Chilkat Online Tools

autoit / Razorpay APIs / Fetch a Specific Refund for a Payment

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; This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
; See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

$oHttp = ObjCreate("Chilkat.Http")
Local $bSuccess

$oHttp.BasicAuth = True
$oHttp.Login = "username"
$oHttp.Password = "password"

$oSbResponseBody = ObjCreate("Chilkat.StringBuilder")
$bSuccess = $oHttp.QuickGetSb("{pay_id}/refunds/{rfnd_id}",$oSbResponseBody)
If ($bSuccess = False) Then
    ConsoleWrite($oHttp.LastErrorText & @CRLF)

ConsoleWrite("Response status code = " & $oHttp.LastStatus & @CRLF)
ConsoleWrite($oSbResponseBody.GetAsString() & @CRLF)

Curl Command

curl -X GET
	-u 'username:password'{pay_id}/refunds/{rfnd_id}

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "Fetch a Specific Refund for a Payment",
  "protocolProfileBehavior": {
    "disableBodyPruning": true
  "request": {
    "method": "GET",
    "header": [
    "body": {
      "mode": "raw",
      "raw": "",
      "options": {
        "raw": {
          "language": "json"
    "url": {
      "raw": "{pay_id}/refunds/{rfnd_id}",
      "protocol": "https",
      "host": [
      "path": [
    "description": "Fetch a specific refund for a specific payment using this API.\n\nKnow more about the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Fetch a Specific Refund for a Specific Payment API.</a>"
  "response": [