Chilkat Online Tools

mono / EDS API / Dokuments "PVN atmaksas pieteikums".

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// This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
// See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

Chilkat.Http http = new Chilkat.Http();
bool success;


Chilkat.StringBuilder sbResponseBody = new Chilkat.StringBuilder();
success = http.QuickGetSb("",sbResponseBody);
if (success == false) {

Chilkat.JsonObject jResp = new Chilkat.JsonObject();
jResp.EmitCompact = false;

Debug.WriteLine("Response Body:");

int respStatusCode = http.LastStatus;
Debug.WriteLine("Response Status Code = " + Convert.ToString(respStatusCode));
if (respStatusCode >= 400) {
    Debug.WriteLine("Response Header:");

// Sample JSON response:
// (Sample code for parsing the JSON response is shown below)

// {
//   "NmrKods": "anim velit tempor ullamco",
//   "Talrunis": "4",
//   "Sagatavotajs": "aliqua magna",
//   "ApplicationReference": {
//     "RefundingCountryCode": "anim ad magna",
//     "ReferenceNumber": "proident",
//     "Version": "irure commodo"
//   },
//   "Applicant": {
//     "Name": {
//       "NameFree": {
//         "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
//       }
//     },
//     "AddressFree": "sunt",
//     "TelephoneNumber": "minim magna dolore",
//     "CountryCode": "ad aute laborum",
//     "EUTraderID": {
//       "CodeTypeValue": {
//         "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
//       },
//       "Code": {
//         "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
//       },
//       "IssuedBy": {
//         "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
//       }
//     },
//     "EmailAddress": "quis"
//   },
//   "Representative": {
//     "AddressFree": "deserunt",
//     "CountryCode": "in anim",
//     "EmailAddress": "",
//     "Name": {
//       "NameFree": {
//         "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
//       }
//     },
//     "TelephoneNumber": "\r6",
//     "RepresentativeID": {
//       "CodeTypeValue": {
//         "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
//       },
//       "Code": {
//         "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
//       },
//       "IssuedBy": {
//         "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
//       }
//     }
//   },
//   "RefundPeriod": {
//     "StartDate": "2000-01-31T00:00:00",
//     "EndDate": "2000-01-31T00:00:00"
//   },
//   "BusinessDescription": {
//     "BusinessActivity": "cupidatat deserunt veniam"
//   },
//   "DetailedBankAccount": {
//     "OwnerName": "-r4AJzac",
//     "OwnerType": "magna consectetur sint",
//     "BIC": "CNWONQML",
//     "Currency": "Duis veniam"
//   },
//   "ImportInformation": [
//     {
//       "IssuingDate": "2000-01-31T00:00:00",
//       "SupplierName": "sunt dolor dolor",
//       "SupplierAddressFree": "dolore",
//       "SupplierCountryCode": "est dolore dolor",
//       "Currency": "ea elit nulla velit",
//       "TaxableAmount": -88820603.7288061,
//       "VatAmount": 71318677.0492571,
//       "ReferenceNumber": "eu aliqua nulla",
//       "ReferenceInformation": "exercitation laborum",
