Chilkat Online Tools

PowerBuilder / Broker API / Journal

Back to Collection Items

System.OutOfMemoryException: Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program.
   at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(String s)
   at Chilkat.CkMarshal.StringToX(String s, XString* x)
   at Chilkat.Xml.LoadXml(String xmlData)
   at ChilkatApi.XClass.LoadClass(String className, Log log)
   at ChilkatApi.ApiCache.getApiClass(String className, Log log)
   at ChilkatApi.ApiCache.getApiProperty(String className, String propName, Log log)
   at ChilkatCode.CodeGen.getXProp(String className, String propName)
   at ChilkatCode.CodeGen.getPropType(String varName, String propName)
   at ChilkatCode.CodeGen.emitAssignment(String varName, String propName, String op, Xml xml)
   at ChilkatCode.Parser.assignment()
   at ChilkatCode.Parser.statement()
   at ChilkatCode.Parser.Chilkat()
   at ChilkatCode.Parser.Parse()
   at ChilkatCode.Compile.CompileForToolsIO(String srcCode, String langHashKey, StringBuilder sbHtmlOut)

Curl Command

curl -X POST
	-u '{{api_key}}:{{api_secret}}'
	-d '{
  "from_account": "7a9e91a4-ed56-44cf-8e10-f6c1aeed05d7",
  "entry_type": "JNLC",
  "to_account": "b8abc578-35ed-4bc0-bb55-6dc846f932eb",
  "amount": "51",
  "description": "test text /fixtures/status=rejected/fixtures/"

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "Journal",
  "request": {
    "method": "POST",
    "header": [
    "body": {
      "mode": "raw",
      "raw": "{\n  \"from_account\": \"7a9e91a4-ed56-44cf-8e10-f6c1aeed05d7\",\n  \"entry_type\": \"JNLC\",\n  \"to_account\": \"b8abc578-35ed-4bc0-bb55-6dc846f932eb\",\n  \"amount\": \"51\",\n  \"description\": \"test text /fixtures/status=rejected/fixtures/\"\n}",
      "options": {
        "raw": {
          "language": "json"
    "url": {
      "raw": "{{HOST}}/v1/journals",
      "host": [
      "path": [
    "description": "| Attribute                         | Type           | Requirement | Notes |\n|-----------------------------------|----------------|-------------|:-----:|\n| `to_account`                        | string         | Required    | The `account_id` you wish to journal to |\n| `from_account`                      | string         | Required    | the `account_id you` wish to journal from |\n| `entry_type`                        | string         | Required    | ENUM: `JNLC` or `JNLS` |\n| `amount`                            | string/numeric | Required    | Required if `entry_type = JNLC` |\n| `symbol`                            | string         | Required    | Required if `entry_type = JNLS` |\n| `qty`                               | string/numeric | Required    | Required if `entry_type = JNLS` |\n| `description`                       | string         | Optional    | Max 1024 characters. Can include fixtures for amounts that are above the transaction limit |\n| `transmitter_name`                  | string         | Optional    | Max 255 characters. See more details about Travel Rule. |\n| `transmitter_account_number`        | string         | Optional    | Max 255 characters. See more details about Travel Rule. |\n| `transmitter_address`               | string         | Optional    | Max 255 characters. See more details about Travel Rule. |\n| `transmitter_financial_institution` | string         | Optional    | Max 255 characters. See more details about Travel Rule. |\n| `transmitter_timestamp`             | string         | Optional    | RFC 3339 format. See more details about Travel Rule. |"
  "response": [