Chilkat Online Tools

Objective-C / Datadog API Collection / Get a test configuration

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#import <CkoHttp.h>
#import <CkoStringBuilder.h>
#import <CkoJsonObject.h>
#import <NSString.h>

// This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
// See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

CkoHttp *http = [[CkoHttp alloc] init];
BOOL success;

[http SetRequestHeader: @"Accept" value: @"application/json"];

CkoStringBuilder *sbResponseBody = [[CkoStringBuilder alloc] init];
success = [http QuickGetSb: @"" sbContent: sbResponseBody];
if (success == NO) {

CkoJsonObject *jResp = [[CkoJsonObject alloc] init];
[jResp LoadSb: sbResponseBody];
jResp.EmitCompact = NO;

NSLog(@"%@",@"Response Body:");
NSLog(@"%@",[jResp Emit]);

int respStatusCode = [http.LastStatus intValue];
NSLog(@"%@%d",@"Response Status Code = ",respStatusCode);
if (respStatusCode >= 400) {
    NSLog(@"%@",@"Response Header:");

// Sample JSON response:
// (Sample code for parsing the JSON response is shown below)

// {
//   "config": {
//     "configVariables": [
//       {
//         "description": "Example for the variable.",
//         "type": "string"
//       },
//       {
//         "description": "Example for the variable.",
//         "type": "string"
//       }
//     ],
//     "request": {
//       "allow_insecure": false,
//       "basicAuth": {
//         "password": "PaSSw0RD!",
//         "username": "my_username",
//         "type": "web"
//       },
//       "body": "deserunt non",
//       "bodyType": "text/plain",
//       "callType": "unary",
//       "certificate": {
//         "cert": {
//           "content": "ad dolor",
//           "filename": "culpa adipisicing",
//           "updatedAt": "ipsum magna irure aliquip"
//         },
//         "key": {
//           "content": "in labore",
//           "filename": "sit magna non dolore",
//           "updatedAt": "ipsum aute in"
//         }
//       },
//       "compressedJsonDescriptor": "co",
//       "dnsServer": "adipisicing dolore fugiat",
//       "dnsServerPort": 43085,
//       "follow_redirects": false,
//       "headers": {
//         "dolor77f": "laboris aliquip in",
//         "Excepteur5": "in ullamco est repr",
//         "cupidatatb2": "ex magna dolore"
//       },
//       "host": "qui eu",
//       "message": "dolore anim tempor minim dolor",
//       "metadata": {
//         "cillum_f": "elit ad ex ven",
//         "quicbd": "ut ipsum Duis cillum dolor",
//         "dolore2_7": "pariatur adipisicing enim dolore nulla"
//       },
//       "method": "deserunt",
//       "noSavingResponseBody": true,
//       "numberOfPackets": 9,
//       "persistCookies": false,
//       "port": -81939613,
//       "proxy": {
//         "url": "",
//         "headers": {
//           "ut_a": "ut"
//         }
//       },
//       "query": {},
//       "servername": "adipisicing id dolore",
//       "service": "Greeter",
//       "shouldTrackHops": false,
//       "timeout": 10817249.274777964,
//       "url": ""
//     },
//     "variables": [
//       {
//         "description": "Example for the variable.",
//         "type": "string"
//       },
//       {
//         "description": "Example for the variable.",
//         "type": "string"
//       }
//     ]
//   },
//   "creator": {
//     "email": "enim exercitation commodo in",
//     "handle": "et nulla eu",
//     "name": "cupidatat proident"
//   },
//   "locations": [
//     "aws:eu-west-3"
//   ],
//   "message": "eu do sunt commodo aliquip",
//   "monitor_id": -1517547,
//   "name": "deserunt amet occaecat",
//   "options": {
//     "accept_self_signed": true,
//     "allow_insecure": true,
//     "checkCertificateRevocation": true,
//     "ci": {
//       "executionRule": "non_blocking"
//     },
//     "device_ids": [
//       "laptop_large",
//       "laptop_large"
//     ],
//     "disableCors": true,
//     "disableCsp": true,
//     "follow_redirects": true,
//     "httpVersion": "http2",
//     "ignoreServerCertificateError": false,
//     "initialNavigationTimeout": -26222184,
//     "min_failure_duration": 76083858,
//     "min_location_failed": -39662994,
//     "monitor_name": "paria",
//     "monitor_options": {
//       "renotify_interval": 214
//     },
//     "monitor_priority": 4,
//     "noScreenshot": true,
//     "restricted_roles": [
//       "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
//     ],
//     "retry": {
//       "count": 1859540,
//       "interval": -51339928.952870026
//     },
//     "rumSettings": {
//       "applicationId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
//       "clientTokenId": 12345,
//       "isEnabled": true
//     },
//     "scheduling": {
//       "timeframes": [
//         {
//           "day": 1,
//           "from": "07:00",
//           "to": "16:00"
//         },
//         {
//           "day": 3,
//           "from": "07:00",
//           "to": "16:00"
//         }
//       ],
//       "timezone": "America/New_York"
//     },
//     "tick_every": 74879
//   },
//   "public_id": "magna",
//   "status": "live",
//   "steps": [
//     {
//       "allowFailure": false,
//       "isCritical": true,
//       "name": "ea laborum ve",
//       "noScreenshot": false,
//       "params": {},
//       "timeout": 51909556,
//       "type": "assertElementContent"
//     },
//     {
//       "allowFailure": false,
//       "isCritical": true,
//       "name": "pariatur reprehenderit do",
//       "noScreenshot": false,
//       "params": {},
//       "timeout": 72919471,
//       "type": "assertElementContent"
//     }
//   ],
//   "subtype": "http",
//   "tags": [
//     "dolor Ut anim nisi ea",
//     "dolore anim ipsum pariatur"
//   ],
//   "type": "browser"
// }

