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Use ChilkatAx-win32.pkg

Procedure Test
    Handle hoHttp
    Boolean iSuccess
    Variant vQueryParams
    Handle hoQueryParams
    Variant vResp
    Handle hoResp
    Variant vSbResponseBody
    Handle hoSbResponseBody
    Handle hoJResp
    Integer iRespStatusCode
    Boolean iAllow_insecure
    String sPassword
    String sUsername
    String sV_Type
    String sBody
    String sBodyType
    String sCallType
    String sContent
    String sFilename
    String sUpdatedAt
    String sKeyContent
    String sKeyFilename
    String sKeyUpdatedAt
    String sCompressedJsonDescriptor
    String sDnsServer
    Integer iDnsServerPort
    Boolean iFollow_redirects
    String sSite_
    String sSit1
    String sHost
    String sMessage
    String sPariaturd5f
    String sVeniam2
    String sConsectetura
    String sMethod
    Boolean iNoSavingResponseBody
    Integer iNumberOfPackets
    Boolean iPersistCookies
    Integer iPort
    String sV_Url
    String sIn081
    String sServername
    String sService
    Boolean iShouldTrackHops
    String sTimeout
    String sRequestUrl
    String sV_Email
    String sHandle
    String sName
    String sMessage
    Integer iMonitor_id
    String sName
    Boolean iAccept_self_signed
    Boolean iOptionsAllow_insecure
    Boolean iCheckCertificateRevocation
    String sExecutionRule
    Boolean iDisableCors
    Boolean iDisableCsp
    Boolean iOptionsFollow_redirects
    String sHttpVersion
    Boolean iIgnoreServerCertificateError
    Integer iInitialNavigationTimeout
    Integer iMin_failure_duration
    Integer iMin_location_failed
    String sMonitor_name
    Integer iRenotify_interval
    Integer iMonitor_priority
    Boolean iNoScreenshot
    Integer iCount
    String sInterval
    String sApplicationId
    Integer iClientTokenId
    Boolean iIsEnabled
    String sTimezone
    Integer iTick_every
    String sPublic_id
    String sStatus
    String sSubtype
    String sV_type
    String sEst_d9d
    String sCupidatat98f
    String sEsse_ef4
    String sDo_b06
    String sDolore_a5a
    String sIrure_15
    String sTempor40
    Integer j
    Integer iCount_j
    String sDescription
    String sStrVal
    Integer iDay
    String sFrom
    String sV_to
    Boolean iAllowFailure
    Boolean iIsCritical
    Boolean iNoScreenshot
    Integer iTimeout
    Integer i
    Integer iCount_i
    String sTemp1
    Boolean bTemp1

    // This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
    // See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

    Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatHttp)) To hoHttp
    If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoHttp))) Begin
        Send CreateComObject of hoHttp

    Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatJsonObject)) To hoQueryParams
    If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoQueryParams))) Begin
        Send CreateComObject of hoQueryParams
    Get ComUpdateString Of hoQueryParams "page_size" "tempor Ut sed velit" To iSuccess
    Get ComUpdateString Of hoQueryParams "page_number" "tempor Ut sed velit" To iSuccess

    Send ComSetRequestHeader To hoHttp "Accept" "application/json"

    Get pvComObject of hoQueryParams to vQueryParams
    Get ComQuickRequestParams Of hoHttp "GET" "" vQueryParams To vResp
    If (IsComObject(vResp)) Begin
        Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatHttpResponse)) To hoResp
        Set pvComObject Of hoResp To vResp
    Get ComLastMethodSuccess Of hoHttp To bTemp1
    If (bTemp1 = False) Begin
        Get ComLastErrorText Of hoHttp To sTemp1
        Showln sTemp1

    Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatStringBuilder)) To hoSbResponseBody
    If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoSbResponseBody))) Begin
        Send CreateComObject of hoSbResponseBody
    Get pvComObject of hoSbResponseBody to vSbResponseBody
    Get ComGetBodySb Of hoResp vSbResponseBody To iSuccess

    Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatJsonObject)) To hoJResp
    If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoJResp))) Begin
        Send CreateComObject of hoJResp
    Get pvComObject of hoSbResponseBody to vSbResponseBody
    Get ComLoadSb Of hoJResp vSbResponseBody To iSuccess
    Set ComEmitCompact Of hoJResp To False

    Showln "Response Body:"
    Get ComEmit Of hoJResp To sTemp1
    Showln sTemp1

    Get ComStatusCode Of hoResp To iRespStatusCode
    Showln "Response Status Code = " iRespStatusCode
    If (iRespStatusCode >= 400) Begin
        Showln "Response Header:"
        Get ComHeader Of hoResp To sTemp1
        Showln sTemp1
        Showln "Failed."
        Send Destroy of hoResp

    Send Destroy of hoResp

    // Sample JSON response:
    // (Sample code for parsing the JSON response is shown below)

    // {
    //   "tests": [
    //     {
    //       "config": {
    //         "configVariables": [
    //           {
    //             "description": "Example for the variable.",
    //             "type": "string"
    //           },
    //           {
    //             "description": "Example for the variable.",
    //             "type": "string"
    //           }
    //         ],
    //         "request": {
    //           "allow_insecure": false,
    //           "basicAuth": {
    //             "password": "PaSSw0RD!",
    //             "username": "my_username",
    //             "type": "web"
    //           },
    //           "body": "nisi elit aute proident minim",
    //           "bodyType": "text/plain",
    //           "callType": "unary",
    //           "certificate": {
    //             "cert": {
    //               "content": "Lorem irure",
    //               "filename": "Excepteur occaecat",
    //               "updatedAt": "quis exercitation"
    //             },
    //             "key": {
    //               "content": "officia aliquip",
    //               "filename": "Lorem in sed",
    //               "updatedAt": "exercitation commodo"
    //             }
    //           },
    //           "compressedJsonDescriptor": "dolore ea reprehenderit ad",
    //           "dnsServer": "cupida",
    //           "dnsServerPort": 54877,
    //           "follow_redirects": true,
    //           "headers": {
    //             "site_": "adipisicing ea",
    //             "sit1": "in incididunt exercitation eu"
    //           },
    //           "host": "ipsum",
    //           "message": "in cupidatat",
    //           "metadata": {
    //             "pariaturd5f": "qui sed ullamco et",
    //             "veniam2": "in ut adipisicing voluptate velit",
    //             "consectetura": "laborum sed Lorem in"
    //           },
    //           "method": "commodo non",
    //           "noSavingResponseBody": false,
    //           "numberOfPackets": 6,
    //           "persistCookies": false,
    //           "port": 4381428,
    //           "proxy": {
    //             "url": "",
    //             "headers": {
    //               "in081": "exercitation a"
    //             }
    //           },
    //           "query": {},
    //           "servername": "in",
    //           "service": "Greeter",
    //           "shouldTrackHops": false,
    //           "timeout": -9075364.229425669,
    //           "url": ""
    //         },
    //         "variables": [
    //           {
    //             "description": "Example for the variable.",
    //             "type": "string"
    //           },
    //           {
    //             "description": "Example for the variable.",
    //             "type": "string"
    //           }
    //         ]
    //       },
    //       "creator": {
    //         "email": "eiusmod in",
    //         "handle": "commodo enim",
    //         "name": "magna do occaeca"
    //       },
    //       "locations": [
    //         "aws:eu-west-3"
    //       ],
    //       "message": "velit Lorem amet non",
    //       "monitor_id": -1212470,
    //       "name": "esse incididunt consectetur labore",
    //       "options": {
    //         "accept_self_signed": false,
    //         "allow_insecure": false,
    //         "checkCertificateRevocation": false,
    //         "ci": {
    //           "executionRule": "blocking"
