Back to Collection Items
; This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
; See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.
$oHttp = ObjCreate("Chilkat.Http")
Local $bSuccess
; Use this online tool to generate code from sample JSON: Generate Code to Create JSON
; The following JSON is sent in the request body.
; {
; "documents": [
; {
; "issuer": {
; "address": {
; "branchID": "1",
; "country": "EG",
; "governate": "Cairo",
; "regionCity": "Nasr City",
; "street": "580 Clementina Key",
; "buildingNumber": "Bldg. 0",
; "postalCode": "68030",
; "floor": "1",
; "room": "123",
; "landmark": "7660 Melody Trail",
; "additionalInformation": "beside Townhall"
; },
; "type": "B",
; "id": "113317713",
; "name": "Issuer Company"
; },
; "receiver": {
; "address": {
; "country": "EG",
; "governate": "Egypt",
; "regionCity": "Mufazat al Ismlyah",
; "street": "580 Clementina Key",
; "buildingNumber": "Bldg. 0",
; "postalCode": "68030",
; "floor": "1",
; "room": "123",
; "landmark": "7660 Melody Trail",
; "additionalInformation": "beside Townhall"
; },
; "type": "B",
; "id": "313717919",
; "name": "Receiver"
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; "dateTimeIssued": "2021-02-08T23:59:59Z",
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; "purchaseOrderDescription": "purchase Order description",
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; "salesOrderDescription": "Sales Order description",
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; ],
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; "bankAddress": "SomeValue",
; "bankAccountNo": "SomeValue",
; "bankAccountIBAN": "",
; "swiftCode": "",
; "terms": "SomeValue"
; },
; "delivery": {
; "approach": "SomeValue",
; "packaging": "SomeValue",
; "dateValidity": "2020-09-28T09:30:10Z",
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; "countryOfOrigin": "EG",
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; "terms": "SomeValue"
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; "quantity": 5,
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; "salesTotal": 947.00,
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; "valueDifference": 7.00,
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; "itemsDiscount": 5.00,
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; "currencyExchangeRate": 18.94
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; {
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; {
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; {
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; {
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; {
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; {
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; {
; "taxType": "T15",
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; },
; {
; "taxType": "T16",
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; {
; "taxType": "T19",
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; "rate": 12.00
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; {
; "taxType": "T20",
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; "unitValue": {
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; "rate": 0.00
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; },
; {
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; {
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; "rate": 0.00
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T7",
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; "rate": 10.00
; },
; {
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; "amount": 91.41,
; "subType": "T8",
; "rate": 14.00
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T9",
; "amount": 78.35,
; "subType": "T9",
; "rate": 12.00
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T10",
; "amount": 65.29,
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; "rate": 10.00
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; {
; "taxType": "T11",
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; "subType": "T11",
; "rate": 14.00
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T12",
; "amount": 78.35,
; "subType": "T12",
; "rate": 12.00
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T13",
; "amount": 65.29,
; "subType": "T13",
; "rate": 10.00
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T14",
; "amount": 91.41,
; "subType": "T14",
; "rate": 14.00
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T15",
; "amount": 78.35,
; "subType": "T15",
; "rate": 12.00
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T16",
; "amount": 65.29,
; "subType": "T16",
; "rate": 10.00
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T17",
; "amount": 65.29,
; "subType": "T17",
; "rate": 10.00
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T18",
; "amount": 91.41,
; "subType": "T18",
; "rate": 14.00
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T19",
; "amount": 78.35,
; "subType": "T19",
; "rate": 12.00
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T20",
; "amount": 65.29,
; "subType": "T20",
; "rate": 10.00
; }
; ]
; }
; ],
; "totalDiscountAmount": 76.29,
; "totalSalesAmount": 1609.90,
; "netAmount": 1533.61,
; "taxTotals": [
; {
; "taxType": "T1",
; "amount": 477.54
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T2",
; "amount": 365.47
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T3",
; "amount": 60.00
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T4",
; "amount": 75.99
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T5",
; "amount": 214.71
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T6",
; "amount": 120.00
; },
; {
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; {
; "taxType": "T8",
; "amount": 214.71
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T9",
; "amount": 184.04
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T10",
; "amount": 153.36
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T11",
; "amount": 214.71
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T12",
; "amount": 184.04
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T13",
; "amount": 153.36
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T14",
; "amount": 214.71
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T15",
; "amount": 184.04
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T16",
; "amount": 153.36
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T17",
; "amount": 153.36
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T18",
; "amount": 214.71
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T19",
; "amount": 184.04
; },
; {
; "taxType": "T20",
; "amount": 153.36
; }
; ],
; "totalAmount": 5191.50,
; "extraDiscountAmount": 5.00,
; "totalItemsDiscountAmount": 14.00,
; "signatures": [
; {
; "signatureType": "I",
; }
; ]
; }
; ]
; }
$oJson = ObjCreate("Chilkat.JsonObject")
$oJson.UpdateString("documents[0].issuer.address.regionCity","Nasr City")
$oJson.UpdateString("documents[0].issuer.address.street","580 Clementina Key")
$oJson.UpdateString("documents[0].issuer.address.buildingNumber","Bldg. 0")
$oJson.UpdateString("documents[0].issuer.address.landmark","7660 Melody Trail")
$oJson.UpdateString("documents[0].issuer.address.additionalInformation","beside Townhall")
$oJson.UpdateString("documents[0]","Issuer Company")
$oJson.UpdateString("documents[0].receiver.address.regionCity","Mufazat al Ismlyah")
$oJson.UpdateString("documents[0].receiver.address.street","580 Clementina Key")
$oJson.UpdateString("documents[0].receiver.address.buildingNumber","Bldg. 0")
$oJson.UpdateString("documents[0].receiver.address.landmark","7660 Melody Trail")
$oJson.UpdateString("documents[0].receiver.address.additionalInformation","beside Townhall")
$oJson.UpdateString("documents[0].purchaseOrderDescription","purchase Order description")
$oJson.UpdateString("documents[0].salesOrderDescription","Sales Order description")
; Adds the "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" header.
$oHttp.AuthToken = "<access_token>"
Local $oResp = $oHttp.PostJson3("","application/json",$oJson)
If ($oHttp.LastMethodSuccess = False) Then
ConsoleWrite($oHttp.LastErrorText & @CRLF)
ConsoleWrite($oResp.StatusCode & @CRLF)
ConsoleWrite($oResp.BodyStr & @CRLF)
Curl Command
curl -X POST
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
-d '{
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Postman Collection Item JSON
"name": "1.1 Submit Documents (JSON) Debit",
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