Chilkat Online Tools

phpExt / Support API / Search Views

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// Use "chilkat_9_5_0.php" for versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0

// This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
// See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

$http = new CkHttp();


$queryParams = new CkJsonObject();


// resp is a CkHttpResponse
$resp = $http->QuickRequestParams('GET','',$queryParams);
if ($http->get_LastMethodSuccess() == false) {
    print $http->lastErrorText() . "\n";

$sbResponseBody = new CkStringBuilder();

$jResp = new CkJsonObject();

print 'Response Body:' . "\n";
print $jResp->emit() . "\n";

$respStatusCode = $resp->get_StatusCode();
print 'Response Status Code = ' . $respStatusCode . "\n";
if ($respStatusCode >= 400) {
    print 'Response Header:' . "\n";
    print $resp->header() . "\n";
    print 'Failed.' . "\n";


// Sample JSON response:
// (Sample code for parsing the JSON response is shown below)

// {
//   "count": "<integer>",
//   "next_page": "<string>",
//   "previous_page": "<string>",
//   "views": [
//     {
//       "active": "<boolean>",
//       "conditions": {
//         "amet_b2": "minim et Ut aliquip",
//         "pariatur_d74": true,
//         "eiusmodd7e": 16274866
//       },
//       "created_at": "<dateTime>",
//       "default": "<boolean>",
//       "description": "<string>",
//       "execution": {
//         "sit_bd1": -70845421.92699432,
//         "voluptated": -13477997
//       },
//       "id": "<integer>",
//       "position": "<integer>",
//       "restriction": {
//         "officia_1c": -36345253.13616539
//       },
//       "title": "<string>",
//       "updated_at": "<dateTime>"
//     },
//     {
//       "active": "<boolean>",
//       "conditions": {
//         "do_99": 75108528,
//         "aliqua_ad": true,
//         "dolore277": 23927228,
//         "labore0": "incididunt ut dolor"
//       },
//       "created_at": "<dateTime>",
//       "default": "<boolean>",
//       "description": "<string>",
//       "execution": {
//         "deserunt00": 61902530,
//         "velit_90": "consectetur in Excepteur"
//       },
//       "id": "<integer>",
//       "position": "<integer>",
//       "restriction": {
//         "dolor_58": -88642742.97884612,
//         "sed_41": "commodo ut"
//       },
//       "title": "<string>",
//       "updated_at": "<dateTime>"
//     }
//   ]
// }

// Sample code for parsing the JSON response...
// Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: Generate JSON Parsing Code

$count = $jResp->stringOf('count');
$next_page = $jResp->stringOf('next_page');
$previous_page = $jResp->stringOf('previous_page');
$i = 0;
$count_i = $jResp->SizeOfArray('views');
while ($i < $count_i) {
    $active = $jResp->stringOf('views[i].active');
    $Amet_b2 = $jResp->stringOf('views[i].conditions.amet_b2');
    $Pariatur_d74 = $jResp->BoolOf('views[i].conditions.pariatur_d74');
    $Eiusmodd7e = $jResp->IntOf('views[i].conditions.eiusmodd7e');
    $created_at = $jResp->stringOf('views[i].created_at');
    $default = $jResp->stringOf('views[i].default');
    $description = $jResp->stringOf('views[i].description');
    $Sit_bd1 = $jResp->stringOf('views[i].execution.sit_bd1');
    $Voluptated = $jResp->IntOf('views[i].execution.voluptated');
    $id = $jResp->stringOf('views[i].id');
    $position = $jResp->stringOf('views[i].position');
    $Officia_1c = $jResp->stringOf('views[i].restriction.officia_1c');
    $title = $jResp->stringOf('views[i].title');
    $updated_at = $jResp->stringOf('views[i].updated_at');
    $Do_99 = $jResp->IntOf('views[i].conditions.do_99');
    $Aliqua_ad = $jResp->BoolOf('views[i].conditions.aliqua_ad');
    $Dolore277 = $jResp->IntOf('views[i].conditions.dolore277');
    $Labore0 = $jResp->stringOf('views[i].conditions.labore0');
    $Deserunt00 = $jResp->IntOf('views[i].execution.deserunt00');
    $Velit_90 = $jResp->stringOf('views[i].execution.velit_90');
    $Dolor_58 = $jResp->stringOf('views[i].restriction.dolor_58');
    $Sed_41 = $jResp->stringOf('views[i].restriction.sed_41');
    $i = $i + 1;


Curl Command

curl  -u login:password -G -d "query=%3Cstring%3E"
	-d "access=%3Cstring%3E"
	-d "active=%3Cboolean%3E"
	-d "group_id=%3Cinteger%3E"
	-d "sort_by=%3Cstring%3E"
	-d "sort_order=%3Cstring%3E"
	-d "include=%3Cstring%3E"
	-H "Accept: application/json"

