Java Examples for Booking Management API v2021.12
Postman Collection Items
- Authentication/REST Authorize
- Get Booking/GetBooking -v1 General
- Get Booking/GetBooking -v1 General + surname
- Get Booking/GetBooking -v1 Return Only Flights
- Get Booking/GetBooking -v1 GraphQL
- Cancel Booking/Cancel Booking -v1 Cancel All
- Cancel Booking/Cancel Booking -v1 Cancel All + Change PCC
- Cancel Booking/Cancel Booking -v1 Cancel by Item Id - Flights
- Cancel Booking/Cancel Booking -v1 Cancel by Item Id - Hotels
- Cancel Booking/Cancel Booking -v1 Cancel by Item Id - Flights, Hotels, Cars
- Cancel Booking/Cancel Booking -v1 Cancel by Segment Sequence
- Cancel Booking/Cancel Booking -v1 Cancel by Segment Id
- Cancel Booking/Cancel Booking -v1 Cancel All and Void corresponding tickets
- Cancel Booking/Cancel Booking -v1 Cancel Flights and Void corresponding tickets
- Cancel Booking/Cancel Booking -v1 Cancel NDC order by means of a void or refund offer
- Cancel Flight Tickets (Check-Void-Refund)/Check Flight Tickets
- Cancel Flight Tickets (Check-Void-Refund)/Check Flight Tickets with refundQualifiers
- Cancel Flight Tickets (Check-Void-Refund)/Check Flight Tickets for a confirmationId
- Cancel Flight Tickets (Check-Void-Refund)/Void Flight Tickets - with ALLOW_PARTIAL_CANCEL policy
- Cancel Flight Tickets (Check-Void-Refund)/Void Flight Tickets - with HALT_ON_ERROR policy
- Cancel Flight Tickets (Check-Void-Refund)/Void Flight Tickets - Change PCC
- Cancel Flight Tickets (Check-Void-Refund)/Refund Flight Tickets
- Cancel Flight Tickets (Check-Void-Refund)/Refund Flight Tickets with refundQualifiers
- Create Booking/Flights - NDC-ATPCO-LCC/createBooking - Air NDC with ProfileName
- Create Booking/Flights - NDC-ATPCO-LCC/createBooking - Air NDC with ProfileId
- Create Booking/Flights - NDC-ATPCO-LCC/createBooking - Air NDC Payload
- Create Booking/Flights - NDC-ATPCO-LCC/createBooking - Air with ProfileId
- Create Booking/Flights - NDC-ATPCO-LCC/createBooking - Air with Profile filter
- Create Booking/Flights - NDC-ATPCO-LCC/createBooking - Air with pricing
- Create Booking/Flights - NDC-ATPCO-LCC/createBooking - Air with seats
- Create Booking/Flights - NDC-ATPCO-LCC/createBooking - Air with pricing and FOP
- Create Booking/Flights - NDC-ATPCO-LCC/createBooking - Air no pricing
- Create Booking/Flights - NDC-ATPCO-LCC/createBooking - Air with custom haltOnStatus
- Create Booking/Flights - NDC-ATPCO-LCC/createBooking - Air with multi pricing (per flight)
- Create Booking/Flights - NDC-ATPCO-LCC/createBooking - Air with price comparison
- Create Booking/Flights - NDC-ATPCO-LCC/createBooking - Air with identity documents
- Create Booking/Flights - NDC-ATPCO-LCC/createBooking - Air with remarks and other services
- Create Booking/Flights - NDC-ATPCO-LCC/createBooking - Air with loyaltyPrograms
- Create Booking/Flights - NDC-ATPCO-LCC/createBooking - Air with loyaltyPrograms + pricing qualifiers + Credit card
- Create Booking/Flights - NDC-ATPCO-LCC/createBooking - Air with Changed PCC
- Create Booking/Flights - NDC-ATPCO-LCC/createBooking - Passive Air segment
- Create Booking/Flights - NDC-ATPCO-LCC/createBooking - Air LCC
- Create Booking/Flights - NDC-ATPCO-LCC/createBooking - Ancillaries baggage
- Create Booking/Flights - NDC-ATPCO-LCC/createBooking - Ancillaries baggage with SSR
