Chilkat Online Tools
Chilkat Sofware, Inc.
Generate Code to Create JSON
Generate Code to Parse JSON
JSON Formatter
Generate Code to Create XML
Generate Code to Parse XML
XML Formatter
XML Canonicalizer
Convert CURL Command to HTTP Source Code
Convert CURL Command to REST Source Code
Convert HTTP Request to Source Code
Convert HTTP Request to CURL Command
SOAP Generate Code and Request/Response XML from WSDL
Sample WSDL URLs
Generate Code from Postman Collection
View Binary File
Decode ASN.1 Binary File to XML
Decode Base64 ASN.1 to XML
Generate Random Encoded Bytes
Obfuscate/Unobfuscate a String
Decode a JWT
TOTP Authenticator Token Generator
Hash Text
Hash File at URL
Upload File to Hash
CMS (Cryptographic Message Syntax)
Verify P7M
Generate Code to Create .p7s / .p7m
Examine PDF Signature
Generate PDF Signature Code
Verify XML Digital Signature
Generate XML DSig Code
Canonicalize XML
Amazon AWS
Amazon AWS Examples
Classic ASP OAuth2
REST Examples
autoit Examples for
MongoDB Atlas
Postman Collection Items
Database Users/Get All Database Users
Database Users/Get One Database User
Database Users/Create a Database User
Database Users/Update a Database User
Database Users/Delete a Database User
Custom Roles/Get All Custom Roles in a Project
Custom Roles/Get a Single Custom Role
Custom Roles/Create a Custom Role
Custom Roles/Update a Custom Role
Custom Roles/Delete a Custom Role
Project IP Access List/Get Project IP Access List
Project IP Access List/Get Single Project IP Access List Entry
Project IP Access List/Add Entries to Project IP Access List
Project IP Access List/Delete an Entry from the Project IP Access List
Organizations/Get All Organizations
Organizations/Get One Organization
Organizations/Get All Organization Users
Organizations/Rename an Organization
Organizations/Delete an Organization
Organizations/Get All Projects in an Organization
Organizations/Get All Organization Invitations
Organizations/Get One Organization Invitation
Organizations/Invite One User to an Atlas Organization
Organizations/Update One Organization Invitation
Organizations/Update One Organization Invitation by Invitation ID
Organizations/Delete One Organization Invitation
Invoices/Get All Invoices for One Organization
Invoices/Get One Organization Invoice
Invoices/Get All Pending Invoices for One Organization
Projects/Get All Projects
Projects/Get One Project
Projects/Get One Project by Name
Projects/Create One Project
Projects/Rename One Project
Projects/Delete a Project
Projects/Get Teams Assigned to a Project
Projects/Add Teams to a Project
Projects/Remove a Team from a Project
Projects/Get All Users in One Project
Projects/Remove One User from a Project
Projects/Get All Project Invitations
Projects/Get One Project Invitation
Projects/Create One Project Invitation
Projects/Update One Project Invitation
Projects/Update One Project Invitation by Invitation ID
Projects/Delete One Project Invitation
Teams/Get All Teams
Teams/Get One Team by ID
Teams/Get One Team by Name
Teams/Get All Users Assigned to a Team
Teams/Create a Team
Teams/Rename a Team
Teams/Update Team Roles in One Project
Teams/Add Users to Team
Teams/Delete One Team
Teams/Add Teams to a Project in a Org
Teams/Remove a User from a Team
Teams/Remove a Team from a Project
Clusters/Get All Clusters
Clusters/Get One Cluster
Clusters/Get All Clusters in All Projects
Clusters/Get Advanced Configuration Options for One Cluster
Clusters/Create One Cluster
Clusters/Modify a Cluster
Clusters/Modify Advanced Configuration Options for One Cluster
Clusters/Delete a Cluster
Clusters/Test Failover
Clusters/Check Status of Cluster Operations
Clusters/Load Sample Dataset Request into Cluster
Clusters/Check Status of Cluster Sample Dataset Request
Clusters/Get All Cloud Provider Regions
Cluster (Advanced)/Get All Advanced Clusters
Cluster (Advanced)/Get One Advanced Cluster
Cluster (Advanced)/Create One Advanced Cluster Tenant
Cluster (Advanced)/Create One Advanced Cluster MultiCloud
Cluster (Advanced)/Modify One Advanced Cluster
Cluster (Advanced)/Remove One Advanced Cluster
Cluster (Advanced)/Test Failover Advanced lusters
Serverless Instances/Return One Serverless Instance
Serverless Instances/Return All Serverless Instances
Serverless Instances/Create One Serverless Instance
Serverless Instances/Remove One Serverless Instance
Global Clusters/Get Global Clusters Data
Global Clusters/Add a Managed Namespace
Global Clusters/Delete a Managed Namespace
Global Clusters/Add Custom Zone Mappings
Global Clusters/Delete Custom Zone Mappings
Alerts/Get All Alerts
