Chilkat Online Tools

DataFlex / DHL Express APIs (MyDHL API) / Track a single DHL Express Shipment

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Use ChilkatAx-win32.pkg

Procedure Test
    Handle hoHttp
    Boolean iSuccess
    Variant vQueryParams
    Handle hoQueryParams
    Variant vResp
    Handle hoResp
    Variant vSbResponseBody
    Handle hoSbResponseBody
    Handle hoJResp
    Integer iRespStatusCode
    String sShipmentTrackingNumber
    String sStatus
    String sShipmentTimestamp
    String sProductCode
    String sDescription
    String sName
    String sCityName
    String sCountyName
    String sPostalCode
    String sProvinceCode
    String sCountryCode
    String sAccountNumber
    String sReceiverDetailsName
    String sPostalAddressCityName
    String sPostalAddressCountyName
    String sPostalAddressPostalCode
    String sPostalAddressProvinceCode
    String sPostalAddressCountryCode
    Integer iTotalWeight
    String sUnitOfMeasurements
    Integer iNumberOfPieces
    String sEstimatedDeliveryDate
    Integer j
    Integer iCount_j
    String sDate
    String sTime
    String sTypeCode
    String sSignedBy
    Integer k
    Integer iCount_k
    String sCode
    String sOutboundSortCode
    String sFacilityCode
    String sInboundSortCode
    String sValue
    Integer iV_number
    String sTrackingNumber
    String sWeight
    String sDimensionalWeight
    String sActualWeight
    Integer iLength
    Integer iWidth
    Integer iHeight
    Integer iActualDimensionsLength
    Integer iActualDimensionsWidth
    Integer iActualDimensionsHeight
    Variant vJson1
    Handle hoJson1
    Integer iI1
    Integer iCount_i1
    String sValue
    String sDescriptionValue
    String sStrVal
    Integer i
    Integer iCount_i
    String sTemp1
    Boolean bTemp1

    // This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
    // See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

    Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatHttp)) To hoHttp
    If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoHttp))) Begin
        Send CreateComObject of hoHttp

    Set ComBasicAuth Of hoHttp To True
    Set ComLogin Of hoHttp To "<Basic Auth Username>"
    Set ComPassword Of hoHttp To "<Basic Auth Password>"

    Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatJsonObject)) To hoQueryParams
    If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoQueryParams))) Begin
        Send CreateComObject of hoQueryParams
    Get ComUpdateString Of hoQueryParams "trackingView" "all-checkpoints" To iSuccess
    Get ComUpdateString Of hoQueryParams "levelOfDetail" "all" To iSuccess

    Send ComSetRequestHeader To hoHttp "Webstore-Platform-Name" ""
    Send ComSetRequestHeader To hoHttp "Accept-Language" "eng"
    Send ComSetRequestHeader To hoHttp "Shipping-System-Platform-Name" ""
    Send ComSetRequestHeader To hoHttp "Message-Reference" "d0e7832e-5c98-11ea-bc55-0242ac13"
    Send ComSetRequestHeader To hoHttp "Plugin-Version" ""
    Send ComSetRequestHeader To hoHttp "Plugin-Name" ""
    Send ComSetRequestHeader To hoHttp "Shipping-System-Platform-Version" ""
    Send ComSetRequestHeader To hoHttp "Accept" "application/json"
    Send ComSetRequestHeader To hoHttp "Message-Reference-Date" "Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT"
    Send ComSetRequestHeader To hoHttp "Webstore-Platform-Version" ""

    Get pvComObject of hoQueryParams to vQueryParams
    Get ComQuickRequestParams Of hoHttp "GET" "" vQueryParams To vResp
    If (IsComObject(vResp)) Begin
        Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatHttpResponse)) To hoResp
        Set pvComObject Of hoResp To vResp
    Get ComLastMethodSuccess Of hoHttp To bTemp1
    If (bTemp1 = False) Begin
        Get ComLastErrorText Of hoHttp To sTemp1
        Showln sTemp1

    Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatStringBuilder)) To hoSbResponseBody
    If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoSbResponseBody))) Begin
        Send CreateComObject of hoSbResponseBody
    Get pvComObject of hoSbResponseBody to vSbResponseBody
    Get ComGetBodySb Of hoResp vSbResponseBody To iSuccess

    Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatJsonObject)) To hoJResp
    If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoJResp))) Begin
        Send CreateComObject of hoJResp
    Get pvComObject of hoSbResponseBody to vSbResponseBody
    Get ComLoadSb Of hoJResp vSbResponseBody To iSuccess
    Set ComEmitCompact Of hoJResp To False

    Showln "Response Body:"
    Get ComEmit Of hoJResp To sTemp1
    Showln sTemp1

    Get ComStatusCode Of hoResp To iRespStatusCode
    Showln "Response Status Code = " iRespStatusCode
    If (iRespStatusCode >= 400) Begin
        Showln "Response Header:"
        Get ComHeader Of hoResp To sTemp1
        Showln sTemp1
        Showln "Failed."
        Send Destroy of hoResp

    Send Destroy of hoResp

    // Sample JSON response:
    // (Sample code for parsing the JSON response is shown below)

