Perl Examples for DocuSign eSignature REST API
Postman Collection Items
- Authentication/01 Authorize Code Grant Access Token
- Authentication/02 JWT Access Token
- Authentication/03 Refresh Access Token
- Authentication/04 Get User Info
- Diagnostics/Retrieves the available REST API versions.
- Diagnostics/Gets the API request logging log files.
- Diagnostics/Deletes the request log files.
- Diagnostics/Gets a request logging log file.
- Diagnostics/Gets the API request logging settings.
- Diagnostics/Enables or disables API request logging for troubleshooting.
- Accounts/Creates new accounts.
- Accounts/Retrieves the account information for the specified account.
- Accounts/Deletes the specified account.
- Accounts/Gets list of recurring and usage charges for the account.
- Accounts/Gets a list of brand profiles.
- Accounts/Creates one or more brand profile files for the account.
- Accounts/Deletes one or more brand profiles.
- Accounts/Get information for a specific brand.
- Accounts/Updates an existing brand.
- Accounts/Removes a brand.
- Accounts/Export a specific brand.
- Accounts/Obtains the specified image for a brand.
- Accounts/Put one branding logo.
- Accounts/Delete one branding logo.
- Accounts/Returns the specified account's list of branding resources (metadata).
- Accounts/Returns the specified branding resource file.
- Accounts/Uploads a branding resource file.
- Accounts/Deletes the signature for one or more captive recipient records.
- Accounts/Gets the Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure for the account.
- Accounts/Gets the Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure.
- Accounts/Update Consumer Disclosure.
- Accounts/Gets a list of custom fields associated with the account.
- Accounts/Creates an acount custom field.
- Accounts/Updates an existing account custom field.
- Accounts/Delete an existing account custom field.
- Accounts/Retrieves the list of favorited templates for this caller
- Accounts/Favorites a template
- Accounts/Unfavorite a template
- Accounts/Get the list of identity verification options for an account
- Accounts/Gets a list of permission profiles.
- Accounts/Creates a new permission profile in the specified account.
- Accounts/Returns a permissions profile in the specified account.
- Accounts/Updates a permission profile within the specified account.
- Accounts/Deletes a permissions profile within the specified account.
- Accounts/Gets recipient names associated with an email address.
- Accounts/Gets the descriptors for all of an account's active reports (for listings)
- Accounts/Creates a customized report
- Accounts/Gets the specified report
- Accounts/Saves a customized report
- Accounts/Removes a customized report
- Accounts/Returns the result set from running the specified report
- Accounts/Returns the specified report as a CSV string
- Accounts/Returns Account available seals for specified account.
- Accounts/Gets account settings information.
- Accounts/Updates the account settings for an account.
- Accounts/Returns the configuration information for the eNote eOriginal integration.
- Accounts/Updates configuration information for the eNote eOriginal integration.
- Accounts/Deletes configuration information for the eNote eOriginal integration.
- Accounts/Select envelope purge configuration.
- Accounts/Updates envelope purge configuration.
- Accounts/Returns default user level settings for a specified account
- Accounts/Updates default user level settings for a specified account
- Accounts/Get the password rules
- Accounts/Update the password rules
- Accounts/Returns tab settings list for specified account
- Accounts/Modifies tab settings for specified account
- Accounts/Reserved: Gets the shared item status for one or more users.
- Accounts/Reserved: Sets the shared access information for users.
- Accounts/Returns Account available signature providers for specified account.
- Accounts/Returns the managed signature definitions for the account
- Accounts/Updates a account signature.
- Accounts/Adds-updates one or more account signatures. This request may include images in multi-part format.
- Accounts/Returns information about a single signature by specifed signatureId.
- Accounts/Updates a account signature.
- Accounts/Close the specified signature by Id.
- Accounts/Gets list of supported languages for recipient language setting.
- Accounts/Gets a list of unsupported file types.
- Accounts/Get watermark information.
- Accounts/Update watermark information.
- Accounts/Get watermark preview.
- Accounts/Retrieves the account provisioning information for the account.
- Accounts/Get membership account password rules
- Billing/Get a List of Billing Invoices
- Billing/Retrieves a billing invoice.
- Billing/Get a list of past due invoices.
- Billing/Gets payment information for one or more payments.
- Billing/Posts a payment to a past due invoice.