Alerts/Get an Alert
Alerts/Acknowledge an Alert
Alert Configurations/Get All Alert Configuration Matchers Field Names
Alert Configurations/Get All Alert Configurations for a Group
Alert Configurations/Create One Alert Configuration
Alert Configurations/Get an Alert Configuration
Alert Configurations/Update One Alert Configuration
Alert Configurations/Enable-Disable Alert Configuration
Alert Configurations/Delete an Alert Configuration
Alert Configurations/Get Open Alerts for Alert Configuration
Maintenance Windows/Get the Maintenance Window for One Project
Maintenance Windows/Update One Maintenance Window
Maintenance Windows/Defer Project Maintenance
Maintenance Windows/Defer Project Maintenance Automatically
Maintenance Windows/Reset Maintenance Window
LDAP Configuration/Verify an LDAP Configuration
LDAP Configuration/Get Status of a Request to Verify LDAP Configuration
LDAP Configuration/Save One LDAP Configuration
LDAP Configuration/Get Current LDAP Configuration
LDAP Configuration/Delete an LDAP userToDNMapping
Atlas Search/Get All Atlas Search Indexes for a Collection
Atlas Search/Get One Atlas Search Index
Atlas Search/Get All User-Defined Analyzers for a Cluster
Atlas Search/Create an Atlas Search Index
Atlas Search/Create an Atlas Search Index Synonyms
Atlas Search/Update an Atlas Search Index
Atlas Search/Update All User-Defined Analyzers for a Cluster
Atlas Search/Delete an Atlas Search Index
Legacy Backup Snapshots/Get All Snapshots
Legacy Backup Snapshots/Get a Snapshot
Legacy Backup Snapshots/Change a Snapshot Expiration
Legacy Backup Snapshots/Delete a Snapshot
Legacy Backup Snapshot Schedule/Get the Snapshot Schedule
Legacy Backup Snapshot Schedule/Update Snapshot Schedule
Restore Legacy Backup Jobs/Get All Legacy Backup Restore Jobs
Restore Legacy Backup Jobs/Get One Legacy Backup Restore Job
Restore Legacy Backup Jobs/Create One Legacy Backup Restore Job
Cloud Backup/Get All Cloud Backups
Cloud Backup/Get One Cloud Backup
Cloud Backup/Delete One Cloud Backup
Cloud Backup/Take One On-Demand Snapshot
Cloud Backup/Return One Snapshot Of One Serverless Instance
Cloud Backup/Return All Snapshots Of One Serverless Instance
Cloud Backup Restore Jobs/Get All Cloud Backup Restore Jobs
Cloud Backup Restore Jobs/Return All Restore Jobs For One Serverless Instance
Cloud Backup Restore Jobs/Get One Cloud Backup Restore Job
Cloud Backup Restore Jobs/Return One Restore Job For One Serverless Instance
Cloud Backup Restore Jobs/Create a Cloud Backup Restore Job
Cloud Backup Restore Jobs/Restore One Snapshot Of One Serverless Instance
Cloud Backup Restore Jobs/Cancel One Cloud Backup Restore Job
Cloud Backup Schedule/Get Cloud Backup Schedule
Cloud Backup Schedule/Modify Cloud Backup Backup Policy
Cloud Backup Schedule/Delete All Cloud Backup Schedules
Shared-Tier Snapshots/Get All Snapshots for an M2-M5 Cluster
Shared-Tier Snapshots/Get One Snapshot for an M2-M5 Cluster
Shared-Tier Snapshots/Request to Download One M2-M5 Cluster Snapshot
Shared-Tier Restore Jobs/Get All Restore Jobs for an M2-M5 Cluster
Shared-Tier Restore Jobs/Get One Restore Job for an M2-M5 Cluster
Shared-Tier Restore Jobs/Create a Restore Job from an M2-M5 Cluster
Online Archive/Get all Online Archives for Cluster
Online Archive/Get One Online Archive
Online Archive/Download Online Archive Query Logs
Online Archive/Create an Online Archive
Online Archive/Create an Online Archive Advanced
Online Archive/Update an Online Archive
Online Archive/Delete an Online Archive
Network Peering/Get All Network Peering Containers in One Project
Network Peering/Get Network Peering Containers in One Project by Cloud Provider
Network Peering/Get a Specific Network Peering Container
Network Peering/Create a New Network Peering Container
Network Peering/Update A Network Peering Container
Network Peering/Delete One Network Peering Container
Network Peering/Get All Network Peering Connections in A Project
Network Peering/Get One Network Peering Connection in a Project
Network Peering/AWS - Create One New Network Peering Connection
Network Peering/AZURE - Create One New Network Peering Connection
Network Peering/GCP - Create One New Network Peering Connection
Network Peering/AWS - Update One New Network Peering Connection
Network Peering/AZURE - Update One New Network Peering Connection
Network Peering/GCP - Update One New Network Peering Connection
Network Peering/Delete One Existing Network Peering Connection
Network Peering/Verify Connect via Peering Only Mode for a Project
Network Peering/Disable Connect via Peering Only Mode for a Project
