Chilkat Online Tools

PowerBuilder / Postman API / All Mocks

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integer li_rc
oleobject loo_Http
integer li_Success
oleobject loo_SbResponseBody
oleobject loo_JResp
integer li_RespStatusCode
string ls_Id
string ls_Owner
string ls_Uid
string ls_Collection
string ls_Environment
string ls_MockUrl
string ls_Name
integer li_MatchBody
integer li_MatchQueryParams
integer li_MatchWildcards
string ls_Delay
string ls_CreatedAt
string ls_UpdatedAt
integer li_IsPublic
integer j
integer li_Count_j
integer i
integer li_Count_i

// This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
// See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

loo_Http = create oleobject
li_rc = loo_Http.ConnectToNewObject("Chilkat_9_5_0.Http")
if li_rc < 0 then
    destroy loo_Http
    MessageBox("Error","Connecting to COM object failed")
end if


loo_SbResponseBody = create oleobject
li_rc = loo_SbResponseBody.ConnectToNewObject("Chilkat_9_5_0.StringBuilder")

li_Success = loo_Http.QuickGetSb("",loo_SbResponseBody)
if li_Success = 0 then
    Write-Debug loo_Http.LastErrorText
    destroy loo_Http
    destroy loo_SbResponseBody
end if

loo_JResp = create oleobject
li_rc = loo_JResp.ConnectToNewObject("Chilkat_9_5_0.JsonObject")

loo_JResp.EmitCompact = 0

Write-Debug "Response Body:"
Write-Debug loo_JResp.Emit()

li_RespStatusCode = loo_Http.LastStatus
Write-Debug "Response Status Code = " + string(li_RespStatusCode)
if li_RespStatusCode >= 400 then
    Write-Debug "Response Header:"
    Write-Debug loo_Http.LastHeader
    Write-Debug "Failed."
    destroy loo_Http
    destroy loo_SbResponseBody
    destroy loo_JResp
end if

// Sample JSON response:
// (Sample code for parsing the JSON response is shown below)

// {
//   "mocks": [
//     {
//       "id": "e782b64e-406b-4a6c-8fe9-9ebe84aeb706",
//       "owner": "1686168",
//       "uid": "1686168-e782b64e-406b-4a6c-8fe9-9ebe84aeb706",
//       "collection": "1686168-39fee52f-b806-3ffa-1173-00a6f5b183dc",
//       "environment": "1686168-2b90cdd8-e9ac-4086-91c2-bc4cad659511",
//       "mockUrl": "",
//       "name": "mock1",
//       "config": {
//         "headers": [
//         ],
//         "matchBody": false,
//         "matchQueryParams": true,
//         "matchWildcards": true,
//         "delay": null
//       },
//       "createdAt": "2020-12-15T06:44:37.000Z",
//       "updatedAt": "2020-12-15T06:44:37.000Z",
//       "isPublic": false
//     },
//     {
//       "id": "8f9d4b95-780d-455d-af38-772277bc9393",
//       "owner": "1686168",
//       "uid": "1686168-8f9d4b95-780d-455d-af38-772277bc9393",
//       "collection": "1686168-37eeb72f-5d3e-48b4-8022-6b9cca6d2664",
//       "mockUrl": "",
//       "name": "mock2",
//       "config": {
//         "headers": [
//         ],
//         "matchBody": false,
//         "matchQueryParams": true,
//         "matchWildcards": true,
//         "delay": null
//       },
//       "createdAt": "2020-11-15T06:44:37.000Z",
//       "updatedAt": "2020-12-15T06:48:37.000Z",
//       "isPublic": true
//     }
//   ]
// }

