Back to Collection Items
#import <CkoHttp.h>
#import <CkoHttpResponse.h>
#import <CkoStringBuilder.h>
#import <CkoJsonObject.h>
#import <NSString.h>
// This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
// See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.
CkoHttp *http = [[CkoHttp alloc] init];
BOOL success;
// Adds the "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" header.
http.AuthToken = @"<access_token>";
CkoHttpResponse *resp = [http QuickRequest: @"POST" url: @"Item"];
if (http.LastMethodSuccess == NO) {
CkoStringBuilder *sbResponseBody = [[CkoStringBuilder alloc] init];
[resp GetBodySb: sbResponseBody];
CkoJsonObject *jResp = [[CkoJsonObject alloc] init];
[jResp LoadSb: sbResponseBody];
jResp.EmitCompact = NO;
NSLog(@"%@",@"Response Body:");
NSLog(@"%@",[jResp Emit]);
int respStatusCode = [resp.StatusCode intValue];
NSLog(@"%@%d",@"Response Status Code = ",respStatusCode);
if (respStatusCode >= 400) {
NSLog(@"%@",@"Response Header:");
// Sample JSON response:
// (Sample code for parsing the JSON response is shown below)
// {
// "actor": {
// "additionalLabel": null,
// "communityNickname": "User1696423780773910041",
// "companyName": "Salesforce",
// "displayName": "Name",
// "firstName": "Firstname",
// "id": "005...",
// "isActive": true,
// "isInThisCommunity": true,
// "lastName": "Name",
// "motif": {
// "color": "1B96FF",
// "largeIconUrl": "/img/icon/profile64.png",
// "mediumIconUrl": "/img/icon/profile32.png",
// "smallIconUrl": "/img/icon/profile16.png",
// "svgIconUrl": null
// },
// "mySubscription": null,
// "name": "Name",
// "outOfOffice": {
// "message": ""
// },
// "photo": {
// "fullEmailPhotoUrl": "https://<my_domain>/ncsphoto/1wsMlOd3tVC7boygqBO8wMT9KzA0D6tqzpbs-Uw0IogXzXAXaYKJnuWCNQmXymRq?fromEmail=1",
// "largePhotoUrl": "https://<my_domain>/profilephoto/729.../F",
// "mediumPhotoUrl": "https://<my_domain>/profilephoto/729.../M",
// "photoVersionId": "729...",
// "smallPhotoUrl": "https://<my_domain>/profilephoto/729.../T",
// "standardEmailPhotoUrl": "https://<my_domain>/ncsphoto/1wsMlOd3tVC7boygqBO8wMT9KzA0D6tqzpbs-Uw0Ioi-dtynkoFWsl46as__TDFU?fromEmail=1",
// "url": "/services/data/v58.0/connect/user-profiles/005.../photo"
// },
// "reputation": null,
// "title": null,
// "type": "User",
// "url": "/services/data/v58.0/chatter/users/005...",
// "userType": "Internal"
// },
// "body": {
// "isRichText": false,
// "messageSegments": [
// {
// "text": "New Feed Item",
// "type": "Text"
// }
// ],
// "text": "New Feed Item"
// },
// "capabilities": {
// "associatedActions": {
// "platformActionGroups": [
// ]
// },
// "bookmarks": {
// "isBookmarkedByCurrentUser": false
// },
// "chatterLikes": {
// "isLikedByCurrentUser": false,
// "likesMessage": null,
// "myLike": null,
// "page": {
// "currentPageToken": 0,
// "currentPageUrl": "/services/data/v58.0/chatter/feed-elements/0D5.../capabilities/chatter-likes/items",
// "items": [
// ],
// "nextPageToken": null,
// "nextPageUrl": null,
// "previousPageToken": null,
// "previousPageUrl": null,
