Chilkat Online Tools

DataFlex / ShipEngine Walkthrough / Get rate estimates (minimal)

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Use ChilkatAx-win32.pkg

Procedure Test
    Handle hoHttp
    Boolean iSuccess
    Variant vJson
    Handle hoJson
    Variant vResp
    Handle hoResp
    Variant vSbResponseBody
    Handle hoSbResponseBody
    Handle hoJarrResp
    Integer iRespStatusCode
    Variant vJson
    Handle hoJson
    String sRate_type
    String sCarrier_id
    String sV_Currency
    String sAmount
    String sInsurance_amountCurrency
    Integer iInsurance_amountAmount
    String sConfirmation_amountCurrency
    Integer iConfirmation_amountAmount
    String sOther_amountCurrency
    Integer iOther_amountAmount
    Integer iZone
    String sPackage_type
    Integer iDelivery_days
    Boolean iGuaranteed_service
    String sEstimated_delivery_date
    String sCarrier_delivery_days
    String sShip_date
    Boolean iNegotiated_rate
    String sService_type
    String sService_code
    Boolean iTrackable
    String sCarrier_code
    String sCarrier_nickname
    String sCarrier_friendly_name
    String sValidation_status
    Integer j
    Integer iCount_j
    Integer i
    Integer iCount_i
    String sTemp1
    Boolean bTemp1

    // This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
    // See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

    Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatHttp)) To hoHttp
    If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoHttp))) Begin
        Send CreateComObject of hoHttp

    // Use this online tool to generate code from sample JSON: Generate Code to Create JSON

    // The following JSON is sent in the request body.

    // {
    //   "carrier_ids": [
    //     "{{stamps_com}}",
    //     "{{fedex}}",
    //     "{{ups}}"
    //   ],
    //   "from_country_code": "US",
    //   "from_postal_code": "78756",
    //   "to_country_code": "US",
    //   "to_postal_code": "91521",
    //   "weight": {
    //     "value": 17,
    //     "unit": "pound"
    //   }
    // }

    Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatJsonObject)) To hoJson
    If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoJson))) Begin
        Send CreateComObject of hoJson
    Get ComUpdateString Of hoJson "carrier_ids[0]" "{{stamps_com}}" To iSuccess
    Get ComUpdateString Of hoJson "carrier_ids[1]" "{{fedex}}" To iSuccess
    Get ComUpdateString Of hoJson "carrier_ids[2]" "{{ups}}" To iSuccess
    Get ComUpdateString Of hoJson "from_country_code" "US" To iSuccess
    Get ComUpdateString Of hoJson "from_postal_code" "78756" To iSuccess
    Get ComUpdateString Of hoJson "to_country_code" "US" To iSuccess
    Get ComUpdateString Of hoJson "to_postal_code" "91521" To iSuccess
    Get ComUpdateInt Of hoJson "weight.value" 17 To iSuccess
    Get ComUpdateString Of hoJson "weight.unit" "pound" To iSuccess

    Send ComSetRequestHeader To hoHttp "API-Key" "{{API_KEY}}"
    Send ComSetRequestHeader To hoHttp "Content-Type" "application/json"

    Get pvComObject of hoJson to vJson
    Get ComPostJson3 Of hoHttp "" "application/json" vJson To vResp
    If (IsComObject(vResp)) Begin
        Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatHttpResponse)) To hoResp
        Set pvComObject Of hoResp To vResp
    Get ComLastMethodSuccess Of hoHttp To bTemp1
    If (bTemp1 = False) Begin
        Get ComLastErrorText Of hoHttp To sTemp1
        Showln sTemp1

    Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatStringBuilder)) To hoSbResponseBody
    If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoSbResponseBody))) Begin
        Send CreateComObject of hoSbResponseBody
    Get pvComObject of hoSbResponseBody to vSbResponseBody
    Get ComGetBodySb Of hoResp vSbResponseBody To iSuccess

    Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatJsonArray)) To hoJarrResp
    If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoJarrResp))) Begin
        Send CreateComObject of hoJarrResp
    Get pvComObject of hoSbResponseBody to vSbResponseBody
    Get ComLoadSb Of hoJarrResp vSbResponseBody To iSuccess
    Set ComEmitCompact Of hoJarrResp To False

    Showln "Response Body:"
    Get ComEmit Of hoJarrResp To sTemp1
    Showln sTemp1

    Get ComStatusCode Of hoResp To iRespStatusCode
    Showln "Response Status Code = " iRespStatusCode
    If (iRespStatusCode >= 400) Begin
        Showln "Response Header:"
        Get ComHeader Of hoResp To sTemp1
        Showln sTemp1
        Showln "Failed."
        Send Destroy of hoResp

    Send Destroy of hoResp

    // Sample JSON response:
    // (Sample code for parsing the JSON response is shown below)