// Sample code for parsing the JSON response...
// Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: Generate JSON Parsing Code

NSString *description = 0;
NSString *strVal = 0;
int day;
NSString *from = 0;
NSString *v_to = 0;
BOOL allowFailure;
BOOL isCritical;
BOOL noScreenshot;
int timeout;

BOOL Allow_insecure = [jResp BoolOf: @"config.request.allow_insecure"];
NSString *Password = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.basicAuth.password"];
NSString *Username = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.basicAuth.username"];
NSString *v_Type = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.basicAuth.type"];
NSString *Body = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.body"];
NSString *BodyType = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.bodyType"];
NSString *CallType = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.callType"];
NSString *Content = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.certificate.cert.content"];
NSString *Filename = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.certificate.cert.filename"];
NSString *UpdatedAt = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.certificate.cert.updatedAt"];
NSString *KeyContent = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.certificate.key.content"];
NSString *KeyFilename = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.certificate.key.filename"];
NSString *KeyUpdatedAt = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.certificate.key.updatedAt"];
NSString *CompressedJsonDescriptor = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.compressedJsonDescriptor"];
NSString *DnsServer = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.dnsServer"];
int DnsServerPort = [[jResp IntOf: @"config.request.dnsServerPort"] intValue];
BOOL Follow_redirects = [jResp BoolOf: @"config.request.follow_redirects"];
NSString *Dolor77f = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.headers.dolor77f"];
NSString *Excepteur5 = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.headers.Excepteur5"];
NSString *Cupidatatb2 = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.headers.cupidatatb2"];
NSString *Host = [jResp StringOf: @""];
NSString *Message = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.message"];
NSString *Cillum_f = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.metadata.cillum_f"];
NSString *Quicbd = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.metadata.quicbd"];
NSString *Dolore2_7 = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.metadata.dolore2_7"];
NSString *Method = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.method"];
BOOL NoSavingResponseBody = [jResp BoolOf: @"config.request.noSavingResponseBody"];
int NumberOfPackets = [[jResp IntOf: @"config.request.numberOfPackets"] intValue];
BOOL PersistCookies = [jResp BoolOf: @"config.request.persistCookies"];
int Port = [[jResp IntOf: @"config.request.port"] intValue];
NSString *v_Url = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.proxy.url"];
NSString *Ut_a = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.proxy.headers.ut_a"];
NSString *Servername = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.servername"];
NSString *Service = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.service"];
BOOL ShouldTrackHops = [jResp BoolOf: @"config.request.shouldTrackHops"];
NSString *Timeout = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.timeout"];
NSString *RequestUrl = [jResp StringOf: @"config.request.url"];
NSString *v_Email = [jResp StringOf: @""];
NSString *Handle = [jResp StringOf: @"creator.handle"];
NSString *Name = [jResp StringOf: @""];
