Chilkat Online Tools

DataFlex / Twilio Messaging / SMS / Buy a phone number

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System.OutOfMemoryException: Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program.
   at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(String s)
   at Chilkat.CkMarshal.StringToX(String s, XString* x)
   at Chilkat.Xml.LoadXml(String xmlData)
   at ChilkatApi.XClass.LoadClass(String className, Log log)
   at ChilkatApi.ApiCache.getApiClass(String className, Log log)
   at ChilkatApi.ApiCache.getApiProperty(String className, String propName, Log log)
   at ChilkatCode.CodeGen.getXProp(String className, String propName)
   at ChilkatCode.CodeGen.getPropType(String varName, String propName)
   at ChilkatCode.CodeGen.emitAssignment(String varName, String propName, String op, Xml xml)
   at ChilkatCode.Parser.assignment()
   at ChilkatCode.Parser.statement()
   at ChilkatCode.Parser.Chilkat()
   at ChilkatCode.Parser.Parse()
   at ChilkatCode.Compile.CompileForToolsIO(String srcCode, String langHashKey, StringBuilder sbHtmlOut)

Curl Command

curl -X POST
	-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
	--data-urlencode 'PhoneNumber=+12513060906'

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "Buy a phone number",
  "event": [
      "listen": "test",
      "script": {
        "exec": [
          "var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);",
          "postman.setEnvironmentVariable('TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER', jsonData.phone_number);"
        "type": "text/javascript"
  "request": {
    "auth": {
      "type": "basic",
      "basic": [
          "key": "password",
          "value": "{{TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN}}",
          "type": "string"
          "key": "username",
          "value": "{{TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID}}",
          "type": "string"
    "method": "POST",
    "header": [
        "key": "Content-Type",
        "value": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    "body": {
      "mode": "urlencoded",
      "urlencoded": [
          "key": "PhoneNumber",
          "value": "+12513060906",
          "description": "The phone number to purchase specified in [E.164]( format.  E.164 phone numbers consist of a + followed by the country code and subscriber number without punctuation characters. For example, +14155551234."
          "key": "AddressSid",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "The SID of the Address resource we should associate with the new phone number. Some regions require addresses to meet local regulations.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "ApiVersion",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "The API version to use for incoming calls made to the new phone number. The default is `2010-04-01`.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "AreaCode",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "The desired area code for your new incoming phone number. Can be any three-digit, US or Canada area code. We will provision an available phone number within this area code for you. **You must provide an `area_code` or a `phone_number`.** (US and Canada only).",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "BundleSid",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "The SID of the Bundle resource that you associate with the phone number. Some regions require a Bundle to meet local Regulations.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "EmergencyAddressSid",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "The SID of the emergency address configuration to use for emergency calling from the new phone number.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "EmergencyStatus",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "The configuration status parameter that determines whether the new phone number is enabled for emergency calling. (This can only be one of Active,Inactive)",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "FriendlyName",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "A descriptive string that you created to describe the new phone number. It can be up to 64 characters long. By default, this is a formatted version of the new phone number.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "IdentitySid",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "The SID of the Identity resource that we should associate with the new phone number. Some regions require an identity to meet local regulations.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "SmsApplicationSid",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "The SID of the application that should handle SMS messages sent to the new phone number. If an `sms_application_sid` is present, we ignore all of the `sms_*_url` urls and use those set on the application.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "SmsFallbackMethod",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "The HTTP method that we should use to call `sms_fallback_url`. Can be: `GET` or `POST` and defaults to `POST`. (This can only be one of head,get,post,patch,put,delete,HEAD,GET,POST,PATCH,PUT,DELETE)",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "SmsFallbackUrl",
          "value": "<uri>",
          "description": "The URL that we should call when an error occurs while requesting or executing the TwiML defined by `sms_url`.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "SmsMethod",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "The HTTP method that we should use to call `sms_url`. Can be: `GET` or `POST` and defaults to `POST`. (This can only be one of head,get,post,patch,put,delete,HEAD,GET,POST,PATCH,PUT,DELETE)",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "SmsUrl",
          "value": "<uri>",
          "description": "The URL we should call when the new phone number receives an incoming SMS message.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "StatusCallback",
          "value": "<uri>",
