Back to Collection Items
http: HCkHttp;
success: Boolean;
queryParams: HCkJsonObject;
resp: HCkHttpResponse;
sbResponseBody: HCkStringBuilder;
jResp: HCkJsonObject;
respStatusCode: Integer;
AmazonOrderId: PWideChar;
PurchaseDate: PWideChar;
LastUpdateDate: PWideChar;
OrderStatus: PWideChar;
FulfillmentChannel: PWideChar;
NumberOfItemsShipped: Integer;
NumberOfItemsUnshipped: Integer;
PaymentMethod: PWideChar;
MarketplaceId: PWideChar;
ShipmentServiceLevelCategory: PWideChar;
OrderType: PWideChar;
EarliestShipDate: PWideChar;
LatestShipDate: PWideChar;
IsBusinessOrder: Boolean;
IsPrime: Boolean;
IsAccessPointOrder: Boolean;
IsGlobalExpressEnabled: Boolean;
IsPremiumOrder: Boolean;
IsSoldByAB: Boolean;
IsIBA: Boolean;
Name: PWideChar;
AddressLine1: PWideChar;
City: PWideChar;
StateOrRegion: PWideChar;
PostalCode: PWideChar;
CountryCode: PWideChar;
BuyerEmail: PWideChar;
BuyerName: PWideChar;
CompanyLegalName: PWideChar;
PurchaseOrderNumber: PWideChar;
j: Integer;
count_j: Integer;
strVal: PWideChar;
NextToken: PWideChar;
i: Integer;
count_i: Integer;
// This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
// See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.
http := CkHttp_Create();
queryParams := CkJsonObject_Create();
CkJsonObject_UpdateString(queryParams,'CreatedAfter','incididunt ea cillum');
CkJsonObject_UpdateString(queryParams,'CreatedBefore','incididunt ea cillum');
CkJsonObject_UpdateString(queryParams,'LastUpdatedAfter','incididunt ea cillum');
CkJsonObject_UpdateString(queryParams,'LastUpdatedBefore','incididunt ea cillum');
CkJsonObject_UpdateString(queryParams,'OrderStatuses','exercitation aliqua minim,ut adipisicing irure quis');
CkJsonObject_UpdateString(queryParams,'MarketplaceIds','pariatur cupidatat elit,e');
CkJsonObject_UpdateString(queryParams,'FulfillmentChannels','exercitation aliqua minim,ut adipisicing irure quis');
CkJsonObject_UpdateString(queryParams,'PaymentMethods','exercitation aliqua minim,ut adipisicing irure quis');
CkJsonObject_UpdateString(queryParams,'BuyerEmail','incididunt ea cillum');
CkJsonObject_UpdateString(queryParams,'SellerOrderId','incididunt ea cillum');
CkJsonObject_UpdateString(queryParams,'EasyShipShipmentStatuses','exercitation aliqua minim,ut adipisicing irure quis');
CkJsonObject_UpdateString(queryParams,'ElectronicInvoiceStatuses','exercitation aliqua minim,ut adipisicing irure quis');
CkJsonObject_UpdateString(queryParams,'NextToken','incididunt ea cillum');
CkJsonObject_UpdateString(queryParams,'AmazonOrderIds','pariatur cupidatat elit,e');
CkJsonObject_UpdateString(queryParams,'ActualFulfillmentSupplySourceId','incididunt ea cillum');
CkJsonObject_UpdateString(queryParams,'StoreChainStoreId','incididunt ea cillum');
resp := CkHttp_QuickRequestParams(http,'GET','',queryParams);
if (CkHttp_getLastMethodSuccess(http) = False) then
sbResponseBody := CkStringBuilder_Create();
jResp := CkJsonObject_Create();
Memo1.Lines.Add('Response Body:');
respStatusCode := CkHttpResponse_getStatusCode(resp);
Memo1.Lines.Add('Response Status Code = ' + IntToStr(respStatusCode));
if (respStatusCode >= 400) then
Memo1.Lines.Add('Response Header:');
// Sample JSON response:
// (Sample code for parsing the JSON response is shown below)
// {
// "payload": {
// "NextToken": "2YgYW55IGNhcm5hbCBwbGVhc3VyZS4",
// "Orders": [
// {
// "AmazonOrderId": "902-3159896-1390916",
// "PurchaseDate": "2017-01-20T19:49:35Z",
// "LastUpdateDate": "2017-01-20T19:49:35Z",
// "OrderStatus": "Pending",
// "FulfillmentChannel": "SellerFulfilled",
// "NumberOfItemsShipped": 0,
// "NumberOfItemsUnshipped": 0,
// "PaymentMethod": "Other",
// "PaymentMethodDetails": [
// "CreditCard",
// "GiftCerificate"
// ],
// "MarketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
// "ShipmentServiceLevelCategory": "Standard",
// "OrderType": "StandardOrder",
// "EarliestShipDate": "2017-01-20T19:51:16Z",
// "LatestShipDate": "2017-01-25T19:49:35Z",
// "IsBusinessOrder": false,
// "IsPrime": false,
// "IsAccessPointOrder": false,
// "IsGlobalExpressEnabled": false,