    // {
    //   "shipments": [
    //     {
    //       "events": [
    //         {
    //           "date": "2020-06-10",
    //           "time": "13:06:00",
    //           "typeCode": "PU",
    //           "description": "Shipment picked up",
    //           "serviceArea": [
    //             {
    //               "code": "BNE",
    //               "description": "Brisbane-AU"
    //             },
    //             {
    //               "code": "BNE",
    //               "description": "Brisbane-AU"
    //             }
    //           ],
    //           "signedBy": "Mr.Grey"
    //         },
    //         {
    //           "date": "2020-06-10",
    //           "time": "13:06:00",
    //           "typeCode": "PU",
    //           "description": "Shipment picked up",
    //           "serviceArea": [
    //             {
    //               "code": "BNE",
    //               "description": "Brisbane-AU"
    //             },
    //             {
    //               "code": "BNE",
    //               "description": "Brisbane-AU"
    //             }
    //           ],
    //           "signedBy": "Mr.Grey"
    //         }
    //       ],
    //       "shipmentTrackingNumber": "1234567890",
    //       "status": "Success",
    //       "shipmentTimestamp": "2020-05-14T18:00:31",
    //       "productCode": "N",
    //       "description": "Shipment Description",
    //       "shipperDetails": {
    //         "name": "SABO SKIRT",
    //         "postalAddress": {
    //           "cityName": "Brno",
    //           "countyName": "Moravia",
    //           "postalCode": "55500",
    //           "provinceCode": "CZ",
    //           "countryCode": "CZ"
    //         },
    //         "serviceArea": [
    //           {
    //             "code": "ABC",
    //             "description": "Alpha Beta Area",
    //             "outboundSortCode": "ullamco Duis"
    //           },
    //           {
    //             "code": "ABC",
    //             "description": "Alpha Beta Area",
    //             "outboundSortCode": "sunt eu"
    //           }
    //         ],
    //         "accountNumber": "ipsum sed officia"
    //       },
    //       "receiverDetails": {
    //         "name": "SABO SKIRT",
    //         "postalAddress": {
    //           "cityName": "Bratislava",
    //           "countyName": "Slovakia",
    //           "postalCode": "77777",
    //           "provinceCode": "SK",
    //           "countryCode": "SK"
    //         },
    //         "serviceArea": [
    //           {
    //             "code": "BSA",
    //             "description": "BSA Area",
    //             "facilityCode": "facil area",
    //             "inboundSortCode": "Dui"
    //           },
    //           {
    //             "code": "BSA",
    //             "description": "BSA Area",
    //             "facilityCode": "facil area",
    //             "inboundSortCode": "velit"
    //           }
    //         ]
    //       },
    //       "totalWeight": 10,
    //       "unitOfMeasurements": "metric",
    //       "shipperReferences": [
    //         {
    //           "value": "Customer reference",
    //           "typeCode": "CU"
    //         },
    //         {
    //           "value": "Customer reference",
    //           "typeCode": "CU"
    //         }
    //       ],
    //       "numberOfPieces": 1,
    //       "pieces": [
    //         {
    //           "events": [
    //             {
    //               "date": "labore sit exercitation",
    //               "time": "dolore enim",
    //               "typeCode": "Excepteur tempor enim paria",
    //               "description": "cupidatat commodo in nostrud",
    //               "serviceArea": [
    //                 {
    //                   "code": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   },
    //                   "description": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   }
    //                 },
    //                 {
    //                   "code": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   },
    //                   "description": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   }
    //                 }
    //               ],
    //               "signedBy": "magna Excepteur"
    //             },
    //             {
    //               "date": "aute nulla a",
    //               "time": "mollit",
    //               "typeCode": "id laborum ad sit",
    //               "description": "proident Ut i",
    //               "serviceArea": [
    //                 {
    //                   "code": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   },
    //                   "description": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   }
    //                 },
    //                 {
    //                   "code": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   },
    //                   "description": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   }
    //                 }
    //               ],
    //               "signedBy": "in eu veniam"
    //             }
    //           ],
    //           "number": 1,
    //           "typeCode": "ut veniam aliqua",
    //           "shipmentTrackingNumber": "velit ex ullamco",
    //           "trackingNumber": "nulla dolore nisi minim ea",
    //           "description": "aliqua aliquip sed in",
    //           "weight": 22.5,
    //           "dimensionalWeight": 22.5,
    //           "actualWeight": 22.5,
    //           "dimensions": {
    //             "length": 15,
    //             "width": 15,
    //             "height": 40
    //           },
    //           "actualDimensions": {
    //             "length": 15,
    //             "width": 15,
    //             "height": 40
    //           },
    //           "unitOfMeasurements": "est ea dolore sunt",
    //           "shipperReferences": [
    //             {
    //               "value": "Customer reference",
    //               "typeCode": "CU"
    //             },
    //             {
    //               "value": "Customer reference",
    //               "typeCode": "CU"
    //             }
    //           ]
    //         },
    //         {
    //           "events": [
    //             {
    //               "date": "Ut sit exercitation et",
    //               "time": "ut enim s",
    //               "typeCode": "e",
    //               "description": "in aliquip qui id",
    //               "serviceArea": [
    //                 {
    //                   "code": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   },
    //                   "description": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   }
    //                 },
    //                 {
    //                   "code": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   },
    //                   "description": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   }
    //                 }
    //               ],
    //               "signedBy": "ut sit aliquip veniam"
    //             },
    //             {
    //               "date": "ex adipisicing laborum in",
    //               "time": "ut tempor aliquip occaecat",
    //               "typeCode": "ad",
    //               "description": "irure sed aute",
    //               "serviceArea": [
    //                 {
    //                   "code": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   },
    //                   "description": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   }
    //                 },
    //                 {
    //                   "code": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   },
    //                   "description": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   }
    //                 }
    //               ],
    //               "signedBy": "sint laboris"
    //             }
    //           ],
    //           "number": 1,
    //           "typeCode": "amet ullamco eiusmod est in",
    //           "shipmentTrackingNumber": "do magna laboris ad",
    //           "trackingNumber": "dolor incididunt ad proident",
    //           "description": "exercitation in dolor",
    //           "weight": 22.5,
    //           "dimensionalWeight": 22.5,
    //           "actualWeight": 22.5,
    //           "dimensions": {
    //             "length": 15,
    //             "width": 15,
    //             "height": 40
    //           },
    //           "actualDimensions": {
    //             "length": 15,
    //             "width": 15,
    //             "height": 40
    //           },
    //           "unitOfMeasurements": "laboris",
    //           "shipperReferences": [
    //             {
    //               "value": "Customer reference",
    //               "typeCode": "CU"
    //             },
    //             {
    //               "value": "Customer reference",
    //               "typeCode": "CU"
    //             }
    //           ]
    //         }
    //       ],
    //       "estimatedDeliveryDate": "2020-06-12",
    //       "childrenShipmentIdentificationNumbers": [
    //         "1234567890",
    //         "1234567890"
    //       ]
    //     },
    //     {