          "description": "The URL we should call using the `status_callback_method` to send status information to your application.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "StatusCallbackMethod",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "The HTTP method we should use to call `status_callback`. Can be: `GET` or `POST` and defaults to `POST`. (This can only be one of head,get,post,patch,put,delete,HEAD,GET,POST,PATCH,PUT,DELETE)",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "TrunkSid",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "The SID of the Trunk we should use to handle calls to the new phone number. If a `trunk_sid` is present, we ignore all of the voice urls and voice applications and use only those set on the Trunk. Setting a `trunk_sid` will automatically delete your `voice_application_sid` and vice versa.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "VoiceApplicationSid",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "The SID of the application we should use to handle calls to the new phone number. If a `voice_application_sid` is present, we ignore all of the voice urls and use only those set on the application. Setting a `voice_application_sid` will automatically delete your `trunk_sid` and vice versa.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "VoiceCallerIdLookup",
          "value": "<boolean>",
          "description": "Whether to lookup the caller's name from the CNAM database and post it to your app. Can be: `true` or `false` and defaults to `false`.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "VoiceFallbackMethod",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "The HTTP method that we should use to call `voice_fallback_url`. Can be: `GET` or `POST` and defaults to `POST`. (This can only be one of head,get,post,patch,put,delete,HEAD,GET,POST,PATCH,PUT,DELETE)",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "VoiceFallbackUrl",
          "value": "<uri>",
          "description": "The URL that we should call when an error occurs retrieving or executing the TwiML requested by `url`.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "VoiceMethod",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "The HTTP method that we should use to call `voice_url`. Can be: `GET` or `POST` and defaults to `POST`. (This can only be one of head,get,post,patch,put,delete,HEAD,GET,POST,PATCH,PUT,DELETE)",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "VoiceReceiveMode",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "The configuration parameter for the new phone number to receive incoming voice calls or faxes. Can be: `fax` or `voice` and defaults to `voice`. (This can only be one of voice,fax)",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "VoiceUrl",
          "value": "<uri>",
          "description": "The URL that we should call to answer a call to the new phone number. The `voice_url` will not be called if a `voice_application_sid` or a `trunk_sid` is set.",
          "disabled": true
    "url": {
      "raw": "{{2010-04-01-Accounts-AccountSid-IncomingPhoneNumbers.json-Url}}/2010-04-01/Accounts/:AccountSid/IncomingPhoneNumbers.json",
      "host": [
      "path": [
      "variable": [
          "key": "AccountSid",
          "value": "{{TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID}}",
          "description": "(Required) The SID of the [Account]( that will create the resource."
    "description": "Purchase a phone-number for your Twilio account. Afterwards you can use this number to send or receive SMS and calls.\n\nRead more about it in the [Twilio Docs]("
  "response": [
      "name": "Created",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "POST",
        "header": [
            "description": "Added as a part of security scheme: basic",
            "key": "Authorization",
            "value": "Basic <credentials>"
        "body": {
          "mode": "urlencoded",
          "urlencoded": [
              "key": "AddressSid",
              "value": "<string>",
              "description": "The SID of the Address resource we should associate with the new phone number. Some regions require addresses to meet local regulations."
              "key": "ApiVersion",
              "value": "<string>",
              "description": "The API version to use for incoming calls made to the new phone number. The default is `2010-04-01`."
              "key": "AreaCode",
              "value": "<string>",
              "description": "The desired area code for your new incoming phone number. Can be any three-digit, US or Canada area code. We will provision an available phone number within this area code for you. **You must provide an `area_code` or a `phone_number`.** (US and Canada only)."
              "key": "BundleSid",
              "value": "<string>",
              "description": "The SID of the Bundle resource that you associate with the phone number. Some regions require a Bundle to meet local Regulations."
              "key": "EmergencyAddressSid",
              "value": "<string>",
              "description": "The SID of the emergency address configuration to use for emergency calling from the new phone number."
              "key": "EmergencyStatus",
              "value": "<string>",
              "description": "The configuration status parameter that determines whether the new phone number is enabled for emergency calling. (This can only be one of Active,Inactive)"
              "key": "FriendlyName",
              "value": "<string>",
              "description": "A descriptive string that you created to describe the new phone number. It can be up to 64 characters long. By default, this is a formatted version of the new phone number."
              "key": "IdentitySid",
              "value": "<string>",
              "description": "The SID of the Identity resource that we should associate with the new phone number. Some regions require an identity to meet local regulations."
              "key": "PhoneNumber",
              "value": "<string>",
              "description": "The phone number to purchase specified in [E.164]( format.  E.164 phone numbers consist of a + followed by the country code and subscriber number without punctuation characters. For example, +14155551234."