// "IsPremiumOrder": false,
// "IsSoldByAB": false,
// "IsIBA": false,
// "ShippingAddress": {
// "Name": "Michigan address",
// "AddressLine1": "1 Cross St.",
// "City": "Canton",
// "StateOrRegion": "MI",
// "PostalCode": "48817",
// "CountryCode": "US"
// },
// "BuyerInfo": {
// "BuyerEmail": "",
// "BuyerName": "John Doe",
// "BuyerTaxInfo": {
// "CompanyLegalName": "A Company Name"
// },
// "PurchaseOrderNumber": "1234567890123"
// }
// }
// ]
// }
// }
// Sample code for parsing the JSON response...
// Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: Generate JSON Parsing Code
NextToken := CkJsonObject__stringOf(jResp,'payload.NextToken');
i := 0;
count_i := CkJsonObject_SizeOfArray(jResp,'payload.Orders');
while i < count_i do
AmazonOrderId := CkJsonObject__stringOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].AmazonOrderId');
PurchaseDate := CkJsonObject__stringOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].PurchaseDate');
LastUpdateDate := CkJsonObject__stringOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].LastUpdateDate');
OrderStatus := CkJsonObject__stringOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].OrderStatus');
FulfillmentChannel := CkJsonObject__stringOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].FulfillmentChannel');
NumberOfItemsShipped := CkJsonObject_IntOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].NumberOfItemsShipped');
NumberOfItemsUnshipped := CkJsonObject_IntOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].NumberOfItemsUnshipped');
PaymentMethod := CkJsonObject__stringOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].PaymentMethod');
MarketplaceId := CkJsonObject__stringOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].MarketplaceId');
ShipmentServiceLevelCategory := CkJsonObject__stringOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].ShipmentServiceLevelCategory');
OrderType := CkJsonObject__stringOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].OrderType');
EarliestShipDate := CkJsonObject__stringOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].EarliestShipDate');
LatestShipDate := CkJsonObject__stringOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].LatestShipDate');
IsBusinessOrder := CkJsonObject_BoolOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].IsBusinessOrder');
IsPrime := CkJsonObject_BoolOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].IsPrime');
IsAccessPointOrder := CkJsonObject_BoolOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].IsAccessPointOrder');
IsGlobalExpressEnabled := CkJsonObject_BoolOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].IsGlobalExpressEnabled');
IsPremiumOrder := CkJsonObject_BoolOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].IsPremiumOrder');
IsSoldByAB := CkJsonObject_BoolOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].IsSoldByAB');
IsIBA := CkJsonObject_BoolOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].IsIBA');
Name := CkJsonObject__stringOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].ShippingAddress.Name');
AddressLine1 := CkJsonObject__stringOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].ShippingAddress.AddressLine1');
City := CkJsonObject__stringOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].ShippingAddress.City');
StateOrRegion := CkJsonObject__stringOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].ShippingAddress.StateOrRegion');
PostalCode := CkJsonObject__stringOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].ShippingAddress.PostalCode');
CountryCode := CkJsonObject__stringOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].ShippingAddress.CountryCode');
BuyerEmail := CkJsonObject__stringOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].BuyerInfo.BuyerEmail');
BuyerName := CkJsonObject__stringOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].BuyerInfo.BuyerName');
CompanyLegalName := CkJsonObject__stringOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].BuyerInfo.BuyerTaxInfo.CompanyLegalName');
