chr(34) + "end_times" + Chr(34) + ":1," + Chr(34) + "end_date_time" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "1953-01-15T21:48:56.357Z" + Chr(34) + "}{" + Chr(34) + "host_video" + Chr(34) + ":true," + Chr(34) + "participant_video" + Chr(34) + ":true," + Chr(34) + "cn_meeting" + Chr(34) + ":false," + Chr(34) + "in_meeting" + Chr(34) + ":false," + Chr(34) + "join_before_host" + Chr(34) + ":false," + Chr(34) + "jbh_time" + Chr(34) + ":10," + Chr(34) + "mute_upon_entry" + Chr(34) + ":false," + Chr(34) + "watermark" + Chr(34) + ":false," + Chr(34) + "use_pmi" + Chr(34) + ":false," + Chr(34) + "approval_type" + Chr(34) + ":2," + Chr(34) + "registration_type" + Chr(34) + ":1," + Chr(34) + "audio" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "both" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "auto_recording" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "none" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "alternative_hosts" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "aliquip magna Excepte" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "close_registration" + Chr(34) + ":false," + Chr(34) + "waiting_room" + Chr(34) + ":true," + Chr(34) + "global_dial_in_countries" + Chr(34) + ":[" + Chr(34) + "aute sint officia" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "eiusmod do" + Chr(34) + "]," + Chr(34) + "contact_name" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "laboris " + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "contact_email" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "ad mini" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "registrants_email_notification" + Chr(34) + ":false," + Chr(34) + "registrants_confirmation_email" + Chr(34) + ":true," + Chr(34) + "meeting_authentication" + Chr(34) + ":false," + Chr(34) + "authentication_option" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "Lorem Ut tempor" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "authentication_domains" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "in elit et labo" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "authentication_exception" + Chr(34) + ":[{" + Chr(34) + "name" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "ea voluptate ullamco" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "email" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "e0mJp1mxUHS@OjNhobNSgEhAYbGLegplrLCWNMRJMWkf.xj" + Chr(34) + "},{" + Chr(34) + "name" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "deserunt proident" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "email" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "" + Chr(34) + "}]," + Chr(34) + "additional_data_center_regions" + Chr(34) + ":[" + Chr(34) + "sit id enim Lorem" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "ex sit" + Chr(34) + "]," + Chr(34) + "breakout_room" + Chr(34) + ":{" + Chr(34) + "enable" + Chr(34) + ":false," + Chr(34) + "rooms" + Chr(34) + ":[{" + Chr(34) + "name" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "ea aliquip consequat" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "participants" + Chr(34) + ":[" + Chr(34) + "proid" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "veniam minim officia magna adipisicing" + Chr(34) + "]},{" + Chr(34) + "name" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "mollit aliquip Ut et" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "participants" + Chr(34) + ":[" + Chr(34) + "dolor laborum nostrud reprehenderit" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "proident ullamco aliquip qui reprehenderit" + Chr(34) + "]}]}," + Chr(34) + "language_interpretation" + Chr(34) + ":{" + Chr(34) + "enable" + Chr(34) + ":true," + Chr(34) + "interpreters" + Chr(34) + ":[{" + Chr(34) + "email" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "ON2szwBKQ@ktPCVgzSrRbedrcUQHdmqpOkHsAB.qp" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "languages" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "co" + Chr(34) + "},{" + Chr(34) + "email" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "languages" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "tempor reprehenderit cillum moll" + Chr(34) + "}]}," + Chr(34) + "show_share_button" + Chr(34) + ":true," + Chr(34) + "allow_multiple_devices" + Chr(34) + ":false," + Chr(34) + "encryption_type" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "e2ee" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "approved_or_denied_countries_or_regions" + Chr(34) + ":{" + Chr(34) + "enable" + Chr(34) + ":true," + Chr(34) + "method" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "deny" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "approved_list" + Chr(34) + ":[" + Chr(34) + "sint nostrud" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "laboris non reprehenderit minim in" + Chr(34) + "]," + Chr(34) + "denied_list" + Chr(34) + ":[" + Chr(34) + "in exercitation" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "exercitation labore et" + Chr(34) + "]}," + Chr(34) + "alternative_hosts_email_notification" + Chr(34) + ":true," + Chr(34) + "focus_mode" + Chr(34) + ":false," + Chr(34) + "meeting_invitees" + Chr(34) + ":[{" + Chr(34) + "email" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "S98mnQxTq@hGVjziNawOuExM.rlrx" + Chr(34) + "},{" + Chr(34) + "email" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "VIODKQoJ@RhCmxpJbdbMDIhmhwfdGrtPLqwrrf.vph" + Chr(34) + "}]," + Chr(34) + "private_meeting" + Chr(34) + ":false," + Chr(34) + "calendar_type" + Chr(34) + ":1}")

    CkHttpRequest::ckAddParam(req,"template_id","amet nisi cil2false1956-07-25T11:47:36.530Z-45271657consequat incididunt reprehenderit occaecatdeserunt mollit tempor qui eanostrufalsequi ipsum[{" + Chr(34) + "field" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "cupidatat aute consequat sit" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "value" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "laborum adipisicing in nulla exercitation" + Chr(34) + "},{" + Chr(34) + "field" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "aliquip Lorem in aliqua" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "value" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "laboris aliqua Ut" + Chr(34) + "}]{" + Chr(34) + "type" + Chr(34) + ":3," + Chr(34) + "repeat_interval" + Chr(34) + ":-71464741," + Chr(34) + "weekly_days" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "1" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "monthly_day" + Chr(34) + ":1," + Chr(34) + "monthly_week" + Chr(34) + ":2," + Chr(34) + "monthly_week_day" + Chr(34) + ":6," + Chr(34) + "end_times" + Chr(34) + ":1," + Chr(34) + "end_date_time" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "1953-01-15T21:48:56.357Z" + Chr(34) + "}{" + Chr(34) + "host_video" + Chr(34) + ":true," + Chr(34) + "participant_video" + Chr(34) + ":true," + Chr(34) + "cn_meeting" + Chr(34) + ":false," + Chr(34) + "in_meeting" + Chr(34) + ":false," + Chr(34) + "join_before_host" + Chr(34) + ":false," + Chr(34) + "jbh_time" + Chr(34) + ":10," + Chr(34) + "mute_upon_entry" + Chr(34) + ":false," + Chr(34) + "watermark" + Chr(34) + ":false," + Chr(34) + "use_pmi" + Chr(34) + ":false," + Chr(34) + "approval_type" + Chr(34) + ":2," + Chr(34) + "registration_type" + Chr(34) + ":1," + Chr(34) + "audio" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "both" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "auto_recording" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "none" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "alternative_hosts" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "aliquip magna