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "Search Views",
  "request": {
    "method": "GET",
    "header": [
        "key": "Accept",
        "value": "application/json"
    "url": {
      "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v2/views/search?query=<string>&access=<string>&active=<boolean>&group_id=<integer>&sort_by=<string>&sort_order=<string>&include=<string>",
      "host": [
      "path": [
      "query": [
          "key": "query",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "(Required) Query string used to find all views with matching title"
          "key": "access",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "Filter views by access. May be \"personal\", \"shared\", or \"account\""
          "key": "active",
          "value": "<boolean>",
          "description": "Filter by active views if true or inactive views if false"
          "key": "group_id",
          "value": "<integer>",
          "description": "Filter views by group"
          "key": "sort_by",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "Possible values are \"alphabetical\", \"created_at\", \"updated_at\", and \"position\". If unspecified, the views are sorted by relevance"
          "key": "sort_order",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "One of \"asc\" or \"desc\". Defaults to \"asc\" for alphabetical and position sort, \"desc\" for all others"
          "key": "include",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "A sideload to include in the response. See [Sideloads](#sideloads-3)"
    "description": "#### Pagination\n\n* Offset pagination only\n\nSee [Using Offset Pagination](/api-reference/ticketing/introduction/#using-offset-pagination).\n\n#### Allowed For\n\n* Agents\n\n#### Sideloads\n\nThe following sideloads are supported. For more information, see [Side-loading](/documentation/ticketing/using-the-zendesk-api/side_loading/).\n\n| Name             | Will sideload\n| ---------------- | -------------\n| app_installation | The app installation that requires each view, if present\n| permissions      | The permissions for each view\n"
  "response": [
      "name": "Success response",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
            "description": "Added as a part of security scheme: basic",
            "key": "Authorization",
            "value": "Basic <credentials>"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v2/views/search?query=<string>&access=<string>&active=<boolean>&group_id=<integer>&sort_by=<string>&sort_order=<string>&include=<string>",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "query": [
              "key": "query",
              "value": "<string>",
              "description": "(Required) Query string used to find all views with matching title"
              "key": "access",
              "value": "<string>",
              "description": "Filter views by access. May be \"personal\", \"shared\", or \"account\""
              "key": "active",
              "value": "<boolean>",
              "description": "Filter by active views if true or inactive views if false"
              "key": "group_id",
              "value": "<integer>",
              "description": "Filter views by group"
              "key": "sort_by",
              "value": "<string>",
              "description": "Possible values are \"alphabetical\", \"created_at\", \"updated_at\", and \"position\". If unspecified, the views are sorted by relevance"
              "key": "sort_order",
              "value": "<string>",
              "description": "One of \"asc\" or \"desc\". Defaults to \"asc\" for alphabetical and position sort, \"desc\" for all others"
              "key": "include",
              "value": "<string>",
              "description": "A sideload to include in the response. See [Sideloads](#sideloads-3)"
      "status": "OK",
      "code": 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "application/json"
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n  \"count\": \"<integer>\",\n  \"next_page\": \"<string>\",\n  \"previous_page\": \"<string>\",\n  \"views\": [\n    {\n      \"active\": \"<boolean>\",\n      \"conditions\": {\n        \"amet_b2\": \"minim et Ut aliquip\",\n        \"pariatur_d74\": true,\n        \"eiusmodd7e\": 16274866\n      },\n      \"created_at\": \"<dateTime>\",\n      \"default\": \"<boolean>\",\n      \"description\": \"<string>\",\n      \"execution\": {\n        \"sit_bd1\": -70845421.92699432,\n        \"voluptated\": -13477997\n      },\n      \"id\": \"<integer>\",\n      \"position\": \"<integer>\",\n      \"restriction\": {\n        \"officia_1c\": -36345253.13616539\n      },\n      \"title\": \"<string>\",\n      \"updated_at\": \"<dateTime>\"\n    },\n    {\n      \"active\": \"<boolean>\",\n      \"conditions\": {\n        \"do_99\": 75108528,\n        \"aliqua_ad\": true,\n        \"dolore277\": 23927228,\n        \"labore0\": \"incididunt ut dolor\"\n      },\n      \"created_at\": \"<dateTime>\",\n      \"default\": \"<boolean>\",\n      \"description\": \"<string>\",\n      \"execution\": {\n        \"deserunt00\": 61902530,\n        \"velit_90\": \"consectetur in Excepteur\"\n      },\n      \"id\": \"<integer>\",\n      \"position\": \"<integer>\",\n      \"restriction\": {\n        \"dolor_58\": -88642742.97884612,\n        \"sed_41\": \"commodo ut\"\n      },\n      \"title\": \"<string>\",\n      \"updated_at\": \"<dateTime>\"\n    }\n  ]\n}"