- Create Booking/CSL Hotel/createBooking - CSL hotel with payment card
- Create Booking/CSL Hotel/createBooking - CSL hotel with profile
- Create Booking/CSL Hotel/createBooking - CSL hotel with profile + Strong Customer Authentication
- Create Booking/CSL Hotel/createBooking - Air with CSL hotel
- Create Booking/Vehicle/createBooking - simple vehicle
- Create Booking/Vehicle/createBooking - vehicle with Collection Address
- Create Booking/Vehicle/createBooking - vehicle with Delivery Address
- Create Booking/Vehicle/createBooking - vehicle with Delivery Site
- Create Booking/Vehicle/createBooking - vehicle with Collection Site
- Workflows/1 - Air NDC Shop, Price Check, Book, Cancel/0. REST Authorize ATK
- Workflows/1 - Air NDC Shop, Price Check, Book, Cancel/1. Bargain Finder Max -v2
- Workflows/1 - Air NDC Shop, Price Check, Book, Cancel/2. Offers Price -v1
- Workflows/1 - Air NDC Shop, Price Check, Book, Cancel/3. createBooking
- Workflows/1 - Air NDC Shop, Price Check, Book, Cancel/4. GetBooking -v1 General
- Workflows/1 - Air NDC Shop, Price Check, Book, Cancel/5. Cancel Booking -v1 Cancel All
- Workflows/2 - Profiles, Air NDC Shop, Price Check, Book, Cancel/0 - Create Profile/SessionCreateRQ (Stateful ATH) create session and prepare vars Copy
- Workflows/2 - Profiles, Air NDC Shop, Price Check, Book, Cancel/0 - Create Profile/EPS_EXT_ProfileCreateRQ (Stateful ATH) create filter
- Workflows/2 - Profiles, Air NDC Shop, Price Check, Book, Cancel/0 - Create Profile/EPS_EXT_ProfileCreateRQ (Stateful ATH) create profile
- Workflows/2 - Profiles, Air NDC Shop, Price Check, Book, Cancel/0 - Create Profile/SessionCloseRQ (Stateful ATH) close session
- Workflows/2 - Profiles, Air NDC Shop, Price Check, Book, Cancel/1 - Shop, Price Check, Book, Cancel (NDC)/0. REST Authorize ATK
- Workflows/2 - Profiles, Air NDC Shop, Price Check, Book, Cancel/1 - Shop, Price Check, Book, Cancel (NDC)/1. Bargain Finder Max -v2
- Workflows/2 - Profiles, Air NDC Shop, Price Check, Book, Cancel/1 - Shop, Price Check, Book, Cancel (NDC)/2. Offers Price -v1
- Workflows/2 - Profiles, Air NDC Shop, Price Check, Book, Cancel/1 - Shop, Price Check, Book, Cancel (NDC)/3. createBooking - ProfileId
- Workflows/2 - Profiles, Air NDC Shop, Price Check, Book, Cancel/1 - Shop, Price Check, Book, Cancel (NDC)/4. Cancel Booking -v1 Cancel All
- Workflows/3 - Air Shop, Book, Cancel/0. REST Authorize ATK Copy
- Workflows/3 - Air Shop, Book, Cancel/1. Shop (BFM)
- Workflows/3 - Air Shop, Book, Cancel/2. createBooking - ATPCO payload
- Workflows/3 - Air Shop, Book, Cancel/3. Cancel Booking -v1 Cancel All
- Workflows/4 - Profiles, Air Shop, Book, Cancel/0 - Create Profile/0. SessionCreateRQ (Stateful ATH) create session and prepare vars Copy
- Workflows/4 - Profiles, Air Shop, Book, Cancel/0 - Create Profile/EPS_EXT_ProfileCreateRQ (Stateful ATH) create filter
- Workflows/4 - Profiles, Air Shop, Book, Cancel/0 - Create Profile/EPS_EXT_ProfileCreateRQ (Stateful ATH) create profile
- Workflows/4 - Profiles, Air Shop, Book, Cancel/0 - Create Profile/SessionCloseRQ (Stateful ATH) close session
- Workflows/4 - Profiles, Air Shop, Book, Cancel/1 - Shop, Book, Cancel (ATPCO)/0. REST Authorize ATK Copy
- Workflows/4 - Profiles, Air Shop, Book, Cancel/1 - Shop, Book, Cancel (ATPCO)/1. Shop (BFM)
