Chilkat Online Tools

Powershell / Cognite API v1 / Search files

Back to Collection Items

Add-Type -Path "C:\chilkat\ChilkatDotNet47-9.5.0-x64\ChilkatDotNet47.dll"

# This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
# See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

$http = New-Object Chilkat.Http

# Use this online tool to generate code from sample JSON: Generate Code to Create JSON

# The following JSON is sent in the request body.

# {
#   "filter": {
#     "name": "labore",
#     "directoryPrefix": "non",
#     "mimeType": "amet",
#     "metadata": {},
#     "assetIds": [
#       2806482587450292,
#       5885270784918610
#     ],
#     "assetExternalIds": [
#       "cillum quis laborum eu in",
#       "pariatur aute incididunt minim nulla"
#     ],
#     "rootAssetIds": [
#       {
#         "id": 3434712602792354
#       },
#       {
#         "externalId": "dolor nostrud sint tempor"
#       }
#     ],
#     "dataSetIds": [
#       {
#         "id": 6643919081009120
#       },
#       {
#         "externalId": "incidid"
#       }
#     ],
#     "assetSubtreeIds": [
#       {
#         "id": 1381446255269154
#       },
#       {
#         "id": 6877534894841850
#       }
#     ],
#     "source": "in ullamco in qu",
#     "createdTime": {
#       "max": 52776204,
#       "min": 19590899
#     },
#     "lastUpdatedTime": {
#       "max": 2447871,
#       "min": 62024320
#     },
#     "uploadedTime": {
#       "max": 88446108,
#       "min": 12715733
#     },
#     "sourceCreatedTime": {
#       "max": 6470658,
#       "min": 75552038
#     },
#     "sourceModifiedTime": {
#       "max": 56421116,
#       "min": 98065077
#     },
#     "externalIdPrefix": "incididunt occaecat eiusmod ut",
#     "uploaded": true,
#     "labels": {
#       "containsAll": [
#         {
#           "externalId": "pariatur"
#         },
#         {
#           "externalId": "adipisicing occaecat"
#         }
#       ]
#     },
#     "geoLocation": {
#       "relation": "INTERSECTS",
#       "shape": {
#         "type": "Point",
#         "coordinates": [
#           -28013106.93372789,
#           67047806.90769461
#         ]
#       }
#     }
#   },
#   "search": {
#     "name": "qui"
#   }
# }

$json = New-Object Chilkat.JsonObject
$json.UpdateString("filter.assetExternalIds[0]","cillum quis laborum eu in")
$json.UpdateString("filter.assetExternalIds[1]","pariatur aute incididunt minim nulla")
$json.UpdateString("filter.rootAssetIds[1].externalId","dolor nostrud sint tempor")
$json.UpdateString("filter.source","in ullamco in qu")
$json.UpdateString("filter.externalIdPrefix","incididunt occaecat eiusmod ut")
$json.UpdateString("filter.labels.containsAll[1].externalId","adipisicing occaecat")


$resp = $http.PostJson3("{{project}}/files/search","application/json",$json)
if ($http.LastMethodSuccess -eq $false) {


Curl Command

curl -X POST
	-H "api-key: {{api-key}}"
	-H "content-type: application/json"
	-d '{
    "filter": {
        "name": "labore",
        "directoryPrefix": "non",
        "mimeType": "amet",
        "metadata": {},
        "assetIds": [
        "assetExternalIds": [
            "cillum quis laborum eu in",
            "pariatur aute incididunt minim nulla"
        "rootAssetIds": [
                "id": 3434712602792354
                "externalId": "dolor nostrud sint tempor"
        "dataSetIds": [
                "id": 6643919081009120
                "externalId": "incidid"
        "assetSubtreeIds": [
                "id": 1381446255269154
                "id": 6877534894841850
        "source": "in ullamco in qu",
        "createdTime": {
            "max": 52776204,
            "min": 19590899
        "lastUpdatedTime": {
            "max": 2447871,
            "min": 62024320
        "uploadedTime": {
            "max": 88446108,
            "min": 12715733
        "sourceCreatedTime": {
            "max": 6470658,
            "min": 75552038
        "sourceModifiedTime": {
            "max": 56421116,
            "min": 98065077
        "externalIdPrefix": "incididunt occaecat eiusmod ut",
        "uploaded": true,
        "labels": {
            "containsAll": [
                    "externalId": "pariatur"
                    "externalId": "adipisicing occaecat"
        "geoLocation": {
            "relation": "INTERSECTS",
            "shape": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [
    "search": {
        "name": "qui"

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "id": "searchFiles",
  "name": "Search files",
  "request": {
    "url": {
      "host": "{{baseUrl}}",
      "path": [
      "query": [
      "variable": [
    "method": "POST",
    "header": [
        "key": "api-key",
        "value": "{{api-key}}",
        "description": "An admin can create API keys in the Cognite console."
        "key": "content-type",
        "value": "application/json"
    "description": "Search for files based on relevance. You can also supply a strict match filter as in Filter files, and search in the results from the filter. Returns first 1000 results based on relevance. This operation does not support pagination.",
    "body": {
      "mode": "raw",
      "raw": "{\n    \"filter\": {\n        \"name\": \"labore\",\n        \"directoryPrefix\": \"non\",\n        \"mimeType\": \"amet\",\n        \"metadata\": {},\n        \"assetIds\": [\n            2806482587450292,\n            5885270784918610\n        ],\n        \"assetExternalIds\": [\n            \"cillum quis laborum eu in\",\n            \"pariatur aute incididunt minim nulla\"\n        ],\n        \"rootAssetIds\": [\n            {\n                \"id\": 3434712602792354\n            },\n            {\n                \"externalId\": \"dolor nostrud sint tempor\"\n            }\n        ],\n        \"dataSetIds\": [\n            {\n                \"id\": 6643919081009120\n            },\n            {\n                \"externalId\": \"incidid\"\n            }\n        ],\n        \"assetSubtreeIds\": [\n            {\n                \"id\": 1381446255269154\n            },\n            {\n                \"id\": 6877534894841850\n            }\n        ],\n        \"source\": \"in ullamco in qu\",\n        \"createdTime\": {\n            \"max\": 52776204,\n            \"min\": 19590899\n        },\n        \"lastUpdatedTime\": {\n            \"max\": 2447871,\n            \"min\": 62024320\n        },\n        \"uploadedTime\": {\n            \"max\": 88446108,\n            \"min\": 12715733\n        },\n        \"sourceCreatedTime\": {\n            \"max\": 6470658,\n            \"min\": 75552038\n        },\n        \"sourceModifiedTime\": {\n            \"max\": 56421116,\n            \"min\": 98065077\n        },\n        \"externalIdPrefix\": \"incididunt occaecat eiusmod ut\",\n        \"uploaded\": true,\n        \"labels\": {\n            \"containsAll\": [\n                {\n                    \"externalId\": \"pariatur\"\n                },\n                {\n                    \"externalId\": \"adipisicing occaecat\"\n                }\n            ]\n        },\n        \"geoLocation\": {\n            \"relation\": \"INTERSECTS\",\n            \"shape\": {\n                \"type\": \"Point\",\n                \"coordinates\": [\n                    -28013106.93372789,\n                    67047806.90769461\n                ]\n            }\n        }\n    },\n    \"search\": {\n        \"name\": \"qui\"\n    }\n}"