Chilkat Online Tools

PowerBuilder / GP-API Collection / TRA_6.0 Get Transactions

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integer li_rc
oleobject loo_Http
integer li_Success
oleobject loo_QueryParams
oleobject loo_Resp

// This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
// See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

loo_Http = create oleobject
li_rc = loo_Http.ConnectToNewObject("Chilkat_9_5_0.Http")
if li_rc < 0 then
    destroy loo_Http
    MessageBox("Error","Connecting to COM object failed")
end if

loo_QueryParams = create oleobject
li_rc = loo_QueryParams.ConnectToNewObject("Chilkat_9_5_0.JsonObject")


// Adds the "Authorization: Bearer {{token}}" header.
loo_Http.AuthToken = "{{token}}"

loo_Resp = loo_Http.QuickRequestParams("GET","https://{{url}}/ucp/transactions",loo_QueryParams)
if loo_Http.LastMethodSuccess = 0 then
    Write-Debug loo_Http.LastErrorText
    destroy loo_Http
    destroy loo_QueryParams
end if

Write-Debug string(loo_Resp.StatusCode)
Write-Debug loo_Resp.BodyStr
destroy loo_Resp

destroy loo_Http
destroy loo_QueryParams

Curl Command

curl -G -d "order=DESC"
	-d "page_size=1000"
	-d "from_time_created=2020-05-28"
	-H "Content-Type: application/json"
	-H "Authorization: Bearer {{token}}"
	-H "Accept: application/json"
	-H "X-GP-Version: {{version}}"
	-H "idempotency-key: 12345"

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "TRA_6.0 Get Transactions",
  "event": [
      "listen": "test",
      "script": {
        "exec": [
          "var totalPageAmount=parseInt(pm.environment.get(\"total_count\")) || 0;\r",
          "var totalRecordCount=parseInt(pm.environment.get(\"total_amount\")) || 0;\r",
          "var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);\r",
          "for(var i = 0; i < jsonData.transactions.length; i++) {\r",
          "    var obj = jsonData.transactions[i];\r",
          "    totalPageAmount += parseInt(obj.merchant_amount);\r",
          "    totalRecordCount++;\r",
          "postman.setEnvironmentVariable(\"total_count\", totalRecordCount);\r",
          "postman.setEnvironmentVariable(\"total_amount\", totalPageAmount);\r",
          "tests[\"Response time is acceptable\"] = _.inRange(responseTime, 100, 1500); \r",
          "pm.test(\"Successful POST request\", function () {\r",
          "    pm.expect(pm.response.code)[200,201,202]);\r",
          "pm.test(\"Status code name has string\", function () {\r",
        "type": "text/javascript"
  "request": {
    "method": "GET",
    "header": [
        "key": "Content-Type",
        "value": "application/json",
        "type": "text",
        "disabled": true
        "key": "Authorization",
        "value": "Bearer {{token}}",
        "type": "text"
        "key": "Accept",
        "value": "application/json",
        "type": "text"
        "key": "X-GP-Version",
        "value": "{{version}}",
        "type": "text"
        "key": "idempotency-key",
        "value": "12345",
        "type": "text",
        "disabled": true
    "url": {
      "raw": "https://{{url}}/ucp/transactions?order=DESC&page_size=1000&from_time_created=2020-05-28",
      "protocol": "https",
      "host": [
      "path": [
      "query": [
          "key": "order",
          "value": "DESC"
          "key": "page_size",
          "value": "1000"
          "key": "from_time_created",
          "value": "2020-05-28"
          "key": "batch_id",
          "value": "{{batch_id}}",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "id",
          "value": "",
          "disabled": true
    "description": "This request is for getting a realtime report of transactions. It is recomended to wait approx 5 secs after completing a transaction to run a realtime report. \r\n- Page size indicates how many transactions are on one page of the report. 1000 is the max amount of records on one page.\r\n- The Page variable is what page of the report the response is going to return. If you have less than 1000 transactions for the time period of the report, the report will only contain one page. \r\n- Edit the from_time_created variable in the Params tab to change the date of how far back in time the report goes to. \r\n\r\nFor more info on getting list of realtime transactions, visit:"
  "response": [