    //       "events": [
    //         {
    //           "date": "2020-06-10",
    //           "time": "13:06:00",
    //           "typeCode": "PU",
    //           "description": "Shipment picked up",
    //           "serviceArea": [
    //             {
    //               "code": "BNE",
    //               "description": "Brisbane-AU"
    //             },
    //             {
    //               "code": "BNE",
    //               "description": "Brisbane-AU"
    //             }
    //           ],
    //           "signedBy": "Mr.Grey"
    //         },
    //         {
    //           "date": "2020-06-10",
    //           "time": "13:06:00",
    //           "typeCode": "PU",
    //           "description": "Shipment picked up",
    //           "serviceArea": [
    //             {
    //               "code": "BNE",
    //               "description": "Brisbane-AU"
    //             },
    //             {
    //               "code": "BNE",
    //               "description": "Brisbane-AU"
    //             }
    //           ],
    //           "signedBy": "Mr.Grey"
    //         }
    //       ],
    //       "shipmentTrackingNumber": "1234567890",
    //       "status": "Success",
    //       "shipmentTimestamp": "2020-05-14T18:00:31",
    //       "productCode": "N",
    //       "description": "Shipment Description",
    //       "shipperDetails": {
    //         "name": "SABO SKIRT",
    //         "postalAddress": {
    //           "cityName": "Brno",
    //           "countyName": "Moravia",
    //           "postalCode": "55500",
    //           "provinceCode": "CZ",
    //           "countryCode": "CZ"
    //         },
    //         "serviceArea": [
    //           {
    //             "code": "ABC",
    //             "description": "Alpha Beta Area",
    //             "outboundSortCode": "ut enim esse in incididunt"
    //           },
    //           {
    //             "code": "ABC",
    //             "description": "Alpha Beta Area",
    //             "outboundSortCode": "anim pariatur adipisicing ipsum"
    //           }
    //         ],
    //         "accountNumber": "nostrud"
    //       },
    //       "receiverDetails": {
    //         "name": "SABO SKIRT",
    //         "postalAddress": {
    //           "cityName": "Bratislava",
    //           "countyName": "Slovakia",
    //           "postalCode": "77777",
    //           "provinceCode": "SK",
    //           "countryCode": "SK"
    //         },
    //         "serviceArea": [
    //           {
    //             "code": "BSA",
    //             "description": "BSA Area",
    //             "facilityCode": "facil area",
    //             "inboundSortCode": "magna sit"
    //           },
    //           {
    //             "code": "BSA",
    //             "description": "BSA Area",
    //             "facilityCode": "facil area",
    //             "inboundSortCode": "ut nulla in occaecat"
    //           }
    //         ]
    //       },
    //       "totalWeight": 10,
    //       "unitOfMeasurements": "metric",
    //       "shipperReferences": [
    //         {
    //           "value": "Customer reference",
    //           "typeCode": "CU"
    //         },
    //         {
    //           "value": "Customer reference",
    //           "typeCode": "CU"
    //         }
    //       ],
    //       "numberOfPieces": 1,
    //       "pieces": [
    //         {
    //           "events": [
    //             {
    //               "date": "enim in",
    //               "time": "anim nostrud ad molli",
    //               "typeCode": "dolor consectetur",
    //               "description": "cillum reprehenderit incididunt es",
    //               "serviceArea": [
    //                 {
    //                   "code": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   },
    //                   "description": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   }
    //                 },
    //                 {
    //                   "code": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   },
    //                   "description": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   }
    //                 }
    //               ],
    //               "signedBy": "cupidatat esse quis Excepteur"
    //             },
    //             {
    //               "date": "",
    //               "time": "cupidatat",
    //               "typeCode": "ame",
    //               "description": "dolore nulla ",
    //               "serviceArea": [
    //                 {
    //                   "code": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   },
    //                   "description": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   }
    //                 },
    //                 {
    //                   "code": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   },
    //                   "description": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   }
    //                 }
    //               ],
    //               "signedBy": "nulla sint id sed"
    //             }
    //           ],
    //           "number": 1,
    //           "typeCode": "ea dolore dolore occaecat",
    //           "shipmentTrackingNumber": "do aliqua sit",
    //           "trackingNumber": "adipisicing veniam in",
    //           "description": "commodo fugiat",
    //           "weight": 22.5,
    //           "dimensionalWeight": 22.5,
    //           "actualWeight": 22.5,
    //           "dimensions": {
    //             "length": 15,
    //             "width": 15,
    //             "height": 40
    //           },
    //           "actualDimensions": {
    //             "length": 15,
    //             "width": 15,
    //             "height": 40
    //           },
    //           "unitOfMeasurements": "do esse fugiat",
    //           "shipperReferences": [
    //             {
    //               "value": "Customer reference",
    //               "typeCode": "CU"
    //             },
    //             {
    //               "value": "Customer reference",
    //               "typeCode": "CU"
    //             }
    //           ]
    //         },
    //         {
    //           "events": [
    //             {
    //               "date": "esse dolore",
    //               "time": "tempor deserunt proident",
    //               "typeCode": "sit do",
    //               "description": "ipsum commodo sunt officia",
    //               "serviceArea": [
    //                 {
    //                   "code": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   },
    //                   "description": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   }
    //                 },
    //                 {
    //                   "code": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   },
    //                   "description": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   }
    //                 }
    //               ],
    //               "signedBy": "irure culpa"
    //             },
    //             {
    //               "date": "Duis amet nostrud",
    //               "time": "sit eu id",
    //               "typeCode": "Lorem ad",
    //               "description": "amet",
    //               "serviceArea": [
    //                 {
    //                   "code": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   },
    //                   "description": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   }
    //                 },
    //                 {
    //                   "code": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   },
    //                   "description": {
    //                     "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
    //                   }
    //                 }
    //               ],
    //               "signedBy": "minim occaec"
    //             }
    //           ],
    //           "number": 1,
    //           "typeCode": "dolor Duis reprehenderit",
    //           "shipmentTrackingNumber": "incididunt ",
    //           "trackingNumber": "cillum minim cupidatat",
    //           "description": "sed voluptate",
    //           "weight": 22.5,
    //           "dimensionalWeight": 22.5,
    //           "actualWeight": 22.5,
    //           "dimensions": {
    //             "length": 15,
    //             "width": 15,
    //             "height": 40
    //           },
    //           "actualDimensions": {
    //             "length": 15,
    //             "width": 15,
    //             "height": 40
    //           },
    //           "unitOfMeasurements": "consequat exercitation nulla",
    //           "shipperReferences": [
    //             {
    //               "value": "Customer reference",
    //               "typeCode": "CU"
    //             },
    //             {
    //               "value": "Customer reference",
    //               "typeCode": "CU"
    //             }
    //           ]
    //         }
    //       ],
    //       "estimatedDeliveryDate": "2020-06-12",
    //       "childrenShipmentIdentificationNumbers": [
    //         "1234567890",
    //         "1234567890"
    //       ]
    //     }
    //   ]
    // }

