Chilkat Online Tools
Chilkat Sofware, Inc.
Generate Code to Create JSON
Generate Code to Parse JSON
JSON Formatter
Generate Code to Create XML
Generate Code to Parse XML
XML Formatter
XML Canonicalizer
Convert CURL Command to HTTP Source Code
Convert CURL Command to REST Source Code
Convert HTTP Request to Source Code
Convert HTTP Request to CURL Command
SOAP Generate Code and Request/Response XML from WSDL
Sample WSDL URLs
Generate Code from Postman Collection
View Binary File
Decode ASN.1 Binary File to XML
Decode Base64 ASN.1 to XML
Generate Random Encoded Bytes
Obfuscate/Unobfuscate a String
Decode a JWT
TOTP Authenticator Token Generator
Hash Text
Hash File at URL
Upload File to Hash
CMS (Cryptographic Message Syntax)
Verify P7M
Generate Code to Create .p7s / .p7m
Examine PDF Signature
Generate PDF Signature Code
Verify XML Digital Signature
Generate XML DSig Code
Canonicalize XML
Amazon AWS
Amazon AWS Examples
Classic ASP OAuth2
REST Examples
Java Examples for
DocuSign Admin API
Postman Collection Items
Authentication/01 Authorize Code Grant Access Token
Authentication/02 JWT Access Token
Authentication/03 Refresh Access Token
Authentication/04 Get User Info
BulkOperations/Returns a list of existing User List Exports (requests and completed exports) and their details-metadata
BulkOperations/Creates a new User List Export request.
BulkOperations/Returns the details-metadata for Account Setting Export requests
BulkOperations/Creates a new Account Setting Export request.
BulkOperations/Returns the details-metadata for a single User List Export request
BulkOperations/Deletes a single User List Export request
BulkOperations/Returns the details-metadata for a single Account Setting Export request
BulkOperations/Deletes a single Account Settings Export request
BulkOperations/Returns the details-metadata for Bulk Account Settings Import requests in the organization
BulkOperations/Creates a new account settings import request.
BulkOperations/Returns the details-metadata for a Bulk Account Settings Import request
BulkOperations/Deletes a Bulk Account Settings Import request
BulkOperations/Import request for adding users to accounts within the organization.
BulkOperations/Import request for adding user to a single account within the organization. Allows upload of user information without requiring an AccountId column
BulkOperations/Import request for updating users to accounts within the organization.
BulkOperations/Import request for updating users for a single account within the organization. Allows upload of user information without requiring an AccountId column
BulkOperations/Closes the Bulk User Import request
BulkOperations/Closes memberships which are not in an account which is part of the organization, but which do have email addresses which are @ a verified reserved web domain which belongs to the organization
BulkOperations/Returns the details-metadata for Bulk User Import requests in the organization
BulkOperations/Returns the details-metadata for a User Import request
BulkOperations/Deletes a User Import request
BulkOperations/Returns a text-csv file with user details for a User Import request
IdentityProviders/Returns the list of identity providers for the organization.
Organization/Returns the list of organizations of which the authenticated user is a member.
Organization/Returns the list of permission profiles in an account.
Organization/Returns the list of groups in an account.
ReservedDomains/Returns the list of reserved domains for the organization.
UserManagement/Closes a user's memberships.
UserManagement/Returns information about the users in the organization
UserManagement/Creates a new user
UserManagement/Activates user memberships
UserManagement/Returns user information.
UserManagement/Deletes user identities.
UserManagement/Adds users to an account.
UserManagement/Get list of DSGroups
UserManagement/Add a new DSGroup
UserManagement/Get list of DSGroup
UserManagement/Delete a DSGroup
UserManagement/Get list of users in a DSGroup
UserManagement/Add list of users to a DSGroup
UserManagement/Remove users from a DSGroup
UserManagement/Get products associated with the account and the available permission profiles
UserManagement/Retrieve list of user's permission profiles for each account's product
UserManagement/Assign user to permission profiles for one or more products
UserManagement/Creates and updates a multi-product user
UserManagement/Updates a user.
UserManagement/Updates a user's email address.