    //         },
    //         "device_ids": [
    //           "laptop_large",
    //           "laptop_large"
    //         ],
    //         "disableCors": false,
    //         "disableCsp": false,
    //         "follow_redirects": false,
    //         "httpVersion": "http2",
    //         "ignoreServerCertificateError": true,
    //         "initialNavigationTimeout": -13991278,
    //         "min_failure_duration": -25741137,
    //         "min_location_failed": 16891533,
    //         "monitor_name": "veniam occaecat Lorem do",
    //         "monitor_options": {
    //           "renotify_interval": 206
    //         },
    //         "monitor_priority": 1,
    //         "noScreenshot": true,
    //         "restricted_roles": [
    //           "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    //         ],
    //         "retry": {
    //           "count": 75644948,
    //           "interval": 62584402.461459786
    //         },
    //         "rumSettings": {
    //           "applicationId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
    //           "clientTokenId": 12345,
    //           "isEnabled": true
    //         },
    //         "scheduling": {
    //           "timeframes": [
    //             {
    //               "day": 1,
    //               "from": "07:00",
    //               "to": "16:00"
    //             },
    //             {
    //               "day": 3,
    //               "from": "07:00",
    //               "to": "16:00"
    //             }
    //           ],
    //           "timezone": "America/New_York"
    //         },
    //         "tick_every": 276495
    //       },
    //       "public_id": "incididunt consequat officia nisi",
    //       "status": "live",
    //       "steps": [
    //         {
    //           "allowFailure": false,
    //           "isCritical": false,
    //           "name": "qui",
    //           "noScreenshot": false,
    //           "params": {},
    //           "timeout": 50285708,
    //           "type": "assertElementContent"
    //         },
    //         {
    //           "allowFailure": true,
    //           "isCritical": false,
    //           "name": "esse minim ullamco occaecat",
    //           "noScreenshot": true,
    //           "params": {},
    //           "timeout": -14507495,
    //           "type": "assertElementContent"
    //         }
    //       ],
    //       "subtype": "http",
    //       "tags": [
    //         "exercitation Ut",
    //         "esse et sit"
    //       ],
    //       "type": "browser"
    //     },
    //     {
    //       "config": {
    //         "configVariables": [
    //           {
    //             "description": "Example for the variable.",
    //             "type": "string"
    //           },
    //           {
    //             "description": "Example for the variable.",
    //             "type": "string"
    //           }
    //         ],
    //         "request": {
    //           "allow_insecure": false,
    //           "basicAuth": {
    //             "password": "PaSSw0RD!",
    //             "username": "my_username",
    //             "type": "web"
    //           },
    //           "body": "voluptate minim",
    //           "bodyType": "text/plain",
    //           "callType": "unary",
    //           "certificate": {
    //             "cert": {
    //               "content": "qui Lorem non",
    //               "filename": "nostrud laboris culpa adipisicing",
    //               "updatedAt": "et esse cupidatat consectetur do"
    //             },
    //             "key": {
    //               "content": "cupidatat sunt",
    //               "filename": "pariatur nostru",
    //               "updatedAt": "Lorem dolor"
    //             }
    //           },
    //           "compressedJsonDescriptor": "aliquip laboris amet",
    //           "dnsServer": "magna",
    //           "dnsServerPort": 35750,
    //           "follow_redirects": false,
    //           "headers": {
    //             "est_d9d": "anim",
    //             "cupidatat98f": "esse"
    //           },
    //           "host": "ea esse",
    //           "message": "consequat ipsum ut Lorem",
    //           "metadata": {
    //             "esse_ef4": "commodo",