    // Sample code for parsing the JSON response...
    // Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: Generate JSON Parsing Code

    Move 0 To i
    Get ComSizeOfArray Of hoJResp "shipments" To iCount_i
    While (i < iCount_i)
        Set ComI Of hoJResp To i
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].shipmentTrackingNumber" To sShipmentTrackingNumber
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].status" To sStatus
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].shipmentTimestamp" To sShipmentTimestamp
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].productCode" To sProductCode
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].description" To sDescription
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i]" To sName
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].shipperDetails.postalAddress.cityName" To sCityName
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].shipperDetails.postalAddress.countyName" To sCountyName
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].shipperDetails.postalAddress.postalCode" To sPostalCode
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].shipperDetails.postalAddress.provinceCode" To sProvinceCode
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].shipperDetails.postalAddress.countryCode" To sCountryCode
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].shipperDetails.accountNumber" To sAccountNumber
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i]" To sReceiverDetailsName
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].receiverDetails.postalAddress.cityName" To sPostalAddressCityName
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].receiverDetails.postalAddress.countyName" To sPostalAddressCountyName
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].receiverDetails.postalAddress.postalCode" To sPostalAddressPostalCode
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].receiverDetails.postalAddress.provinceCode" To sPostalAddressProvinceCode
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].receiverDetails.postalAddress.countryCode" To sPostalAddressCountryCode
        Get ComIntOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].totalWeight" To iTotalWeight
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].unitOfMeasurements" To sUnitOfMeasurements
        Get ComIntOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].numberOfPieces" To iNumberOfPieces
        Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].estimatedDeliveryDate" To sEstimatedDeliveryDate
        Move 0 To j
        Get ComSizeOfArray Of hoJResp "shipments[i].events" To iCount_j
        While (j < iCount_j)
            Set ComJ Of hoJResp To j
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].events[j].date" To sDate
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].events[j].time" To sTime
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].events[j].typeCode" To sTypeCode
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].events[j].description" To sDescription
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].events[j].signedBy" To sSignedBy
            Move 0 To k
            Get ComSizeOfArray Of hoJResp "shipments[i].events[j].serviceArea" To iCount_k
            While (k < iCount_k)
                Set ComK Of hoJResp To k
                Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].events[j].serviceArea[k].code" To sCode
                Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].events[j].serviceArea[k].description" To sDescription
                Move (k + 1) To k

            Move (j + 1) To j

        Move 0 To j
        Get ComSizeOfArray Of hoJResp "shipments[i].shipperDetails.serviceArea" To iCount_j
        While (j < iCount_j)
            Set ComJ Of hoJResp To j
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].shipperDetails.serviceArea[j].code" To sCode
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].shipperDetails.serviceArea[j].description" To sDescription
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].shipperDetails.serviceArea[j].outboundSortCode" To sOutboundSortCode
            Move (j + 1) To j

        Move 0 To j
        Get ComSizeOfArray Of hoJResp "shipments[i].receiverDetails.serviceArea" To iCount_j
        While (j < iCount_j)
            Set ComJ Of hoJResp To j
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].receiverDetails.serviceArea[j].code" To sCode
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].receiverDetails.serviceArea[j].description" To sDescription
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].receiverDetails.serviceArea[j].facilityCode" To sFacilityCode
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].receiverDetails.serviceArea[j].inboundSortCode" To sInboundSortCode
            Move (j + 1) To j

        Move 0 To j
        Get ComSizeOfArray Of hoJResp "shipments[i].shipperReferences" To iCount_j
        While (j < iCount_j)
            Set ComJ Of hoJResp To j
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].shipperReferences[j].value" To sValue
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].shipperReferences[j].typeCode" To sTypeCode
            Move (j + 1) To j

        Move 0 To j
        Get ComSizeOfArray Of hoJResp "shipments[i].pieces" To iCount_j
        While (j < iCount_j)
            Set ComJ Of hoJResp To j
            Get ComIntOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].pieces[j].number" To iV_number
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].pieces[j].typeCode" To sTypeCode
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].pieces[j].shipmentTrackingNumber" To sShipmentTrackingNumber
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].pieces[j].trackingNumber" To sTrackingNumber
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].pieces[j].description" To sDescription
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].pieces[j].weight" To sWeight
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].pieces[j].dimensionalWeight" To sDimensionalWeight
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].pieces[j].actualWeight" To sActualWeight
            Get ComIntOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].pieces[j].dimensions.length" To iLength
            Get ComIntOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].pieces[j].dimensions.width" To iWidth
            Get ComIntOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].pieces[j].dimensions.height" To iHeight
            Get ComIntOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].pieces[j].actualDimensions.length" To iActualDimensionsLength
            Get ComIntOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].pieces[j].actualDimensions.width" To iActualDimensionsWidth
            Get ComIntOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].pieces[j].actualDimensions.height" To iActualDimensionsHeight
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].pieces[j].unitOfMeasurements" To sUnitOfMeasurements
            Move 0 To k
            Get ComSizeOfArray Of hoJResp "shipments[i].pieces[j].events" To iCount_k
            While (k < iCount_k)
                Set ComK Of hoJResp To k
                Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].pieces[j].events[k].date" To sDate
                Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].pieces[j].events[k].time" To sTime
                Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].pieces[j].events[k].typeCode" To sTypeCode
                Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].pieces[j].events[k].description" To sDescription
                Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].pieces[j].events[k].signedBy" To sSignedBy

                Get ComObjectOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].pieces[j].events[k]" To vJson1
                If (IsComObject(vJson1)) Begin
                    Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatJsonObject)) To hoJson1
                    Set pvComObject Of hoJson1 To vJson1
                Move 0 To iI1
                Get ComSizeOfArray Of hoJson1 "serviceArea" To iCount_i1
                While (iI1 < iCount_i1)
                    Set ComI Of hoJson1 To iI1
                    Get ComStringOf Of hoJson1 "serviceArea[i].code.value" To sValue
                    Get ComStringOf Of hoJson1 "serviceArea[i].description.value" To sDescriptionValue
                    Move (iI1 + 1) To iI1