// "total": 0
// }
// },
// "close": {
// "canContextUserUpdateIsClosed": true,
// "isClosed": false
// },
// "comments": {
// "page": {
// "currentPageToken": null,
// "currentPageUrl": "/services/data/v58.0/chatter/feed-elements/0D5.../capabilities/comments/items",
// "items": [
// ],
// "nextPageToken": null,
// "nextPageUrl": null,
// "previousPageToken": null,
// "previousPageUrl": null,
// "total": 0
// }
// },
// "edit": {
// "isEditRestricted": false,
// "isEditableByMeUrl": "/services/data/v58.0/chatter/feed-elements/0D5.../capabilities/edit/is-editable-by-me",
// "lastEditedBy": null,
// "lastEditedDate": null,
// "latestRevision": 1,
// "relativeLastEditedDate": null
// },
// "interactions": {
// "count": 0
// },
// "mute": {
// "isMutedByMe": false
// },
// "readBy": {
// "isReadByMe": true,
// "lastReadDateByMe": "2023-11-22T11:06:07.000Z",
// "page": {
// "currentPageToken": null,
// "currentPageUrl": "/services/data/v58.0/chatter/feed-elements/0D5.../capabilities/read-by/items?pageSize=3",
// "items": [
// ],
// "nextPageToken": null,
// "nextPageUrl": null,
// "previousPageToken": null,
// "previousPageUrl": null,
// "total": 0
// }
// },
// "status": {
// "feedEntityStatus": "Published",
// "isApprovableByMe": true
// },
// "topics": {
// "canAssignTopics": true,
// "items": [
// ]
// },
// "upDownVote": {
// "downVoteCount": 0,
// "myVote": "None",
// "upVoteCount": 0
// }
// },
// "clientInfo": {
// "applicationName": "Postman Playground",
// "applicationUrl": null
// },
// "createdDate": "2023-11-22T11:06:07.000Z",
// "event": false,
// "feedElementType": "FeedItem",
// "hasVerifiedComment": false,
// "header": {
// "isRichText": null,
// "messageSegments": [
// {
// "motif": {
// "color": "1B96FF",
// "largeIconUrl": "/img/icon/profile64.png",
// "mediumIconUrl": "/img/icon/profile32.png",
// "smallIconUrl": "/img/icon/profile16.png",
// "svgIconUrl": null
// },
// "reference": {
// "id": "005...",
// "url": "/services/data/v58.0/chatter/users/005..."
// },
// "text": "Name",
// "type": "EntityLink"
// }
// ],
// "text": "Name"
// },
// "id": "0D5...",
// "isDeleteRestricted": false,
// "isSharable": false,
// "modifiedDate": "2023-11-22T11:06:07.000Z",
// "originalFeedItem": null,
// "originalFeedItemActor": null,
// "parent": {
// "entityLabel": {
// "label": "Account",
// "labelPlural": "Accounts"
// },
// "id": "001...",
// "motif": {
// "color": "5867E8",
// "largeIconUrl": "/img/icon/accounts64.png",
// "mediumIconUrl": "/img/icon/accounts32.png",
// "smallIconUrl": "/img/icon/accounts16.png",
// "svgIconUrl": null
// },
// "mySubscription": null,
// "name": "Burlington Textiles Corp of America",
// "type": "Account",
// "url": "/services/data/v58.0/chatter/records/001..."
// },
// "photoUrl": "https://<my_domain>/profilephoto/729.../T",
// "relativeCreatedDate": "Just now",
// "type": "TextPost",
// "url": "/services/data/v58.0/chatter/feed-elements/0D5...",
// "visibility": "InternalUsers"
// }
// Sample code for parsing the JSON response...
// Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: Generate JSON Parsing Code
NSString *text = 0;
NSString *motifColor = 0;
NSString *motifLargeIconUrl = 0;
NSString *motifMediumIconUrl = 0;
NSString *motifSmallIconUrl = 0;
NSString *motifSvgIconUrl = 0;
NSString *referenceId = 0;
NSString *referenceUrl = 0;
NSString *AdditionalLabel = [jResp StringOf: @"actor.additionalLabel"];
NSString *CommunityNickname = [jResp StringOf: @"actor.communityNickname"];
NSString *CompanyName = [jResp StringOf: @"actor.companyName"];
NSString *DisplayName = [jResp StringOf: @"actor.displayName"];
NSString *FirstName = [jResp StringOf: @"actor.firstName"];
NSString *Id = [jResp StringOf: @""];
BOOL IsActive = [jResp BoolOf: @"actor.isActive"];
BOOL IsInThisCommunity = [jResp BoolOf: @"actor.isInThisCommunity"];
NSString *LastName = [jResp StringOf: @"actor.lastName"];
NSString *Color = [jResp StringOf: @"actor.motif.color"];
NSString *LargeIconUrl = [jResp StringOf: @"actor.motif.largeIconUrl"];
NSString *MediumIconUrl = [jResp StringOf: @"actor.motif.mediumIconUrl"];
NSString *SmallIconUrl = [jResp StringOf: @"actor.motif.smallIconUrl"];
NSString *SvgIconUrl = [jResp StringOf: @"actor.motif.svgIconUrl"];
NSString *MySubscription = [jResp StringOf: @"actor.mySubscription"];
NSString *Name = [jResp StringOf: @""];
NSString *Message = [jResp StringOf: @"actor.outOfOffice.message"];
NSString *FullEmailPhotoUrl = [jResp StringOf: @""];
NSString *LargePhotoUrl = [jResp StringOf: @""];
NSString *MediumPhotoUrl = [jResp StringOf: @""];
NSString *PhotoVersionId = [jResp StringOf: @""];
NSString *SmallPhotoUrl = [jResp StringOf: @""];
NSString *StandardEmailPhotoUrl = [jResp StringOf: @""];
NSString *v_Url = [jResp StringOf: @""];
NSString *Reputation = [jResp StringOf: @"actor.reputation"];
NSString *Title = [jResp StringOf: @"actor.title"];
NSString *v_Type = [jResp StringOf: @"actor.type"];
NSString *actorUrl = [jResp StringOf: @"actor.url"];
NSString *UserType = [jResp StringOf: @"actor.userType"];
BOOL IsRichText = [jResp BoolOf: @"body.isRichText"];
NSString *Text = [jResp StringOf: @"body.text"];
BOOL IsBookmarkedByCurrentUser = [jResp BoolOf: @"capabilities.bookmarks.isBookmarkedByCurrentUser"];
BOOL IsLikedByCurrentUser = [jResp BoolOf: @"capabilities.chatterLikes.isLikedByCurrentUser"];
NSString *LikesMessage = [jResp StringOf: @"capabilities.chatterLikes.likesMessage"];
NSString *MyLike = [jResp StringOf: @"capabilities.chatterLikes.myLike"];
int CurrentPageToken = [[jResp IntOf: @""] intValue];
NSString *CurrentPageUrl = [jResp StringOf: @""];
NSString *NextPageToken = [jResp StringOf: @""];
NSString *NextPageUrl = [jResp StringOf: @""];
NSString *PreviousPageToken = [jResp StringOf: @""];
NSString *PreviousPageUrl = [jResp StringOf: @""];
int Total = [[jResp IntOf: @""] intValue];
BOOL CanContextUserUpdateIsClosed = [jResp BoolOf: @"capabilities.close.canContextUserUpdateIsClosed"];
BOOL IsClosed = [jResp BoolOf: @"capabilities.close.isClosed"];
NSString *PageCurrentPageToken = [jResp StringOf: @""];
NSString *PageCurrentPageUrl = [jResp StringOf: @""];
NSString *PageNextPageToken = [jResp StringOf: @""];
NSString *PageNextPageUrl = [jResp StringOf: @""];
NSString *PagePreviousPageToken = [jResp StringOf: @""];
NSString *PagePreviousPageUrl = [jResp StringOf: @""];
int PageTotal = [[jResp IntOf: @""] intValue];
BOOL IsEditRestricted = [jResp BoolOf: @"capabilities.edit.isEditRestricted"];
NSString *IsEditableByMeUrl = [jResp StringOf: @"capabilities.edit.isEditableByMeUrl"];
NSString *LastEditedBy = [jResp StringOf: @"capabilities.edit.lastEditedBy"];
NSString *LastEditedDate = [jResp StringOf: @"capabilities.edit.lastEditedDate"];
int LatestRevision = [[jResp IntOf: @"capabilities.edit.latestRevision"] intValue];
NSString *RelativeLastEditedDate = [jResp StringOf: @"capabilities.edit.relativeLastEditedDate"];
int Count = [[jResp IntOf: @"capabilities.interactions.count"] intValue];
BOOL IsMutedByMe = [jResp BoolOf: @"capabilities.mute.isMutedByMe"];
BOOL IsReadByMe = [jResp BoolOf: @"capabilities.readBy.isReadByMe"];