PurchaseOrderNumber := CkJsonObject__stringOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].BuyerInfo.PurchaseOrderNumber');
j := 0;
count_j := CkJsonObject_SizeOfArray(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].PaymentMethodDetails');
while j < count_j do
strVal := CkJsonObject__stringOf(jResp,'payload.Orders[i].PaymentMethodDetails[j]');
j := j + 1;
i := i + 1;
Curl Command
curl -G -d "CreatedAfter=incididunt%20ea%20cillum"
-d "CreatedBefore=incididunt%20ea%20cillum"
-d "LastUpdatedAfter=incididunt%20ea%20cillum"
-d "LastUpdatedBefore=incididunt%20ea%20cillum"
-d "OrderStatuses=exercitation%20aliqua%20minim,ut%20adipisicing%20irure%20quis"
-d "MarketplaceIds=pariatur%20cupidatat%20elit,e"
-d "FulfillmentChannels=exercitation%20aliqua%20minim,ut%20adipisicing%20irure%20quis"
-d "PaymentMethods=exercitation%20aliqua%20minim,ut%20adipisicing%20irure%20quis"
-d "BuyerEmail=incididunt%20ea%20cillum"
-d "SellerOrderId=incididunt%20ea%20cillum"
-d "MaxResultsPerPage=-48050911"
-d "EasyShipShipmentStatuses=exercitation%20aliqua%20minim,ut%20adipisicing%20irure%20quis"
-d "ElectronicInvoiceStatuses=exercitation%20aliqua%20minim,ut%20adipisicing%20irure%20quis"
-d "NextToken=incididunt%20ea%20cillum"
-d "AmazonOrderIds=pariatur%20cupidatat%20elit,e"
-d "ActualFulfillmentSupplySourceId=incididunt%20ea%20cillum"
-d "IsISPU=true"
-d "StoreChainStoreId=incididunt%20ea%20cillum"
-d "ItemApprovalTypes=LEONARDI_APPROVAL"
-H "Accept: application/json"
Postman Collection Item JSON
"name": "get Orders",
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"key": "Accept",
"value": "application/json"
"url": {
"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/orders/v0/orders?CreatedAfter=incididunt ea cillum&CreatedBefore=incididunt ea cillum&LastUpdatedAfter=incididunt ea cillum&LastUpdatedBefore=incididunt ea cillum&OrderStatuses=exercitation aliqua minim,ut adipisicing irure quis&MarketplaceIds=pariatur cupidatat elit,e&FulfillmentChannels=exercitation aliqua minim,ut adipisicing irure quis&PaymentMethods=exercitation aliqua minim,ut adipisicing irure quis&BuyerEmail=incididunt ea cillum&SellerOrderId=incididunt ea cillum&MaxResultsPerPage=-48050911&EasyShipShipmentStatuses=exercitation aliqua minim,ut adipisicing irure quis&ElectronicInvoiceStatuses=exercitation aliqua minim,ut adipisicing irure quis&NextToken=incididunt ea cillum&AmazonOrderIds=pariatur cupidatat elit,e&ActualFulfillmentSupplySourceId=incididunt ea cillum&IsISPU=true&StoreChainStoreId=incididunt ea cillum&ItemApprovalTypes=LEONARDI_APPROVAL&ItemApprovalStatus=PROCESSING_SELLING_PARTNER_APPROVAL,PENDING_AMAZON_APPROVAL",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "CreatedAfter",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum",
"description": "A date used for selecting orders created after (or at) a specified time. Only orders placed after the specified time are returned. Either the CreatedAfter parameter or the LastUpdatedAfter parameter is required. Both cannot be empty. The date must be in ISO 8601 format."
"key": "CreatedBefore",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum",
"description": "A date used for selecting orders created before (or at) a specified time. Only orders placed before the specified time are returned. The date must be in ISO 8601 format."
"key": "LastUpdatedAfter",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum",
"description": "A date used for selecting orders that were last updated after (or at) a specified time. An update is defined as any change in order status, including the creation of a new order. Includes updates made by Amazon and by the seller. The date must be in ISO 8601 format."
"key": "LastUpdatedBefore",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum",
"description": "A date used for selecting orders that were last updated before (or at) a specified time. An update is defined as any change in order status, including the creation of a new order. Includes updates made by Amazon and by the seller. The date must be in ISO 8601 format."