    //             "do_b06": "tempor adipisicing dolor",
    //             "dolore_a5a": "nostrud"
    //           },
    //           "method": "laboris",
    //           "noSavingResponseBody": true,
    //           "numberOfPackets": 9,
    //           "persistCookies": true,
    //           "port": -288377,
    //           "proxy": {
    //             "url": "",
    //             "headers": {
    //               "irure_15": "in",
    //               "tempor40": "laboris veniam tempor qui nulla"
    //             }
    //           },
    //           "query": {},
    //           "servername": "ad laborum cupidatat",
    //           "service": "Greeter",
    //           "shouldTrackHops": true,
    //           "timeout": -4889397.044413894,
    //           "url": ""
    //         },
    //         "variables": [
    //           {
    //             "description": "Example for the variable.",
    //             "type": "string"
    //           },
    //           {
    //             "description": "Example for the variable.",
    //             "type": "string"
    //           }
    //         ]
    //       },
    //       "creator": {
    //         "email": "in Duis nisi ex",
    //         "handle": "fugiat sint sed consequa",
    //         "name": "ipsum ut"
    //       },
    //       "locations": [
    //         "aws:eu-west-3"
    //       ],
    //       "message": "Excepteur ipsum exercitat",
    //       "monitor_id": 17707116,
    //       "name": "deserunt elit proident Lorem",
    //       "options": {
    //         "accept_self_signed": false,
    //         "allow_insecure": false,
    //         "checkCertificateRevocation": false,
    //         "ci": {
    //           "executionRule": "skipped"
    //         },
    //         "device_ids": [
    //           "laptop_large",
    //           "laptop_large"
    //         ],
    //         "disableCors": false,
    //         "disableCsp": false,
    //         "follow_redirects": false,
    //         "httpVersion": "http1",
    //         "ignoreServerCertificateError": false,
    //         "initialNavigationTimeout": 29100273,
    //         "min_failure_duration": 5817749,
    //         "min_location_failed": 84916784,
    //         "monitor_name": "velit quis",
    //         "monitor_options": {
    //           "renotify_interval": 427
    //         },
    //         "monitor_priority": 1,
    //         "noScreenshot": false,
    //         "restricted_roles": [
    //           "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    //         ],
    //         "retry": {
    //           "count": 37028687,
    //           "interval": -23788886.712954804
    //         },
    //         "rumSettings": {
    //           "applicationId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
    //           "clientTokenId": 12345,
    //           "isEnabled": true
    //         },
    //         "scheduling": {
    //           "timeframes": [
    //             {
    //               "day": 1,
    //               "from": "07:00",
    //               "to": "16:00"
    //             },
    //             {
    //               "day": 3,
    //               "from": "07:00",
    //               "to": "16:00"
    //             }
    //           ],
    //           "timezone": "America/New_York"
    //         },
    //         "tick_every": 256938
    //       },
    //       "public_id": "Exc",
    //       "status": "live",
    //       "steps": [
    //         {
    //           "allowFailure": true,
    //           "isCritical": true,
    //           "name": "ipsum conse",
    //           "noScreenshot": false,
    //           "params": {},
    //           "timeout": -75416003,
    //           "type": "assertElementContent"
    //         },
    //         {
    //           "allowFailure": false,
    //           "isCritical": false,
    //           "name": "non do ex",
    //           "noScreenshot": false,
    //           "params": {},
    //           "timeout": -91980592,
    //           "type": "assertElementContent"
    //         }
    //       ],
    //       "subtype": "http",
    //       "tags": [
    //         "fugiat ex amet minim",
    //         "dolore occaecat ad dolor ex"
    //       ],
    //       "type": "api"
    //     }
    //   ]
    // }