    // [
    //   {
    //     "rate_type": "check",
    //     "carrier_id": "se-121861",
    //     "shipping_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 11.07
    //     },
    //     "insurance_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "confirmation_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "other_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "zone": 6,
    //     "package_type": "package",
    //     "delivery_days": 7,
    //     "guaranteed_service": false,
    //     "estimated_delivery_date": "2019-09-24T00:00:00Z",
    //     "carrier_delivery_days": "6",
    //     "ship_date": "2019-09-17T00:00:00Z",
    //     "negotiated_rate": false,
    //     "service_type": "USPS Media Mail",
    //     "service_code": "usps_media_mail",
    //     "trackable": true,
    //     "carrier_code": "stamps_com",
    //     "carrier_nickname": "ShipEngine Test Account -",
    //     "carrier_friendly_name": "",
    //     "validation_status": "unknown",
    //     "warning_messages": [
    //     ],
    //     "error_messages": [
    //     ]
    //   },
    //   {
    //     "rate_type": "check",
    //     "carrier_id": "se-121861",
    //     "shipping_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 38.98
    //     },
    //     "insurance_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "confirmation_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "other_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "zone": 6,
    //     "package_type": "package",
    //     "delivery_days": 7,
    //     "guaranteed_service": false,
    //     "estimated_delivery_date": "2019-09-24T00:00:00Z",
    //     "carrier_delivery_days": "6",
    //     "ship_date": "2019-09-17T00:00:00Z",
    //     "negotiated_rate": false,
    //     "service_type": "USPS Parcel Select Ground",
    //     "service_code": "usps_parcel_select",
    //     "trackable": true,
    //     "carrier_code": "stamps_com",
    //     "carrier_nickname": "ShipEngine Test Account -",
    //     "carrier_friendly_name": "",
    //     "validation_status": "unknown",
    //     "warning_messages": [
    //     ],
    //     "error_messages": [
    //     ]
    //   },
    //   {
    //     "rate_type": "check",
    //     "carrier_id": "se-121861",
    //     "shipping_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 39.23
    //     },
    //     "insurance_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "confirmation_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "other_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "zone": 6,
    //     "package_type": "package",
    //     "delivery_days": 3,
    //     "guaranteed_service": false,
    //     "estimated_delivery_date": "2019-09-20T00:00:00Z",
    //     "carrier_delivery_days": "3",
    //     "ship_date": "2019-09-17T00:00:00Z",
    //     "negotiated_rate": false,
    //     "service_type": "USPS Priority Mail",
    //     "service_code": "usps_priority_mail",
    //     "trackable": true,
    //     "carrier_code": "stamps_com",
    //     "carrier_nickname": "ShipEngine Test Account -",
    //     "carrier_friendly_name": "",
    //     "validation_status": "unknown",
    //     "warning_messages": [
    //     ],
    //     "error_messages": [
    //     ]
    //   },
    //   {
    //     "rate_type": "check",
    //     "carrier_id": "se-121861",
    //     "shipping_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 12.72
    //     },
    //     "insurance_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "confirmation_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "other_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "zone": 6,
    //     "package_type": "medium_flat_rate_box",
    //     "delivery_days": 3,
    //     "guaranteed_service": false,
    //     "estimated_delivery_date": "2019-09-20T00:00:00Z",
    //     "carrier_delivery_days": "3",
    //     "ship_date": "2019-09-17T00:00:00Z",
    //     "negotiated_rate": false,
    //     "service_type": "USPS Priority Mail",
    //     "service_code": "usps_priority_mail",
    //     "trackable": true,
    //     "carrier_code": "stamps_com",
    //     "carrier_nickname": "ShipEngine Test Account -",
    //     "carrier_friendly_name": "",
    //     "validation_status": "unknown",
    //     "warning_messages": [
    //     ],
    //     "error_messages": [
    //     ]
    //   },
    //   {
    //     "rate_type": "check",
    //     "carrier_id": "se-121861",
    //     "shipping_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 6.98
    //     },
    //     "insurance_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "confirmation_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "other_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "zone": 6,
    //     "package_type": "small_flat_rate_box",
    //     "delivery_days": 3,
    //     "guaranteed_service": false,
    //     "estimated_delivery_date": "2019-09-20T00:00:00Z",
    //     "carrier_delivery_days": "3",
    //     "ship_date": "2019-09-17T00:00:00Z",
    //     "negotiated_rate": false,
    //     "service_type": "USPS Priority Mail",
    //     "service_code": "usps_priority_mail",
    //     "trackable": true,
    //     "carrier_code": "stamps_com",
    //     "carrier_nickname": "ShipEngine Test Account -",
    //     "carrier_friendly_name": "",
    //     "validation_status": "unknown",
    //     "warning_messages": [