NSString *LastReadDateByMe = [jResp StringOf: @"capabilities.readBy.lastReadDateByMe"];
PageCurrentPageToken = [jResp StringOf: @""];
PageCurrentPageUrl = [jResp StringOf: @""];
PageNextPageToken = [jResp StringOf: @""];
PageNextPageUrl = [jResp StringOf: @""];
PagePreviousPageToken = [jResp StringOf: @""];
PagePreviousPageUrl = [jResp StringOf: @""];
PageTotal = [[jResp IntOf: @""] intValue];
NSString *FeedEntityStatus = [jResp StringOf: @"capabilities.status.feedEntityStatus"];
BOOL IsApprovableByMe = [jResp BoolOf: @"capabilities.status.isApprovableByMe"];
BOOL CanAssignTopics = [jResp BoolOf: @"capabilities.topics.canAssignTopics"];
int DownVoteCount = [[jResp IntOf: @"capabilities.upDownVote.downVoteCount"] intValue];
NSString *MyVote = [jResp StringOf: @"capabilities.upDownVote.myVote"];
int UpVoteCount = [[jResp IntOf: @"capabilities.upDownVote.upVoteCount"] intValue];
NSString *ApplicationName = [jResp StringOf: @"clientInfo.applicationName"];
NSString *ApplicationUrl = [jResp StringOf: @"clientInfo.applicationUrl"];
NSString *createdDate = [jResp StringOf: @"createdDate"];
BOOL v_event = [jResp BoolOf: @"event"];
NSString *feedElementType = [jResp StringOf: @"feedElementType"];
BOOL hasVerifiedComment = [jResp BoolOf: @"hasVerifiedComment"];
NSString *headerIsRichText = [jResp StringOf: @"header.isRichText"];
NSString *headerText = [jResp StringOf: @"header.text"];
NSString *id = [jResp StringOf: @"id"];
BOOL isDeleteRestricted = [jResp BoolOf: @"isDeleteRestricted"];
BOOL isSharable = [jResp BoolOf: @"isSharable"];
NSString *modifiedDate = [jResp StringOf: @"modifiedDate"];
NSString *originalFeedItem = [jResp StringOf: @"originalFeedItem"];
NSString *originalFeedItemActor = [jResp StringOf: @"originalFeedItemActor"];
NSString *Label = [jResp StringOf: @"parent.entityLabel.label"];
NSString *LabelPlural = [jResp StringOf: @"parent.entityLabel.labelPlural"];
NSString *parentId = [jResp StringOf: @""];
NSString *MotifColor = [jResp StringOf: @"parent.motif.color"];
NSString *MotifLargeIconUrl = [jResp StringOf: @"parent.motif.largeIconUrl"];
NSString *MotifMediumIconUrl = [jResp StringOf: @"parent.motif.mediumIconUrl"];
NSString *MotifSmallIconUrl = [jResp StringOf: @"parent.motif.smallIconUrl"];
NSString *MotifSvgIconUrl = [jResp StringOf: @"parent.motif.svgIconUrl"];
NSString *parentMySubscription = [jResp StringOf: @"parent.mySubscription"];
NSString *parentName = [jResp StringOf: @""];
NSString *parentType = [jResp StringOf: @"parent.type"];
NSString *parentUrl = [jResp StringOf: @"parent.url"];
NSString *photoUrl = [jResp StringOf: @"photoUrl"];
NSString *relativeCreatedDate = [jResp StringOf: @"relativeCreatedDate"];
NSString *v_type = [jResp StringOf: @"type"];
NSString *url = [jResp StringOf: @"url"];
NSString *visibility = [jResp StringOf: @"visibility"];
int i = 0;
int count_i = [[jResp SizeOfArray: @"body.messageSegments"] intValue];
while (i < count_i) {
jResp.I = [NSNumber numberWithInt: i];
text = [jResp StringOf: @"body.messageSegments[i].text"];
v_type = [jResp StringOf: @"body.messageSegments[i].type"];
i = i + 1;
i = 0;
count_i = [[jResp SizeOfArray: @"capabilities.associatedActions.platformActionGroups"] intValue];
while (i < count_i) {
jResp.I = [NSNumber numberWithInt: i];
i = i + 1;
i = 0;
count_i = [[jResp SizeOfArray: @""] intValue];
while (i < count_i) {
jResp.I = [NSNumber numberWithInt: i];
i = i + 1;
i = 0;
count_i = [[jResp SizeOfArray: @""] intValue];
while (i < count_i) {
jResp.I = [NSNumber numberWithInt: i];
i = i + 1;
i = 0;
count_i = [[jResp SizeOfArray: @""] intValue];
while (i < count_i) {
jResp.I = [NSNumber numberWithInt: i];
i = i + 1;
i = 0;
count_i = [[jResp SizeOfArray: @"capabilities.topics.items"] intValue];
while (i < count_i) {
jResp.I = [NSNumber numberWithInt: i];
i = i + 1;
i = 0;
count_i = [[jResp SizeOfArray: @"header.messageSegments"] intValue];
while (i < count_i) {
jResp.I = [NSNumber numberWithInt: i];
motifColor = [jResp StringOf: @"header.messageSegments[i].motif.color"];
motifLargeIconUrl = [jResp StringOf: @"header.messageSegments[i].motif.largeIconUrl"];
