DataFlex / Zoom API / List meetings
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Use ChilkatAx-win32.pkg
Procedure Test
Handle hoHttp
Boolean iSuccess
Variant vQueryParams
Handle hoQueryParams
Variant vResp
Handle hoResp
Variant vSbResponseBody
Handle hoSbResponseBody
Handle hoJResp
Integer iRespStatusCode
String sUuid
String sId
String sTopic
String sHost
String sEmail
String sUser_type
String sStart_time
String sEnd_time
String sDuration
String sParticipants
String sHas_pstn
String sHas_voip
String sHas_3rd_party_audio
String sHas_video
String sHas_screen_share
String sHas_recording
String sHas_sip
String sHas_archiving
String sFrom
String sV_to
String sPage_count
String sPage_size
String sTotal_records
String sNext_page_token
Integer i
Integer iCount_i
String sTemp1
Boolean bTemp1
// This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
// See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.
Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatHttp)) To hoHttp
If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoHttp))) Begin
Send CreateComObject of hoHttp
Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatJsonObject)) To hoQueryParams
If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoQueryParams))) Begin
Send CreateComObject of hoQueryParams
Get ComUpdateString Of hoQueryParams "type" "live" To iSuccess
Get ComUpdateString Of hoQueryParams "from" "1989-05-07" To iSuccess
Get ComUpdateString Of hoQueryParams "to" "1989-05-07" To iSuccess
Get ComUpdateInt Of hoQueryParams "page_size" 30 To iSuccess
Get ComUpdateString Of hoQueryParams "next_page_token" "quis officia in reprehenderit" To iSuccess
Get ComUpdateString Of hoQueryParams "include_fields" "tracking_fields" To iSuccess
// Adds the "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" header.
Set ComAuthToken Of hoHttp To "<access_token>"
Get pvComObject of hoQueryParams to vQueryParams
Get ComQuickRequestParams Of hoHttp "GET" "" vQueryParams To vResp
If (IsComObject(vResp)) Begin
Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatHttpResponse)) To hoResp
Set pvComObject Of hoResp To vResp
Get ComLastMethodSuccess Of hoHttp To bTemp1
If (bTemp1 = False) Begin
Get ComLastErrorText Of hoHttp To sTemp1
Showln sTemp1
Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatStringBuilder)) To hoSbResponseBody
If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoSbResponseBody))) Begin
Send CreateComObject of hoSbResponseBody
Get pvComObject of hoSbResponseBody to vSbResponseBody
Get ComGetBodySb Of hoResp vSbResponseBody To iSuccess
Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatJsonObject)) To hoJResp
If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoJResp))) Begin
Send CreateComObject of hoJResp
Get pvComObject of hoSbResponseBody to vSbResponseBody
Get ComLoadSb Of hoJResp vSbResponseBody To iSuccess
Set ComEmitCompact Of hoJResp To False
Showln "Response Body:"
Get ComEmit Of hoJResp To sTemp1
Showln sTemp1
Get ComStatusCode Of hoResp To iRespStatusCode
Showln "Response Status Code = " iRespStatusCode
If (iRespStatusCode >= 400) Begin
Showln "Response Header:"
Get ComHeader Of hoResp To sTemp1
Showln sTemp1
Showln "Failed."
Send Destroy of hoResp
Send Destroy of hoResp
// Sample JSON response:
// (Sample code for parsing the JSON response is shown below)
// {
// "from": "string [date]",
// "to": "string [date]",
// "page_count": "integer",
// "page_size": "integer",
// "total_records": "integer",
// "next_page_token": "string",
// "meetings": [
// {
// "uuid": "string [uuid]",
// "id": "integer",
// "topic": "string",
// "host": "string",
// "email": "string",
// "user_type": "string",
// "start_time": "string [date-time]",
// "end_time": "string [date-time]",
// "duration": "string",
// "participants": "integer",
// "has_pstn": "boolean",
// "has_voip": "boolean",
// "has_3rd_party_audio": "boolean",
// "has_video": "boolean",
// "has_screen_share": "boolean",
// "has_recording": "boolean",
// "has_sip": "boolean",
// "has_archiving": "boolean"
// }
// ]
// }
// Sample code for parsing the JSON response...
// Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: Generate JSON Parsing Code
Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "from" To sFrom
Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "to" To sV_to
Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "page_count" To sPage_count
Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "page_size" To sPage_size
Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "total_records" To sTotal_records
Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "next_page_token" To sNext_page_token
Move 0 To i
Get ComSizeOfArray Of hoJResp "meetings" To iCount_i
While (i < iCount_i)
Set ComI Of hoJResp To i
Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "meetings[i].uuid" To sUuid
Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "meetings[i].id" To sId
Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "meetings[i].topic" To sTopic
Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "meetings[i].host" To sHost
Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "meetings[i].email" To sEmail
Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "meetings[i].user_type" To sUser_type
Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "meetings[i].start_time" To sStart_time
Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "meetings[i].end_time" To sEnd_time
Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "meetings[i].duration" To sDuration
Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "meetings[i].participants" To sParticipants
Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "meetings[i].has_pstn" To sHas_pstn
Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "meetings[i].has_voip" To sHas_voip
Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "meetings[i].has_3rd_party_audio" To sHas_3rd_party_audio
Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "meetings[i].has_video" To sHas_video
Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "meetings[i].has_screen_share" To sHas_screen_share
Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "meetings[i].has_recording" To sHas_recording
Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "meetings[i].has_sip" To sHas_sip
Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "meetings[i].has_archiving" To sHas_archiving
Move (i + 1) To i
Curl Command
curl -G -d "type=live"
-d "from=1989-05-07"
-d "to=1989-05-07"
-d "page_size=30"
-d "next_page_token=quis%20officia%20in%20reprehenderit"
-d "include_fields=tracking_fields"
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
Postman Collection Item JSON
"name": "List meetings",
"request": {
"auth": {
"type": "oauth2"
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"url": {
"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/metrics/meetings?type=live&from=1989-05-07&to=1989-05-07&page_size=30&next_page_token=quis officia in reprehenderit&include_fields=tracking_fields",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "type",
"value": "live",
"description": "Specify a value to get the response for the corresponding meeting type. The value of this field can be one of the following:<br> <br>`past` - Meeting that already occurred in the specified date range.<br>`pastOne` - Past meetings that were attended by only one user. <br>`live` - Live meetings.<br><br>\n\nIf you do not provide this field, the default value will be `live` and thus, the API will only query responses for live meetings."
"key": "from",
"value": "1989-05-07",
"description": "(Required) Start date in 'yyyy-mm-dd' format. The date range defined by the \"from\" and \"to\" parameters should only be one month as the report includes only one month worth of data at once."
"key": "to",
"value": "1989-05-07",
"description": "(Required) End date."
"key": "page_size",
"value": "30",
"description": "The number of records returned within a single API call."
"key": "next_page_token",
"value": "quis officia in reprehenderit",
"description": "The next page token is used to paginate through large result sets. A next page token will be returned whenever the set of available results exceeds the current page size. The expiration period for this token is 15 minutes."
"key": "include_fields",
"value": "tracking_fields",
"description": "Set the value of this field to \"tracking_fields\" if you would like to include tracking fields of each meeting in the response."
"description": "List total live or past meetings that occurred during a specified period of time. This overview will show if features such as audio, video, screen sharing, and recording were being used in the meeting. You can also see the license types of each user on your account.<br> You can specify a monthly date range for the dashboard data using the `from` and `to` query parameters. The month should fall within the last six months.<br>\n**Scopes:** `dashboard_meetings:read:admin`<br>\n **[Rate Limit Label](** `Resource-intensive`<br><br>\n**Prerequisites:** <br>\n* Business or a higher plan.<br><br>"
"response": [
"name": "**HTTP Status Code:** `200`<br>\nMeetings returned.<br>\nOnly available for paid accounts that have dashboard feature enabled.",
"originalRequest": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"description": "Added as a part of security scheme: oauth2",
"key": "Authorization",
"value": "<token>"
"url": {
"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/metrics/meetings?type=live&from=1989-05-07&to=1989-05-07&page_size=30&next_page_token=quis officia in reprehenderit&include_fields=tracking_fields",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "type",
"value": "live"
"key": "from",
"value": "1989-05-07"
"key": "to",
"value": "1989-05-07"
"key": "page_size",
"value": "30"
"key": "next_page_token",
"value": "quis officia in reprehenderit"
"key": "include_fields",
"value": "tracking_fields"
"status": "OK",
"code": 200,
"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
"header": [
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json"
"cookie": [
"body": "{\n \"from\": \"string [date]\",\n \"to\": \"string [date]\",\n \"page_count\": \"integer\",\n \"page_size\": \"integer\",\n \"total_records\": \"integer\",\n \"next_page_token\": \"string\",\n \"meetings\": [\n {\n \"uuid\": \"string [uuid]\",\n \"id\": \"integer\",\n \"topic\": \"string\",\n \"host\": \"string\",\n \"email\": \"string\",\n \"user_type\": \"string\",\n \"start_time\": \"string [date-time]\",\n \"end_time\": \"string [date-time]\",\n \"duration\": \"string\",\n \"participants\": \"integer\",\n \"has_pstn\": \"boolean\",\n \"has_voip\": \"boolean\",\n \"has_3rd_party_audio\": \"boolean\",\n \"has_video\": \"boolean\",\n \"has_screen_share\": \"boolean\",\n \"has_recording\": \"boolean\",\n \"has_sip\": \"boolean\",\n \"has_archiving\": \"boolean\"\n }\n ]\n}"
"name": "**Error Code:** `300`<br>\nThe next page token is invalid or expired.",
"originalRequest": {
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"description": "Added as a part of security scheme: oauth2",
"key": "Authorization",
"value": "<token>"
"url": {
"raw": "{{baseUrl}}/metrics/meetings?type=live&from=1989-05-07&to=1989-05-07&page_size=30&next_page_token=quis officia in reprehenderit&include_fields=tracking_fields",
"host": [
"path": [
"query": [
"key": "type",
"value": "live"
"key": "from",
"value": "1989-05-07"
"key": "to",
"value": "1989-05-07"
"key": "page_size",
"value": "30"
"key": "next_page_token",
"value": "quis officia in reprehenderit"
"key": "include_fields",
"value": "tracking_fields"
"status": "Multiple Choices",
"code": 300,
"_postman_previewlanguage": "text",
"header": [
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "text/plain"
"cookie": [
"body": ""