Chilkat Online Tools

Objective-C / DocuSign eSignature REST API / Reserved: Gets the shared item status for one or more users.

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#import <CkoHttp.h>
#import <CkoJsonObject.h>
#import <CkoHttpResponse.h>

// This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
// See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

CkoHttp *http = [[CkoHttp alloc] init];
BOOL success;

CkoJsonObject *queryParams = [[CkoJsonObject alloc] init];
[queryParams UpdateString: @"count" value: @"{{count}}"];
[queryParams UpdateString: @"envelopes_not_shared_user_status" value: @"{{envelopes_not_shared_user_status}}"];
[queryParams UpdateString: @"folder_ids" value: @"{{folder_ids}}"];
[queryParams UpdateString: @"item_type" value: @"{{item_type}}"];
[queryParams UpdateString: @"search_text" value: @"{{search_text}}"];
[queryParams UpdateString: @"shared" value: @"{{shared}}"];
[queryParams UpdateString: @"start_position" value: @"{{start_position}}"];
[queryParams UpdateString: @"user_ids" value: @"{{user_ids}}"];

// Adds the "Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}}" header.
http.AuthToken = @"{{accessToken}}";
[http SetRequestHeader: @"Accept" value: @"application/json"];

CkoHttpResponse *resp = [http QuickRequestParams: @"GET" url: @"{{accountId}}/shared_access" json: queryParams];
if (http.LastMethodSuccess == NO) {

NSLog(@"%d",[resp.StatusCode intValue]);

Curl Command

curl -G -d "count=%7B%7Bcount%7D%7D"
	-d "envelopes_not_shared_user_status=%7B%7Benvelopes_not_shared_user_status%7D%7D"
	-d "folder_ids=%7B%7Bfolder_ids%7D%7D"
	-d "item_type=%7B%7Bitem_type%7D%7D"
	-d "search_text=%7B%7Bsearch_text%7D%7D"
	-d "shared=%7B%7Bshared%7D%7D"
	-d "start_position=%7B%7Bstart_position%7D%7D"
	-d "user_ids=%7B%7Buser_ids%7D%7D"
	-H "Accept: application/json"
	-H "Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}}"{{accountId}}/shared_access

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "Reserved: Gets the shared item status for one or more users.",
  "request": {
    "method": "GET",
    "header": [
        "key": "Accept",
        "value": "application/json"
        "key": "Authorization",
        "value": "Bearer {{accessToken}}"
    "url": {
      "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/v2.1/accounts/{{accountId}}/shared_access?count={{count}}&envelopes_not_shared_user_status={{envelopes_not_shared_user_status}}&folder_ids={{folder_ids}}&item_type={{item_type}}&search_text={{search_text}}&shared={{shared}}&start_position={{start_position}}&user_ids={{user_ids}}",
      "host": [
      "path": [
      "query": [
          "key": "count",
          "value": "{{count}}"
          "key": "envelopes_not_shared_user_status",
          "value": "{{envelopes_not_shared_user_status}}"
          "key": "folder_ids",
          "value": "{{folder_ids}}"
          "key": "item_type",
          "value": "{{item_type}}"
          "key": "search_text",
          "value": "{{search_text}}"
          "key": "shared",
          "value": "{{shared}}"
          "key": "start_position",
          "value": "{{start_position}}"
          "key": "user_ids",
          "value": "{{user_ids}}"
      "variable": [
          "key": "accountId",
          "value": "{{accountId}}",
          "type": "string"
    "description": "Reserved: Retrieves shared item status for one or more users and types of items.\n\nUsers with account administration privileges can retrieve shared access information for all account users. Users without account administrator privileges can only retrieve shared access information for themselves and the returned information is limited to the retrieving the status of all members of the account that are sharing their folders to the user. This is equivalent to setting the shared=shared_from."
  "response": [