Chilkat Online Tools

mono / Auth0 Management API / Search log events

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System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.
   at System.Text.StringBuilder.ToString()
   at System.IO.StreamReader.ReadToEnd()
   at System.IO.File.InternalReadAllText(String path, Encoding encoding, Boolean checkHost)
   at System.IO.File.ReadAllText(String path)
   at ChilkatApi.GenBase.ApiDefData(String className)
   at ChilkatApi.XClass.LoadClass(String className, Log log)
   at ChilkatApi.ApiCache.getApiClass(String className, Log log)
   at ChilkatApi.ApiCache.getApiProperty(String className, String propName, Log log)
   at ChilkatCode.CodeGen.getXProp(String className, String propName)
   at ChilkatCode.CodeGen.getPropType(String varName, String propName)
   at ChilkatCode.CodeGen.emitAssignment(String varName, String propName, String op, Xml xml)
   at ChilkatCode.Parser.assignment()
   at ChilkatCode.Parser.statement()
   at ChilkatCode.Parser.Chilkat()
   at ChilkatCode.Parser.Parse()
   at ChilkatCode.Compile.CompileForToolsIO(String srcCode, String langHashKey, StringBuilder sbHtmlOut)

Curl Command

curl -X GET
	-H "Authorization: Bearer {{auth0_token}}"

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "Search log events",
  "request": {
    "method": "GET",
    "header": [
        "key": "Authorization",
        "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}"
    "url": {
      "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/logs",
      "protocol": "https",
      "host": [
      "path": [
    "description": "Retrieves log entries that match the specified search criteria (or list all entries if no criteria is used).<br/>You can search with a criteria using the <code>q</code> parameter or you can search by a specific log ID (search by checkpoint):<br/><br/><h5>The search by criteria can use the following parameters:</h5><ul><li><b>q:</b> Search Criteria using <a href=\"\">Query String Syntax</a></li><li><b>page:</b> The page number. Zero based</li><li><b>per_page:</b> The amount of entries per page</li><li><b>sort:</b> The field to use for sorting. Use <code>field:order</code>, where order is <code>1</code> for ascending and <code>-1</code> for descending. For example <code>date:-1</code></li><li><b>fields:</b> A comma separated list of fields to include or exclude (depending on include_fields) from the result, empty to retrieve all fields</li><li><b>include_fields:</b> <code>true</code> if the fields specified are to be included in the result, <code>false</code> otherwise. Defaults to <code>true</code></li><li><b>include_totals:</b> <code>true</code> if a query summary must be included in the result, false otherwise. Default <code>false</code>.</li></ul><h5>The search by checkpoint use the following parameters:</h5><ul><li><b>from:</b> Log Event Id to start retrieving logs. You can limit the amount of logs using the <code>take</code> parameter.</li><li><b>take:</b> The total amount of entries to retrieve when using the <code>from</code> parameter.</li></ul>\n<h5>Event acronym mapping</h5><ul><li>s: Success Login </li><li>seacft: Success Exchange (Authorization Code for Access Token)</li><li>feacft: Failed Exchange (Authorization Code for Access Token)</li><li>seccft: Success Exchange (Client Credentials for Access Token)</li><li>feccft: Failed Exchange (Client Credentials for Access Token)</li><li>f: Failed Login </li><li>w: Warnings During Login </li><li>du: Deleted User </li><li>fu: Failed Login (invalid email/username) </li><li>fp: Failed Login (wrong password) </li><li>fc: Failed by Connector </li><li>fco: Failed by CORS </li><li>con: Connector Online </li><li>coff: Connector Offline </li><li>fcpro: Failed Connector Provisioning </li><li>ss: Success Signup </li><li>fs: Failed Signup </li><li>cs: Code Sent </li><li>cls: Code/Link Sent </li><li>sv: Success Verification Email </li><li>fv: Failed Verification Email </li><li>scp: Success Change Password </li><li>fcp: Failed Change Password </li><li>sce: Success Change Email </li><li>fce: Failed Change Email </li><li>scu: Success Change Username </li><li>fcu: Failed Change Username </li><li>scpn: Success Change Phone Number </li><li>fcpn: Failed Change Phone Number </li><li>svr: Success Verification Email Request </li><li>fvr: Failed Verification Email Request </li><li>scpr: Success Change Password Request </li><li>fcpr: Failed Change Password Request </li><li>fn: Failed Sending Notification </li><li>sapi: API Operation </li><li>fapi: Failed API Operation </li><li>limit_wc: Blocked Account </li><li>limit_mu: Blocked IP Address </li><li>limit_ui: Too Many Calls to /userinfo </li><li>api_limit: Rate Limit On API </li><li>sdu: Successful User Deletion </li><li>fdu: Failed User Deletion </li><li>slo: Success Logout</li><li>flo: Failed Logout</li><li>sd: Success Delegation</li><li>fd: Failed Delegation</li></ul>\n<h5>List of fields that can be used in fields and sort</h5><ul><li>date: The moment when the event occured.</li><li>connection: The connection related to the event.</li><li>client_id: The client id related to the event</li><li>client_name: The name of the client related to the event.</li><li>ip: The IP address from where the request that caused the log entry originated.</li><li>user_id: The user id related to the event.</li><li>user_name: The user name related to the event.</li><li>description: The description of the event.</li><li>user_agent: The user agent that is related to the event.</li><li>type: The event type. Refer to the event acronym mappings above for a list of possible event types.</li><li>details: The details object of the event.</li><li>strategy: The connection strategy related to the event.</li><li>strategy_type: The connection strategy type related to the event.</li></ul>"
  "response": [