- Billing/Gets billing payment information for a specific payment.
- Billing/Get Account Billing Plan
- Billing/Updates the account billing plan.
- Billing/Get metadata for a given credit card.
- Billing/Returns downgrade plan information for the specified account.
- Billing/Queues downgrade billing plan request for an account.
- Billing/Reserverd: Purchase additional envelopes.
- Billing/Gets the list of available billing plans.
- Billing/Get the billing plan details.
- BulkEnvelopes/Returns a list of bulk send batch satuses initiated by account.
- BulkEnvelopes/Gets a specific bulk send batch status
- BulkEnvelopes/Lists top-level details for all bulk send lists visible to the current user
- BulkEnvelopes/Creates a new bulk send list
- BulkEnvelopes/Gets a specific bulk send list
- BulkEnvelopes/Updates an existing bulk send list. If send_envelope query string value is provided, will accept an empty payload and try to send the specified envelope
- BulkEnvelopes/Deletes an existing bulk send list
- BulkEnvelopes/Uses the specified bulk send list to send the envelope specified in the payload
- BulkEnvelopes/Tests whether the specified bulk sending list can be used to send an envelope
- Envelopes/Initiate a new ChunkedUpload.
- Envelopes/Retrieves the current metadata of a ChunkedUpload.
- Envelopes/Integrity-Check and Commit a ChunkedUpload, readying it for use elsewhere.
- Envelopes/Delete an existing ChunkedUpload.
- Envelopes/Add a chunk, a chunk 'part', to an existing ChunkedUpload.
- Envelopes/Gets status changes for one or more envelopes.
- Envelopes/Creates an envelope.
- Envelopes/Gets the status of a envelope.
- Envelopes/Send Draft Envelope-Void Envelope-Move-Purge Envelope-Modify draft
- Envelopes/Returns a list of attachments associated with the specified envelope
- Envelopes/Add one or more attachments to a DRAFT or IN-PROCESS envelope.
- Envelopes/Delete one or more attachments from a DRAFT envelope.
- Envelopes/Retrieves an attachment from the envelope.
- Envelopes/Add an attachment to a DRAFT or IN-PROCESS envelope.
- Envelopes/Gets the envelope audit events for an envelope.
- Envelopes/Gets comment transcript for envelope and user
- Envelopes/Gets the custom field information for the specified envelope.
- Envelopes/Updates envelope custom fields in an envelope.
- Envelopes/Updates envelope custom fields for an envelope.
- Envelopes/Deletes envelope custom fields for draft and in-process envelopes.
- Envelopes/Gets a list of envelope documents.
- Envelopes/Adds one or more documents to an existing envelope document.
- Envelopes/Deletes documents from a draft envelope.
- Envelopes/Gets a document from an envelope.
- Envelopes/Adds a document to an existing draft envelope.
- Envelopes/Gets the custom document fields from an existing envelope document.
- Envelopes/Updates existing custom document fields in an existing envelope document.
- Envelopes/Creates custom document fields in an existing envelope document.
- Envelopes/Deletes custom document fields from an existing envelope document.
- Envelopes/Get the Original HTML Definition used to generate the Responsive HTML for a given document.
- Envelopes/Returns document page image(s) based on input.
- Envelopes/Deletes a page from a document in an envelope.
- Envelopes/Gets a page image from an envelope for display.
- Envelopes/Rotates page image from an envelope for display.
- Envelopes/Returns tabs on the specified page.
- Envelopes/Get Responsive HTML Preview for a document in an envelope.
- Envelopes/Returns tabs on the document.
- Envelopes/Updates the tabs for an envelope document
- Envelopes/Adds the tabs to an envelope document
- Envelopes/Deletes tabs from an envelope document
- Envelopes/Gets the templates associated with a document in an existing envelope.
- Envelopes/Adds templates to a document in an envelope.
- Envelopes/Deletes a template from a document in an existing envelope.
- Envelopes/Gets the email setting overrides for an envelope.
- Envelopes/Updates the email setting overrides for an envelope.
- Envelopes/Adds email setting overrides to an envelope.
- Envelopes/Deletes the email setting overrides for an envelope.
- Envelopes/Returns envelope form data for an existing envelope.
- Envelopes/Get the Original HTML Definition used to generate the Responsive HTML for the envelope.
