Chilkat Online Tools

DataFlex / Zoom API / Update meeting recording settings

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Use ChilkatAx-9.5.0-win32.pkg

Procedure Test
    Handle hoHttp
    Boolean iSuccess
    Variant vReq
    Handle hoReq
    Variant vResp
    Handle hoResp
    Integer iRespStatusCode
    String sTemp1
    Boolean bTemp1

    // This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
    // See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

    Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatHttp)) To hoHttp
    If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoHttp))) Begin
        Send CreateComObject of hoHttp

    Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatHttpRequest)) To hoReq
    If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoReq))) Begin
        Send CreateComObject of hoReq
    Set ComHttpVerb Of hoReq To "PATCH"
    Set ComPath Of hoReq To "/v2/meetings/:meetingId/recordings/settings"
    Set ComContentType Of hoReq To "multipart/form-data"
    Send ComAddParam To hoReq "share_recording" "internally"

    Send ComAddParam To hoReq "recording_authentication" "internallytrue"

    Send ComAddParam To hoReq "authentication_option" "internallytrueDuis quis officia ad mollit"

    Send ComAddParam To hoReq "authentication_domains" "internallytrueDuis quis officia ad mollitaute Ut"

    Send ComAddParam To hoReq "viewer_download" "internallytrueDuis quis officia ad mollitaute Utfalse"

    Send ComAddParam To hoReq "password" "internallytrueDuis quis officia ad mollitaute Utfalsenisi magn"

    Send ComAddParam To hoReq "on_demand" "internallytrueDuis quis officia ad mollitaute Utfalsenisi magnfalse"

    Send ComAddParam To hoReq "approval_type" "internallytrueDuis quis officia ad mollitaute Utfalsenisi magnfalse1"

    Send ComAddParam To hoReq "send_email_to_host" "internallytrueDuis quis officia ad mollitaute Utfalsenisi magnfalse1false"

    Send ComAddParam To hoReq "show_social_share_buttons" "internallytrueDuis quis officia ad mollitaute Utfalsenisi magnfalse1falsefalse"

    Send ComAddParam To hoReq "topic" "internallytrueDuis quis officia ad mollitaute Utfalsenisi magnfalse1falsefalsedolor minim voluptate labore irure"

    Send ComAddHeader To hoReq "Authorization" "Bearer <access_token>"

    Get pvComObject of hoReq to vReq
    Get ComSynchronousRequest Of hoHttp "" 443 True vReq To vResp
    If (IsComObject(vResp)) Begin
        Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatHttpResponse)) To hoResp
        Set pvComObject Of hoResp To vResp
    Get ComLastMethodSuccess Of hoHttp To bTemp1
    If (bTemp1 = False) Begin
        Get ComLastErrorText Of hoHttp To sTemp1
        Showln sTemp1

    Get ComStatusCode Of hoResp To iRespStatusCode
    Showln "Response Status Code = " iRespStatusCode
    If (iRespStatusCode <> 204) Begin
        Showln "Response Header:"
        Get ComHeader Of hoResp To sTemp1
        Showln sTemp1
        Showln "Response Body:"
        Get ComBodyStr Of hoResp To sTemp1
        Showln sTemp1
        Showln "Failed."
        Send Destroy of hoResp

    Send Destroy of hoResp
    Showln "Success."


Curl Command

curl -X PATCH
	-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
	-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data"
	--form 'share_recording=internally'
	--form 'recording_authentication=internallytrue'
	--form 'authentication_option=internallytrueDuis quis officia ad mollit'
	--form 'authentication_domains=internallytrueDuis quis officia ad mollitaute Ut'
	--form 'viewer_download=internallytrueDuis quis officia ad mollitaute Utfalse'
	--form 'password=internallytrueDuis quis officia ad mollitaute Utfalsenisi magn'
	--form 'on_demand=internallytrueDuis quis officia ad mollitaute Utfalsenisi magnfalse'
	--form 'approval_type=internallytrueDuis quis officia ad mollitaute Utfalsenisi magnfalse1'
	--form 'send_email_to_host=internallytrueDuis quis officia ad mollitaute Utfalsenisi magnfalse1false'
	--form 'show_social_share_buttons=internallytrueDuis quis officia ad mollitaute Utfalsenisi magnfalse1falsefalse'
	--form 'topic=internallytrueDuis quis officia ad mollitaute Utfalsenisi magnfalse1falsefalsedolor minim voluptate labore irure'