Excepte" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "close_registration" + Chr(34) + ":false," + Chr(34) + "waiting_room" + Chr(34) + ":true," + Chr(34) + "global_dial_in_countries" + Chr(34) + ":[" + Chr(34) + "aute sint officia" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "eiusmod do" + Chr(34) + "]," + Chr(34) + "contact_name" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "laboris " + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "contact_email" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "ad mini" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "registrants_email_notification" + Chr(34) + ":false," + Chr(34) + "registrants_confirmation_email" + Chr(34) + ":true," + Chr(34) + "meeting_authentication" + Chr(34) + ":false," + Chr(34) + "authentication_option" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "Lorem Ut tempor" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "authentication_domains" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "in elit et labo" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "authentication_exception" + Chr(34) + ":[{" + Chr(34) + "name" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "ea voluptate ullamco" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "email" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "e0mJp1mxUHS@OjNhobNSgEhAYbGLegplrLCWNMRJMWkf.xj" + Chr(34) + "},{" + Chr(34) + "name" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "deserunt proident" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "email" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "" + Chr(34) + "}]," + Chr(34) + "additional_data_center_regions" + Chr(34) + ":[" + Chr(34) + "sit id enim Lorem" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "ex sit" + Chr(34) + "]," + Chr(34) + "breakout_room" + Chr(34) + ":{" + Chr(34) + "enable" + Chr(34) + ":false," + Chr(34) + "rooms" + Chr(34) + ":[{" + Chr(34) + "name" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "ea aliquip consequat" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "participants" + Chr(34) + ":[" + Chr(34) + "proid" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "veniam minim officia magna adipisicing" + Chr(34) + "]},{" + Chr(34) + "name" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "mollit aliquip Ut et" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "participants" + Chr(34) + ":[" + Chr(34) + "dolor laborum nostrud reprehenderit" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "proident ullamco aliquip qui reprehenderit" + Chr(34) + "]}]}," + Chr(34) + "language_interpretation" + Chr(34) + ":{" + Chr(34) + "enable" + Chr(34) + ":true," + Chr(34) + "interpreters" + Chr(34) + ":[{" + Chr(34) + "email" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "ON2szwBKQ@ktPCVgzSrRbedrcUQHdmqpOkHsAB.qp" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "languages" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "co" + Chr(34) + "},{" + Chr(34) + "email" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "languages" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "tempor reprehenderit cillum moll" + Chr(34) + "}]}," + Chr(34) + "show_share_button" + Chr(34) + ":true," + Chr(34) + "allow_multiple_devices" + Chr(34) + ":false," + Chr(34) + "encryption_type" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "e2ee" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "approved_or_denied_countries_or_regions" + Chr(34) + ":{" + Chr(34) + "enable" + Chr(34) + ":true," + Chr(34) + "method" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "deny" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "approved_list" + Chr(34) + ":[" + Chr(34) + "sint nostrud" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "laboris non reprehenderit minim in" + Chr(34) + "]," + Chr(34) + "denied_list" + Chr(34) + ":[" + Chr(34) + "in exercitation" + Chr(34) + "," + Chr(34) + "exercitation labore et" + Chr(34) + "]}," + Chr(34) + "alternative_hosts_email_notification" + Chr(34) + ":true," + Chr(34) + "focus_mode" + Chr(34) + ":false," + Chr(34) + "meeting_invitees" + Chr(34) + ":[{" + Chr(34) + "email" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "S98mnQxTq@hGVjziNawOuExM.rlrx" + Chr(34) + "},{" + Chr(34) + "email" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34) + "VIODKQoJ@RhCmxpJbdbMDIhmhwfdGrtPLqwrrf.vph" + Chr(34) + "}]," + Chr(34) + "private_meeting" + Chr(34) + ":false," + Chr(34) + "calendar_type" + Chr(34) + ":1}cupidatat ad dolor dolore")

    CkHttpRequest::ckAddHeader(req,"Authorization","Bearer <access_token>")

    resp.i = CkHttp::ckSynchronousRequest(http,"",443,1,req)
    If CkHttp::ckLastMethodSuccess(http) = 0
        Debug CkHttp::ckLastErrorText(http)

    sbResponseBody.i = CkStringBuilder::ckCreate()
    If sbResponseBody.i = 0
        Debug "Failed to create object."


    jResp.i = CkJsonObject::ckCreate()
    If jResp.i = 0
        Debug "Failed to create object."

    CkJsonObject::setCkEmitCompact(jResp, 0)

    Debug "Response Body:"
    Debug CkJsonObject::ckEmit(jResp)

    respStatusCode.i = CkHttpResponse::ckStatusCode(resp)
    Debug "Response Status Code = " + Str(respStatusCode)
    If respStatusCode >= 400
        Debug "Response Header:"
        Debug CkHttpResponse::ckHeader(resp)
        Debug "Failed."



    ; Sample JSON response:
    ; (Sample code for parsing the JSON response is shown below)

    ; {
    ;   "created_at": "2019-09-05T16:54:14Z",
    ;   "duration": 60,
    ;   "host_id": "AbcDefGHi",
    ;   "id": 1100000,
    ;   "join_url": "",
    ;   "settings": {
    ;     "alternative_hosts": "",
    ;     "approval_type": 2,
    ;     "audio": "both",
    ;     "auto_recording": "local",
    ;     "close_registration": false,
    ;     "cn_meeting": false,
    ;     "enforce_login": false,
    ;     "enforce_login_domains": "",
    ;     "global_dial_in_countries": [
    ;       "US"
    ;     ],
    ;     "global_dial_in_numbers": [
    ;       {
    ;         "city": "New York",
    ;         "country": "US",
    ;         "country_name": "US",
    ;         "number": "+1 1000200200",
    ;         "type": "toll"
    ;       },
    ;       {
    ;         "city": "San Jose",
    ;         "country": "US",
    ;         "country_name": "US",
    ;         "number": "+1 6699006833",
    ;         "type": "toll"
    ;       },
    ;       {
    ;         "city": "San Jose",
    ;         "country": "US",
    ;         "country_name": "US",
    ;         "number": "+1 408000000",
    ;         "type": "toll"
    ;       }
    ;     ],
    ;     "breakout_room": {
    ;       "enable": false,
    ;       "rooms": [
    ;         {
    ;           "name": "room1",
    ;           "participants": [
    ;             "",
    ;             ""
    ;           ]
    ;         },
    ;         {
    ;           "name": "room2",
    ;           "participants": [
    ;             ""
    ;           ]
    ;         }
    ;       ],
    ;       "host_video": false,
    ;       "in_meeting": false,
    ;       "join_before_host": true,
    ;       "mute_upon_entry": false,
    ;       "participant_video": false,
    ;       "registrants_confirmation_email": true,
    ;       "use_pmi": false,
    ;       "waiting_room": false,
    ;       "watermark": false,
    ;       "registrants_email_notification": true
    ;     },
    ;     "start_time": "2019-08-30T22:00:00Z",
    ;     "start_url": "",
    ;     "status": "waiting",
    ;     "timezone": "America/New_York",
    ;     "topic": "API Test",
    ;     "type": 2,
    ;     "uuid": "ng1MzyWNQaObxcf3+Gfm6A=="
    ;   }
    ; }

    ; Sample code for parsing the JSON response...
    ; Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: Generate JSON Parsing Code


    created_at.s = CkJsonObject::ckStringOf(jResp,"created_at")
    duration.i = CkJsonObject::ckIntOf(jResp,"duration")
    host_id.s = CkJsonObject::ckStringOf(jResp,"host_id")
    id.i = CkJsonObject::ckIntOf(jResp,"id")
    join_url.s = CkJsonObject::ckStringOf(jResp,"join_url")
    Alternative_hosts.s = CkJsonObject::ckStringOf(jResp,"settings.alternative_hosts")
    Approval_type.i = CkJsonObject::ckIntOf(jResp,"settings.approval_type")
    Audio.s = CkJsonObject::ckStringOf(jResp,"")
    Auto_recording.s = CkJsonObject::ckStringOf(jResp,"settings.auto_recording")
    Close_registration.i = CkJsonObject::ckBoolOf(jResp,"settings.close_registration")
    Cn_meeting.i = CkJsonObject::ckBoolOf(jResp,"settings.cn_meeting")
    Enforce_login.i = CkJsonObject::ckBoolOf(jResp,"settings.enforce_login")
    Enforce_login_domains.s = CkJsonObject::ckStringOf(jResp,"settings.enforce_login_domains")
    Enable.i = CkJsonObject::ckBoolOf(jResp,"settings.breakout_room.enable")
    Host_video.i = CkJsonObject::ckBoolOf(jResp,"settings.breakout_room.host_video")
    In_meeting.i = CkJsonObject::ckBoolOf(jResp,"settings.breakout_room.in_meeting")
    Join_before_host.i = CkJsonObject::ckBoolOf(jResp,"settings.breakout_room.join_before_host")
    Mute_upon_entry.i = CkJsonObject::ckBoolOf(jResp,"settings.breakout_room.mute_upon_entry")
    Participant_video.i = CkJsonObject::ckBoolOf(jResp,"settings.breakout_room.participant_video")
    Registrants_confirmation_email.i = CkJsonObject::ckBoolOf(jResp,"settings.breakout_room.registrants_confirmation_email")
    Use_pmi.i = CkJsonObject::ckBoolOf(jResp,"settings.breakout_room.use_pmi")
    Waiting_room.i = CkJsonObject::ckBoolOf(jResp,"settings.breakout_room.waiting_room")
    Watermark.i = CkJsonObject::ckBoolOf(jResp,"settings.breakout_room.watermark")
    Registrants_email_notification.i = CkJsonObject::ckBoolOf(jResp,"settings.breakout_room.registrants_email_notification")
    Start_time.s = CkJsonObject::ckStringOf(jResp,"settings.start_time")
    Start_url.s = CkJsonObject::ckStringOf(jResp,"settings.start_url")
    Status.s = CkJsonObject::ckStringOf(jResp,"settings.status")
    Timezone.s = CkJsonObject::ckStringOf(jResp,"settings.timezone")
    Topic.s = CkJsonObject::ckStringOf(jResp,"settings.topic")
    v_Type.i = CkJsonObject::ckIntOf(jResp,"settings.type")
    Uuid.s = CkJsonObject::ckStringOf(jResp,"settings.uuid")
    i.i = 0
    count_i.i = CkJsonObject::ckSizeOfArray(jResp,"settings.global_dial_in_countries")
    While i < count_i
        CkJsonObject::setCkI(jResp, i)
        strVal = CkJsonObject::ckStringOf(jResp,"settings.global_dial_in_countries[i]")
        i = i + 1
    i = 0
    count_i = CkJsonObject::ckSizeOfArray(jResp,"settings.global_dial_in_numbers")
    While i < count_i
        CkJsonObject::setCkI(jResp, i)
        city = CkJsonObject::ckStringOf(jResp,"settings.global_dial_in_numbers[i].city")
        country = CkJsonObject::ckStringOf(jResp,"settings.global_dial_in_numbers[i].country")
        country_name = CkJsonObject::ckStringOf(jResp,"settings.global_dial_in_numbers[i].country_name")
        v_number = CkJsonObject::ckStringOf(jResp,"settings.global_dial_in_numbers[i].number")
        v_type = CkJsonObject::ckStringOf(jResp,"settings.global_dial_in_numbers[i].type")
        i = i + 1
    i = 0
    count_i = CkJsonObject::ckSizeOfArray(jResp,"settings.breakout_room.rooms")
    While i < count_i
        CkJsonObject::setCkI(jResp, i)
        name = CkJsonObject::ckStringOf(jResp,"settings.breakout_room.rooms[i].name")
        j = 0
        count_j = CkJsonObject::ckSizeOfArray(jResp,"settings.breakout_room.rooms[i].participants")
        While j < count_j
            CkJsonObject::setCkJ(jResp, j)
            strVal = CkJsonObject::ckStringOf(jResp,"settings.breakout_room.rooms[i].participants[j]")
            j = j + 1
        i = i + 1



Curl Command

curl -X POST
	-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
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	--form 'topic=amet nisi cil'
	--form 'type=amet nisi cil2'
	--form 'pre_schedule=amet nisi cil2false'
	--form 'start_time=amet nisi cil2false1956-07-25T11:47:36.530Z'
	--form 'duration=amet nisi cil2false1956-07-25T11:47:36.530Z-45271657'
	--form 'schedule_for=amet nisi cil2false1956-07-25T11:47:36.530Z-45271657consequat incididunt reprehenderit occaecat'
	--form 'timezone=amet nisi cil2false1956-07-25T11:47:36.530Z-45271657consequat incididunt reprehenderit occaecatdeserunt mollit tempor qui ea'
	--form 'password=amet nisi cil2false1956-07-25T11:47:36.530Z-45271657consequat incididunt reprehenderit occaecatdeserunt mollit tempor qui eanostru'
	--form 'default_password=amet nisi cil2false1956-07-25T11:47:36.530Z-45271657consequat incididunt reprehenderit occaecatdeserunt mollit tempor qui eanostrufalse'
	--form 'agenda=amet nisi cil2false1956-07-25T11:47:36.530Z-45271657consequat incididunt reprehenderit occaecatdeserunt mollit tempor qui eanostrufalsequi ipsum'
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	--form 'recurrence=amet nisi cil2false1956-07-25T11:47:36.530Z-45271657consequat incididunt reprehenderit occaecatdeserunt mollit tempor qui eanostrufalsequi ipsum[{"field":"cupidatat aute consequat sit","value":"laborum adipisicing in nulla exercitation"},{"field":"aliquip Lorem in aliqua","value":"laboris aliqua Ut"}]{"type":3,"repeat_interval":-71464741,"weekly_days":"1","monthly_day":1,"monthly_week":2,"monthly_week_day":6,"end_times":1,"end_date_time":"1953-01-15T21:48:56.357Z"}'
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Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "Create a meeting",
  "request": {
    "method": "POST",
    "header": [
        "key": "Content-Type",
        "value": "multipart/form-data"
    "body": {
      "mode": "formdata",
      "formdata": [
          "key": "topic",
          "value": "amet nisi cil",
          "description": "The meeting's topic.",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "type",
          "value": "2",
          "description": "The type of meeting:\n* `1` — An instant meeting. \n* `2` — A scheduled meeting. \n* `3` — A recurring meeting with no fixed time. \n* `8` — A recurring meeting with fixed time. (This can only be one of 1,2,3,8)",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "pre_schedule",
          "value": "false",
          "description": "Whether to create a prescheduled meeting via the [GSuite app]( This **only** supports the meeting `type` value of `2` (scheduled meetings) and `3` (recurring meetings with no fixed time): \n* `true` — Create a prescheduled meeting. \n* `false` — Create a regular meeting.",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "start_time",
          "value": "1956-07-25T11:47:36.530Z",