    //     ],
    //     "error_messages": [
    //     ]
    //   },
    //   {
    //     "rate_type": "check",
    //     "carrier_id": "se-121861",
    //     "shipping_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 17.47
    //     },
    //     "insurance_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "confirmation_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "other_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "zone": 6,
    //     "package_type": "large_flat_rate_box",
    //     "delivery_days": 3,
    //     "guaranteed_service": false,
    //     "estimated_delivery_date": "2019-09-20T00:00:00Z",
    //     "carrier_delivery_days": "3",
    //     "ship_date": "2019-09-17T00:00:00Z",
    //     "negotiated_rate": false,
    //     "service_type": "USPS Priority Mail",
    //     "service_code": "usps_priority_mail",
    //     "trackable": true,
    //     "carrier_code": "stamps_com",
    //     "carrier_nickname": "ShipEngine Test Account -",
    //     "carrier_friendly_name": "",
    //     "validation_status": "unknown",
    //     "warning_messages": [
    //     ],
    //     "error_messages": [
    //     ]
    //   },
    //   {
    //     "rate_type": "check",
    //     "carrier_id": "se-121861",
    //     "shipping_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 6.48
    //     },
    //     "insurance_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "confirmation_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "other_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "zone": 6,
    //     "package_type": "flat_rate_envelope",
    //     "delivery_days": 3,
    //     "guaranteed_service": false,
    //     "estimated_delivery_date": "2019-09-20T00:00:00Z",
    //     "carrier_delivery_days": "3",
    //     "ship_date": "2019-09-17T00:00:00Z",
    //     "negotiated_rate": false,
    //     "service_type": "USPS Priority Mail",
    //     "service_code": "usps_priority_mail",
    //     "trackable": true,
    //     "carrier_code": "stamps_com",
    //     "carrier_nickname": "ShipEngine Test Account -",
    //     "carrier_friendly_name": "",
    //     "validation_status": "unknown",
    //     "warning_messages": [
    //     ],
    //     "error_messages": [
    //     ]
    //   },
    //   {
    //     "rate_type": "check",
    //     "carrier_id": "se-121861",
    //     "shipping_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 7.03
    //     },
    //     "insurance_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "confirmation_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "other_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "zone": 6,
    //     "package_type": "flat_rate_padded_envelope",
    //     "delivery_days": 3,
    //     "guaranteed_service": false,
    //     "estimated_delivery_date": "2019-09-20T00:00:00Z",
    //     "carrier_delivery_days": "3",
    //     "ship_date": "2019-09-17T00:00:00Z",
    //     "negotiated_rate": false,
    //     "service_type": "USPS Priority Mail",
    //     "service_code": "usps_priority_mail",
    //     "trackable": true,
    //     "carrier_code": "stamps_com",
    //     "carrier_nickname": "ShipEngine Test Account -",
    //     "carrier_friendly_name": "",
    //     "validation_status": "unknown",
    //     "warning_messages": [
    //     ],
    //     "error_messages": [
    //     ]
    //   },
    //   {
    //     "rate_type": "check",
    //     "carrier_id": "se-121861",
    //     "shipping_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 16.1
    //     },
    //     "insurance_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "confirmation_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "other_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "zone": 6,
    //     "package_type": "regional_rate_box_b",
    //     "delivery_days": 3,
    //     "guaranteed_service": false,
    //     "estimated_delivery_date": "2019-09-20T00:00:00Z",
    //     "carrier_delivery_days": "3",
    //     "ship_date": "2019-09-17T00:00:00Z",
    //     "negotiated_rate": false,
    //     "service_type": "USPS Priority Mail",
    //     "service_code": "usps_priority_mail",
    //     "trackable": true,
    //     "carrier_code": "stamps_com",
    //     "carrier_nickname": "ShipEngine Test Account -",
    //     "carrier_friendly_name": "",
    //     "validation_status": "unknown",
    //     "warning_messages": [
    //     ],
    //     "error_messages": [
    //     ]
    //   },
    //   {
    //     "rate_type": "check",
    //     "carrier_id": "se-121861",
    //     "shipping_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 6.78
    //     },
    //     "insurance_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "confirmation_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "other_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "zone": 6,
    //     "package_type": "flat_rate_legal_envelope",
    //     "delivery_days": 3,
    //     "guaranteed_service": false,
    //     "estimated_delivery_date": "2019-09-20T00:00:00Z",
    //     "carrier_delivery_days": "3",
    //     "ship_date": "2019-09-17T00:00:00Z",
    //     "negotiated_rate": false,
    //     "service_type": "USPS Priority Mail",
    //     "service_code": "usps_priority_mail",
    //     "trackable": true,
    //     "carrier_code": "stamps_com",
    //     "carrier_nickname": "ShipEngine Test Account -",