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "Update meeting recording settings",
  "request": {
    "auth": {
      "type": "oauth2"
    "method": "PATCH",
    "header": [
        "key": "Content-Type",
        "value": "multipart/form-data"
    "body": {
      "mode": "formdata",
      "formdata": [
          "key": "share_recording",
          "value": "internally",
          "description": "Determine how the meeting recording is shared. (This can only be one of publicly,internally,none)",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "recording_authentication",
          "value": "true",
          "description": "Only authenticated users can view.",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "authentication_option",
          "value": "Duis quis officia ad mollit",
          "description": "Authentication Options.",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "authentication_domains",
          "value": "aute Ut",
          "description": "Authentication domains.",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "viewer_download",
          "value": "false",
          "description": "Determine whether a viewer can download the recording file or not.",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "password",
          "value": "nisi magn",
          "description": "Enable password protection for the recording by setting a password. The password must have a minimum of **eight** characters with a mix of numbers, letters and special characters.<br><br>\n**Note:** If the account owner or the admin has set minimum password strength requirements for recordings via Account Settings, the password value provided here must meet those requirements. <br><br>If the requirements are enabled, you can view those requirements by calling either the [Get User Settings API]( or the [Get Account Settings]( API. ",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "on_demand",
          "value": "false",
          "description": "Determine whether registration  isrequired to view the recording.",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "approval_type",
          "value": "1",
          "description": "Approval type for the registration.<br>\n`0`- Automatically approve the registration when a user registers.<br>\n`1` - Manually approve or deny the registration of a user.<br>\n`2` - No registration required to view the recording. (This can only be one of 0,1,2)",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "send_email_to_host",
          "value": "false",
          "description": "Send an email to host when someone registers to view the recording. This applies for On-demand recordings only.",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "show_social_share_buttons",
          "value": "false",
          "description": "Show social share buttons on registration page. This applies for On-demand recordings only.",
          "type": "text"
          "key": "topic",
          "value": "dolor minim voluptate labore irure",
          "description": "Name of the recording.",
          "type": "text"
    "url": {
      "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/meetings/:meetingId/recordings/settings",
      "host": [
      "path": [
      "variable": [
          "key": "meetingId",
          "value": "quis officia in reprehenderit",
          "description": "(Required) To get Cloud Recordings of a meeting, provide the meeting ID or meeting UUID. If the meeting ID is provided instead of UUID,the response will be for the latest meeting instance. \n\nTo get Cloud Recordings of a webinar, provide the webinar ID or the webinar UUID. If the webinar ID is provided instead of UUID,the response will be for the latest webinar instance. \n\nIf a UUID starts with \"/\" or contains \"//\" (example: \"/ajXp112QmuoKj4854875==\"), you must **double encode** the UUID before making an API request. "
    "description": "Update settings applied to a meeting's [Cloud Recording](<br><br>\n**Scopes**: `recording:write:admin` `recording:write`<br>\n\n **[Rate Limit Label](** `Light` <br>"
  "response": [
      "name": "**HTTP Status Code:** `204` <br>\nMeeting recording setting's updated",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "PATCH",
        "header": [
            "description": "Added as a part of security scheme: oauth2",
            "key": "Authorization",
            "value": "<token>"
        "body": {
          "mode": "formdata",
          "formdata": [
              "key": "share_recording",
              "value": "internally",
              "description": "Determine how the meeting recording is shared. (This can only be one of publicly,internally,none)",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "recording_authentication",
              "value": "true",
              "description": "Only authenticated users can view.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "authentication_option",
              "value": "Duis quis officia ad mollit",
              "description": "Authentication Options.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "authentication_domains",
              "value": "aute Ut",
              "description": "Authentication domains.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "viewer_download",
              "value": "false",
              "description": "Determine whether a viewer can download the recording file or not.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "password",
              "value": "nisi magn",
              "description": "Enable password protection for the recording by setting a password. The password must have a minimum of **eight** characters with a mix of numbers, letters and special characters.<br><br>\n**Note:** If the account owner or the admin has set minimum password strength requirements for recordings via Account Settings, the password value provided here must meet those requirements. <br><br>If the requirements are enabled, you can view those requirements by calling either the [Get User Settings API]( or the [Get Account Settings]( API. ",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "on_demand",
              "value": "false",
              "description": "Determine whether registration  isrequired to view the recording.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "approval_type",