              "key": "SmsApplicationSid",
              "value": "<string>",
              "description": "The SID of the application that should handle SMS messages sent to the new phone number. If an `sms_application_sid` is present, we ignore all of the `sms_*_url` urls and use those set on the application."
              "key": "SmsFallbackMethod",
              "value": "<string>",
              "description": "The HTTP method that we should use to call `sms_fallback_url`. Can be: `GET` or `POST` and defaults to `POST`. (This can only be one of head,get,post,patch,put,delete,HEAD,GET,POST,PATCH,PUT,DELETE)"
              "key": "SmsFallbackUrl",
              "value": "<uri>",
              "description": "The URL that we should call when an error occurs while requesting or executing the TwiML defined by `sms_url`."
              "key": "SmsMethod",
              "value": "<string>",
              "description": "The HTTP method that we should use to call `sms_url`. Can be: `GET` or `POST` and defaults to `POST`. (This can only be one of head,get,post,patch,put,delete,HEAD,GET,POST,PATCH,PUT,DELETE)"
              "key": "SmsUrl",
              "value": "<uri>",
              "description": "The URL we should call when the new phone number receives an incoming SMS message."
              "key": "StatusCallback",
              "value": "<uri>",
              "description": "The URL we should call using the `status_callback_method` to send status information to your application."
              "key": "StatusCallbackMethod",
              "value": "<string>",
              "description": "The HTTP method we should use to call `status_callback`. Can be: `GET` or `POST` and defaults to `POST`. (This can only be one of head,get,post,patch,put,delete,HEAD,GET,POST,PATCH,PUT,DELETE)"
              "key": "TrunkSid",
              "value": "<string>",
              "description": "The SID of the Trunk we should use to handle calls to the new phone number. If a `trunk_sid` is present, we ignore all of the voice urls and voice applications and use only those set on the Trunk. Setting a `trunk_sid` will automatically delete your `voice_application_sid` and vice versa."
              "key": "VoiceApplicationSid",
              "value": "<string>",
              "description": "The SID of the application we should use to handle calls to the new phone number. If a `voice_application_sid` is present, we ignore all of the voice urls and use only those set on the application. Setting a `voice_application_sid` will automatically delete your `trunk_sid` and vice versa."
              "key": "VoiceCallerIdLookup",
              "value": "<boolean>",
              "description": "Whether to lookup the caller's name from the CNAM database and post it to your app. Can be: `true` or `false` and defaults to `false`."
              "key": "VoiceFallbackMethod",
              "value": "<string>",
              "description": "The HTTP method that we should use to call `voice_fallback_url`. Can be: `GET` or `POST` and defaults to `POST`. (This can only be one of head,get,post,patch,put,delete,HEAD,GET,POST,PATCH,PUT,DELETE)"
              "key": "VoiceFallbackUrl",
              "value": "<uri>",
              "description": "The URL that we should call when an error occurs retrieving or executing the TwiML requested by `url`."
              "key": "VoiceMethod",
              "value": "<string>",
              "description": "The HTTP method that we should use to call `voice_url`. Can be: `GET` or `POST` and defaults to `POST`. (This can only be one of head,get,post,patch,put,delete,HEAD,GET,POST,PATCH,PUT,DELETE)"
              "key": "VoiceReceiveMode",
              "value": "<string>",
              "description": "The configuration parameter for the new phone number to receive incoming voice calls or faxes. Can be: `fax` or `voice` and defaults to `voice`. (This can only be one of voice,fax)"
              "key": "VoiceUrl",
              "value": "<uri>",
              "description": "The URL that we should call to answer a call to the new phone number. The `voice_url` will not be called if a `voice_application_sid` or a `trunk_sid` is set."
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{2010-04-01-Accounts-AccountSid-IncomingPhoneNumbers.json-Url}}/2010-04-01/Accounts/:AccountSid/IncomingPhoneNumbers.json",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "AccountSid"
      "status": "Created",
      "code": 201,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "application/json"
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n \"account_sid\": \"ACB6\",\n \"address_requirements\": \"foreign\",\n \"address_sid\": \"ADeA\",\n \"api_version\": \"reprehenderit laborum Excepteur\",\n \"beta\": false,\n \"bundle_sid\": \"BUB2\",\n \"capabilities\": {},\n \"date_created\": \"incididunt ad\",\n \"date_updated\": \"consequat nostrud non Excepteur\",\n \"emergency_address_sid\": \"ADAd\",\n \"emergency_status\": \"Inactive\",\n \"friendly_name\": \"Excepteur qui aute occaecat\",\n \"identity_sid\": \"RI4F\",\n \"origin\": \"ex sit non\",\n \"phone_number\": \"incididunt\",\n \"sid\": \"PNFd\",\n \"sms_application_sid\": \"APD1\",\n \"sms_fallback_method\": \"put\",\n \"sms_fallback_url\": \"https://sqnVhokvKfX.ggVS\",\n \"sms_method\": \"delete\",\n \"sms_url\": \"http://KvTTK.eixDOBAKnXDodC\",\n \"status\": \"Duis est\",\n \"status_callback\": \"https://lukPySBKCSJZRDfZeLGCQEJiiZlrSGtT.slbsog2f2Byb3SNOpnvFCnKiEUbexVWC5tK9Qaj0IFkIVhVKN+mNB826euAwsZOYNBGrdhphsN\",\n \"status_callback_method\": \"HEAD\",\n \"trunk_sid\": \"TK29\",\n \"uri\": \"http://efvlxkNPQlPFtoHjtYEM.qceW6gOSsyL5X8uZPGhiRrpPWucrUmJlQexyf4Dl9T7ahcoPDgC3k2TRG\",\n \"voice_application_sid\": \"AP5b\",\n \"voice_caller_id_lookup\": true,\n \"voice_fallback_method\": \"head\",\n \"voice_fallback_url\": \"https://YYJSXXIemHJDgyPulvPuSDhUfIJ.ofhsUNmlqzZSTo7nnhXYYLQgunn2ScfFWt4qoJ,M2zYA,\",\n \"voice_method\": \"PATCH\",\n \"voice_receive_mode\": \"voice\",\n \"voice_url\": \"https://lNOljQzheebolftPuuCa.qjzdVdF,m6lXjsq+rV4sijQkntubbHInkrQaJO2zBraF0\"\n}"