Chilkat Online Tools
Chilkat Sofware, Inc.
Generate Code to Create JSON
Generate Code to Parse JSON
JSON Formatter
Generate Code to Create XML
Generate Code to Parse XML
XML Formatter
XML Canonicalizer
Convert CURL Command to HTTP Source Code
Convert CURL Command to REST Source Code
Convert HTTP Request to Source Code
Convert HTTP Request to CURL Command
SOAP Generate Code and Request/Response XML from WSDL
Sample WSDL URLs
Generate Code from Postman Collection
View Binary File
Decode ASN.1 Binary File to XML
Decode Base64 ASN.1 to XML
Generate Random Encoded Bytes
Obfuscate/Unobfuscate a String
Decode a JWT
TOTP Authenticator Token Generator
Hash Text
Hash File at URL
Upload File to Hash
CMS (Cryptographic Message Syntax)
Verify P7M
Generate Code to Create .p7s / .p7m
Examine PDF Signature
Generate PDF Signature Code
Verify XML Digital Signature
Generate XML DSig Code
Canonicalize XML
Amazon AWS
Amazon AWS Examples
Classic ASP OAuth2
REST Examples
Java Examples for
ForgeRock Identity Cloud Collection
Postman Collection Items
Prerequisites/Step 1: Start Authentication to Top-Level Realm
Prerequisites/Step 2a: Authenticate as ID Cloud Admin using Username - Password Callback
Prerequisites/Step 2b: Authenticate as ID Cloud Admin using MFA Skip Callback, Get Session Token and Cookie Name
Prerequisites/Step 3: Create Administrative OAuth 2.0 Client
Prerequisites/Step 4: Create a Confidential OAuth 2.0 Client
Prerequisites/Step 5: Create a Public OAuth 2.0 Client
Prerequisites/Step 6: Get Access Token as Postman Admin User
Prerequisites/Step 7: Create a Demo "Alpha User" Managed Identity
Intelligent Access/Step 1: Request Callbacks
Intelligent Access/Step 2a: Handle Username - Password Callback
Intelligent Access/Step 2b: Handle Validated Username - Password Callback
Intelligent Access/Step 2c: Handle Choice Callback
Intelligent Access/Step 2d: Handle Text Input Callback
Intelligent Access/Step 2e: Handle Device Profile Callback
Intelligent Access/Step 2f: Handle Progressive Profile Callback
Intelligent Access/Step 3: Get Session Info
Intelligent Access/Step 4: Logout
User Self-service/Registration/Step 1: Request "Registration" Journey Callback
User Self-service/Registration/Step 2: Handle "Registration" Journey Callback
User Self-service/Forgotten Username/Step 1: Request "ForgottenUsername" Journey Callback
User Self-service/Forgotten Username/Step 2: Handle "ForgottenUsername" Journey Callback
User Self-service/Forgotten Username/Step 3: Resume Suspended Journey using Suspended ID from Email
User Self-service/Reset Password/Step 1: Request "ResetPassword" Journey Callback
User Self-service/Reset Password/Step 2: Handle "ResetPassword" Journey Callback
User Self-service/Reset Password/Step 3: Resume Suspended Journey using Suspended ID from Email
Session Management/Step 1: Start Authentication Journey
Session Management/Step 2: Authenticate as "Postman Demo User" and Get Session Token
Session Management/Step 3: Get Users' Session Info
Session Management/Step 4: Get Users' Session Info and Reset Idle Time
Session Management/Step 5: Get Users' Session Properties
Session Management/Step 6: Refresh Users' Session
Session Management/Step 7: Validate Users' Session
Session Management/Step 8. Logout Users' Session
Identity Profiles/Authenticate as "Postman Demo User"/Step 1: Start Authentication Journey Copy
Identity Profiles/Authenticate as "Postman Demo User"/Step 2: Authenticate as "Postman Demo User" and Get Session Token
Identity Profiles/Authenticate as "Postman Demo User"/Step 3: Get Users' ID
Identity Profiles/Authorized OAuth 2.0 Clients/Step 1: Query Users' OAuth 2.0 Clients
Identity Profiles/Authorized OAuth 2.0 Clients/Step 2: Delete Users' OAuth 2.0 Client
Identity Profiles/Devices/Device Profiles/Step 1: Query Users' Device Profiles
Identity Profiles/Devices/Device Profiles/Step 2: Update Users' Device Profile
Identity Profiles/Devices/Device Profiles/Step 3: Delete Users' Device Profile
Identity Profiles/Devices/OATH/Step 1: Query Users' OATH Device
Identity Profiles/Devices/OATH/Step 2: Check Users' OATH Device "Skip" Status
Identity Profiles/Devices/OATH/Step 3: [Admin] Amend Skip Option on Users' OATH Device
Identity Profiles/Devices/OATH/Step 4: [Admin] Reset (Remove) Users' OATH Device
Identity Profiles/Devices/Push/Step 1: Query Users' Push Device
Identity Profiles/Devices/Push/Step 2: Check Users' Push Device "Skip" Status
Identity Profiles/Devices/Push/Step 3: [Admin] Amend Skip Option on Users' Push Device
Identity Profiles/Devices/Push/Step 4: [Admin] Reset (Remove) Users' Push Device
Identity Profiles/Devices/WebAuthn/Step 1: Query Users' WebAuthn Devices
Identity Profiles/Devices/WebAuthn/Step 2: Update Users' WebAuthn Device