NSString *message = [jResp StringOf: @"message"];
int monitor_id = [[jResp IntOf: @"monitor_id"] intValue];
NSString *name = [jResp StringOf: @"name"];
BOOL Accept_self_signed = [jResp BoolOf: @"options.accept_self_signed"];
BOOL optionsAllow_insecure = [jResp BoolOf: @"options.allow_insecure"];
BOOL CheckCertificateRevocation = [jResp BoolOf: @"options.checkCertificateRevocation"];
NSString *ExecutionRule = [jResp StringOf: @""];
BOOL DisableCors = [jResp BoolOf: @"options.disableCors"];
BOOL DisableCsp = [jResp BoolOf: @"options.disableCsp"];
BOOL optionsFollow_redirects = [jResp BoolOf: @"options.follow_redirects"];
NSString *HttpVersion = [jResp StringOf: @"options.httpVersion"];
BOOL IgnoreServerCertificateError = [jResp BoolOf: @"options.ignoreServerCertificateError"];
int InitialNavigationTimeout = [[jResp IntOf: @"options.initialNavigationTimeout"] intValue];
int Min_failure_duration = [[jResp IntOf: @"options.min_failure_duration"] intValue];
int Min_location_failed = [[jResp IntOf: @"options.min_location_failed"] intValue];
NSString *Monitor_name = [jResp StringOf: @"options.monitor_name"];
int Renotify_interval = [[jResp IntOf: @"options.monitor_options.renotify_interval"] intValue];
int Monitor_priority = [[jResp IntOf: @"options.monitor_priority"] intValue];
BOOL NoScreenshot = [jResp BoolOf: @"options.noScreenshot"];
int Count = [[jResp IntOf: @"options.retry.count"] intValue];
NSString *Interval = [jResp StringOf: @"options.retry.interval"];
NSString *ApplicationId = [jResp StringOf: @"options.rumSettings.applicationId"];
int ClientTokenId = [[jResp IntOf: @"options.rumSettings.clientTokenId"] intValue];
BOOL IsEnabled = [jResp BoolOf: @"options.rumSettings.isEnabled"];
NSString *Timezone = [jResp StringOf: @"options.scheduling.timezone"];
int Tick_every = [[jResp IntOf: @"options.tick_every"] intValue];
NSString *public_id = [jResp StringOf: @"public_id"];
NSString *status = [jResp StringOf: @"status"];
NSString *subtype = [jResp StringOf: @"subtype"];
NSString *v_type = [jResp StringOf: @"type"];
int i = 0;
int count_i = [[jResp SizeOfArray: @"config.configVariables"] intValue];
while (i < count_i) {
    jResp.I = [NSNumber numberWithInt: i];
    description = [jResp StringOf: @"config.configVariables[i].description"];
    v_type = [jResp StringOf: @"config.configVariables[i].type"];
    i = i + 1;

i = 0;
count_i = [[jResp SizeOfArray: @"config.variables"] intValue];
while (i < count_i) {
    jResp.I = [NSNumber numberWithInt: i];
    description = [jResp StringOf: @"config.variables[i].description"];
    v_type = [jResp StringOf: @"config.variables[i].type"];
    i = i + 1;

i = 0;
count_i = [[jResp SizeOfArray: @"locations"] intValue];
while (i < count_i) {
    jResp.I = [NSNumber numberWithInt: i];
    strVal = [jResp StringOf: @"locations[i]"];
    i = i + 1;

i = 0;
count_i = [[jResp SizeOfArray: @"options.device_ids"] intValue];
while (i < count_i) {
    jResp.I = [NSNumber numberWithInt: i];
    strVal = [jResp StringOf: @"options.device_ids[i]"];
    i = i + 1;

i = 0;
count_i = [[jResp SizeOfArray: @"options.restricted_roles"] intValue];
while (i < count_i) {
    jResp.I = [NSNumber numberWithInt: i];
    strVal = [jResp StringOf: @"options.restricted_roles[i]"];
    i = i + 1;

i = 0;
count_i = [[jResp SizeOfArray: @"options.scheduling.timeframes"] intValue];
while (i < count_i) {
    jResp.I = [NSNumber numberWithInt: i];
    day = [[jResp IntOf: @"options.scheduling.timeframes[i].day"] intValue];
    from = [jResp StringOf: @"options.scheduling.timeframes[i].from"];
    v_to = [jResp StringOf: @"options.scheduling.timeframes[i].to"];
    i = i + 1;