//       "SupplierTelephoneNumber": "3 ",
//       "GoodsDescriptionFreeText": "ani",
//       "GoodsDescriptionFreeTextLang": "ut nostrud ex officia",
//       "GoodsDescriptionCodes": "in L",
//       "ProRataRate": 37125738.782556444
//     },
//     {
//       "IssuingDate": "2000-01-31T00:00:00",
//       "SupplierName": "in non culpa",
//       "SupplierAddressFree": "sit off",
//       "SupplierCountryCode": "qui dolore",
//       "Currency": "in eiusmod in anim",
//       "TaxableAmount": 50542638.62150416,
//       "VatAmount": -84461612.01044232,
//       "ReferenceNumber": "irure ",
//       "ReferenceInformation": "reprehenderit et voluptate",
//       "SupplierTelephoneNumber": "\t   ",
//       "GoodsDescriptionFreeText": "laboris dolor",
//       "GoodsDescriptionFreeTextLang": "ipsum commodo",
//       "GoodsDescriptionCodes": "culpa mollit dolor",
//       "ProRataRate": -64717664.86095043
//     }
//   ],
//   "PurchaseInformation": [
//     {
//       "IssuingDate": "2000-01-31T00:00:00",
//       "SupplierName": "ut cillum velit dolore fugiat",
//       "SupplierAddressFree": "aliquip",
//       "SupplierCountryCode": "sed aliquip adipisicing",
//       "Currency": "anim labore consequat",
//       "TaxableAmount": 12481268.563475162,
//       "VatAmount": 31338286.233541623,
//       "ReferenceNumber": "tempor exercita",
//       "EuTraderIdIssuedBy": "ut ea ullamco laboris",
//       "SimplifiedInvoice": true,
//       "SupplierTelephoneNumber": "  \u000b 9 4  7",
//       "EuTraderId": "mini",
//       "EuTraderIdType": "deserunt sunt aliqua",
//       "GoodsDescriptionFreeText": "commodo Lorem",
//       "GoodsDescriptionFreeTextLang": "exercitation sunt voluptate",
//       "GoodsDescriptionCodes": "Excepteur consequat et ut",
//       "ProRataRate": -73370109.27853811
//     },
//     {
//       "IssuingDate": "2000-01-31T00:00:00",
//       "SupplierName": "sed in ut",
//       "SupplierAddressFree": "quis voluptate",
//       "SupplierCountryCode": "labore cillum occaecat",
//       "Currency": "et elit magna",
//       "TaxableAmount": 40216004.607723564,
//       "VatAmount": 29872509.991602138,
//       "ReferenceNumber": "et Lo",
//       "EuTraderIdIssuedBy": "labore incididunt",
//       "SimplifiedInvoice": false,
//       "SupplierTelephoneNumber": "8 ",
//       "EuTraderId": "dolor ipsum in dolor",
//       "EuTraderIdType": "consectetur Ut Lorem",
//       "GoodsDescriptionFreeText": "Ut sed veniam nost",
//       "GoodsDescriptionFreeTextLang": "fug",
//       "GoodsDescriptionCodes": "ex",
//       "ProRataRate": -4523238.601603329
//     }
//   ],
//   "DocumentCopy": [
//     {
//       "FileType": "dolor sit eiusmod",
//       "FileName": "sunt adipisicing",
//       "FileDescription": "aute qui",
//       "FileContent": "dolor officia"
//     },
//     {
//       "FileType": "magna eu deserunt qui",
//       "FileName": "pariatur",
//       "FileDescription": "nisi",
//       "FileContent": "in eiusmod dolor enim"
//     }
//   ],
//   "Accepted": true,
//   "Id": -56268983,
//   "UID": "nulla ut",
//   "Precizejums": true,
//   "PrecizejamaisDokuments": 5162629,
//   "PrecizejumaPamatojums": "cupidatat dolor velit nulla"
// }