          "description": "The meeting's start time. This field is only used for scheduled and/or recurring meetings with a fixed time. This supports local time and GMT formats. \n* To set a meeting's start time in GMT, use the `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ` date-time format. For example, `2020-03-31T12:02:00Z`. \n* To set a meeting's start time using a specific timezone, use the `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss` date-time format and specify the [timezone ID]( in the `timezone` field. If you do not specify a timezone, the `timezone` value defaults to your Zoom account's timezone. You can also use `UTC` for the `timezone` value.",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "duration",
          "value": "-45271657",
          "description": "The meeting's scheduled duration, in minutes. This field is only used for scheduled meetings (`2`).",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "schedule_for",
          "value": "consequat incididunt reprehenderit occaecat",
          "description": "The email address or user ID of the user to schedule a meeting for.",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "timezone",
          "value": "deserunt mollit tempor qui ea",
          "description": "The timezome to assign to the `start_time` value. This field is only used for scheduled meetings (`2`).\n\nFor a list of supported timezones and their format, refer to our [timezone list documentation](",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "password",
          "value": "nostru",
          "description": "The password required to join the meeting. By default, a password can **only** have a maximum length of 10 characters and only contain alphanumeric characters and the `@`, `-`, `_`, and `*` characters. \n* If the account owner or administrator has configured [minimum passcode requirement settings](, the password **must** meet those requirements. \n* If password requirements are enabled, use the [**Get User Settings**]( API or the [**Get Account Settings**]( API to get the requirements.",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "default_password",
          "value": "false",
          "description": "Whether to generate a default password using the user's settings. This value defaults to `false`. \n\nIf this value is `true` and the user has the PMI setting enabled with a password, then the user's meetings will use the PMI password. It will **not** use a default password.",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "agenda",
          "value": "qui ipsum",
          "description": "The meeting's agenda. This value has a maximum length of 2,000 characters.",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "tracking_fields",
          "value": "[{\"field\":\"cupidatat aute consequat sit\",\"value\":\"laborum adipisicing in nulla exercitation\"},{\"field\":\"aliquip Lorem in aliqua\",\"value\":\"laboris aliqua Ut\"}]",
          "description": "Information about the meeting's tracking fields.",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "recurrence",
          "value": "{\"type\":3,\"repeat_interval\":-71464741,\"weekly_days\":\"1\",\"monthly_day\":1,\"monthly_week\":2,\"monthly_week_day\":6,\"end_times\":1,\"end_date_time\":\"1953-01-15T21:48:56.357Z\"}",
          "description": "Recurrence object. Use this object only for a meeting with type `8` i.e., a recurring meeting with fixed time. ",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "settings",
          "value": "{\"host_video\":true,\"participant_video\":true,\"cn_meeting\":false,\"in_meeting\":false,\"join_before_host\":false,\"jbh_time\":10,\"mute_upon_entry\":false,\"watermark\":false,\"use_pmi\":false,\"approval_type\":2,\"registration_type\":1,\"audio\":\"both\",\"auto_recording\":\"none\",\"alternative_hosts\":\"aliquip magna Excepte\",\"close_registration\":false,\"waiting_room\":true,\"global_dial_in_countries\":[\"aute sint officia\",\"eiusmod do\"],\"contact_name\":\"laboris \",\"contact_email\":\"ad mini\",\"registrants_email_notification\":false,\"registrants_confirmation_email\":true,\"meeting_authentication\":false,\"authentication_option\":\"Lorem Ut tempor\",\"authentication_domains\":\"in elit et labo\",\"authentication_exception\":[{\"name\":\"ea voluptate ullamco\",\"email\":\"e0mJp1mxUHS@OjNhobNSgEhAYbGLegplrLCWNMRJMWkf.xj\"},{\"name\":\"deserunt proident\",\"email\":\"\"}],\"additional_data_center_regions\":[\"sit id enim Lorem\",\"ex sit\"],\"breakout_room\":{\"enable\":false,\"rooms\":[{\"name\":\"ea aliquip consequat\",\"participants\":[\"proid\",\"veniam minim officia magna adipisicing\"]},{\"name\":\"mollit aliquip Ut et\",\"participants\":[\"dolor laborum nostrud reprehenderit\",\"proident ullamco aliquip qui reprehenderit\"]}]},\"language_interpretation\":{\"enable\":true,\"interpreters\":[{\"email\":\"ON2szwBKQ@ktPCVgzSrRbedrcUQHdmqpOkHsAB.qp\",\"languages\":\"co\"},{\"email\":\"\",\"languages\":\"tempor reprehenderit cillum moll\"}]},\"show_share_button\":true,\"allow_multiple_devices\":false,\"encryption_type\":\"e2ee\",\"approved_or_denied_countries_or_regions\":{\"enable\":true,\"method\":\"deny\",\"approved_list\":[\"sint nostrud\",\"laboris non reprehenderit minim in\"],\"denied_list\":[\"in exercitation\",\"exercitation labore et\"]},\"alternative_hosts_email_notification\":true,\"focus_mode\":false,\"meeting_invitees\":[{\"email\":\"S98mnQxTq@hGVjziNawOuExM.rlrx\"},{\"email\":\"VIODKQoJ@RhCmxpJbdbMDIhmhwfdGrtPLqwrrf.vph\"}],\"private_meeting\":false,\"calendar_type\":1}",
          "description": "Information about the meeting's settings.",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "template_id",
          "value": "cupidatat ad dolor dolore",
          "description": "The **account admin meeting template** ID with which to schedule a meeting using a [meeting template]( For a list of account admin-provided meeting templates, use the [**List meeting templates**]( API. \n* At this time, this field **only** accepts account admin meeting template IDs. \n* To enable the account admin meeting templates feature, [contact Zoom support](",
          "type": "text"
    "url": {
      "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/meetings",
      "host": [
      "path": [
      "variable": [
          "key": "userId",
          "value": "quis officia in reprehenderit",
          "description": "(Required) The user ID or email address of the user. For user-level apps, pass the `me` value for this parameter."
    "description": "Use this API to [create a meeting]( for a user. For user-level apps, pass [the `me` value]( instead of the `userId` parameter.\n\n* A meeting's `start_url` value is the URL a host or an alternative host can use to start a meeting. The expiration time for the `start_url` value is **two hours** for all regular users.\n* For `custCreate` meeting hosts (users created with the `custCreate` parameter via the **[Create Users](** API), the expiration time of the `start_url` parameter is **90 days** from the generation of the `start_url`.\n\n**Note:** \n\nFor security reasons, the recommended way to programmatically (after expiry) get the updated `start_url` value is to call the [**Retrieve a Meeting**]( API. Refer to the `start_url` value in the response. \n\n **Scopes:** `meeting:write:admin`, `meeting:write`\n\n**[Rate Limit Label](** `Medium` <br>\n* This API has a daily rate limit of **100 requests per day**. The rate limit is applied against the `userId` of the **meeting host** used to make the request."