// Sample code for parsing the JSON response...
// Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: Generate JSON Parsing Code

i = 0
li_Count_i = loo_JResp.SizeOfArray("mocks")
do while i < li_Count_i
    loo_JResp.I = i
    ls_Id = loo_JResp.StringOf("mocks[i].id")
    ls_Owner = loo_JResp.StringOf("mocks[i].owner")
    ls_Uid = loo_JResp.StringOf("mocks[i].uid")
    ls_Collection = loo_JResp.StringOf("mocks[i].collection")
    ls_Environment = loo_JResp.StringOf("mocks[i].environment")
    ls_MockUrl = loo_JResp.StringOf("mocks[i].mockUrl")
    ls_Name = loo_JResp.StringOf("mocks[i].name")
    li_MatchBody = loo_JResp.BoolOf("mocks[i].config.matchBody")
    li_MatchQueryParams = loo_JResp.BoolOf("mocks[i].config.matchQueryParams")
    li_MatchWildcards = loo_JResp.BoolOf("mocks[i].config.matchWildcards")
    ls_Delay = loo_JResp.StringOf("mocks[i].config.delay")
    ls_CreatedAt = loo_JResp.StringOf("mocks[i].createdAt")
    ls_UpdatedAt = loo_JResp.StringOf("mocks[i].updatedAt")
    li_IsPublic = loo_JResp.BoolOf("mocks[i].isPublic")
    j = 0
    li_Count_j = loo_JResp.SizeOfArray("mocks[i].config.headers")
    do while j < li_Count_j
        loo_JResp.J = j
        j = j + 1
    i = i + 1

destroy loo_Http
destroy loo_SbResponseBody
destroy loo_JResp

Curl Command

curl -X GET
	-H "X-API-Key: {{postman_api_key}}"

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "All Mocks",
  "request": {
    "method": "GET",
    "header": [
    "url": {
      "raw": "",
      "protocol": "https",
      "host": [
      "path": [
    "description": "This endpoint fetches all the mocks that you have created.\n\n> Requires <a href=\"#authentication\">API Key</a> as `X-Api-Key` request header or `apikey` URL query parameter."
  "response": [
      "name": "Successful Response",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
        "url": {
          "raw": "",
          "protocol": "https",
          "host": [
          "path": [
      "status": "OK",
      "code": 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "application/json",
          "name": "Content-Type",
          "description": {
            "content": "",
            "type": "text/plain"
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n    \"mocks\": [\n        {\n            \"id\": \"e782b64e-406b-4a6c-8fe9-9ebe84aeb706\",\n            \"owner\": \"1686168\",\n            \"uid\": \"1686168-e782b64e-406b-4a6c-8fe9-9ebe84aeb706\",\n            \"collection\": \"1686168-39fee52f-b806-3ffa-1173-00a6f5b183dc\",\n            \"environment\": \"1686168-2b90cdd8-e9ac-4086-91c2-bc4cad659511\",\n            \"mockUrl\": \"\",\n            \"name\": \"mock1\",\n            \"config\": {\n                \"headers\": [],\n                \"matchBody\": false,\n                \"matchQueryParams\": true,\n                \"matchWildcards\": true,\n                \"delay\": null\n            },\n            \"createdAt\": \"2020-12-15T06:44:37.000Z\",\n            \"updatedAt\": \"2020-12-15T06:44:37.000Z\",\n            \"isPublic\": false\n        },\n        {\n            \"id\": \"8f9d4b95-780d-455d-af38-772277bc9393\",\n            \"owner\": \"1686168\",\n            \"uid\": \"1686168-8f9d4b95-780d-455d-af38-772277bc9393\",\n            \"collection\": \"1686168-37eeb72f-5d3e-48b4-8022-6b9cca6d2664\",\n            \"mockUrl\": \"\",\n            \"name\": \"mock2\",\n            \"config\": {\n                \"headers\": [],\n                \"matchBody\": false,\n                \"matchQueryParams\": true,\n                \"matchWildcards\": true,\n                \"delay\": null\n            },\n            \"createdAt\": \"2020-11-15T06:44:37.000Z\",\n            \"updatedAt\": \"2020-12-15T06:48:37.000Z\",\n            \"isPublic\": true\n        }\n    ]\n}"