"key": "OrderStatuses",
"value": "exercitation aliqua minim,ut adipisicing irure quis",
"description": "A list of `OrderStatus` values used to filter the results.\n\n**Possible values:**\n- `PendingAvailability` (This status is available for pre-orders only. The order has been placed, payment has not been authorized, and the release date of the item is in the future.)\n- `Pending` (The order has been placed but payment has not been authorized.)\n- `Unshipped` (Payment has been authorized and the order is ready for shipment, but no items in the order have been shipped.)\n- `PartiallyShipped` (One or more, but not all, items in the order have been shipped.)\n- `Shipped` (All items in the order have been shipped.)\n- `InvoiceUnconfirmed` (All items in the order have been shipped. The seller has not yet given confirmation to Amazon that the invoice has been shipped to the buyer.)\n- `Canceled` (The order has been canceled.)\n- `Unfulfillable` (The order cannot be fulfilled. This state applies only to Multi-Channel Fulfillment orders.)"
"key": "MarketplaceIds",
"value": "pariatur cupidatat elit,e",
"description": "(Required) A list of MarketplaceId values. Used to select orders that were placed in the specified marketplaces.\n\nSee the [Selling Partner API Developer Guide](doc:marketplace-ids) for a complete list of marketplaceId values."
"key": "FulfillmentChannels",
"value": "exercitation aliqua minim,ut adipisicing irure quis",
"description": "A list that indicates how an order was fulfilled. Filters the results by fulfillment channel. Possible values: AFN (Fulfillment by Amazon); MFN (Fulfilled by the seller)."
"key": "PaymentMethods",
"value": "exercitation aliqua minim,ut adipisicing irure quis",
"description": "A list of payment method values. Used to select orders paid using the specified payment methods. Possible values: COD (Cash on delivery); CVS (Convenience store payment); Other (Any payment method other than COD or CVS)."
"key": "BuyerEmail",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum",
"description": "The email address of a buyer. Used to select orders that contain the specified email address."
"key": "SellerOrderId",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum",
"description": "An order identifier that is specified by the seller. Used to select only the orders that match the order identifier. If SellerOrderId is specified, then FulfillmentChannels, OrderStatuses, PaymentMethod, LastUpdatedAfter, LastUpdatedBefore, and BuyerEmail cannot be specified."
"key": "MaxResultsPerPage",
"value": "-48050911",
"description": "A number that indicates the maximum number of orders that can be returned per page. Value must be 1 - 100. Default 100."
"key": "EasyShipShipmentStatuses",
"value": "exercitation aliqua minim,ut adipisicing irure quis",
"description": "A list of `EasyShipShipmentStatus` values. Used to select Easy Ship orders with statuses that match the specified values. If `EasyShipShipmentStatus` is specified, only Amazon Easy Ship orders are returned.\n\n**Possible values:**\n- `PendingSchedule` (The package is awaiting the schedule for pick-up.)\n- `PendingPickUp` (Amazon has not yet picked up the package from the seller.)\n- `PendingDropOff` (The seller will deliver the package to the carrier.)\n- `LabelCanceled` (The seller canceled the pickup.)\n- `PickedUp` (Amazon has picked up the package from the seller.)\n- `DroppedOff` (The package is delivered to the carrier by the seller.)\n- `AtOriginFC` (The packaged is at the origin fulfillment center.)\n- `AtDestinationFC` (The package is at the destination fulfillment center.)\n- `Delivered` (The package has been delivered.)\n- `RejectedByBuyer` (The package has been rejected by the buyer.)\n- `Undeliverable` (The package cannot be delivered.)\n- `ReturningToSeller` (The package was not delivered and is being returned to the seller.)\n- `ReturnedToSeller` (The package was not delivered and was returned to the seller.)\n- `Lost` (The package is lost.)\n- `OutForDelivery` (The package is out for delivery.)\n- `Damaged` (The package was damaged by the carrier.)"
"key": "ElectronicInvoiceStatuses",
"value": "exercitation aliqua minim,ut adipisicing irure quis",
"description": "A list of `ElectronicInvoiceStatus` values. Used to select orders with electronic invoice statuses that match the specified values.\n\n**Possible values:**\n- `NotRequired` (Electronic invoice submission is not required for this order.)\n- `NotFound` (The electronic invoice was not submitted for this order.)\n- `Processing` (The electronic invoice is being processed for this order.)\n- `Errored` (The last submitted electronic invoice was rejected for this order.)\n- `Accepted` (The last submitted electronic invoice was submitted and accepted.)"