i = 0;
count_i = [[jResp SizeOfArray: @"steps"] intValue];
while (i < count_i) {
    jResp.I = [NSNumber numberWithInt: i];
    allowFailure = [jResp BoolOf: @"steps[i].allowFailure"];
    isCritical = [jResp BoolOf: @"steps[i].isCritical"];
    name = [jResp StringOf: @"steps[i].name"];
    noScreenshot = [jResp BoolOf: @"steps[i].noScreenshot"];
    timeout = [[jResp IntOf: @"steps[i].timeout"] intValue];
    v_type = [jResp StringOf: @"steps[i].type"];
    i = i + 1;

i = 0;
count_i = [[jResp SizeOfArray: @"tags"] intValue];
while (i < count_i) {
    jResp.I = [NSNumber numberWithInt: i];
    strVal = [jResp StringOf: @"tags[i]"];
    i = i + 1;

Curl Command

curl -X GET
	-H "Accept: application/json"

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "Get a test configuration",
  "request": {
    "method": "GET",
    "header": [
        "key": "Accept",
        "value": "application/json"
    "url": {
      "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/synthetics/tests/:public_id",
      "host": [
      "path": [
      "variable": [
          "key": "public_id",
          "value": "tempor Ut sed velit"
    "description": "Get the detailed configuration associated with a Synthetic test."
  "response": [
      "name": "OK",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
            "key": "Accept",
            "value": "application/json"
            "description": "Added as a part of security scheme: apikey",
            "key": "DD-API-KEY",
            "value": "<API Key>"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/synthetics/tests/:public_id",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "public_id"
      "status": "OK",
      "code": 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "application/json"
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n  \"config\": {\n    \"configVariables\": [\n      {\n        \"description\": \"Example for the variable.\",\n        \"type\": \"string\"\n      },\n      {\n        \"description\": \"Example for the variable.\",\n        \"type\": \"string\"\n      }\n    ],\n    \"request\": {\n      \"allow_insecure\": false,\n      \"basicAuth\": {\n        \"password\": \"PaSSw0RD!\",\n        \"username\": \"my_username\",\n        \"type\": \"web\"\n      },\n      \"body\": \"deserunt non\",\n      \"bodyType\": \"text/plain\",\n      \"callType\": \"unary\",\n      \"certificate\": {\n        \"cert\": {\n          \"content\": \"ad dolor\",\n          \"filename\": \"culpa adipisicing\",\n          \"updatedAt\": \"ipsum magna irure aliquip\"\n        },\n        \"key\": {\n          \"content\": \"in labore\",\n          \"filename\": \"sit magna non dolore\",\n          \"updatedAt\": \"ipsum aute in\"\n        }\n      },\n      \"compressedJsonDescriptor\": \"co\",\n      \"dnsServer\": \"adipisicing dolore fugiat\",\n      \"dnsServerPort\": 43085,\n      \"follow_redirects\": false,\n      \"headers\": {\n        \"dolor77f\": \"laboris aliquip in\",\n        \"Excepteur5\": \"in ullamco est repr\",\n        \"cupidatatb2\": \"ex magna dolore\"\n      },\n      \"host\": \"qui eu\",\n      \"message\": \"dolore anim tempor minim dolor\",\n      \"metadata\": {\n        \"cillum_f\": \"elit ad ex ven\",\n        \"quicbd\": \"ut ipsum Duis cillum dolor\",\n        \"dolore2_7\": \"pariatur adipisicing enim dolore nulla\"\n      },\n      \"method\": \"deserunt\",\n      \"noSavingResponseBody\": true,\n      \"numberOfPackets\": 9,\n      \"persistCookies\": false,\n      \"port\": -81939613,\n      \"proxy\": {\n        \"url\": \"\",\n        \"headers\": {\n          \"ut_a\": \"ut\"\n        }\n      },\n      \"query\": {},\n      \"servername\": \"adipisicing id dolore\",\n      \"service\": \"Greeter\",\n      \"shouldTrackHops\": false,\n      \"timeout\": 10817249.274777964,\n      \"url\": \"\"\n    },\n    \"variables\": [\n      {\n        \"description\": \"Example for the variable.\",\n        \"type\": \"string\"\n      },\n      {\n        \"description\": \"Example for the variable.