                Send Destroy of hoJson1
                Move (k + 1) To k

            Move 0 To k
            Get ComSizeOfArray Of hoJResp "shipments[i].pieces[j].shipperReferences" To iCount_k
            While (k < iCount_k)
                Set ComK Of hoJResp To k
                Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].pieces[j].shipperReferences[k].value" To sValue
                Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].pieces[j].shipperReferences[k].typeCode" To sTypeCode
                Move (k + 1) To k

            Move (j + 1) To j

        Move 0 To j
        Get ComSizeOfArray Of hoJResp "shipments[i].childrenShipmentIdentificationNumbers" To iCount_j
        While (j < iCount_j)
            Set ComJ Of hoJResp To j
            Get ComStringOf Of hoJResp "shipments[i].childrenShipmentIdentificationNumbers[j]" To sStrVal
            Move (j + 1) To j

        Move (i + 1) To i


Curl Command

curl -G -d "trackingView=all-checkpoints"
	-d "levelOfDetail=all"
	-u '<Basic Auth Username>:<Basic Auth Password>'
	-H "Message-Reference: d0e7832e-5c98-11ea-bc55-0242ac13"
	-H "Message-Reference-Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT"
	-H "Accept-Language: eng"
	-H "Plugin-Name:  "
	-H "Plugin-Version:  "
	-H "Shipping-System-Platform-Name:  "
	-H "Shipping-System-Platform-Version:  "
	-H "Webstore-Platform-Name:  "
	-H "Webstore-Platform-Version:  "
	-H "Accept: application/json"