- Envelopes/Gets envelope lock information.
- Envelopes/Updates an envelope lock.
- Envelopes/Lock an envelope.
- Envelopes/Deletes an envelope lock.
- Envelopes/Gets envelope notification information.
- Envelopes/Sets envelope notification (Reminders-Expirations) structure for an existing envelope.
- Envelopes/Gets the status of recipients for an envelope.
- Envelopes/Updates recipients in a draft envelope or corrects recipient information for an in process envelope.
- Envelopes/Adds one or more recipients to an envelope.
- Envelopes/Deletes recipients from an envelope.
- Envelopes/Deletes a recipient from an envelope.
- Envelopes/Gets the Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure associated with the account.
- Envelopes/Reserved: Gets the Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure associated with the account.
- Envelopes/Returns document visibility for the recipients
- Envelopes/Updates document visibility for the recipients
- Envelopes/Returns a resource token to get access to the identity events stored in the proof service related to this recipient.
- Envelopes/Gets the initials image for a user.
- Envelopes/Sets the initials image for an accountless signer.
- Envelopes/Gets signature information for a signer or sign-in-person recipient.
- Envelopes/Retrieve signature image information for a signer-sign-in-person recipient.
- Envelopes/Sets the signature image for an accountless signer.
- Envelopes/Gets the tabs information for a signer or sign-in-person recipient in an envelope.
- Envelopes/Updates the tabs for a recipient.
- Envelopes/Adds tabs for a recipient.
- Envelopes/Deletes the tabs associated with a recipient.
- Envelopes/Updates document visibility for the recipients
- Envelopes/Get Responsive HTML Preview for all documents in an envelope.
- Envelopes/Get encrypted tabs for envelope.
- Envelopes/Update encrypted tabs for envelope.
- Envelopes/Get List of Templates used in an Envelope
- Envelopes/Adds templates to an envelope.
- Envelopes/Returns a URL to the envelope correction UI.
- Envelopes/Revokes the correction view URL to the Envelope UI
- Envelopes/Returns a URL to the edit view UI.
- Envelopes/Returns a URL to the recipient view UI.
- Envelopes/Provides a URL to start a recipient view of the Envelope UI
- Envelopes/Returns a URL to the sender view UI.
- Envelopes/Provides a URL to start a shared recipient view of the Envelope UI
- Envelopes/Returns the workflow definition for an envelope.
- Envelopes/Updates the envelope workflow definition for an envelope.
- Envelopes/Delete the workflow definition for an envelope.
- Envelopes/Gets the envelope status for the specified envelopes.
- Envelopes/Returns a list of envelope transfer rules in the specified account.
- Envelopes/Update envelope transfer rules for an account.
- Envelopes/Add envelope transfer rules to an account.
- Envelopes/Update an envelope transfer rule for an account.
- Envelopes/Delete envelope transfer rules for an account.
- Envelopes/Returns the workflow definition for a template.
- Envelopes/Updates the workflow definition for a template.
- Envelopes/Delete the workflow definition for a template.
- Envelopes/Returns a URL to the authentication view UI.
- Envelopes/Get notary jurisdictions for a user
- Connect/Get Connect Configuration Information
- Connect/Updates a specified Connect configuration.
- Connect/Creates a connect configuration for the specified account.
- Connect/Get a Connect Configuration Information
- Connect/Deletes the specified connect configuration.
- Connect/Returns users from the configured Connect service.
- Connect/Republishes Connect information for the specified envelope.
- Connect/Republishes Connect information for multiple envelopes.
- Connect/Gets the Connect failure log information.
- Connect/Deletes a Connect failure log entry.
- Connect/Gets the Connect log.
- Connect/Gets a list of Connect log entries.
- Connect/Get the specified Connect log entry.
- Connect/Deletes a specified Connect log entry.
- Users/Replaces contacts associated with an account for the DocuSign service.
- Users/Imports multiple new contacts into the contacts collection from CSV, JSON, or XML (based on content type).
- Users/Delete contacts associated with an account for the DocuSign service.
- Users/Gets a particular contact associated with the user's account.
- Users/Replaces a particular contact associated with an account for the DocuSign service.
- Users/Provides a URL to start an edit view of the Template UI
- Users/Retrieves the list of users for the specified account.