Private Endpoints/Get All Private Endpoint Services for One Provider
Private Endpoints/Get One Private Endpoint Service for One Provider
Private Endpoints/AWS - Create One Private Endpoint Service for One Provider
Private Endpoints/AZURE - Create One Private Endpoint Service for One Provider Copy
Private Endpoints/Delete One Private Endpoint Service for One Provider
Private Endpoints/Get One Private Endpoint for One Provider
Private Endpoints/AWS - Create One Private Endpoint for One Provider
Private Endpoints/Azure - Create One Private Endpoint for One Provider
Private Endpoints/Delete One Private Endpoint for One Provider
Private Endpoints/Get Regionalized Private Endpoint Status
Private Endpoints/Update Regionalized Private Endpoint Status
Programmatic API Keys/Get All Organization API Keys
Programmatic API Keys/Get One Organization API Key
Programmatic API Keys/Create One Organization API Key
Programmatic API Keys/Update One Organization API Key
Programmatic API Keys/Delete One Organization API Key
Programmatic API Keys/Get All Access List Entries for One Organization API Key
Programmatic API Keys/Get One Access List Entry for One Organization API Key
Programmatic API Keys/Create Access List Entries for One Organization API Key
Programmatic API Keys/Delete One Access List Entry for One Organization API Key
Programmatic API Keys/Create Whitelist Entries for One Organization API Key
Programmatic API Keys/Get All Whitelist Entries for One Organization API Key
Programmatic API Keys/Get One Whitelist Entry for One Organization API Key
Programmatic API Keys/Delete One Whitelist Entry for One Organization API Key
Programmatic API Keys/Get All Organization API Keys Assigned to One Project
Programmatic API Keys/Create and Assign One Organization API Key to One Project
Programmatic API Keys/Assign One Organization API Key to One Project
Programmatic API Keys/Modify Roles of One Organization API Key to One Project
Programmatic API Keys/Unassign One Organization API Key from One Project
Monitoring and Logs/Get All MongoDB Processes in a Group
Monitoring and Logs/Get MongoDB Process by ID
Monitoring and Logs/Get Measurements for a MongoDB Process
Monitoring and Logs/Get Available Databases for a MongoDB Process
Monitoring and Logs/Get Measurements of a Database for a MongoDB Process
Monitoring and Logs/Get Available Disks for a MongoDB Process
Monitoring and Logs/Get Measurements of a Disk for a MongoDB Process
Monitoring and Logs/Logs
Query Analysis/Get All Namespaces for a Host
Query Analysis/Get Slow Queries
Query Analysis/Get Suggested Indexes
Query Analysis/Enable Managed Slow Operation Threshold
Query Analysis/Disable Managed Slow Operation Threshold
Auditing/Get Auditing Configuration for a Project
Auditing/Configure Auditing for a Project
Encryption at Rest using Customer Key Management/Enable and Configure Encryption at Rest using Customer Key Management for One Project Copy
Encryption at Rest using Customer Key Management/Disable and Configure Encryption at Rest using Customer Key Management for One Project
Encryption at Rest using Customer Key Management/Get Configuration for Encryption at Rest using Customer Key Management for One Project
Atlas Users/Get an Atlas User by ID
Atlas Users/Get an Atlas User by Name
Atlas Users/Create an Atlas User
Cloud Provider Access/Get All Cloud Provider Access Roles
Cloud Provider Access/Create a Cloud Provider Access Role
Cloud Provider Access/Authorize a Cloud Provider Access Role
Cloud Provider Access/Deauthorize One Cloud Provider Access Role¶
Events/Get All Organization Events
Events/Get One Organization Event
Events/Get All Project Events
Events/Get One Project Event
Access Tracking/Get Database Access History by Cluster Name
Access Tracking/Get Database Access History for a Cluster by Hostname
Data Lakes/Get All Data Lakes
Data Lakes/Get One Data Lake
Data Lakes/Download Query Logs for One Data Lake
Data Lakes/Create One Data Lake
Data Lakes/Update One Data Lake
Data Lakes/Delete One Data Lake
Rolling Index/Create a Rolling Index
Custom DNS for Atlas Clusters Deployed to AWS/Get Custom DNS Configuration for Atlas Clusters on AWS
Custom DNS for Atlas Clusters Deployed to AWS/Update Custom DNS Configuration for Atlas Clusters on AWS
Live Migration/Create One Link-Token
Live Migration/Delete One Link-Token
Live Migration/Validate One Migration Request
Live Migration/Return Status of One Specific Validation Job
Live Migration/Create One Migration
Live Migration/Return One Specific Migration Job
Live Migration/Start the Migration Cutover