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "Track a single DHL Express Shipment",
  "request": {
    "method": "GET",
    "header": [
        "description": "Please provide message reference\n",
        "key": "Message-Reference",
        "value": "d0e7832e-5c98-11ea-bc55-0242ac13"
        "description": "Optional reference date in the  HTTP-date format",
        "key": "Message-Reference-Date",
        "value": "Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT"
        "key": "Accept-Language",
        "value": "eng"
        "description": "Please provide name of the plugin (applicable to 3PV only)\n",
        "key": "Plugin-Name",
        "value": " "
        "description": "Please provide version of the plugin (applicable to 3PV only)\n",
        "key": "Plugin-Version",
        "value": " "
        "description": "Please provide name of the shipping platform(applicable to 3PV only)\n",
        "key": "Shipping-System-Platform-Name",
        "value": " "
        "description": "Please provide version of the shipping platform (applicable to 3PV only)\n",
        "key": "Shipping-System-Platform-Version",
        "value": " "
        "description": "Please provide name of the webstore platform (applicable to 3PV only)\n",
        "key": "Webstore-Platform-Name",
        "value": " "
        "description": "Please provide version of the webstore platform (applicable to 3PV only)\n",
        "key": "Webstore-Platform-Version",
        "value": " "
        "key": "Accept",
        "value": "application/json"
    "url": {
      "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/shipments/:shipmentTrackingNumber/tracking?trackingView=all-checkpoints&levelOfDetail=all",
      "host": [
      "path": [
      "query": [
          "key": "trackingView",
          "value": "all-checkpoints"
          "key": "levelOfDetail",
          "value": "all"
      "variable": [
          "key": "shipmentTrackingNumber",
          "value": "dolor veniam officia non",
          "description": "(Required) DHL Express shipment identification number"
    "description": "The Tracking service retrieves tracking statuses for a single DHL Express Shipment\n"
  "response": [
      "name": "Shipment details found",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
            "description": "Added as a part of security scheme: basic",
            "key": "Authorization",
            "value": "Basic <credentials>"
            "description": "Please provide message reference\n",
            "key": "Message-Reference",
            "value": "d0e7832e-5c98-11ea-bc55-0242ac13"
            "description": "Optional reference date in the  HTTP-date format",
            "key": "Message-Reference-Date",
            "value": "Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT"
            "key": "Accept-Language",
            "value": "eng"
            "description": "Please provide name of the plugin (applicable to 3PV only)\n",
            "key": "Plugin-Name",
            "value": " "
            "description": "Please provide version of the plugin (applicable to 3PV only)\n",
            "key": "Plugin-Version",
            "value": " "
            "description": "Please provide name of the shipping platform(applicable to 3PV only)\n",
            "key": "Shipping-System-Platform-Name",
            "value": " "
            "description": "Please provide version of the shipping platform (applicable to 3PV only)\n",
            "key": "Shipping-System-Platform-Version",
            "value": " "
            "description": "Please provide name of the webstore platform (applicable to 3PV only)\n",
            "key": "Webstore-Platform-Name",
            "value": " "
            "description": "Please provide version of the webstore platform (applicable to 3PV only)\n",
            "key": "Webstore-Platform-Version",
            "value": " "
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/shipments/:shipmentTrackingNumber/tracking?trackingView=all-checkpoints&levelOfDetail=all",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "query": [
              "key": "trackingView",
              "value": "all-checkpoints"
              "key": "levelOfDetail",
              "value": "all"
          "variable": [
              "key": "shipmentTrackingNumber",
              "value": "dolor veniam officia non",
              "description": "(Required) DHL Express shipment identification number"
      "status": "OK",
      "code": 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
          "key": "Invocation-Id",
          "value": "sed ut mollit",
          "description": "Unique identifier of the transaction"
          "key": "Message-Reference",
          "value": "sed ut mollit",
          "description": "Message reference provided by customer as part of reqeust or automatically generated when not provided"
          "key": "Content-Language",
          "value": "sed ut mollit",
          "description": ""
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "application/json"
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n  \"shipments\": [\n    {\n      \"events\": [\n        {\n          \"date\": \"2020-06-10\",\n          \"time\": \"13:06:00\",\n          \"typeCode\": \"PU\",\n          \"description\": \"Shipment picked up\",\n          \"serviceArea\": [\n            {\n              \"code\": \"BNE\",\n              \"description\": \"Brisbane-AU\"\n            },\n            {\n              \"code\": \"BNE\",\n              \"description\": \"Brisbane-AU\"\n            }\n          ],\n          \"signedBy\": \"Mr.Grey\"\n        },\n        {\n          \"date\": \"2020-06-10\",\n          \"time\": \"13:06:00\",\n          \"typeCode\": \"PU\",\n          \"description\": \"Shipment picked up\",\n          \"serviceArea\": [\n            {\n              \"code\": \"BNE\",\n              \"description\": \"Brisbane-AU\"\n            },\n            {\n              \"code\": \"BNE\",\n              \"description\": \"Brisbane-AU\"\n            }\n          ],\n          \"signedBy\": \"Mr.Grey\"\n        }\n      ],\n      \"shipmentTrackingNumber\": \"1234567890\",\n      \"status\": \"Success\",\n      \"shipmentTimestamp\": \"2020-05-14T18:00:31\",\n      \"productCode\": \"N\",\n      \"description\": \"Shipment Description\",\n      \"shipperDetails\": {\n        \"name\": \"SABO SKIRT\",\n        \"postalAddress\": {\n          \"cityName\": \"Brno\",\n          \"countyName\": \"Moravia\",\n          \"postalCode\": \"55500\",\n          \"provinceCode\": \"CZ\",\n          \"countryCode\": \"CZ\"\n        },\n        \"serviceArea\": [\n          {\n            \"code\": \"ABC\",\n            \"description\": \"Alpha Beta Area\",\n            \"outboundSortCode\": \"ullamco Duis\"\n          },\n          {\n            \"code\": \"ABC\",\n            \"description\": \"Alpha Beta Area\",\n            \"outboundSortCode\": \"sunt eu\"\n          }\n        ],\n        \"accountNumber\": \"ipsum sed officia\"\n      },\n      \"receiverDetails\": {\n        \"name\": \"SABO SKIRT\",\n        \"postalAddress\": {\n          \"cityName\": \"Bratislava\",\n          \"countyName\": \"Slovakia\",\n          \"postalCode\": \"77777\",\n          \"provinceCode\": \"SK\",\n          \"countryCode\": \"SK\"\n        },\n        \"serviceArea\": [\n          {\n            \"code\": \"BSA\",\n            \"description\": \"BSA Area\",\n            \"facilityCode\": \"facil area\",\n            \"inboundSortCode\": \"Dui\"\n          },\n          {\n            \"code\": \"BSA\",\n            \"description\": \"BSA Area\",\n            \"facilityCode\": \"facil area\",\n            \"inboundSortCode\": \"velit\"\n          }\n        ]\n      },\n      \"totalWeight\": 10,\n      \"unitOfMeasurements\": \"metric\",\n      \"shipperReferences\": [\n        {\n          \"value\": \"Customer reference\",\n          \"typeCode\": \"CU\"\n        },\n        {\n          \"value\": \"Customer reference\",\n          \"typeCode\": \"CU\"\n        }\n      ],\n      \"numberOfPieces\": 1,\n      \"pieces\": [\n        {\n          \"events\": [\n            {\n              \"date\": \"labore sit exercitation\",\n              \"time\": \"dolore enim\",\n              \"typeCode\": \"Excepteur tempor enim paria\",\n              \"description\": \"cupidatat commodo in nostrud\",\n              \"serviceArea\": [\n                {\n                  \"code\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  },\n                  \"description\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  }\n                },\n                {\n                  \"code\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  },\n                  \"description\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  }\n                }\n              ],\n              \"signedBy\": \"magna