Identity Profiles/Devices/WebAuthn/Step 3: Delete Users' WebAuthn Device
Identity Profiles/Devices/Trusted/Step 1: Query Users' Trusted Devices
Identity Profiles/Devices/Trusted/Step 2: Delete Users' Trusted Device
Managed Identities/Server Assigned ID/Step 1: Create a Managed Identity
Managed Identities/Server Assigned ID/Step 2: Get a Managed Identity
Managed Identities/Server Assigned ID/Step 3: Update a Managed Identity
Managed Identities/Server Assigned ID/Step 4: Delete a Managed Identity
Managed Identities/Client Assigned IDs/Step 1: Create a Managed Identity
Managed Identities/Client Assigned IDs/Step 2: Get a Managed Identity
Managed Identities/Client Assigned IDs/Step 3: Update a Managed Identity
Managed Identities/Client Assigned IDs/Step 4: Delete a Managed Identity
Managed Identities/Query All Managed Identities
Auditing-Monitoring/Auditing/Step 1: Get Audit Log Sources
Auditing-Monitoring/Auditing/Step 2: Get Audit Logs for a Source
Auditing-Monitoring/Auditing/Step 3: Tail the Audit Logs for a Source
Auditing-Monitoring/Auditing/Step 4: Tail the Audit Logs for a Source Since Last Request
Auditing-Monitoring/Health/Check Health
Auditing-Monitoring/Monitoring/Get Prometheus Metrics (AM)
Auditing-Monitoring/Monitoring/Get Prometheus Metrics (IDM)
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Authorization Code Grant/Step 1: Obtain an SSO Token as a Demo User
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Authorization Code Grant/Step 2: Get Authorization Code
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Authorization Code Grant/Step 3: Exchange the Authorization Code for an Access Token
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Authorization Code Grant/Step 4: Introspect the Access Token
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Authorization Code Grant with PKCE/Step 1: Obtain an SSO Token as a Demo User
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Authorization Code Grant with PKCE/Step 2: Get Authorization Code
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Authorization Code Grant with PKCE/Step 3: Exchange the Authorization Code for an Access Token
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Authorization Code Grant with PKCE/Step 4: Introspect the Access Token
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Implicit Grant/Step 1: Obtain an SSO Token as a Demo User
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Implicit Grant/Step 2: Get Access Token
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Implicit Grant/Step 3: Introspect the Access Token
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant/Step 1: Get Access Token as a Demo User
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant/Step 2: Introspect the Access Token
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Client Credentials Grant/Step 1: Get Access Token as a Confidential Client
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Client Credentials Grant/Step 2: Introspect the Access Token
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Device Flow/Step 1: Obtain an SSO Token as a Demo User
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Device Flow/Step 2: Get User Code and Device Code
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Device Flow/Step 3: Grant Consent Using the User Code
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Device Flow/Step 4: Poll for Authorization
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Device Flow/Step 5: Introspect the Access Token
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Device Flow with PKCE/Step 1: Obtain an SSO Token as a Demo User
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Device Flow with PKCE/Step 2: Get User Code and Device Code
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Device Flow with PKCE/Step 3: Grant Consent Using the User Code
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Device Flow with PKCE/Step 4: Poll for Authorization
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Device Flow with PKCE/Step 5: Introspect the Access Token
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Refresh Token Flow/Step 1: Obtain an SSO Token as a Demo User
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Refresh Token Flow/Step 2: Get Authorization Code
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Refresh Token Flow/Step 3: Exchange the Authentication Code for an Access Token
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Refresh Token Flow/Step 4: Refresh the Access Token
OAuth 2.0 Flows/Refresh Token Flow/Step 5: Revoke the Refresh Token
Well Known/Assetlinks/Step 1: Create or update assetlinks.json
Well Known/Assetlinks/Step 2: Verify assetlinks.json
Well Known/Assetlinks/Step 3: Delete assetlinks.json