\",\n        \"type\": \"string\"\n      }\n    ]\n  },\n  \"creator\": {\n    \"email\": \"enim exercitation commodo in\",\n    \"handle\": \"et nulla eu\",\n    \"name\": \"cupidatat proident\"\n  },\n  \"locations\": [\n    \"aws:eu-west-3\"\n  ],\n  \"message\": \"eu do sunt commodo aliquip\",\n  \"monitor_id\": -1517547,\n  \"name\": \"deserunt amet occaecat\",\n  \"options\": {\n    \"accept_self_signed\": true,\n    \"allow_insecure\": true,\n    \"checkCertificateRevocation\": true,\n    \"ci\": {\n      \"executionRule\": \"non_blocking\"\n    },\n    \"device_ids\": [\n      \"laptop_large\",\n      \"laptop_large\"\n    ],\n    \"disableCors\": true,\n    \"disableCsp\": true,\n    \"follow_redirects\": true,\n    \"httpVersion\": \"http2\",\n    \"ignoreServerCertificateError\": false,\n    \"initialNavigationTimeout\": -26222184,\n    \"min_failure_duration\": 76083858,\n    \"min_location_failed\": -39662994,\n    \"monitor_name\": \"paria\",\n    \"monitor_options\": {\n      \"renotify_interval\": 214\n    },\n    \"monitor_priority\": 4,\n    \"noScreenshot\": true,\n    \"restricted_roles\": [\n      \"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx\"\n    ],\n    \"retry\": {\n      \"count\": 1859540,\n      \"interval\": -51339928.952870026\n    },\n    \"rumSettings\": {\n      \"applicationId\": \"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx\",\n      \"clientTokenId\": 12345,\n      \"isEnabled\": true\n    },\n    \"scheduling\": {\n      \"timeframes\": [\n        {\n          \"day\": 1,\n          \"from\": \"07:00\",\n          \"to\": \"16:00\"\n        },\n        {\n          \"day\": 3,\n          \"from\": \"07:00\",\n          \"to\": \"16:00\"\n        }\n      ],\n      \"timezone\": \"America/New_York\"\n    },\n    \"tick_every\": 74879\n  },\n  \"public_id\": \"magna\",\n  \"status\": \"live\",\n  \"steps\": [\n    {\n      \"allowFailure\": false,\n      \"isCritical\": true,\n      \"name\": \"ea laborum ve\",\n      \"noScreenshot\": false,\n      \"params\": {},\n      \"timeout\": 51909556,\n      \"type\": \"assertElementContent\"\n    },\n    {\n      \"allowFailure\": false,\n      \"isCritical\": true,\n      \"name\": \"pariatur reprehenderit do\",\n      \"noScreenshot\": false,\n      \"params\": {},\n      \"timeout\": 72919471,\n      \"type\": \"assertElementContent\"\n    }\n  ],\n  \"subtype\": \"http\",\n  \"tags\": [\n    \"dolor Ut anim nisi ea\",\n    \"dolore anim ipsum pariatur\"\n  ],\n  \"type\": \"browser\"\n}"
      "name": "Forbidden",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
            "key": "Accept",
            "value": "application/json"
            "description": "Added as a part of security scheme: apikey",
            "key": "DD-API-KEY",
            "value": "<API Key>"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/synthetics/tests/:public_id",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "public_id"
      "status": "Forbidden",
      "code": 403,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "application/json"
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n  \"errors\": [\n    \"Bad Request\",\n    \"Bad Request\"\n  ]\n}"
      "name": "- Synthetic is not activated for the user\n- Test is not owned by the user",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
            "key": "Accept",
            "value": "application/json"
            "description": "Added as a part of security scheme: apikey",
            "key": "DD-API-KEY",
            "value": "<API Key>"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/synthetics/tests/:public_id",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "public_id"
      "status": "Not Found",
      "code": 404,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "application/json"
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n  \"errors\": [\n    \"Bad Request\",\n    \"Bad Request\"\n  ]\n}"
      "name": "Too many requests",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
            "key": "Accept",
            "value": "application/json"
            "description": "Added as a part of security scheme: apikey",
            "key": "DD-API-KEY",
            "value": "<API Key>"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/synthetics/tests/:public_id",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "public_id"
      "status": "Too Many Requests",
      "code": 429,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "application/json"
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n  \"errors\": [\n    \"Bad Request\",\n    \"Bad Request\"\n  ]\n}"