    // Sample code for parsing the JSON response...
    // Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: Generate JSON Parsing Code

    Move 0 To i
    Get ComSizeOfArray Of hoJResp "tests" To iCount_i
    While (i < iCount_i)
        Set ComI Of hoJResp To i
        Get ComBoolOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.allow_insecure" To iAllow_insecure
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.basicAuth.password" To sPassword
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.basicAuth.username" To sUsername
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.basicAuth.type" To sV_Type
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.body" To sBody
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.bodyType" To sBodyType
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.callType" To sCallType
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.certificate.cert.content" To sContent
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.certificate.cert.filename" To sFilename
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.certificate.cert.updatedAt" To sUpdatedAt
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.certificate.key.content" To sKeyContent
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.certificate.key.filename" To sKeyFilename
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.certificate.key.updatedAt" To sKeyUpdatedAt
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.compressedJsonDescriptor" To sCompressedJsonDescriptor
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.dnsServer" To sDnsServer
        Get ComIntOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.dnsServerPort" To iDnsServerPort
        Get ComBoolOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.follow_redirects" To iFollow_redirects
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.headers.site_" To sSite_
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.headers.sit1" To sSit1
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i]" To sHost
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.message" To sMessage
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.metadata.pariaturd5f" To sPariaturd5f
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.metadata.veniam2" To sVeniam2
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.metadata.consectetura" To sConsectetura
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.method" To sMethod
        Get ComBoolOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.noSavingResponseBody" To iNoSavingResponseBody
        Get ComIntOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.numberOfPackets" To iNumberOfPackets
        Get ComBoolOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.persistCookies" To iPersistCookies
        Get ComIntOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.port" To iPort
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.proxy.url" To sV_Url
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.proxy.headers.in081" To sIn081
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.servername" To sServername
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.service" To sService
        Get ComBoolOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.shouldTrackHops" To iShouldTrackHops
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.timeout" To sTimeout
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.url" To sRequestUrl
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i]" To sV_Email
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].creator.handle" To sHandle
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i]" To sName
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].message" To sMessage
        Get ComIntOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].monitor_id" To iMonitor_id
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].name" To sName
        Get ComBoolOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.accept_self_signed" To iAccept_self_signed
        Get ComBoolOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.allow_insecure" To iOptionsAllow_insecure
        Get ComBoolOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.checkCertificateRevocation" To iCheckCertificateRevocation
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i]" To sExecutionRule
        Get ComBoolOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.disableCors" To iDisableCors
        Get ComBoolOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.disableCsp" To iDisableCsp
        Get ComBoolOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.follow_redirects" To iOptionsFollow_redirects
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.httpVersion" To sHttpVersion
        Get ComBoolOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.ignoreServerCertificateError" To iIgnoreServerCertificateError
        Get ComIntOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.initialNavigationTimeout" To iInitialNavigationTimeout
        Get ComIntOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.min_failure_duration" To iMin_failure_duration
        Get ComIntOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.min_location_failed" To iMin_location_failed
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.monitor_name" To sMonitor_name
        Get ComIntOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.monitor_options.renotify_interval" To iRenotify_interval
        Get ComIntOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.monitor_priority" To iMonitor_priority
        Get ComBoolOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.noScreenshot" To iNoScreenshot
        Get ComIntOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.retry.count" To iCount
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.retry.interval" To sInterval
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.rumSettings.applicationId" To sApplicationId
        Get ComIntOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.rumSettings.clientTokenId" To iClientTokenId
        Get ComBoolOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.rumSettings.isEnabled" To iIsEnabled
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.scheduling.timezone" To sTimezone
        Get ComIntOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.tick_every" To iTick_every
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].public_id" To sPublic_id
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].status" To sStatus
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].subtype" To sSubtype
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].type" To sV_type
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.headers.est_d9d" To sEst_d9d
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.headers.cupidatat98f" To sCupidatat98f
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.metadata.esse_ef4" To sEsse_ef4
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.metadata.do_b06" To sDo_b06
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.metadata.dolore_a5a" To sDolore_a5a
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.proxy.headers.irure_15" To sIrure_15
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.request.proxy.headers.tempor40" To sTempor40
        Move 0 To j
        Get ComSizeOfArray Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.configVariables" To iCount_j
        While (j < iCount_j)
            Set ComJ Of hoJResp To j
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.configVariables[j].description" To sDescription
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.configVariables[j].type" To sV_type
            Move (j + 1) To j