// Sample code for parsing the JSON response...
// Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: Generate JSON Parsing Code

string IssuingDate;
string SupplierName;
string SupplierAddressFree;
string SupplierCountryCode;
string TaxableAmount;
string VatAmount;
string ReferenceInformation;
string SupplierTelephoneNumber;
string GoodsDescriptionFreeText;
string GoodsDescriptionFreeTextLang;
string GoodsDescriptionCodes;
string ProRataRate;
string EuTraderIdIssuedBy;
bool SimplifiedInvoice;
string EuTraderId;
string EuTraderIdType;
string FileType;
string FileName;
string FileDescription;
string FileContent;

string NmrKods = jResp.StringOf("NmrKods");
string Talrunis = jResp.StringOf("Talrunis");
string Sagatavotajs = jResp.StringOf("Sagatavotajs");
string RefundingCountryCode = jResp.StringOf("ApplicationReference.RefundingCountryCode");
string ReferenceNumber = jResp.StringOf("ApplicationReference.ReferenceNumber");
string Version = jResp.StringOf("ApplicationReference.Version");
string Value = jResp.StringOf("Applicant.Name.NameFree.value");
string AddressFree = jResp.StringOf("Applicant.AddressFree");
string TelephoneNumber = jResp.StringOf("Applicant.TelephoneNumber");
string CountryCode = jResp.StringOf("Applicant.CountryCode");
string CodeTypeValueValue = jResp.StringOf("Applicant.EUTraderID.CodeTypeValue.value");
string CodeValue = jResp.StringOf("Applicant.EUTraderID.Code.value");
string IssuedByValue = jResp.StringOf("Applicant.EUTraderID.IssuedBy.value");
string EmailAddress = jResp.StringOf("Applicant.EmailAddress");
string RepresentativeAddressFree = jResp.StringOf("Representative.AddressFree");
string RepresentativeCountryCode = jResp.StringOf("Representative.CountryCode");
string RepresentativeEmailAddress = jResp.StringOf("Representative.EmailAddress");
string NameFreeValue = jResp.StringOf("Representative.Name.NameFree.value");
string RepresentativeTelephoneNumber = jResp.StringOf("Representative.TelephoneNumber");
CodeTypeValueValue = jResp.StringOf("Representative.RepresentativeID.CodeTypeValue.value");
CodeValue = jResp.StringOf("Representative.RepresentativeID.Code.value");
IssuedByValue = jResp.StringOf("Representative.RepresentativeID.IssuedBy.value");
string StartDate = jResp.StringOf("RefundPeriod.StartDate");
string EndDate = jResp.StringOf("RefundPeriod.EndDate");
string BusinessActivity = jResp.StringOf("BusinessDescription.BusinessActivity");
string OwnerName = jResp.StringOf("DetailedBankAccount.OwnerName");
string OwnerType = jResp.StringOf("DetailedBankAccount.OwnerType");
string IBAN = jResp.StringOf("DetailedBankAccount.IBAN");
string BIC = jResp.StringOf("DetailedBankAccount.BIC");
string v_Currency = jResp.StringOf("DetailedBankAccount.Currency");
bool Accepted = jResp.BoolOf("Accepted");
int Id = jResp.IntOf("Id");
string UID = jResp.StringOf("UID");
bool Precizejums = jResp.BoolOf("Precizejums");
int PrecizejamaisDokuments = jResp.IntOf("PrecizejamaisDokuments");
string PrecizejumaPamatojums = jResp.StringOf("PrecizejumaPamatojums");
int i = 0;
int count_i = jResp.SizeOfArray("ImportInformation");
while (i < count_i) {
    jResp.I = i;
    IssuingDate = jResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].IssuingDate");
    SupplierName = jResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].SupplierName");
    SupplierAddressFree = jResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].SupplierAddressFree");
    SupplierCountryCode = jResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].SupplierCountryCode");
    v_Currency = jResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].Currency");
    TaxableAmount = jResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].TaxableAmount");
    VatAmount = jResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].VatAmount");
    ReferenceNumber = jResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].ReferenceNumber");
    ReferenceInformation = jResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].ReferenceInformation");
    SupplierTelephoneNumber = jResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].SupplierTelephoneNumber");
    GoodsDescriptionFreeText = jResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].GoodsDescriptionFreeText");
    GoodsDescriptionFreeTextLang = jResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].GoodsDescriptionFreeTextLang");
    GoodsDescriptionCodes = jResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].GoodsDescriptionCodes");
    ProRataRate = jResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].ProRataRate");
    i = i + 1;

i = 0;
count_i = jResp.SizeOfArray("PurchaseInformation");
while (i < count_i) {
    jResp.I = i;
    IssuingDate = jResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].IssuingDate");
    SupplierName = jResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].SupplierName");
    SupplierAddressFree = jResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].SupplierAddressFree");
    SupplierCountryCode = jResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].SupplierCountryCode");
    v_Currency = jResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].Currency");
    TaxableAmount = jResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].TaxableAmount");
    VatAmount = jResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].VatAmount");
    ReferenceNumber = jResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].ReferenceNumber");
    EuTraderIdIssuedBy = jResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].EuTraderIdIssuedBy");
    SimplifiedInvoice = jResp.BoolOf("PurchaseInformation[i].SimplifiedInvoice");
    SupplierTelephoneNumber = jResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].SupplierTelephoneNumber");
    EuTraderId = jResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].EuTraderId");
    EuTraderIdType = jResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].EuTraderIdType");
    GoodsDescriptionFreeText = jResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].GoodsDescriptionFreeText");
    GoodsDescriptionFreeTextLang = jResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].GoodsDescriptionFreeTextLang");
    GoodsDescriptionCodes = jResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].GoodsDescriptionCodes");
    ProRataRate = jResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].ProRataRate");
    i = i + 1;

i = 0;
count_i = jResp.SizeOfArray("DocumentCopy");
while (i < count_i) {
    jResp.I = i;
    FileType = jResp.StringOf("DocumentCopy[i].FileType");
    FileName = jResp.StringOf("DocumentCopy[i].FileName");
    FileDescription = jResp.StringOf("DocumentCopy[i].FileDescription");
    FileContent = jResp.StringOf("DocumentCopy[i].FileContent");
    i = i + 1;