  "response": [
      "name": "**HTTP Status Code:** `201`<br>\nMeeting created.",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "POST",
        "header": [
            "description": "Added as a part of security scheme: oauth2",
            "key": "Authorization",
            "value": "<token>"
        "body": {
          "mode": "formdata",
          "formdata": [
              "key": "topic",
              "value": "nisi deserunt tempor",
              "description": "The meeting's topic.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "type",
              "value": "2",
              "description": "The type of meeting:\n* `1` — An instant meeting. \n* `2` — A scheduled meeting. \n* `3` — A recurring meeting with no fixed time. \n* `8` — A recurring meeting with fixed time. (This can only be one of 1,2,3,8)",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "pre_schedule",
              "value": "false",
              "description": "Whether to create a prescheduled meeting via the [GSuite app]( This **only** supports the meeting `type` value of `2` (scheduled meetings) and `3` (recurring meetings with no fixed time): \n* `true` — Create a prescheduled meeting. \n* `false` — Create a regular meeting.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "start_time",
              "value": "1975-09-11T15:56:00.098Z",
              "description": "The meeting's start time. This field is only used for scheduled and/or recurring meetings with a fixed time. This supports local time and GMT formats. \n* To set a meeting's start time in GMT, use the `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ` date-time format. For example, `2020-03-31T12:02:00Z`. \n* To set a meeting's start time using a specific timezone, use the `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss` date-time format and specify the [timezone ID]( in the `timezone` field. If you do not specify a timezone, the `timezone` value defaults to your Zoom account's timezone. You can also use `UTC` for the `timezone` value.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "duration",
              "value": "86614634",
              "description": "The meeting's scheduled duration, in minutes. This field is only used for scheduled meetings (`2`).",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "schedule_for",
              "value": "nulla esse enim dolor",
              "description": "The email address or user ID of the user to schedule a meeting for.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "timezone",
              "value": "amet nis",
              "description": "The timezome to assign to the `start_time` value. This field is only used for scheduled meetings (`2`).\n\nFor a list of supported timezones and their format, refer to our [timezone list documentation](",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "password",
              "value": "ex",
              "description": "The password required to join the meeting. By default, a password can **only** have a maximum length of 10 characters and only contain alphanumeric characters and the `@`, `-`, `_`, and `*` characters. \n* If the account owner or administrator has configured [minimum passcode requirement settings](, the password **must** meet those requirements. \n* If password requirements are enabled, use the [**Get User Settings**]( API or the [**Get Account Settings**]( API to get the requirements.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "default_password",
              "value": "false",
              "description": "Whether to generate a default password using the user's settings. This value defaults to `false`. \n\nIf this value is `true` and the user has the PMI setting enabled with a password, then the user's meetings will use the PMI password. It will **not** use a default password.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "agenda",
              "value": "dolor ullamco",
              "description": "The meeting's agenda. This value has a maximum length of 2,000 characters.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "tracking_fields",
              "value": "[{\"field\":\"ea qui\",\"value\":\"ad consectetur\"},{\"field\":\"non mollit exercitation\",\"value\":\"magna\"}]",
              "description": "Information about the meeting's tracking fields.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "recurrence",
              "value": "{\"type\":1,\"repeat_interval\":-4593781,\"weekly_days\":\"1\",\"monthly_day\":1,\"monthly_week\":1,\"monthly_week_day\":7,\"end_times\":1,\"end_date_time\":\"1984-11-14T08:21:16.537Z\"}",
              "description": "Recurrence object. Use this object only for a meeting with type `8` i.e., a recurring meeting with fixed time. ",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "settings",
              "value": "{\"host_video\":false,\"participant_video\":true,\"cn_meeting\":false,\"in_meeting\":false,\"join_before_host\":false,\"jbh_time\":10,\"mute_upon_entry\":false,\"watermark\":false,\"use_pmi\":false,\"approval_type\":2,\"registration_type\":1,\"audio\":\"both\",\"auto_recording\":\"none\",\"alternative_hosts\":\"occaecat nostrud dolor culpa enim\",\"close_registration\":false,\"waiting_room\":false,\"global_dial_in_countries\":[\"ut anim id laborum\",\"sed eiusmod\"],\"contact_name\":\"cillum laborum\",\"contact_email\":\"sit veniam do anim\",\"registrants_email_notification\":false,\"registrants_confirmation_email\":false,\"meeting_authentication\":false,\"authentication_option\":\"minim quis ipsum Excepteur\",\"authentication_domains\":\"adipisicing cillum id veniam\",\"authentication_exception\":[{\"name\":\"Excepteur voluptate\",\"email\":\"VIGDi0qgj-HDkw@dTPHBdbP.kc\"},{\"name\":\"officia ven\",\"email\":\"9hx@Ziin.lyg\"}],\"additional_data_center_regions\":[\"sint nulla\",\"ad proident minim\"],\"breakout_room\":{\"enable\":false,\"rooms\":[{\"name\":\"sit qui laboris\",\"participants\":[\"minim deserunt nulla Ut\",\"Excepteur amet exercitation nostrud sed\"]},{\"name\":\"veniam mollit ea\",\"participants\":[\"tempor ipsum et aliquip\",\"et Ut enim\"]}]},\"language_interpretation\":{\"enable\":false,\"interpreters\":[{\"email\":\"\",\"languages\":\"exercitation Lorem\"},{\"email\":\"MDcK@z.lnhy\",\"languages\":\"veniam labori\"}]},\"show_share_button\":true,\"allow_multiple_devices\":false,\"encryption_type\":\"e2ee\",\"approved_or_denied_countries_or_regions\":{\"enable\":true,\"method\":\"approve\",\"approved_list\":[\"culpa velit fugiat laboris ut\",\"officia sit\"],\"denied_list\":[\"moll\",\"exercitation culpa deserunt anim\"]},\"alternative_hosts_email_notification\":true,\"focus_mode\":false,\"meeting_invitees\":[{\"email\":\"u2AJDObx6r@khlDQqyqrFqS.bnno\"},{\"email\":\"2PsMTq2CiyjD@SUaugehHrFXDcKoQrHM.qm\"}],\"private_meeting\":false,\"calendar_type\":2}",
              "description": "Information about the meeting's settings.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "template_id",
              "value": "in voluptate",
              "description": "The **account admin meeting template** ID with which to schedule a meeting using a [meeting template]( For a list of account admin-provided meeting templates, use the [**List meeting templates**]( API. \n* At this time, this field **only** accepts account admin meeting template IDs. \n* To enable the account admin meeting templates feature, [contact Zoom support](",
              "type": "text"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/meetings",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "userId",
              "value": "quis officia in reprehenderit",
              "description": "(Required) The user ID or email address of the user. For user-level apps, pass the `me` value for this parameter."