        Move 0 To j
        Get ComSizeOfArray Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.variables" To iCount_j
        While (j < iCount_j)
            Set ComJ Of hoJResp To j
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.variables[j].description" To sDescription
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].config.variables[j].type" To sV_type
            Move (j + 1) To j

        Move 0 To j
        Get ComSizeOfArray Of hoJResp "tests[i].locations" To iCount_j
        While (j < iCount_j)
            Set ComJ Of hoJResp To j
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].locations[j]" To sStrVal
            Move (j + 1) To j

        Move 0 To j
        Get ComSizeOfArray Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.device_ids" To iCount_j
        While (j < iCount_j)
            Set ComJ Of hoJResp To j
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.device_ids[j]" To sStrVal
            Move (j + 1) To j

        Move 0 To j
        Get ComSizeOfArray Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.restricted_roles" To iCount_j
        While (j < iCount_j)
            Set ComJ Of hoJResp To j
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.restricted_roles[j]" To sStrVal
            Move (j + 1) To j

        Move 0 To j
        Get ComSizeOfArray Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.scheduling.timeframes" To iCount_j
        While (j < iCount_j)
            Set ComJ Of hoJResp To j
            Get ComIntOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.scheduling.timeframes[j].day" To iDay
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.scheduling.timeframes[j].from" To sFrom
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].options.scheduling.timeframes[j].to" To sV_to
            Move (j + 1) To j

        Move 0 To j
        Get ComSizeOfArray Of hoJResp "tests[i].steps" To iCount_j
        While (j < iCount_j)
            Set ComJ Of hoJResp To j
            Get ComBoolOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].steps[j].allowFailure" To iAllowFailure
            Get ComBoolOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].steps[j].isCritical" To iIsCritical
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].steps[j].name" To sName
            Get ComBoolOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].steps[j].noScreenshot" To iNoScreenshot
            Get ComIntOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].steps[j].timeout" To iTimeout
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].steps[j].type" To sV_type
            Move (j + 1) To j

        Move 0 To j
        Get ComSizeOfArray Of hoJResp "tests[i].tags" To iCount_j
        While (j < iCount_j)
            Set ComJ Of hoJResp To j
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "tests[i].tags[j]" To sStrVal
            Move (j + 1) To j

        Move (i + 1) To i


Curl Command

curl -G -d "page_size=tempor%20Ut%20sed%20velit"
	-d "page_number=tempor%20Ut%20sed%20velit"
	-H "Accept: application/json"

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "Get the list of all Synthetic tests",
  "request": {
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      "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/synthetics/tests?page_size=tempor Ut sed velit&page_number=tempor Ut sed velit",
      "host": [
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          "key": "page_number",
          "value": "tempor Ut sed velit",
          "description": "Used for pagination. Which page you want to retrieve. Starts at zero."
    "description": "Get the list of all Synthetic tests."
  "response": [
      "name": "OK - Returns the list of all Synthetic tests.",
      "originalRequest": {
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        "header": [
            "key": "Accept",
            "value": "application/json"
            "description": "Added as a part of security scheme: apikey",
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            "value": "<API Key>"
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              "value": "tempor Ut sed velit",
              "description": "Used for pagination. Which page you want to retrieve. Starts at zero."
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      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n  \"errors\": [\n    \"Bad Request\",\n    \"Bad Request\"\n  ]\n}"
      "name": "Synthetic Monitoring is not activated for the user.",
      "originalRequest": {
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        "header": [
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            "description": "Added as a part of security scheme: apikey",
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              "description": "Used for pagination. Which page you want to retrieve. Starts at zero."
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      "body": "{\n  \"errors\": [\n    \"Bad Request\",\n    \"Bad Request\"\n  ]\n}"
      "name": "Too many requests",
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              "description": "Used for pagination. Which page you want to retrieve. Starts at zero."
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