Curl Command

curl -X GET
	-H "Accept: application/json"

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "Dokuments \"PVN atmaksas pieteikums\".",
  "request": {
    "method": "GET",
    "header": [
        "key": "Accept",
        "value": "application/json"
    "url": {
      "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/doc/pvnav2/:id",
      "host": [
      "path": [
      "variable": [
          "key": "id",
          "value": "25210683",
          "description": "(Required) Dokumenta id."
  "response": [
      "name": "OK",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/doc/pvnav2/:id",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "id",
              "value": "25210683",
              "description": "(Required) Dokumenta id."
      "status": "OK",
      "code": 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "application/json"
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n  \"NmrKods\": \"anim velit tempor ullamco\",\n  \"Talrunis\": \"4\",\n  \"Sagatavotajs\": \"aliqua magna\",\n  \"ApplicationReference\": {\n    \"RefundingCountryCode\": \"anim ad magna\",\n    \"ReferenceNumber\": \"proident\",\n    \"Version\": \"irure commodo\"\n  },\n  \"Applicant\": {\n    \"Name\": {\n      \"NameFree\": {\n        \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n      }\n    },\n    \"AddressFree\": \"sunt\",\n    \"TelephoneNumber\": \"minim magna dolore\",\n    \"CountryCode\": \"ad aute laborum\",\n    \"EUTraderID\": {\n      \"CodeTypeValue\": {\n        \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n      },\n      \"Code\": {\n        \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n      },\n      \"IssuedBy\": {\n        \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n      }\n    },\n    \"EmailAddress\": \"quis\"\n  },\n  \"Representative\": {\n    \"AddressFree\": \"deserunt\",\n    \"CountryCode\": \"in anim\",\n    \"EmailAddress\": \"\",\n    \"Name\": {\n      \"NameFree\": {\n        \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n      }\n    },\n    \"TelephoneNumber\": \"\\r6\",\n    \"RepresentativeID\": {\n      \"CodeTypeValue\": {\n        \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n      },\n      \"Code\": {\n        \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n      },\n      \"IssuedBy\": {\n        \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n      }\n    }\n  },\n  \"RefundPeriod\": {\n    \"StartDate\": \"2000-01-31T00:00:00\",\n    \"EndDate\": \"2000-01-31T00:00:00\"\n  },\n  \"BusinessDescription\": {\n    \"BusinessActivity\": \"cupidatat deserunt veniam\"\n  },\n  \"DetailedBankAccount\": {\n    \"OwnerName\": \"-r4AJzac\",\n    \"OwnerType\": \"magna consectetur sint\",\n    \"IBAN\": \"FR76IV05EPC,RNHM8MENESST\",\n    \"BIC\": \"CNWONQML\",\n    \"Currency\": \"Duis veniam\"\n  },\n  \"ImportInformation\": [\n    {\n      \"IssuingDate\": \"2000-01-31T00:00:00\",\n      \"SupplierName\": \"sunt dolor dolor\",\n      \"SupplierAddressFree\": \"dolore\",\n      \"SupplierCountryCode\": \"est dolore dolor\",\n      \"Currency\": \"ea elit nulla velit\",\n      \"TaxableAmount\": -88820603.7288061,\n      \"VatAmount\": 71318677.0492571,\n      \"ReferenceNumber\": \"eu aliqua nulla\",\n      \"ReferenceInformation\": \"exercitation laborum\",\n      \"SupplierTelephoneNumber\": \"3 \",\n      \"GoodsDescriptionFreeText\": \"ani\",\n      \"GoodsDescriptionFreeTextLang\": \"ut nostrud ex officia\",\n      \"GoodsDescriptionCodes\": \"in L\",\n      \"ProRataRate\": 37125738.782556444\n    },\n    {\n      \"IssuingDate\": \"2000-01-31T00:00:00\",\n      \"SupplierName\": \"in non culpa\",\n      \"SupplierAddressFree\": \"sit off\",\n      \"SupplierCountryCode\": \"qui dolore\",\n      \"Currency\": \"in eiusmod in anim\",\n      \"TaxableAmount\": 50542638.62150416,\n      \"VatAmount\": -84461612.01044232,\n      \"ReferenceNumber\": \"irure \",\n      \"ReferenceInformation\": \"reprehenderit et voluptate\",\n      \"SupplierTelephoneNumber\": \"\\t   \",\n      \"GoodsDescriptionFreeText\": \"laboris dolor\",\n      \"GoodsDescriptionFreeTextLang\": \"ipsum commodo\",\n      \"GoodsDescriptionCodes\": \"culpa mollit dolor\",\n      \"ProRataRate\": -64717664.86095043\n    }\n  ],\n  \"PurchaseInformation\": [\n    {\n      \"IssuingDate\": \"2000-01-31T00:00:00\",\n      \"SupplierName\": \"ut cillum velit dolore fugiat\",\n      \"SupplierAddressFree\": \"aliquip\",\n      \"SupplierCountryCode\": \"sed aliquip adipisicing\",\n      \"Currency\": \"anim labore consequat\",\n      \"TaxableAmount\": 12481268.563475162,\n      \"VatAmount\": 31338286.233541623,\n      \"ReferenceNumber\": \"tempor exercita\",\n      \"EuTraderIdIssuedBy\": \"ut ea ullamco laboris\",\n      \"SimplifiedInvoice\": true,\n      \"SupplierTelephoneNumber\": \"  \\u000b 9 4  7\",\n      \"EuTraderId\": \"mini\",\n      \"EuTraderIdType\": \"deserunt sunt aliqua\",\n      \"GoodsDescriptionFreeText\": \"commodo Lorem\",\n      \"GoodsDescriptionFreeTextLang\": \"exercitation sunt voluptate\",\n      \"GoodsDescriptionCodes\": \"Excepteur consequat et ut\",\n      \"ProRataRate\": -73370109.27853811\n    },\n    {\n      \"IssuingDate\": \"2000-01-31T00:00:00\",\n      \"SupplierName\": \"sed in ut\",\n      \"SupplierAddressFree\": \"quis voluptate\",\n      \"SupplierCountryCode\": \"labore cillum occaecat\",\n      \"Currency\": \"et elit magna\",\n      \"TaxableAmount\": 40216004.607723564,\n      \"VatAmount\": 29872509.991602138,\n      \"ReferenceNumber\": \"et Lo\",\n      \"EuTraderIdIssuedBy\": \"labore incididunt\",\n      \"SimplifiedInvoice\": false,\n      \"SupplierTelephoneNumber\": \"8 \",\n      \"EuTraderId\": \"dolor ipsum in dolor\",\n      \"EuTraderIdType\": \"consectetur Ut Lorem\",\n      \"GoodsDescriptionFreeText\": \"Ut sed veniam nost\",\n      \"GoodsDescriptionFreeTextLang\": \"fug\",\n      \"GoodsDescriptionCodes\": \"ex\",\n      \"ProRataRate\": -4523238.601603329\n    }\n  ],\n  \"DocumentCopy\": [\n    {\n      \"FileType\": \"dolor sit eiusmod\",\n      \"FileName\": \"sunt adipisicing\",\n      \"FileDescription\": \"aute qui\",\n      \"FileContent\": \"dolor officia\"\n    },\n    {\n      \"FileType\": \"magna eu deserunt qui\",\n      \"FileName\": \"pariatur\",\n      \"FileDescription\": \"nisi\",\n      \"FileContent\": \"in eiusmod dolor enim\"\n    }\n  ],\n  \"Accepted\": true,\n  \"Id\": -56268983,\n  \"UID\": \"nulla ut\",\n  \"Precizejums\": true,\n  \"PrecizejamaisDokuments\": 5162629,\n  \"PrecizejumaPamatojums\": \"cupidatat dolor velit nulla\"\n}"
      "name": "Lietotājs nav autentificēts.",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/doc/pvnav2/:id",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "id",
              "value": "25210683",
              "description": "(Required) Dokumenta id."
      "status": "Unauthorized",
      "code": 401,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "text",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "text/plain"
      "cookie": [
      "body": ""
      "name": "Dokuments neeksistē vai lietotājam nav tiesību.",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/doc/pvnav2/:id",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "id",
              "value": "25210683",
              "description": "(Required) Dokumenta id."
      "status": "Forbidden",
      "code": 403,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "text",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "text/plain"
      "cookie": [
      "body": ""
      "name": "Pārsniegts izsaukumu skaita ierobežojums.",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/doc/pvnav2/:id",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "id",
              "value": "25210683",
              "description": "(Required) Dokumenta id."
      "status": "Too Many Requests",
      "code": 429,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "text",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "text/plain"
      "cookie": [
      "body": ""