Chilkat Online Tools

Perl / GP-API Collection / DIA_2.1 Challenge Dispute

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use chilkat();

# This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
# See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

$http = chilkat::CkHttp->new();

# Use this online tool to generate code from sample JSON: Generate Code to Create JSON

# The following JSON is sent in the request body.

# {
#   "documents": [
#     {
#       "b64_content": "SGV5LCBIb3cgYXJlIHlvdT8="
#     }
#   ]
# }

$json = chilkat::CkJsonObject->new();

# Adds the "Authorization: Bearer {{token}}" header.

# resp is a HttpResponse
$resp = $http->PostJson3("https://{{url}}/ucp/disputes/{{dis_id}}/challenge","application/json",$json);
if ($http->get_LastMethodSuccess() == 0) {
    print $http->lastErrorText() . "\r\n";

print $resp->get_StatusCode() . "\r\n";
print $resp->bodyStr() . "\r\n";

Curl Command

curl -X POST
	-H "Content-Type: application/json"
	-H "Authorization: Bearer {{token}}"
	-H "Accept: application/json"
	-H "X-GP-Version: {{version}}"
	-d '{
    "documents": [
            "b64_content": "SGV5LCBIb3cgYXJlIHlvdT8="

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "DIA_2.1 Challenge Dispute",
  "event": [
      "listen": "test",
      "script": {
        "exec": [
          "var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);\r",
          "tests[\"Response time is acceptable\"] = _.inRange(responseTime, 100, 1500); \r",
          "pm.test(\"Document available\", function () {\r",
          "   pm.expect(jsonData.documents[0]).to.have.any.keys('id');\r",
          "postman.setEnvironmentVariable(\"doc_id\", jsonData.documents[0].id);\r",
          "pm.test(\"Successful POST request\", function () {\r",
          "    pm.expect(pm.response.code)[200,201,202]);\r",
          "pm.test(\"Status code name has string\", function () {\r",
          "tests[\"Response time is acceptable\"] = _.inRange(responseTime, 100, 1500); "
        "type": "text/javascript"
  "protocolProfileBehavior": {
    "followRedirects": false,
    "disabledSystemHeaders": {
      "accept": true
  "request": {
    "auth": {
      "type": "noauth"
    "method": "POST",
    "header": [
        "key": "Content-Type",
        "name": "Content-Type",
        "value": "application/json",
        "type": "text"
        "key": "Authorization",
        "value": "Bearer {{token}}"
        "key": "Accept",
        "value": "application/json"
        "key": "X-GP-Version",
        "type": "text",
        "value": "{{version}}"
    "body": {
      "mode": "raw",
      "raw": "{\n    \"documents\": [\n        {\n            \"b64_content\": \"SGV5LCBIb3cgYXJlIHlvdT8=\"\n        }\n    ]\n}",
      "options": {
        "raw": {
          "language": "json"
    "url": {
      "raw": "https://{{url}}/ucp/disputes/{{dis_id}}/challenge",
      "protocol": "https",
      "host": [
      "path": [
    "description": "This request is to be ran in order to challenge a dispute or respond to a retrieval by providing relevant documentation. To provide documentation, input doc in base 64 format into body of request. The dispute id associated with dispute being challenged is to be passed into query string. A successful response will change the status to \"CLOSED\" and will assign a document id to the doc you provided in body of request.\r\n\r\nFor more details on this challenge dispute request and response received, visit:"
  "response": [