"key": "NextToken",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum",
"description": "A string token returned in the response of your previous request."
"key": "AmazonOrderIds",
"value": "pariatur cupidatat elit,e",
"description": "A list of AmazonOrderId values. An AmazonOrderId is an Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format."
"key": "ActualFulfillmentSupplySourceId",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum",
"description": "Denotes the recommended sourceId where the order should be fulfilled from."
"key": "IsISPU",
"value": "true",
"description": "When true, this order is marked to be picked up from a store rather than delivered."
"key": "StoreChainStoreId",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum",
"description": "The store chain store identifier. Linked to a specific store in a store chain."
"key": "ItemApprovalTypes",
"description": "When set, only return orders that contain items which approval type is contained in the specified approval types."
"key": "ItemApprovalStatus",
"description": "When set, only return orders that contain items which approval status is contained in the specified approval status."
"description": "Returns orders created or updated during the time frame indicated by the specified parameters. You can also apply a range of filtering criteria to narrow the list of orders returned. If NextToken is present, that will be used to retrieve the orders instead of other criteria.\n\n**Usage Plan:**\n\n| Rate (requests per second) | Burst |\n| ---- | ---- |\n| 0.0167 | 20 |\n\nThe `x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit` response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The table above indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may see higher rate and burst values then those shown here. For more information, see [Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API](doc:usage-plans-and-rate-limits-in-the-sp-api)."
"response": [
"name": "Success.",
"originalRequest": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"url": {
"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/orders/v0/orders?CreatedAfter=incididunt ea cillum&CreatedBefore=incididunt ea cillum&LastUpdatedAfter=incididunt ea cillum&LastUpdatedBefore=incididunt ea cillum&OrderStatuses=pariatur cupidatat elit,e&MarketplaceIds=pariatur cupidatat elit,e&FulfillmentChannels=pariatur cupidatat elit,e&PaymentMethods=pariatur cupidatat elit,e&BuyerEmail=incididunt ea cillum&SellerOrderId=incididunt ea cillum&MaxResultsPerPage=-48050911&EasyShipShipmentStatuses=pariatur cupidatat elit,e&ElectronicInvoiceStatuses=pariatur cupidatat elit,e&NextToken=incididunt ea cillum&AmazonOrderIds=pariatur cupidatat elit,e&ActualFulfillmentSupplySourceId=incididunt ea cillum&IsISPU=true&StoreChainStoreId=incididunt ea cillum&ItemApprovalTypes=<string>&ItemApprovalStatus=<string>,<string>",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "CreatedAfter",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum"
"key": "CreatedBefore",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum"
"key": "LastUpdatedAfter",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum"
"key": "LastUpdatedBefore",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum"
"key": "OrderStatuses",
"value": "pariatur cupidatat elit,e"
"key": "MarketplaceIds",
"value": "pariatur cupidatat elit,e"
"key": "FulfillmentChannels",
"value": "pariatur cupidatat elit,e"
"key": "PaymentMethods",
"value": "pariatur cupidatat elit,e"
"key": "BuyerEmail",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum"
"key": "SellerOrderId",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum"
"key": "MaxResultsPerPage",
"value": "-48050911"
"key": "EasyShipShipmentStatuses",
"value": "pariatur cupidatat elit,e"
"key": "ElectronicInvoiceStatuses",
"value": "pariatur cupidatat elit,e"
"key": "NextToken",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum"
"key": "AmazonOrderIds",
"value": "pariatur cupidatat elit,e"
"key": "ActualFulfillmentSupplySourceId",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum"
"key": "IsISPU",
"value": "true"
"key": "StoreChainStoreId",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum"
"key": "ItemApprovalTypes",
"value": "<string>"
"key": "ItemApprovalStatus",
"value": "<string>,<string>"
"status": "OK",
"code": 200,
"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
"header": [
"key": "x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum",
"description": "Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation."
"key": "x-amzn-RequestId",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum",
"description": "Unique request reference identifier."