    //     "carrier_friendly_name": "",
    //     "validation_status": "unknown",
    //     "warning_messages": [
    //     ],
    //     "error_messages": [
    //     ]
    //   },
    //   {
    //     "rate_type": "check",
    //     "carrier_id": "se-121861",
    //     "shipping_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 103.04
    //     },
    //     "insurance_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "confirmation_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "other_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "zone": 6,
    //     "package_type": "package",
    //     "delivery_days": 2,
    //     "guaranteed_service": false,
    //     "estimated_delivery_date": "2019-09-19T00:00:00Z",
    //     "carrier_delivery_days": "1-2",
    //     "ship_date": "2019-09-17T00:00:00Z",
    //     "negotiated_rate": false,
    //     "service_type": "USPS Priority Mail Express",
    //     "service_code": "usps_priority_mail_express",
    //     "trackable": true,
    //     "carrier_code": "stamps_com",
    //     "carrier_nickname": "ShipEngine Test Account -",
    //     "carrier_friendly_name": "",
    //     "validation_status": "unknown",
    //     "warning_messages": [
    //     ],
    //     "error_messages": [
    //     ]
    //   },
    //   {
    //     "rate_type": "check",
    //     "carrier_id": "se-121861",
    //     "shipping_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 22.68
    //     },
    //     "insurance_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "confirmation_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "other_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "zone": 6,
    //     "package_type": "flat_rate_envelope",
    //     "delivery_days": 2,
    //     "guaranteed_service": false,
    //     "estimated_delivery_date": "2019-09-19T00:00:00Z",
    //     "carrier_delivery_days": "1-2",
    //     "ship_date": "2019-09-17T00:00:00Z",
    //     "negotiated_rate": false,
    //     "service_type": "USPS Priority Mail Express",
    //     "service_code": "usps_priority_mail_express",
    //     "trackable": true,
    //     "carrier_code": "stamps_com",
    //     "carrier_nickname": "ShipEngine Test Account -",
    //     "carrier_friendly_name": "",
    //     "validation_status": "unknown",
    //     "warning_messages": [
    //     ],
    //     "error_messages": [
    //     ]
    //   },
    //   {
    //     "rate_type": "check",
    //     "carrier_id": "se-121861",
    //     "shipping_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 23.18
    //     },
    //     "insurance_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "confirmation_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "other_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "zone": 6,
    //     "package_type": "flat_rate_padded_envelope",
    //     "delivery_days": 2,
    //     "guaranteed_service": false,
    //     "estimated_delivery_date": "2019-09-19T00:00:00Z",
    //     "carrier_delivery_days": "1-2",
    //     "ship_date": "2019-09-17T00:00:00Z",
    //     "negotiated_rate": false,
    //     "service_type": "USPS Priority Mail Express",
    //     "service_code": "usps_priority_mail_express",
    //     "trackable": true,
    //     "carrier_code": "stamps_com",
    //     "carrier_nickname": "ShipEngine Test Account -",
    //     "carrier_friendly_name": "",
    //     "validation_status": "unknown",
    //     "warning_messages": [
    //     ],
    //     "error_messages": [
    //     ]
    //   },
    //   {
    //     "rate_type": "check",
    //     "carrier_id": "se-121861",
    //     "shipping_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 22.8
    //     },
    //     "insurance_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "confirmation_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "other_amount": {
    //       "currency": "usd",
    //       "amount": 0
    //     },
    //     "zone": 6,
    //     "package_type": "flat_rate_legal_envelope",
    //     "delivery_days": 2,
    //     "guaranteed_service": false,
    //     "estimated_delivery_date": "2019-09-19T00:00:00Z",
    //     "carrier_delivery_days": "1-2",
    //     "ship_date": "2019-09-17T00:00:00Z",
    //     "negotiated_rate": false,
    //     "service_type": "USPS Priority Mail Express",
    //     "service_code": "usps_priority_mail_express",
    //     "trackable": true,
    //     "carrier_code": "stamps_com",
    //     "carrier_nickname": "ShipEngine Test Account -",
    //     "carrier_friendly_name": "",
    //     "validation_status": "unknown",
    //     "warning_messages": [
    //     ],
    //     "error_messages": [
    //     ]
    //   }
    // ]

    // Sample code for parsing the JSON response...
    // Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: Generate JSON Parsing Code

    Move 0 To i
    Get ComSize Of hoJarrResp To iCount_i
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            Set ComJ Of hoJson To j
            Move (j + 1) To j

        Move 0 To j
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        While (j < iCount_j)
            Set ComJ Of hoJson To j
            Move (j + 1) To j

        Send Destroy of hoJson
        Move (i + 1) To i


Curl Command

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Postman Collection Item JSON

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