      "status": "Created",
      "code": 201,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Location",
          "value": "quis officia in reprehenderit",
          "description": "Location of created Meeting"
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          "value": "application/json"
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n \"created_at\": \"2019-09-05T16:54:14Z\",\n \"duration\": 60,\n \"host_id\": \"AbcDefGHi\",\n \"id\": 1100000,\n \"join_url\": \"\",\n \"settings\": {\n  \"alternative_hosts\": \"\",\n  \"approval_type\": 2,\n  \"audio\": \"both\",\n  \"auto_recording\": \"local\",\n  \"close_registration\": false,\n  \"cn_meeting\": false,\n  \"enforce_login\": false,\n  \"enforce_login_domains\": \"\",\n  \"global_dial_in_countries\": [\n   \"US\"\n  ],\n  \"global_dial_in_numbers\": [\n   {\n    \"city\": \"New York\",\n    \"country\": \"US\",\n    \"country_name\": \"US\",\n    \"number\": \"+1 1000200200\",\n    \"type\": \"toll\"\n   },\n   {\n    \"city\": \"San Jose\",\n    \"country\": \"US\",\n    \"country_name\": \"US\",\n    \"number\": \"+1 6699006833\",\n    \"type\": \"toll\"\n   },\n   {\n    \"city\": \"San Jose\",\n    \"country\": \"US\",\n    \"country_name\": \"US\",\n    \"number\": \"+1 408000000\",\n    \"type\": \"toll\"\n   }\n  ],\n  \"breakout_room\": {\n   \"enable\": false,\n   \"rooms\": [\n    {\n     \"name\": \"room1\",\n     \"participants\": [\n      \"\",\n      \"\"\n     ]\n    },\n    {\n     \"name\": \"room2\",\n     \"participants\": [\n      \"\"\n     ]\n    }\n   ],\n   \"host_video\": false,\n   \"in_meeting\": false,\n   \"join_before_host\": true,\n   \"mute_upon_entry\": false,\n   \"participant_video\": false,\n   \"registrants_confirmation_email\": true,\n   \"use_pmi\": false,\n   \"waiting_room\": false,\n   \"watermark\": false,\n   \"registrants_email_notification\": true\n  },\n  \"start_time\": \"2019-08-30T22:00:00Z\",\n  \"start_url\": \"\",\n  \"status\": \"waiting\",\n  \"timezone\": \"America/New_York\",\n  \"topic\": \"API Test\",\n  \"type\": 2,\n  \"uuid\": \"ng1MzyWNQaObxcf3+Gfm6A==\"\n }\n}"
      "name": "**HTTP Status Code:** `300`<br>\nInvalid enforce_login_domains, separate multiple domains by semicolon.<br>\nA maximum of {rateLimitNumber} meetings can be created/updated for a single user in one day.\n",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "POST",
        "header": [
            "description": "Added as a part of security scheme: oauth2",
            "key": "Authorization",
            "value": "<token>"
        "body": {
          "mode": "formdata",
          "formdata": [
              "key": "topic",
              "value": "nisi deserunt tempor",
              "description": "The meeting's topic.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "type",
              "value": "2",
              "description": "The type of meeting:\n* `1` — An instant meeting. \n* `2` — A scheduled meeting. \n* `3` — A recurring meeting with no fixed time. \n* `8` — A recurring meeting with fixed time. (This can only be one of 1,2,3,8)",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "pre_schedule",
              "value": "false",
              "description": "Whether to create a prescheduled meeting via the [GSuite app]( This **only** supports the meeting `type` value of `2` (scheduled meetings) and `3` (recurring meetings with no fixed time): \n* `true` — Create a prescheduled meeting. \n* `false` — Create a regular meeting.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "start_time",
              "value": "1975-09-11T15:56:00.098Z",
              "description": "The meeting's start time. This field is only used for scheduled and/or recurring meetings with a fixed time. This supports local time and GMT formats. \n* To set a meeting's start time in GMT, use the `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ` date-time format. For example, `2020-03-31T12:02:00Z`. \n* To set a meeting's start time using a specific timezone, use the `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss` date-time format and specify the [timezone ID]( in the `timezone` field. If you do not specify a timezone, the `timezone` value defaults to your Zoom account's timezone. You can also use `UTC` for the `timezone` value.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "duration",
              "value": "86614634",
              "description": "The meeting's scheduled duration, in minutes. This field is only used for scheduled meetings (`2`).",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "schedule_for",
              "value": "nulla esse enim dolor",
              "description": "The email address or user ID of the user to schedule a meeting for.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "timezone",
              "value": "amet nis",
              "description": "The timezome to assign to the `start_time` value. This field is only used for scheduled meetings (`2`).\n\nFor a list of supported timezones and their format, refer to our [timezone list documentation](",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "password",
              "value": "ex",
              "description": "The password required to join the meeting. By default, a password can **only** have a maximum length of 10 characters and only contain alphanumeric characters and the `@`, `-`, `_`, and `*` characters. \n* If the account owner or administrator has configured [minimum passcode requirement settings](, the password **must** meet those requirements. \n* If password requirements are enabled, use the [**Get User Settings**]( API or the [**Get Account Settings**]( API to get the requirements.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "default_password",
              "value": "false",
              "description": "Whether to generate a default password using the user's settings. This value defaults to `false`. \n\nIf this value is `true` and the user has the PMI setting enabled with a password, then the user's meetings will use the PMI password. It will **not** use a default password.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "agenda",
              "value": "dolor ullamco",
              "description": "The meeting's agenda. This value has a maximum length of 2,000 characters.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "tracking_fields",
              "value": "[{\"field\":\"ea qui\",\"value\":\"ad consectetur\"},{\"field\":\"non mollit exercitation\",\"value\":\"magna\"}]",
              "description": "Information about the meeting's tracking fields.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "recurrence",
              "value": "{\"type\":1,\"repeat_interval\":-4593781,\"weekly_days\":\"1\",\"monthly_day\":1,\"monthly_week\":1,\"monthly_week_day\":7,\"end_times\":1,\"end_date_time\":\"1984-11-14T08:21:16.537Z\"}",
              "description": "Recurrence object. Use this object only for a meeting with type `8` i.e., a recurring meeting with fixed time. ",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "settings",
              "value": "{\"host_video\":false,\"participant_video\":true,\"cn_meeting\":false,\"in_meeting\":false,\"join_before_host\":false,\"jbh_time\":10,\"mute_upon_entry\":false,\"watermark\":false,\"use_pmi\":false,\"approval_type\":2,\"registration_type\":1,\"audio\":\"both\",\"auto_recording\":\"none\",\"alternative_hosts\":\"occaecat nostrud dolor culpa enim\",\"close_registration\":false,\"waiting_room\":false,\"global_dial_in_countries\":[\"ut anim id laborum\",\"sed eiusmod\"],\"contact_name\":\"cillum laborum\",\"contact_email\":\"sit veniam do anim\",\"registrants_email_notification\":false,\"registrants_confirmation_email\":false,\"meeting_authentication\":false,\"authentication_option\":\"minim quis ipsum Excepteur\",\"authentication_domains\":\"adipisicing cillum id veniam\",\"authentication_exception\":[{\"name\":\"Excepteur voluptate\",\"email\":\"VIGDi0qgj-HDkw@dTPHBdbP.kc\"},{\"name\":\"officia ven\",\"email\":\"9hx@Ziin.lyg\"}],\"additional_data_center_regions\":[\"sint nulla\",\"ad proident minim\"],\"breakout_room\":{\"enable\":false,\"rooms\":[{\"name\":\"sit qui laboris\",\"participants\":[\"minim deserunt nulla Ut\",\"Excepteur amet exercitation nostrud sed\"]},{\"name\":\"veniam mollit ea\",\"participants\":[\"tempor ipsum et aliquip\",\"et Ut enim\"]}]},\"language_interpretation\":{\"enable\":false,\"interpreters\":[{\"email\":\"\",\"languages\":\"exercitation Lorem\"},{\"email\":\"MDcK@z.lnhy\",\"languages\":\"veniam labori\"}]},\"show_share_button\":true,\"allow_multiple_devices\":false,\"encryption_type\":\"e2ee\",\"approved_or_denied_countries_or_regions\":{\"enable\":true,\"method\":\"approve\",\"approved_list\":[\"culpa velit fugiat laboris ut\",\"officia sit\"],\"denied_list\":[\"moll\",\"exercitation culpa deserunt anim\"]},\"alternative_hosts_email_notification\":true,\"focus_mode\":false,\"meeting_invitees\":[{\"email\":\"u2AJDObx6r@khlDQqyqrFqS.bnno\"},{\"email\":\"2PsMTq2CiyjD@SUaugehHrFXDcKoQrHM.qm\"}],\"private_meeting\":false,\"calendar_type\":2}",
              "description": "Information about the meeting's settings.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "template_id",
              "value": "in voluptate",
              "description": "The **account admin meeting template** ID with which to schedule a meeting using a [meeting template]( For a list of account admin-provided meeting templates, use the [**List meeting templates**]( API. \n* At this time, this field **only** accepts account admin meeting template IDs. \n* To enable the account admin meeting templates feature, [contact Zoom support](",
              "type": "text"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/meetings",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "userId",
              "value": "quis officia in reprehenderit",
              "description": "(Required) The user ID or email address of the user. For user-level apps, pass the `me` value for this parameter."