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"cookie": [
"body": "{\n \"payload\": {\n \"NextToken\": \"2YgYW55IGNhcm5hbCBwbGVhc3VyZS4\",\n \"Orders\": [\n {\n \"AmazonOrderId\": \"902-3159896-1390916\",\n \"PurchaseDate\": \"2017-01-20T19:49:35Z\",\n \"LastUpdateDate\": \"2017-01-20T19:49:35Z\",\n \"OrderStatus\": \"Pending\",\n \"FulfillmentChannel\": \"SellerFulfilled\",\n \"NumberOfItemsShipped\": 0,\n \"NumberOfItemsUnshipped\": 0,\n \"PaymentMethod\": \"Other\",\n \"PaymentMethodDetails\": [\n \"CreditCard\",\n \"GiftCerificate\"\n ],\n \"MarketplaceId\": \"ATVPDKIKX0DER\",\n \"ShipmentServiceLevelCategory\": \"Standard\",\n \"OrderType\": \"StandardOrder\",\n \"EarliestShipDate\": \"2017-01-20T19:51:16Z\",\n \"LatestShipDate\": \"2017-01-25T19:49:35Z\",\n \"IsBusinessOrder\": false,\n \"IsPrime\": false,\n \"IsAccessPointOrder\": false,\n \"IsGlobalExpressEnabled\": false,\n \"IsPremiumOrder\": false,\n \"IsSoldByAB\": false,\n \"IsIBA\": false,\n \"ShippingAddress\": {\n \"Name\": \"Michigan address\",\n \"AddressLine1\": \"1 Cross St.\",\n \"City\": \"Canton\",\n \"StateOrRegion\": \"MI\",\n \"PostalCode\": \"48817\",\n \"CountryCode\": \"US\"\n },\n \"BuyerInfo\": {\n \"BuyerEmail\": \"\",\n \"BuyerName\": \"John Doe\",\n \"BuyerTaxInfo\": {\n \"CompanyLegalName\": \"A Company Name\"\n },\n \"PurchaseOrderNumber\": \"1234567890123\"\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n}"
"name": "Request has missing or invalid parameters and cannot be parsed.",
"originalRequest": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"url": {
"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/orders/v0/orders?CreatedAfter=incididunt ea cillum&CreatedBefore=incididunt ea cillum&LastUpdatedAfter=incididunt ea cillum&LastUpdatedBefore=incididunt ea cillum&OrderStatuses=pariatur cupidatat elit,e&MarketplaceIds=pariatur cupidatat elit,e&FulfillmentChannels=pariatur cupidatat elit,e&PaymentMethods=pariatur cupidatat elit,e&BuyerEmail=incididunt ea cillum&SellerOrderId=incididunt ea cillum&MaxResultsPerPage=-48050911&EasyShipShipmentStatuses=pariatur cupidatat elit,e&ElectronicInvoiceStatuses=pariatur cupidatat elit,e&NextToken=incididunt ea cillum&AmazonOrderIds=pariatur cupidatat elit,e&ActualFulfillmentSupplySourceId=incididunt ea cillum&IsISPU=true&StoreChainStoreId=incididunt ea cillum&ItemApprovalTypes=<string>&ItemApprovalStatus=<string>,<string>",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "CreatedAfter",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum"
"key": "CreatedBefore",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum"
"key": "LastUpdatedAfter",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum"
"key": "LastUpdatedBefore",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum"
"key": "OrderStatuses",
"value": "pariatur cupidatat elit,e"
"key": "MarketplaceIds",
"value": "pariatur cupidatat elit,e"
"key": "FulfillmentChannels",
"value": "pariatur cupidatat elit,e"
"key": "PaymentMethods",
"value": "pariatur cupidatat elit,e"
"key": "BuyerEmail",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum"
"key": "SellerOrderId",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum"
"key": "MaxResultsPerPage",
"value": "-48050911"
"key": "EasyShipShipmentStatuses",
"value": "pariatur cupidatat elit,e"
"key": "ElectronicInvoiceStatuses",
"value": "pariatur cupidatat elit,e"
"key": "NextToken",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum"
"key": "AmazonOrderIds",
"value": "pariatur cupidatat elit,e"
"key": "ActualFulfillmentSupplySourceId",
"value": "incididunt ea cillum"
"key": "IsISPU",
"value": "true"
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