Chilkat Online Tools

Powershell / Core Services API / GetCpeDeviceShape

Back to Collection Items

Add-Type -Path "C:\chilkat\ChilkatDotNet47-9.5.0-x64\ChilkatDotNet47.dll"

# This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
# See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

$http = New-Object Chilkat.Http


$sbResponseBody = New-Object Chilkat.StringBuilder
$success = $http.QuickGetSb("https://iaas.{{region}}",$sbResponseBody)
if ($success -eq $false) {

$jResp = New-Object Chilkat.JsonObject
$jResp.EmitCompact = $false

$("Response Body:")

$respStatusCode = $http.LastStatus
$("Response Status Code = " + $respStatusCode)
if ($respStatusCode -ge 400) {
    $("Response Header:")

# Sample JSON response:
# (Sample code for parsing the JSON response is shown below)

# {
#   "cpeDeviceInfo": {
#     "platformSoftwareVersion": {
#       "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
#     },
#     "vendor": {
#       "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
#     }
#   },
#   "cpeDeviceShapeId": "tempor ea incididunt",
#   "parameters": [
#     {
#       "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
#     },
#     {
#       "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
#     }
#   ],
#   "template": "eu nulla"
# }

# Sample code for parsing the JSON response...
# Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: Generate JSON Parsing Code

$Value = $jResp.StringOf("cpeDeviceInfo.platformSoftwareVersion.value")
$VendorValue = $jResp.StringOf("cpeDeviceInfo.vendor.value")
$cpeDeviceShapeId = $jResp.StringOf("cpeDeviceShapeId")
$template = $jResp.StringOf("template")
$i = 0
$count_i = $jResp.SizeOfArray("parameters")
while ($i -lt $count_i) {
    $jResp.I = $i
    $value = $jResp.StringOf("parameters[i].value")
    $i = $i + 1

Curl Command

curl -X GET
	-H "opc-request-id: 8wF"
	-H "Date: {{date}}"
	-H "Authorization: {{signature}}"

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "GetCpeDeviceShape",
  "request": {
    "method": "GET",
    "header": [
        "description": "Unique identifier for the request.\nIf you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.\n",
        "key": "opc-request-id",
        "value": "8wF"
        "key": "Date",
        "value": "{{date}}",
        "description": "(Required) Current Date",
        "type": "text"
        "key": "Authorization",
        "value": "{{signature}}",
        "description": "(Required) Signature Authentication on Authorization header",
        "type": "text"
    "url": {
      "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/cpeDeviceShapes/:cpeDeviceShapeId",
      "host": [
      "path": [
      "variable": [
          "key": "cpeDeviceShapeId",
          "value": "amet ut",
          "description": "(Required) The [OCID](/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm) of the CPE device shape."
    "description": "Gets the detailed information about the specified CPE device type. This might include a set of questions\nthat are specific to the particular CPE device type. The customer must supply answers to those questions\n(see [UpdateTunnelCpeDeviceConfig](#/en/iaas/latest/TunnelCpeDeviceConfig/UpdateTunnelCpeDeviceConfig)).\nThe service merges the answers with a template of other information for the CPE device type. The following\noperations return the merged content:\n\n  * [GetCpeDeviceConfigContent](#/en/iaas/latest/Cpe/GetCpeDeviceConfigContent)\n  * [GetIpsecCpeDeviceConfigContent](#/en/iaas/latest/IPSecConnection/GetIpsecCpeDeviceConfigContent)\n  * [GetTunnelCpeDeviceConfigContent](#/en/iaas/latest/TunnelCpeDeviceConfig/GetTunnelCpeDeviceConfigContent)\n"
  "response": [
      "name": "The parameters is being retrieved.",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
            "description": "Unique identifier for the request.\nIf you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.\n",
            "key": "opc-request-id",
            "value": "8wF"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/cpeDeviceShapes/:cpeDeviceShapeId",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "cpeDeviceShapeId"
      "status": "OK",
      "code": 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
          "key": "opc-request-id",
          "value": "officia sed",
          "description": "Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact\nOracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.\n"
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "application/json"
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n \"cpeDeviceInfo\": {\n  \"platformSoftwareVersion\": {\n   \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n  },\n  \"vendor\": {\n   \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n  }\n },\n \"cpeDeviceShapeId\": \"tempor ea incididunt\",\n \"parameters\": [\n  {\n   \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n  },\n  {\n   \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n  }\n ],\n \"template\": \"eu nulla\"\n}"
      "name": "Unauthorized",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
            "description": "Unique identifier for the request.\nIf you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.\n",
            "key": "opc-request-id",
            "value": "8wF"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/cpeDeviceShapes/:cpeDeviceShapeId",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "cpeDeviceShapeId"
      "status": "Unauthorized",
      "code": 401,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
          "key": "opc-request-id",
          "value": "officia sed",
          "description": "Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact\nOracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.\n"
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "application/json"
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n \"code\": \"et exercitation Excepteur\",\n \"message\": \"irure sit\"\n}"
      "name": "Not Found",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
            "description": "Unique identifier for the request.\nIf you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.\n",
            "key": "opc-request-id",
            "value": "8wF"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/cpeDeviceShapes/:cpeDeviceShapeId",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "cpeDeviceShapeId"
      "status": "Not Found",
      "code": 404,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
          "key": "opc-request-id",
          "value": "officia sed",
          "description": "Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact\nOracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.\n"
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "application/json"
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n \"code\": \"et exercitation Excepteur\",\n \"message\": \"irure sit\"\n}"
      "name": "Internal Server Error",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
            "description": "Unique identifier for the request.\nIf you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.\n",
            "key": "opc-request-id",
            "value": "8wF"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/cpeDeviceShapes/:cpeDeviceShapeId",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "cpeDeviceShapeId"
      "status": "Internal Server Error",
      "code": 500,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
          "key": "opc-request-id",
          "value": "officia sed",
          "description": "Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact\nOracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.\n"
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "application/json"
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n \"code\": \"et exercitation Excepteur\",\n \"message\": \"irure sit\"\n}"
      "name": "An error has occurred.",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
            "description": "Unique identifier for the request.\nIf you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.\n",
            "key": "opc-request-id",
            "value": "8wF"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/cpeDeviceShapes/:cpeDeviceShapeId",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "cpeDeviceShapeId"
      "status": "Internal Server Error",
      "code": 500,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
          "key": "opc-request-id",
          "value": "officia sed",
          "description": "Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact\nOracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.\n"
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "application/json"
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n \"code\": \"et exercitation Excepteur\",\n \"message\": \"irure sit\"\n}"