- Users/Change one or more user in the specified account.
- Users/Adds news user to the specified account.
- Users/Removes users account privileges.
- Users/Gets the user information for a specified user.
- Users/Updates the specified user information.
- Users/Retrieves the custom user settings for a specified user.
- Users/Adds or updates custom user settings for the specified user.
- Users/Deletes custom user settings for a specified user.
- Users/Retrieves the user profile for a specified user.
- Users/Updates the user profile information for the specified user.
- Users/Retrieves the user profile image for the specified user.
- Users/Updates the user profile image for a specified user.
- Users/Deletes the user profile image for the specified user.
- Users/Gets the user account settings for a specified user.
- Users/Updates the user account settings for a specified user.
- Users/Retrieves a list of user signature definitions for a specified user.
- Users/Adds-updates a user signature.
- Users/Adds user Signature and initials images to a Signature.
- Users/Gets the user signature information for the specified user.
- Users/Updates the user signature for a specified user.
- Users/Removes removes signature information for the specified user.
- Users/Retrieves the user initials image or the user signature image for the specified user.
- Users/Updates the user signature image or user initials image for the specified user.
- Users/Deletes the user initials image or the user signature image for the specified user.
- Folders/Gets a list of the folders for the account.
- Folders/Gets a list of the envelopes in the specified folder.
- Folders/Moves an envelope from its current folder to the specified folder.
- Folders/Gets a list of envelopes in folders matching the specified criteria.
- UserGroups/Gets information about groups associated with the account.
- UserGroups/Updates the group information for a group.
- UserGroups/Creates one or more groups for the account.
- UserGroups/Deletes an existing user group.
- UserGroups/Gets group brand ID Information.
- UserGroups/Adds group brand ID information to a group.
- UserGroups/Deletes brand information from the requested group.
- UserGroups/Gets a list of users in a group.
- UserGroups/Adds one or more users to an existing group.
- UserGroups/Deletes one or more users from a gro
- Payments/Get all payment gateway account for the provided accountId
- PowerForms/Returns the list of PowerForms available to the user.
- PowerForms/Creates a new PowerForm.
- PowerForms/Deletes one or more PowerForms
- PowerForms/Returns a single PowerForm.
- PowerForms/Creates a new PowerForm.
- PowerForms/Delete a PowerForm.
- PowerForms/Returns the form data associated with the usage of a PowerForm.
- PowerForms/Returns the list of PowerForms available to the user.
- EmailArchive/Get the blind carbon copy email archive entries owned by the specified account
- EmailArchive/Creates a blind carbon copy email archive entry
- EmailArchive/Get the blind carbon copy email archive history entries for the specified archive
- EmailArchive/Delete a blind carbon copy email archive for an account.
- SigningGroups/Gets a list of the Signing Groups in an account.
- SigningGroups/Updates signing group names.
- SigningGroups/Creates a signing group.
- SigningGroups/Deletes one or more signing groups.
- SigningGroups/Gets information about a signing group.
- SigningGroups/Updates a signing group.
- SigningGroups/Gets a list of members in a Signing Group.
- SigningGroups/Adds members to a signing group.
- SigningGroups/Deletes one or more members from a signing group.
- CustomTabs/Gets a list of all account tabs.
- CustomTabs/Creates a custom tab.
- CustomTabs/Gets custom tab information.
- CustomTabs/Updates custom tab information.
- CustomTabs/Deletes custom tab information.
- Templates/Gets the definition of a template.
- Templates/Creates an envelope from a template.
- Templates/Gets a list of templates for a specified account.
- Templates/Updates an existing template.
- Templates/Shares a template with a group
- Templates/Removes a member group's sharing permissions for a template.
- Templates/Gets the custom document fields from a template.
- Templates/Updates envelope custom fields in a template.
- Templates/Creates custom document fields in an existing template document.
- Templates/Deletes envelope custom fields in a template.
- Templates/Gets a list of documents associated with a template.
- Templates/Adds documents to a template document.
- Templates/Deletes documents from a template.
- Templates/Gets PDF documents from a template.
- Templates/Adds a document to a template document.
- Templates/Gets the custom document fields for a an existing template document.
- Templates/Updates existing custom document fields in an existing template document.
- Templates/Creates custom document fields in an existing template document.
- Templates/Deletes custom document fields from an existing template document.