- Workflows/4 - Profiles, Air Shop, Book, Cancel/1 - Shop, Book, Cancel (ATPCO)/2. createBooking - ProfileId
- Workflows/4 - Profiles, Air Shop, Book, Cancel/1 - Shop, Book, Cancel (ATPCO)/3. Cancel Booking -v1 Cancel All
- Workflows/5 - Air LCC Shop, Book, Cancel/0. REST Authorize ATK Copy
- Workflows/5 - Air LCC Shop, Book, Cancel/1. Shop (BFM)
- Workflows/5 - Air LCC Shop, Book, Cancel/2. createBooking - LCC
- Workflows/5 - Air LCC Shop, Book, Cancel/3. Cancel Booking -v1 Cancel All
- Workflows/6 - Air Shop, Book, Fulfill, Cancel + Void/0. REST Authorize ATK Copy
- Workflows/6 - Air Shop, Book, Fulfill, Cancel + Void/1. Shop (BFM)
- Workflows/6 - Air Shop, Book, Fulfill, Cancel + Void/2. createBooking - ATPCO payload
- Workflows/6 - Air Shop, Book, Fulfill, Cancel + Void/3. airTicket
- Workflows/6 - Air Shop, Book, Fulfill, Cancel + Void/4. GetBooking - Display
- Workflows/6 - Air Shop, Book, Fulfill, Cancel + Void/5. Cancel Booking -v1 Cancel All + VOID tickets
- Workflows/6 - Air Shop, Book, Fulfill, Cancel + Void/6. GetBooking - Display
- Workflows/7 - Air Shop, Book, Fulfill, Void, Display, Cancel/0. REST Authorize ATK Copy
- Workflows/7 - Air Shop, Book, Fulfill, Void, Display, Cancel/1. Shop (BFM)
- Workflows/7 - Air Shop, Book, Fulfill, Void, Display, Cancel/2. createBooking
- Workflows/7 - Air Shop, Book, Fulfill, Void, Display, Cancel/3. airTicket
- Workflows/7 - Air Shop, Book, Fulfill, Void, Display, Cancel/4. GetBooking - Display
- Workflows/7 - Air Shop, Book, Fulfill, Void, Display, Cancel/5. Check Flight Tickets
- Workflows/7 - Air Shop, Book, Fulfill, Void, Display, Cancel/6. Void Flight Tickets - with ALLOW_PARTIAL_CANCEL
- Workflows/7 - Air Shop, Book, Fulfill, Void, Display, Cancel/7. GetBooking - Display Flight Tickets only
- Workflows/7 - Air Shop, Book, Fulfill, Void, Display, Cancel/8. Cancel Booking -v1 Cancel All
- Workflows/8 - Air Shop, Book, Fulfill, Refund, Display, Cancel/0. REST Authorize ATK Copy
- Workflows/8 - Air Shop, Book, Fulfill, Refund, Display, Cancel/1. Shop (BFM)
- Workflows/8 - Air Shop, Book, Fulfill, Refund, Display, Cancel/2. createBooking
- Workflows/8 - Air Shop, Book, Fulfill, Refund, Display, Cancel/3. airTicket
- Workflows/8 - Air Shop, Book, Fulfill, Refund, Display, Cancel/4. GetBooking - Display
- Workflows/8 - Air Shop, Book, Fulfill, Refund, Display, Cancel/5. Check Flight Tickets
- Workflows/8 - Air Shop, Book, Fulfill, Refund, Display, Cancel/5. Refund Flight Tickets
- Workflows/8 - Air Shop, Book, Fulfill, Refund, Display, Cancel/6. GetBooking - Display Flight Tickets only
- Workflows/8 - Air Shop, Book, Fulfill, Refund, Display, Cancel/7. Cancel Booking -v1 Cancel All
- Workflows/9 - Hotel Shop, Book, Cancel/0. REST Authorize ATK
- Workflows/9 - Hotel Shop, Book, Cancel/GetHotelAvailRQ
- Workflows/9 - Hotel Shop, Book, Cancel/HotelPriceCheckRQ
- Workflows/9 - Hotel Shop, Book, Cancel/3. createBooking
- Workflows/9 - Hotel Shop, Book, Cancel/4. cancelBooking
- Workflows/9 - Vehicle Shop, Book, Cancel/0. REST Authorize ATK
- Workflows/9 - Vehicle Shop, Book, Cancel/GetVehAvailRQ
- Workflows/9 - Vehicle Shop, Book, Cancel/VehPriceCheckRQ
- Workflows/9 - Vehicle Shop, Book, Cancel/3. createBooking
- Workflows/9 - Vehicle Shop, Book, Cancel/4. cancelBooking