Chilkat Online Tools

DataFlex / Zoom API / Update account's TSP information

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Use ChilkatAx-9.5.0-win32.pkg

Procedure Test
    Handle hoHttp
    Boolean iSuccess
    Variant vReq
    Handle hoReq
    Variant vResp
    Handle hoResp
    Integer iRespStatusCode
    String sTemp1
    Boolean bTemp1

    // This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
    // See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

    Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatHttp)) To hoHttp
    If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoHttp))) Begin
        Send CreateComObject of hoHttp

    Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatHttpRequest)) To hoReq
    If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoReq))) Begin
        Send CreateComObject of hoReq
    Set ComHttpVerb Of hoReq To "PATCH"
    Set ComPath Of hoReq To "/v2/tsp"
    Set ComContentType Of hoReq To "multipart/form-data"
    Send ComAddParam To hoReq "tsp_provider" "Excepteur Duis"

    Send ComAddParam To hoReq "enable" "Excepteur Duisfalse"

    Send ComAddParam To hoReq "tsp_enabled" "Excepteur Duisfalsefalse"

    Send ComAddParam To hoReq "master_account_setting_extended" "Excepteur Duisfalsefalsetrue"

    Send ComAddParam To hoReq "modify_credential_forbidden" "Excepteur Duisfalsefalsetruefalse"

    Send ComAddParam To hoReq "dial_in_number_unrestricted" "Excepteur Duisfalsefalsetruefalsefalse"

    Send ComAddParam To hoReq "tsp_bridge" "Excepteur DuisfalsefalsetruefalsefalseUS_TSP_TB"

    Send ComAddHeader To hoReq "Authorization" "Bearer <access_token>"

    Get pvComObject of hoReq to vReq
    Get ComSynchronousRequest Of hoHttp "" 443 True vReq To vResp
    If (IsComObject(vResp)) Begin
        Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatHttpResponse)) To hoResp
        Set pvComObject Of hoResp To vResp
    Get ComLastMethodSuccess Of hoHttp To bTemp1
    If (bTemp1 = False) Begin
        Get ComLastErrorText Of hoHttp To sTemp1
        Showln sTemp1

    Get ComStatusCode Of hoResp To iRespStatusCode
    Showln "Response Status Code = " iRespStatusCode
    If (iRespStatusCode <> 204) Begin
        Showln "Response Header:"
        Get ComHeader Of hoResp To sTemp1
        Showln sTemp1
        Showln "Response Body:"
        Get ComBodyStr Of hoResp To sTemp1
        Showln sTemp1
        Showln "Failed."
        Send Destroy of hoResp

    Send Destroy of hoResp
    Showln "Success."


Curl Command

curl -X PATCH
	-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
	-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data"
	--form 'tsp_provider=Excepteur Duis'
	--form 'enable=Excepteur Duisfalse'
	--form 'tsp_enabled=Excepteur Duisfalsefalse'
	--form 'master_account_setting_extended=Excepteur Duisfalsefalsetrue'
	--form 'modify_credential_forbidden=Excepteur Duisfalsefalsetruefalse'
	--form 'dial_in_number_unrestricted=Excepteur Duisfalsefalsetruefalsefalse'
	--form 'tsp_bridge=Excepteur DuisfalsefalsetruefalsefalseUS_TSP_TB'

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "Update account's TSP information",
  "request": {
    "method": "PATCH",
    "header": [
        "key": "Content-Type",
        "value": "multipart/form-data"
    "body": {
      "mode": "formdata",
      "formdata": [
          "key": "tsp_provider",
          "value": "Excepteur Duis",
          "description": "3rd party audio conferencing provider",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "enable",
          "value": "false",
          "description": "Enable 3rd party audio conferencing for account users",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "tsp_enabled",
          "value": "false",
          "description": "Enable TSP feature for account. This has to be enabled to use any other tsp settings/features.",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "master_account_setting_extended",
          "value": "true",
          "description": "For master account, extend its TSP setting to all sub accounts. For sub account, extend TSP setting from master account.",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "modify_credential_forbidden",
          "value": "false",
          "description": "Control restriction on account users being able to modify their TSP credentials.",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "dial_in_number_unrestricted",
          "value": "false",
          "description": "Control restriction on account users adding a TSP number outside of account's dial in numbers.",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "tsp_bridge",
          "value": "US_TSP_TB",
          "description": "Telephony bridge (This can only be one of US_TSP_TB,EU_TSP_TB)",
          "type": "text"
    "url": {
      "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/tsp",
      "host": [
      "path": [
    "description": "Update information of the Telephony Service Provider set up on an account.<br>\n**Prerequisites**:<br>\nTSP account option should be enabled.<br>\n**Scopes:** `tsp:write:admin`<br>\n \n **[Rate Limit Label](** `Light`\n"
  "response": [
      "name": "**HTTP Status Code:** `204` **No Content**<br>\nTSP Account updated.",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "PATCH",
        "header": [
            "description": "Added as a part of security scheme: oauth2",
            "key": "Authorization",
            "value": "<token>"
        "body": {
          "mode": "formdata",
          "formdata": [
              "key": "tsp_provider",
              "value": "Excepteur Duis",
              "description": "3rd party audio conferencing provider",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "enable",
              "value": "false",
              "description": "Enable 3rd party audio conferencing for account users",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "tsp_enabled",
              "value": "false",
              "description": "Enable TSP feature for account. This has to be enabled to use any other tsp settings/features.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "master_account_setting_extended",
              "value": "true",
              "description": "For master account, extend its TSP setting to all sub accounts. For sub account, extend TSP setting from master account.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "modify_credential_forbidden",
              "value": "false",
              "description": "Control restriction on account users being able to modify their TSP credentials.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "dial_in_number_unrestricted",
              "value": "false",
              "description": "Control restriction on account users adding a TSP number outside of account's dial in numbers.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "tsp_bridge",
              "value": "US_TSP_TB",
              "description": "Telephony bridge (This can only be one of US_TSP_TB,EU_TSP_TB)",
              "type": "text"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/tsp",
          "host": [
          "path": [
      "status": "No Content",
      "code": 204,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "text",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "text/plain"
      "cookie": [
      "body": ""
      "name": "**HTTP Status Code:** `400`<br>\nBad request.<br>\n\n**Error Code:** `300`<br>\nInvalid parameter: tsp_bridge.",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "PATCH",
        "header": [
            "description": "Added as a part of security scheme: oauth2",
            "key": "Authorization",
            "value": "<token>"
        "body": {
          "mode": "formdata",
          "formdata": [
              "key": "tsp_provider",
              "value": "Excepteur Duis",
              "description": "3rd party audio conferencing provider",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "enable",
              "value": "false",
              "description": "Enable 3rd party audio conferencing for account users",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "tsp_enabled",
              "value": "false",
              "description": "Enable TSP feature for account. This has to be enabled to use any other tsp settings/features.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "master_account_setting_extended",
              "value": "true",
              "description": "For master account, extend its TSP setting to all sub accounts. For sub account, extend TSP setting from master account.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "modify_credential_forbidden",
              "value": "false",
              "description": "Control restriction on account users being able to modify their TSP credentials.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "dial_in_number_unrestricted",
              "value": "false",
              "description": "Control restriction on account users adding a TSP number outside of account's dial in numbers.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "tsp_bridge",
              "value": "US_TSP_TB",
              "description": "Telephony bridge (This can only be one of US_TSP_TB,EU_TSP_TB)",
              "type": "text"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/tsp",
          "host": [
          "path": [
      "status": "Bad Request",
      "code": 400,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "text",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "text/plain"
      "cookie": [
      "body": ""