      "status": "Multiple Choices",
      "code": 300,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "text",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "text/plain"
      "cookie": [
      "body": ""
      "name": "**HTTP Status Code:** `400` **Bad Request**<br>\n**Error Code:** `3000`<br> \n* Instant meetings do not support the schedule_for parameter; you cannot schedule an instant meeting for another user.<br>\n* Users in '{0}' have been blocked from joining meetings",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "POST",
        "header": [
            "description": "Added as a part of security scheme: oauth2",
            "key": "Authorization",
            "value": "<token>"
        "body": {
          "mode": "formdata",
          "formdata": [
              "key": "topic",
              "value": "nisi deserunt tempor",
              "description": "The meeting's topic.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "type",
              "value": "2",
              "description": "The type of meeting:\n* `1` — An instant meeting. \n* `2` — A scheduled meeting. \n* `3` — A recurring meeting with no fixed time. \n* `8` — A recurring meeting with fixed time. (This can only be one of 1,2,3,8)",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "pre_schedule",
              "value": "false",
              "description": "Whether to create a prescheduled meeting via the [GSuite app]( This **only** supports the meeting `type` value of `2` (scheduled meetings) and `3` (recurring meetings with no fixed time): \n* `true` — Create a prescheduled meeting. \n* `false` — Create a regular meeting.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "start_time",
              "value": "1975-09-11T15:56:00.098Z",
              "description": "The meeting's start time. This field is only used for scheduled and/or recurring meetings with a fixed time. This supports local time and GMT formats. \n* To set a meeting's start time in GMT, use the `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ` date-time format. For example, `2020-03-31T12:02:00Z`. \n* To set a meeting's start time using a specific timezone, use the `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss` date-time format and specify the [timezone ID]( in the `timezone` field. If you do not specify a timezone, the `timezone` value defaults to your Zoom account's timezone. You can also use `UTC` for the `timezone` value.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "duration",
              "value": "86614634",
              "description": "The meeting's scheduled duration, in minutes. This field is only used for scheduled meetings (`2`).",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "schedule_for",
              "value": "nulla esse enim dolor",
              "description": "The email address or user ID of the user to schedule a meeting for.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "timezone",
              "value": "amet nis",
              "description": "The timezome to assign to the `start_time` value. This field is only used for scheduled meetings (`2`).\n\nFor a list of supported timezones and their format, refer to our [timezone list documentation](",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "password",
              "value": "ex",
              "description": "The password required to join the meeting. By default, a password can **only** have a maximum length of 10 characters and only contain alphanumeric characters and the `@`, `-`, `_`, and `*` characters. \n* If the account owner or administrator has configured [minimum passcode requirement settings](, the password **must** meet those requirements. \n* If password requirements are enabled, use the [**Get User Settings**]( API or the [**Get Account Settings**]( API to get the requirements.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "default_password",
              "value": "false",
              "description": "Whether to generate a default password using the user's settings. This value defaults to `false`. \n\nIf this value is `true` and the user has the PMI setting enabled with a password, then the user's meetings will use the PMI password. It will **not** use a default password.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "agenda",
              "value": "dolor ullamco",
              "description": "The meeting's agenda. This value has a maximum length of 2,000 characters.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "tracking_fields",
              "value": "[{\"field\":\"ea qui\",\"value\":\"ad consectetur\"},{\"field\":\"non mollit exercitation\",\"value\":\"magna\"}]",
              "description": "Information about the meeting's tracking fields.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "recurrence",
              "value": "{\"type\":1,\"repeat_interval\":-4593781,\"weekly_days\":\"1\",\"monthly_day\":1,\"monthly_week\":1,\"monthly_week_day\":7,\"end_times\":1,\"end_date_time\":\"1984-11-14T08:21:16.537Z\"}",
              "description": "Recurrence object. Use this object only for a meeting with type `8` i.e., a recurring meeting with fixed time. ",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "settings",
              "value": "{\"host_video\":false,\"participant_video\":true,\"cn_meeting\":false,\"in_meeting\":false,\"join_before_host\":false,\"jbh_time\":10,\"mute_upon_entry\":false,\"watermark\":false,\"use_pmi\":false,\"approval_type\":2,\"registration_type\":1,\"audio\":\"both\",\"auto_recording\":\"none\",\"alternative_hosts\":\"occaecat nostrud dolor culpa enim\",\"close_registration\":false,\"waiting_room\":false,\"global_dial_in_countries\":[\"ut anim id laborum\",\"sed eiusmod\"],\"contact_name\":\"cillum laborum\",\"contact_email\":\"sit veniam do anim\",\"registrants_email_notification\":false,\"registrants_confirmation_email\":false,\"meeting_authentication\":false,\"authentication_option\":\"minim quis ipsum Excepteur\",\"authentication_domains\":\"adipisicing cillum id veniam\",\"authentication_exception\":[{\"name\":\"Excepteur voluptate\",\"email\":\"VIGDi0qgj-HDkw@dTPHBdbP.kc\"},{\"name\":\"officia ven\",\"email\":\"9hx@Ziin.lyg\"}],\"additional_data_center_regions\":[\"sint nulla\",\"ad proident minim\"],\"breakout_room\":{\"enable\":false,\"rooms\":[{\"name\":\"sit qui laboris\",\"participants\":[\"minim deserunt nulla Ut\",\"Excepteur amet exercitation nostrud sed\"]},{\"name\":\"veniam mollit ea\",\"participants\":[\"tempor ipsum et aliquip\",\"et Ut enim\"]}]},\"language_interpretation\":{\"enable\":false,\"interpreters\":[{\"email\":\"\",\"languages\":\"exercitation Lorem\"},{\"email\":\"MDcK@z.lnhy\",\"languages\":\"veniam labori\"}]},\"show_share_button\":true,\"allow_multiple_devices\":false,\"encryption_type\":\"e2ee\",\"approved_or_denied_countries_or_regions\":{\"enable\":true,\"method\":\"approve\",\"approved_list\":[\"culpa velit fugiat laboris ut\",\"officia sit\"],\"denied_list\":[\"moll\",\"exercitation culpa deserunt anim\"]},\"alternative_hosts_email_notification\":true,\"focus_mode\":false,\"meeting_invitees\":[{\"email\":\"u2AJDObx6r@khlDQqyqrFqS.bnno\"},{\"email\":\"2PsMTq2CiyjD@SUaugehHrFXDcKoQrHM.qm\"}],\"private_meeting\":false,\"calendar_type\":2}",
              "description": "Information about the meeting's settings.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "template_id",
              "value": "in voluptate",
              "description": "The **account admin meeting template** ID with which to schedule a meeting using a [meeting template]( For a list of account admin-provided meeting templates, use the [**List meeting templates**]( API. \n* At this time, this field **only** accepts account admin meeting template IDs. \n* To enable the account admin meeting templates feature, [contact Zoom support](",
              "type": "text"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/meetings",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "userId",
              "value": "quis officia in reprehenderit",
              "description": "(Required) The user ID or email address of the user. For user-level apps, pass the `me` value for this parameter."