- Templates/Get the Original HTML Definition used to generate the Responsive HTML for a given document in a template.
- Templates/Deletes a page from a document in an template.
- Templates/Gets a page image from a template for display.
- Templates/Rotates page image from a template for display.
- Templates/Returns tabs on the specified page.
- Templates/Post Responsive HTML Preview for a document in a template.
- Templates/Returns tabs on the document.
- Templates/Updates the tabs for a template
- Templates/Adds the tabs to a tempate
- Templates/Deletes tabs from an envelope document
- Templates/Get the Original HTML Definition used to generate the Responsive HTML for the template.
- Templates/Gets template lock information.
- Templates/Updates a template lock.
- Templates/Lock a template.
- Templates/Deletes a template lock.
- Templates/Gets template notification information.
- Templates/Updates the notification structure for an existing template.
- Templates/Gets recipient information from a template.
- Templates/Updates recipients in a template.
- Templates/Adds tabs for a recipient.
- Templates/Deletes recipients from a template.
- Templates/Deletes the specified recipient file from a template.
- Templates/Gets the bulk recipient file from a template.
- Templates/Adds or replaces the bulk recipients list in a template.
- Templates/Deletes the bulk recipient list on a template.
- Templates/Returns document visibility for the recipients
- Templates/Updates document visibility for the recipients
- Templates/Gets the tabs information for a signer or sign-in-person recipient in a template.
- Templates/Updates the tabs for a recipient.
- Templates/Adds tabs for a recipient.
- Templates/Deletes the tabs associated with a recipient in a template.
- Templates/Updates document visibility for the recipients
- Templates/Get Responsive HTML Preview for all documents in a template.
- Templates/Provides a URL to start a recipient view of the Envelope UI
- Templates/Returns document page image(s) based on input.
- CloudStorage/Get the Cloud Storage Provider configuration for the specified user.
- CloudStorage/Configures the redirect URL information for one or more cloud storage providers for the specified user.
- CloudStorage/Deletes the user authentication information for one or more cloud storage providers.
- CloudStorage/Gets the specified Cloud Storage Provider configuration for the User.
- CloudStorage/Deletes the user authentication information for the specified cloud storage provider.
- CloudStorage/Retrieves a list of all the items in a specified folder from the specified cloud storage provider.
- CloudStorage/Gets a list of all the items from the specified cloud storage provider.
- Workspaces/List Workspaces
- Workspaces/Create a Workspace
- Workspaces/Get Workspace
- Workspaces/Update Workspace
- Workspaces/Delete Workspace
- Workspaces/List Workspace Folder Contents
- Workspaces/Deletes workspace one or more specific files-folders from the given folder or root.
- Workspaces/Creates a workspace file.
- Workspaces/Get Workspace File
- Workspaces/Update Workspace File Metadata
- Workspaces/List File Pages
- Notary/Get notary settings for a user
- Notary/Update a notary
- Notary/Add a notary to the system
- Notary/Get notary jurisdictions for a user
- Notary/Add a notary jurisdiction to the system
- Notary/Get notary a jurisdiction for a user
- Notary/Update a notary jurisdiction
- Notary/Delete a notary jurisdiction a specified user.
- Examples/1. Create Envelope
- Examples/2. Create Envelope in Draft Stage
- Examples/3. Get Envelope Status
- Examples/4. Envelope Recipients
- Examples/5. Add Tab to Envelope
- Examples/6. Get Tabs in an Envelope
- Examples/7. Add an Attachment to Envelope
- Examples/8. List Attachments in an Envelope
- Examples/9. Lists the Documents in an Envelope
- Examples/10. Get a Document from Envelope
- Examples/11. Lock the Envelope
- Examples/12. Lists the Existing Locks on an Envelope
- Examples/13. Delete Existing Lock on an Envelope
- Examples/14. Created Embedded View
- Examples/15. Create an Account Template
- Examples/16. Get Account Templates
- Examples/17. Get Template Definition
- Examples/18. Send Envelope with Template
- Examples/19. Create a Template with Role Only
- Examples/20. Send an Envelope Using CompositeTemplates
- Lists resources for REST version specified
- Returns a signature, initials, or stamps image.
- Sets a signature, initials, or stamps image.
- Deletes a signature, initials, or stamps image.