Excepteur\"\n            },\n            {\n              \"date\": \"aute nulla a\",\n              \"time\": \"mollit\",\n              \"typeCode\": \"id laborum ad sit\",\n              \"description\": \"proident Ut i\",\n              \"serviceArea\": [\n                {\n                  \"code\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  },\n                  \"description\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  }\n                },\n                {\n                  \"code\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  },\n                  \"description\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  }\n                }\n              ],\n              \"signedBy\": \"in eu veniam\"\n            }\n          ],\n          \"number\": 1,\n          \"typeCode\": \"ut veniam aliqua\",\n          \"shipmentTrackingNumber\": \"velit ex ullamco\",\n          \"trackingNumber\": \"nulla dolore nisi minim ea\",\n          \"description\": \"aliqua aliquip sed in\",\n          \"weight\": 22.5,\n          \"dimensionalWeight\": 22.5,\n          \"actualWeight\": 22.5,\n          \"dimensions\": {\n            \"length\": 15,\n            \"width\": 15,\n            \"height\": 40\n          },\n          \"actualDimensions\": {\n            \"length\": 15,\n            \"width\": 15,\n            \"height\": 40\n          },\n          \"unitOfMeasurements\": \"est ea dolore sunt\",\n          \"shipperReferences\": [\n            {\n              \"value\": \"Customer reference\",\n              \"typeCode\": \"CU\"\n            },\n            {\n              \"value\": \"Customer reference\",\n              \"typeCode\": \"CU\"\n            }\n          ]\n        },\n        {\n          \"events\": [\n            {\n              \"date\": \"Ut sit exercitation et\",\n              \"time\": \"ut enim s\",\n              \"typeCode\": \"e\",\n              \"description\": \"in aliquip qui id\",\n              \"serviceArea\": [\n                {\n                  \"code\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  },\n                  \"description\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  }\n                },\n                {\n                  \"code\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  },\n                  \"description\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  }\n                }\n              ],\n              \"signedBy\": \"ut sit aliquip veniam\"\n            },\n            {\n              \"date\": \"ex adipisicing laborum in\",\n              \"time\": \"ut tempor aliquip occaecat\",\n              \"typeCode\": \"ad\",\n              \"description\": \"irure sed aute\",\n              \"serviceArea\": [\n                {\n                  \"code\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  },\n                  \"description\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  }\n                },\n                {\n                  \"code\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  },\n                  \"description\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  }\n                }\n              ],\n              \"signedBy\": \"sint laboris\"\n            }\n          ],\n          \"number\": 1,\n          \"typeCode\": \"amet ullamco eiusmod est in\",\n          \"shipmentTrackingNumber\": \"do magna laboris ad\",\n          \"trackingNumber\": \"dolor incididunt ad proident\",\n          \"description\": \"exercitation in dolor\",\n          \"weight\": 22.5,\n          \"dimensionalWeight\": 22.5,\n          \"actualWeight\": 22.5,\n          \"dimensions\": {\n            \"length\": 15,\n            \"width\": 15,\n            \"height\": 40\n          },\n          \"actualDimensions\": {\n            \"length\": 15,\n            \"width\": 15,\n            \"height\": 40\n          },\n          \"unitOfMeasurements\": \"laboris\",\n          \"shipperReferences\": [\n            {\n              \"value\": \"Customer reference\",\n              \"typeCode\": \"CU\"\n            },\n            {\n              \"value\": \"Customer reference\",\n              \"typeCode\": \"CU\"\n            }\n          ]\n        }\n      ],\n      \"estimatedDeliveryDate\": \"2020-06-12\",\n      \"childrenShipmentIdentificationNumbers\": [\n        \"1234567890\",\n        \"1234567890\"\n      ]\n    },\n    {\n      \"events\": [\n        {\n          \"date\": \"2020-06-10\",\n          \"time\": \"13:06:00\",\n          \"typeCode\": \"PU\",\n          \"description\": \"Shipment picked up\",\n          \"serviceArea\": [\n            {\n              \"code\": \"BNE\",\n              \"description\": \"Brisbane-AU\"\n            },\n            {\n              \"code\": \"BNE\",\n              \"description\": \"Brisbane-AU\"\n            }\n          ],\n          \"signedBy\": \"Mr.Grey\"\n        },\n        {\n          \"date\": \"2020-06-10\",\n          \"time\": \"13:06:00\",\n          \"typeCode\": \"PU\",\n          \"description\": \"Shipment picked up\",\n          \"serviceArea\": [\n            {\n              \"code\": \"BNE\",\n              \"description\": \"Brisbane-AU\"\n            },\n            {\n              \"code\": \"BNE\",\n              \"description\": \"Brisbane-AU\"\n            }\n          ],\n          \"signedBy\": \"Mr.Grey\"\n        }\n      ],\n      \"shipmentTrackingNumber\": \"1234567890\",\n      \"status\": \"Success\",\n      \"shipmentTimestamp\": \"2020-05-14T18:00:31\",\n      \"productCode\": \"N\",\n      \"description\": \"Shipment Description\",\n      \"shipperDetails\": {\n        \"name\": \"SABO SKIRT\",\n        \"postalAddress\": {\n          \"cityName\": \"Brno\",\n          \"countyName\": \"Moravia\",\n          \"postalCode\": \"55500\",\n          \"provinceCode\": \"CZ\",\n          \"countryCode\": \"CZ\"\n        },\n        \"serviceArea\": [\n          {\n            \"code\": \"ABC\",\n            \"description\": \"Alpha Beta Area\",\n            \"outboundSortCode\": \"ut enim esse in incididunt\"\n          },\n          {\n            \"code\": \"ABC\",\n            \"description\": \"Alpha Beta Area\",\n            \"outboundSortCode\": \"anim pariatur adipisicing ipsum\"\n          }\n        ],\n        \"accountNumber\": \"nostrud\"\n      },\n      \"receiverDetails\": {\n        \"name\": \"SABO SKIRT\",\n        \"postalAddress\": {\n          \"cityName\": \"Bratislava\",\n          \"countyName\": \"Slovakia\",\n          \"postalCode\": \"77777\",\n          \"provinceCode\": \"SK\",\n          \"countryCode\": \"SK\"\n        },\n        \"serviceArea\": [\n          {\n            \"code\": \"BSA\",\n            \"description\": \"BSA Area\",\n            \"facilityCode\": \"facil area\",\n            \"inboundSortCode\": \"magna sit\"\n          },\n          {\n            \"code\": \"BSA\",\n            \"description\": \"BSA Area\",\n            \"facilityCode\": \"facil area\",\n            \"inboundSortCode\": \"ut nulla in occaecat\"\n          }\n        ]\n      },\n      \"totalWeight\": 10,\n      \"unitOfMeasurements\": \"metric\",\n      \"shipperReferences\": [\n        {\n          \"value\": \"Customer reference\",\n          \"typeCode\": \"CU\"\n        },\n        {\n          \"value\": \"Customer reference\",\n          \"typeCode\": \"CU\"\n        }\n      ],\n      \"numberOfPieces\": 1,\n      \"pieces\": [\n        {\n          \"events\": [\n            {\n              \"date\": \"enim in\",\n              \"time\": \"anim nostrud ad molli\",\n              \"typeCode\": \"dolor consectetur\",\n              \"description\": \"cillum reprehenderit incididunt es\",\n              \"serviceArea\": [\n                {\n                  \"code\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  },\n                  \"description\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  }\n                },\n                {\n                  \"code\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  },\n                  \"description\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  }\n                }\n              ],\n              \"signedBy\": \"cupidatat esse quis Excepteur\"\n            },\n            {\n              \"date\": \"\",\n              \"time\": \"cupidatat\",\n              \"typeCode\": \"ame\",\n              \"description\": \"dolore nulla \",\n              \"serviceArea\": [\n                {\n                  \"code\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  },\n                  \"description\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  }\n                },\n                {\n                  \"code\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  },\n                  \"description\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  }\n                }\n              ],\n              \"signedBy\": \"nulla sint id sed\"\n            }\n          ],\n          \"number\": 1,\n          \"typeCode\": \"ea dolore dolore occaecat\",\n          \"shipmentTrackingNumber\": \"do aliqua sit\",\n          \"trackingNumber\": \"adipisicing veniam in\",\n          \"description\": \"commodo fugiat\",\n          \"weight\": 22.5,\n          \"dimensionalWeight\": 22.5,\n          \"actualWeight\": 22.5,\n          \"dimensions\": {\n            \"length\": 15,\n            \"width\": 15,\n            \"height\": 40\n          },\n          \"actualDimensions\": {\n            \"length\": 15,\n            \"width\": 15,\n            \"height\": 40\n          },\n          \"unitOfMeasurements\": \"do esse fugiat\",\n          \"shipperReferences\": [\n            {\n              \"value\": \"Customer reference\",\n              \"typeCode\": \"CU\"\n            },\n            {\n              \"value\": \"Customer reference\",\n              \"typeCode\": \"CU\"\n            }\n          ]\n        },\n        {\n          \"events\": [\n            {\n              \"date\": \"esse dolore\",\n              \"time\": \"tempor deserunt proident\",\n              \"typeCode\": \"sit do\",\n              \"description\": \"ipsum commodo sunt officia\",\n              \"serviceArea\": [\n                {\n                  \"code\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  },\n                  \"description\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  }\n                },\n                {\n                  \"code\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  },\n                  \"description\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  }\n                }\n              ],\n              \"signedBy\": \"irure culpa\"\n            },\n            {\n              \"date\": \"Duis amet nostrud\",\n              \"time\": \"sit eu id\",\n              \"typeCode\": \"Lorem ad\",\n              \"description\": \"amet\",\n              \"serviceArea\": [\n                {\n                  \"code\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  },\n                  \"description\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  }\n                },\n                {\n                  \"code\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  },\n                  \"description\": {\n                    \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n                  }\n                }\n              ],\n              \"signedBy\": \"minim occaec\"\n            }\n          ],\n          \"number\": 1,\n          \"typeCode\": \"dolor Duis reprehenderit\",\n          \"shipmentTrackingNumber\": \"incididunt \",\n          \"trackingNumber\": \"cillum minim cupidatat\",\n          \"description\": \"sed voluptate\",\n          \"weight\": 22.5,\n          \"dimensionalWeight\": 22.5,\n          \"actualWeight\": 22.5,\n          \"dimensions\": {\n            \"length\": 15,\n            \"width\": 15,\n            \"height\": 40\n          },\n          \"actualDimensions\": {\n            \"length\": 15,\n            \"width\": 15,\n            \"height\": 40\n          },\n          \"unitOfMeasurements\": \"consequat exercitation nulla\",\n          \"shipperReferences\": [\n            {\n              \"value\": \"Customer reference\",\n              \"typeCode\": \"CU\"\n            },\n            {\n              \"value\": \"Customer reference\",\n              \"typeCode\": \"CU\"\n            }\n          ]\n        }\n      ],\n      \"estimatedDeliveryDate\": \"2020-06-12\",\n      \"childrenShipmentIdentificationNumbers\": [\n        \"1234567890\",\n        \"1234567890\"\n      ]\n    }\n  ]\n}"
      "name": "Wrong input parameters",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
            "description": "Added as a part of security scheme: basic",
            "key": "Authorization",
            "value": "Basic <credentials>"
            "description": "Please provide message reference\n",
            "key": "Message-Reference",
            "value": "d0e7832e-5c98-11ea-bc55-0242ac13"
            "description": "Optional reference date in the  HTTP-date format",
            "key": "Message-Reference-Date",
            "value": "Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT"
            "key": "Accept-Language",
            "value": "eng"
            "description": "Please provide name of the plugin (applicable to 3PV only)\n",
            "key": "Plugin-Name",
            "value": " "
            "description": "Please provide version of the plugin (applicable to 3PV only)\n",
            "key": "Plugin-Version",
            "value": " "
            "description": "Please provide name of the shipping platform(applicable to 3PV only)\n",
            "key": "Shipping-System-Platform-Name",
            "value": " "
            "description": "Please provide version of the shipping platform (applicable to 3PV only)\n",
            "key": "Shipping-System-Platform-Version",
            "value": " "
            "description": "Please provide name of the webstore platform (applicable to 3PV only)\n",
            "key": "Webstore-Platform-Name",
            "value": " "
            "description": "Please provide version of the webstore platform (applicable to 3PV only)\n",
            "key": "Webstore-Platform-Version",
            "value": " "
        "url": {
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          "host": [
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              "value": "all-checkpoints"
              "key": "levelOfDetail",
              "value": "all"
          "variable": [
              "key": "shipmentTrackingNumber",
              "value": "dolor veniam officia non",
              "description": "(Required) DHL Express shipment identification number"
      "status": "Bad Request",
      "code": 400,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
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      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n  \"instance\": \"/expressapi/shipments/1251820953/tracking?trackingView=shipment-details&levelOfDetail=shipment\",\n  \"detail\": \"Parameters not having correct format: trackingView (valid parameters for trackingView are [last-checkpoint, all-checkpoints, bbx-children, advance-shipment, shipment-details-only]\",\n  \"title\": \"Wrong format\",\n  \"message\": \"Bad request\",\n  \"status\": \"400\"\n}"
      "name": "No data found",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
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            "key": "Authorization",
            "value": "Basic <credentials>"
            "description": "Please provide message reference\n",
            "key": "Message-Reference",
            "value": "d0e7832e-5c98-11ea-bc55-0242ac13"
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            "key": "Message-Reference-Date",
            "value": "Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT"
            "key": "Accept-Language",
            "value": "eng"
            "description": "Please provide name of the plugin (applicable to 3PV only)\n",
            "key": "Plugin-Name",
            "value": " "
            "description": "Please provide version of the plugin (applicable to 3PV only)\n",
            "key": "Plugin-Version",
            "value": " "
            "description": "Please provide name of the shipping platform(applicable to 3PV only)\n",
            "key": "Shipping-System-Platform-Name",
            "value": " "
            "description": "Please provide version of the shipping platform (applicable to 3PV only)\n",
            "key": "Shipping-System-Platform-Version",
            "value": " "
            "description": "Please provide name of the webstore platform (applicable to 3PV only)\n",
            "key": "Webstore-Platform-Name",
            "value": " "
            "description": "Please provide version of the webstore platform (applicable to 3PV only)\n",
            "key": "Webstore-Platform-Version",
            "value": " "
        "url": {
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          "host": [
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              "value": "all"
          "variable": [
              "key": "shipmentTrackingNumber",
              "value": "dolor veniam officia non",
              "description": "(Required) DHL Express shipment identification number"
      "status": "Not Found",
      "code": 404,
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      "body": "{\n  \"instance\": \"/expressapi/shipments/1251820953/tracking?trackingView=shipment-details&levelOfDetail=shipment\",\n  \"detail\": \"No data found\",\n  \"title\": \"Not data found\",\n  \"message\": \"Not data found\",\n  \"status\": \"404\"\n}"