              "value": "1",
              "description": "Approval type for the registration.<br>\n`0`- Automatically approve the registration when a user registers.<br>\n`1` - Manually approve or deny the registration of a user.<br>\n`2` - No registration required to view the recording. (This can only be one of 0,1,2)",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "send_email_to_host",
              "value": "false",
              "description": "Send an email to host when someone registers to view the recording. This applies for On-demand recordings only.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "show_social_share_buttons",
              "value": "false",
              "description": "Show social share buttons on registration page. This applies for On-demand recordings only.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "topic",
              "value": "dolor minim voluptate labore irure",
              "description": "Name of the recording.",
              "type": "text"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/meetings/:meetingId/recordings/settings",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "meetingId",
              "value": "quis officia in reprehenderit",
              "description": "(Required) To get Cloud Recordings of a meeting, provide the meeting ID or meeting UUID. If the meeting ID is provided instead of UUID,the response will be for the latest meeting instance. \n\nTo get Cloud Recordings of a webinar, provide the webinar ID or the webinar UUID. If the webinar ID is provided instead of UUID,the response will be for the latest webinar instance. \n\nIf a UUID starts with \"/\" or contains \"//\" (example: \"/ajXp112QmuoKj4854875==\"), you must **double encode** the UUID before making an API request. "
      "status": "No Content",
      "code": 204,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "text",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "text/plain"
      "cookie": [
      "body": ""
      "name": "**HTTP Status Code:** `404` <br>\nMeeting recording not found. ",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "PATCH",
        "header": [
            "description": "Added as a part of security scheme: oauth2",
            "key": "Authorization",
            "value": "<token>"
        "body": {
          "mode": "formdata",
          "formdata": [
              "key": "share_recording",
              "value": "internally",
              "description": "Determine how the meeting recording is shared. (This can only be one of publicly,internally,none)",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "recording_authentication",
              "value": "true",
              "description": "Only authenticated users can view.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "authentication_option",
              "value": "Duis quis officia ad mollit",
              "description": "Authentication Options.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "authentication_domains",
              "value": "aute Ut",
              "description": "Authentication domains.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "viewer_download",
              "value": "false",
              "description": "Determine whether a viewer can download the recording file or not.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "password",
              "value": "nisi magn",
              "description": "Enable password protection for the recording by setting a password. The password must have a minimum of **eight** characters with a mix of numbers, letters and special characters.<br><br>\n**Note:** If the account owner or the admin has set minimum password strength requirements for recordings via Account Settings, the password value provided here must meet those requirements. <br><br>If the requirements are enabled, you can view those requirements by calling either the [Get User Settings API]( or the [Get Account Settings]( API. ",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "on_demand",
              "value": "false",
              "description": "Determine whether registration  isrequired to view the recording.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "approval_type",
              "value": "1",
              "description": "Approval type for the registration.<br>\n`0`- Automatically approve the registration when a user registers.<br>\n`1` - Manually approve or deny the registration of a user.<br>\n`2` - No registration required to view the recording. (This can only be one of 0,1,2)",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "send_email_to_host",
              "value": "false",
              "description": "Send an email to host when someone registers to view the recording. This applies for On-demand recordings only.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "show_social_share_buttons",
              "value": "false",
              "description": "Show social share buttons on registration page. This applies for On-demand recordings only.",
              "type": "text"
              "key": "topic",
              "value": "dolor minim voluptate labore irure",
              "description": "Name of the recording.",
              "type": "text"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/meetings/:meetingId/recordings/settings",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "meetingId",
              "value": "quis officia in reprehenderit",
              "description": "(Required) To get Cloud Recordings of a meeting, provide the meeting ID or meeting UUID. If the meeting ID is provided instead of UUID,the response will be for the latest meeting instance. \n\nTo get Cloud Recordings of a webinar, provide the webinar ID or the webinar UUID. If the webinar ID is provided instead of UUID,the response will be for the latest webinar instance. \n\nIf a UUID starts with \"/\" or contains \"//\" (example: \"/ajXp112QmuoKj4854875==\"), you must **double encode** the UUID before making an API request. "
      "status": "Not Found",
      "code": 404,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "text",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "text/plain"
      "cookie": [
      "body": ""