      "status": "Bad Request",
      "code": 400,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "text",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "text/plain"
      "cookie": [
      "body": ""
      "name": "**HTTP Status Code:** `404` **Not Found**<br>\nUser not found.<br>\n\n**Error Code:** `1001`<br> User {userId} not exist or not belong to this account.\n",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "POST",
        "header": [
            "description": "Added as a part of security scheme: oauth2",
            "key": "Authorization",
            "value": "<token>"
        "body": {
          "mode": "formdata",
          "formdata": [
              "key": "topic",
              "value": "nisi deserunt tempor",
              "description": "The meeting's topic.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "type",
              "value": "2",
              "description": "The type of meeting:\n* `1` — An instant meeting. \n* `2` — A scheduled meeting. \n* `3` — A recurring meeting with no fixed time. \n* `8` — A recurring meeting with fixed time. (This can only be one of 1,2,3,8)",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "pre_schedule",
              "value": "false",
              "description": "Whether to create a prescheduled meeting via the [GSuite app]( This **only** supports the meeting `type` value of `2` (scheduled meetings) and `3` (recurring meetings with no fixed time): \n* `true` — Create a prescheduled meeting. \n* `false` — Create a regular meeting.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "start_time",
              "value": "1975-09-11T15:56:00.098Z",
              "description": "The meeting's start time. This field is only used for scheduled and/or recurring meetings with a fixed time. This supports local time and GMT formats. \n* To set a meeting's start time in GMT, use the `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ` date-time format. For example, `2020-03-31T12:02:00Z`. \n* To set a meeting's start time using a specific timezone, use the `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss` date-time format and specify the [timezone ID]( in the `timezone` field. If you do not specify a timezone, the `timezone` value defaults to your Zoom account's timezone. You can also use `UTC` for the `timezone` value.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "duration",
              "value": "86614634",
              "description": "The meeting's scheduled duration, in minutes. This field is only used for scheduled meetings (`2`).",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "schedule_for",
              "value": "nulla esse enim dolor",
              "description": "The email address or user ID of the user to schedule a meeting for.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "timezone",
              "value": "amet nis",
              "description": "The timezome to assign to the `start_time` value. This field is only used for scheduled meetings (`2`).\n\nFor a list of supported timezones and their format, refer to our [timezone list documentation](",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "password",
              "value": "ex",
              "description": "The password required to join the meeting. By default, a password can **only** have a maximum length of 10 characters and only contain alphanumeric characters and the `@`, `-`, `_`, and `*` characters. \n* If the account owner or administrator has configured [minimum passcode requirement settings](, the password **must** meet those requirements. \n* If password requirements are enabled, use the [**Get User Settings**]( API or the [**Get Account Settings**]( API to get the requirements.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "default_password",
              "value": "false",
              "description": "Whether to generate a default password using the user's settings. This value defaults to `false`. \n\nIf this value is `true` and the user has the PMI setting enabled with a password, then the user's meetings will use the PMI password. It will **not** use a default password.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "agenda",
              "value": "dolor ullamco",
              "description": "The meeting's agenda. This value has a maximum length of 2,000 characters.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "tracking_fields",
              "value": "[{\"field\":\"ea qui\",\"value\":\"ad consectetur\"},{\"field\":\"non mollit exercitation\",\"value\":\"magna\"}]",
              "description": "Information about the meeting's tracking fields.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "recurrence",
              "value": "{\"type\":1,\"repeat_interval\":-4593781,\"weekly_days\":\"1\",\"monthly_day\":1,\"monthly_week\":1,\"monthly_week_day\":7,\"end_times\":1,\"end_date_time\":\"1984-11-14T08:21:16.537Z\"}",
              "description": "Recurrence object. Use this object only for a meeting with type `8` i.e., a recurring meeting with fixed time. ",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "settings",
              "value": "{\"host_video\":false,\"participant_video\":true,\"cn_meeting\":false,\"in_meeting\":false,\"join_before_host\":false,\"jbh_time\":10,\"mute_upon_entry\":false,\"watermark\":false,\"use_pmi\":false,\"approval_type\":2,\"registration_type\":1,\"audio\":\"both\",\"auto_recording\":\"none\",\"alternative_hosts\":\"occaecat nostrud dolor culpa enim\",\"close_registration\":false,\"waiting_room\":false,\"global_dial_in_countries\":[\"ut anim id laborum\",\"sed eiusmod\"],\"contact_name\":\"cillum laborum\",\"contact_email\":\"sit veniam do anim\",\"registrants_email_notification\":false,\"registrants_confirmation_email\":false,\"meeting_authentication\":false,\"authentication_option\":\"minim quis ipsum Excepteur\",\"authentication_domains\":\"adipisicing cillum id veniam\",\"authentication_exception\":[{\"name\":\"Excepteur voluptate\",\"email\":\"VIGDi0qgj-HDkw@dTPHBdbP.kc\"},{\"name\":\"officia ven\",\"email\":\"9hx@Ziin.lyg\"}],\"additional_data_center_regions\":[\"sint nulla\",\"ad proident minim\"],\"breakout_room\":{\"enable\":false,\"rooms\":[{\"name\":\"sit qui laboris\",\"participants\":[\"minim deserunt nulla Ut\",\"Excepteur amet exercitation nostrud sed\"]},{\"name\":\"veniam mollit ea\",\"participants\":[\"tempor ipsum et aliquip\",\"et Ut enim\"]}]},\"language_interpretation\":{\"enable\":false,\"interpreters\":[{\"email\":\"\",\"languages\":\"exercitation Lorem\"},{\"email\":\"MDcK@z.lnhy\",\"languages\":\"veniam labori\"}]},\"show_share_button\":true,\"allow_multiple_devices\":false,\"encryption_type\":\"e2ee\",\"approved_or_denied_countries_or_regions\":{\"enable\":true,\"method\":\"approve\",\"approved_list\":[\"culpa velit fugiat laboris ut\",\"officia sit\"],\"denied_list\":[\"moll\",\"exercitation culpa deserunt anim\"]},\"alternative_hosts_email_notification\":true,\"focus_mode\":false,\"meeting_invitees\":[{\"email\":\"u2AJDObx6r@khlDQqyqrFqS.bnno\"},{\"email\":\"2PsMTq2CiyjD@SUaugehHrFXDcKoQrHM.qm\"}],\"private_meeting\":false,\"calendar_type\":2}",
              "description": "Information about the meeting's settings.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "template_id",
              "value": "in voluptate",
              "description": "The **account admin meeting template** ID with which to schedule a meeting using a [meeting template]( For a list of account admin-provided meeting templates, use the [**List meeting templates**]( API. \n* At this time, this field **only** accepts account admin meeting template IDs. \n* To enable the account admin meeting templates feature, [contact Zoom support](",
              "type": "text"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/users/:userId/meetings",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "userId",
              "value": "quis officia in reprehenderit",
              "description": "(Required) The user ID or email address of the user. For user-level apps, pass the `me` value for this parameter."
      "status": "Not Found",
      "code": 404,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "text",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "text/plain"
      "cookie": [
      "body": ""