DataFlex / Zoom API / Delete a meeting poll
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Use ChilkatAx-win32.pkg
Procedure Test
Handle hoHttp
Boolean iSuccess
Variant vResp
Handle hoResp
Integer iRespStatusCode
String sTemp1
Boolean bTemp1
// This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
// See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.
Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatHttp)) To hoHttp
If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoHttp))) Begin
Send CreateComObject of hoHttp
// Adds the "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" header.
Set ComAuthToken Of hoHttp To "<access_token>"
Get ComQuickRequest Of hoHttp "DELETE" "" To vResp
If (IsComObject(vResp)) Begin
Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatHttpResponse)) To hoResp
Set pvComObject Of hoResp To vResp
Get ComLastMethodSuccess Of hoHttp To bTemp1
If (bTemp1 = False) Begin
Get ComLastErrorText Of hoHttp To sTemp1
Showln sTemp1
Get ComStatusCode Of hoResp To iRespStatusCode
Showln "Response Status Code = " iRespStatusCode
If (iRespStatusCode <> 204) Begin
Showln "Response Header:"
Get ComHeader Of hoResp To sTemp1
Showln sTemp1
Showln "Response Body:"
Get ComBodyStr Of hoResp To sTemp1
Showln sTemp1
Showln "Failed."
Send Destroy of hoResp
Send Destroy of hoResp
Showln "Success."
Curl Command
curl -X DELETE
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
Postman Collection Item JSON
"name": "Delete a meeting poll",
"request": {
"auth": {
"type": "oauth2"
"method": "DELETE",
"header": [
"url": {
"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/meetings/:meetingId/polls/:pollId",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "meetingId",
"value": "68423085",
"description": "(Required) The meeting's ID. \n\n When storing this value in your database, you must store it as a **long** format integer and **not** an integer. Meeting IDs can exceed 10 digits."
"key": "pollId",
"value": "quis officia in reprehenderit",
"description": "(Required) The poll ID"
"description": "Polls allow the meeting host to survey attendees. Use this API to delete a meeting [poll](<br>\n**Scopes**: `meeting:write:admin` `meeting:write`<br>\n **[Rate Limit Label](** `Light` <br>\n**Prerequisites**:<br>\n* Host user type must be **Pro**.\n* Polling feature should be enabled in the host's account.\n* Meeting must be a scheduled meeting. Instant meetings do not have polling features enabled."
"response": [
"name": "**HTTP Status Code:** `204` <br>\nMeeting Poll deleted",
"originalRequest": {
"method": "DELETE",
"header": [
"description": "Added as a part of security scheme: oauth2",
"key": "Authorization",
"value": "<token>"
"url": {
"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/meetings/:meetingId/polls/:pollId",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "meetingId",
"value": "68423085",
"description": "(Required) The meeting's ID. \n\n When storing this value in your database, you must store it as a **long** format integer and **not** an integer. Meeting IDs can exceed 10 digits."
"key": "pollId",
"value": "quis officia in reprehenderit",
"description": "(Required) The poll ID"
"status": "No Content",
"code": 204,
"_postman_previewlanguage": "text",
"header": [
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "text/plain"
"cookie": [
"body": ""
"name": "**HTTP Status Code:** `400` **Bad Request** <br>\n **Error Code:** `4400` <br> Meeting polls disabled. To enable this feature, enable the \"Meeting Polls/Quizzes\" setting in the Zoom web portal's \"Settings\" interface.",
"originalRequest": {
"method": "DELETE",
"header": [
"description": "Added as a part of security scheme: oauth2",
"key": "Authorization",
"value": "<token>"
"url": {
"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/meetings/:meetingId/polls/:pollId",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "meetingId",
"value": "68423085",
"description": "(Required) The meeting's ID. \n\n When storing this value in your database, you must store it as a **long** format integer and **not** an integer. Meeting IDs can exceed 10 digits."
"key": "pollId",
"value": "quis officia in reprehenderit",
"description": "(Required) The poll ID"
"status": "Bad Request",
"code": 400,
"_postman_previewlanguage": "text",
"header": [
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "text/plain"
"cookie": [
"body": ""
"name": "**Error Code:** `404`\nMeeting Poll not found",
"originalRequest": {
"method": "DELETE",
"header": [
"description": "Added as a part of security scheme: oauth2",
"key": "Authorization",
"value": "<token>"
"url": {
"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/meetings/:meetingId/polls/:pollId",
"host": [
"path": [
"variable": [
"key": "meetingId",
"value": "68423085",
"description": "(Required) The meeting's ID. \n\n When storing this value in your database, you must store it as a **long** format integer and **not** an integer. Meeting IDs can exceed 10 digits."
"key": "pollId",
"value": "quis officia in reprehenderit",
"description": "(Required) The poll ID"
"status": "Not Found",
"code": 404,
"_postman_previewlanguage": "text",
"header": [
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "text/plain"
"cookie": [
"body": ""