motifMediumIconUrl = [jResp StringOf: @"header.messageSegments[i].motif.mediumIconUrl"];
motifSmallIconUrl = [jResp StringOf: @"header.messageSegments[i].motif.smallIconUrl"];
motifSvgIconUrl = [jResp StringOf: @"header.messageSegments[i].motif.svgIconUrl"];
referenceId = [jResp StringOf: @"header.messageSegments[i]"];
referenceUrl = [jResp StringOf: @"header.messageSegments[i].reference.url"];
text = [jResp StringOf: @"header.messageSegments[i].text"];
v_type = [jResp StringOf: @"header.messageSegments[i].type"];
i = i + 1;
Curl Command
curl -X POST
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"{{version}}/chatter/feed-elements?feedElementType=FeedItem&subjectId=<USER_GROUP_RECORD_ID>&text=New Feed Item
Postman Collection Item JSON
"name": "Feed Elements, Post and Search",
"event": [
"listen": "prerequest",
"script": {
"exec": [
"type": "text/javascript"
"listen": "test",
"script": {
"exec": [
"type": "text/javascript"
"protocolProfileBehavior": {
"disabledSystemHeaders": {
"content-type": true
"request": {
"method": "POST",
"header": [
"url": {
"raw": "{{_endpoint}}/services/data/v{{version}}/chatter/feed-elements?feedElementType=FeedItem&subjectId=<USER_GROUP_RECORD_ID>&text=New Feed Item",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "feedElementType",
"value": "FeedItem",
"description": "Feed elements are the top-level objects that a feed contains. The feed element type describes the characteristics of that feed element. One of these values:\nBundle—A container of feed elements. A bundle also has a body made up of message segments that can always be gracefully degraded to text-only values.\nFeedItem—A feed item has a single parent and is scoped to one community or across all communities. A feed item can have capabilities such as bookmarks, canvas, content, comment, link, poll. Feed items have a body made up of message segments that can always be gracefully degraded to text-only values.\nRecommendation—A recommendation is a feed element with a recommendations capability. A recommendation suggests records to follow, groups to join, or applications that are helpful to the context user."
"key": "subjectId",
"key": "text",
"value": "New Feed Item"
"description": "Feed item and comment bodies have a 10,000 character limit. Because this limit can change, we recommend that clients make a describeSObjects() call on the FeedItem or FeedComment object. To determine the maximum number of allowed characters, look at the length of the Body or CommentBody field.\n\n"
"response": [
"name": "Successful Feed Elements, Post and Search",
"originalRequest": {
"method": "POST",
"header": [
"url": {
"raw": "{{_endpoint}}/services/data/v{{version}}/chatter/feed-elements?feedElementType=FeedItem&subjectId=001...&text=New Feed Item",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "feedElementType",
"value": "FeedItem",
"description": "Feed elements are the top-level objects that a feed contains. The feed element type describes the characteristics of that feed element. One of these values:\nBundle—A container of feed elements. A bundle also has a body made up of message segments that can always be gracefully degraded to text-only values.\nFeedItem—A feed item has a single parent and is scoped to one community or across all communities. A feed item can have capabilities such as bookmarks, canvas, content, comment, link, poll. Feed items have a body made up of message segments that can always be gracefully degraded to text-only values.\nRecommendation—A recommendation is a feed element with a recommendations capability. A recommendation suggests records to follow, groups to join, or applications that are helpful to the context user."
"key": "subjectId",
"value": "001..."
"key": "text",
"value": "New Feed Item"
"status": "Created",
"code": 201,
"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
"header": [
"key": "Date",
"value": "Wed, 22 Nov 2023 11:06:07 GMT"
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"cookie": [
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