Chilkat Online Tools
Chilkat Sofware, Inc.
Generate Code to Create JSON
Generate Code to Parse JSON
JSON Formatter
Generate Code to Create XML
Generate Code to Parse XML
XML Formatter
XML Canonicalizer
Convert CURL Command to HTTP Source Code
Convert CURL Command to REST Source Code
Convert HTTP Request to Source Code
Convert HTTP Request to CURL Command
SOAP Generate Code and Request/Response XML from WSDL
Sample WSDL URLs
Generate Code from Postman Collection
View Binary File
Decode ASN.1 Binary File to XML
Decode Base64 ASN.1 to XML
Generate Random Encoded Bytes
Obfuscate/Unobfuscate a String
Decode a JWT
TOTP Authenticator Token Generator
Hash Text
Hash File at URL
Upload File to Hash
CMS (Cryptographic Message Syntax)
Verify P7M
Generate Code to Create .p7s / .p7m
Examine PDF Signature
Generate PDF Signature Code
Verify XML Digital Signature
Generate XML DSig Code
Canonicalize XML
Amazon AWS
Amazon AWS Examples
Classic ASP OAuth2
REST Examples
Classic ASP Examples for
DocuSign Rooms API - v2
Postman Collection Items
Accounts/Get information about the account.
Documents/Get information about the Document with the given DocumentId.
Documents/Deletes a document.
Documents/Grants access to a document for a user.
ESignPermissionProfiles/Gets permission profiles from the associated eSign account.
Forms/Creates an external form fill session.
Forms/Get account Form Groups.
Forms/Creates a form group.
Forms/Gets a form group.
Forms/Renames a form group.
Forms/Deletes a form group.
Forms/Removes a form from a form group.
Forms/Assigns a form to a form group.
Forms/Assign office to a form group so the specified office has access to the form group.
Forms/Remove office to a form group so the specified office doesn't have access to the form group.
Forms/Gets a paged list of forms libraries.
Forms/Gets a paged list of forms in a forms library.
Forms/Gets form based on Id.
Fields/Get details of a specific field set.
GlobalResources/Retrieves the list of valid countries.
GlobalResources/Retrieves the list of valid closing statuses.
GlobalResources/Retrieves the list of valid contact sides.
GlobalResources/Retrieves the list of valid financing types.
GlobalResources/Retrieves the list of valid origins of leads.
GlobalResources/Retrieves the list of valid property types.
GlobalResources/Retrieves the list of valid room contact types.
GlobalResources/Retrieves the list of valid seller decision types.
GlobalResources/Retrieves the list of valid special circumstance types.
GlobalResources/Retrieves the list of valid task date types.
GlobalResources/Retrieves the list of valid task responsibility types.
GlobalResources/Retrieves the list of valid task statuses.
GlobalResources/Retrieves the list of valid transaction sides.
GlobalResources/Retrieves the list of valid states.
GlobalResources/Retrieves the list of valid currencies.
GlobalResources/Retrieves the list of valid time zones.
Offices/Get all
Offices/Create an office.
Offices/Get information about the office with the given officeId.
Offices/Delete an office.
Offices/Lists the number of objects of each type that reference the office.
Regions/Get account
Regions/Creates a new region for a company
Regions/Get information about the region with the given regionId
Regions/Delete a region.
Regions/Get region reference counts.
Roles/Gets a paged-list of roles in your company
Roles/Creates a role.
Roles/Get information about the role with the given roleId.
Roles/Updates the role with the given roleId.
Roles/Deletes the role with the given roleId.
Rooms/Returns the FieldData associated with the provided roomId.
Rooms/Updates room field data.
Rooms/Gets room folders accessible to the calling user.
Rooms/Adds a DocuSign Form to a room
Rooms/Retrieves the list of users in the given
Rooms/Invites a user to the room by email address.
Rooms/Updates the specified user's role and transaction side.
Rooms/Revokes the specified user's access to the
Rooms/Restores the specified user's access to the
Rooms/Gets rooms available to the calling user.
Rooms/Creates a new Room
Rooms/Gets information about the given
Rooms/Deletes the room having the given room ID.
Rooms/Returns the roles for which the calling user, based on their role within the room, can assign to invitees.
Rooms/Get documents in the room accessible to the calling user.
Rooms/Add a document to a
Rooms/Add a document to a room via file contents upload.
Rooms/Update the picture for a
Rooms/Gets the field set associated with the
TaskLists/Returns the summary for all viewable task lists in a
TaskLists/Add a task list to a room based on a task list template.
TaskLists/Deletes a task list. If there are attached documents they will remain in the associated
TaskLists/Returns all task list templates for the company of the active user.
RoomTemplates/Returns all room templates that the active user has access to
Users/Gets a paged-list of
Users/Retrieves user information for the user having the given UserId.
Users/Updates user information
Users/Removes a user from the company.
Users/NON-CLASSIC COMPANY ONLY. Send an invitation to the user or non-user having the given email.
Users/CLASSIC COMPANY ONLY. Send an invitation to join the company as an admin.
Users/CLASSIC COMPANY ONLY. Send an invitation to join the company as a manager.
Users/CLASSIC COMPANY ONLY. Send an invitation to join the company as an agent.
Users/Reinvites the pending user with the given userId.
Users/Adds the user to the designated office.
Users/Removes the user from the designated office.
Users/Adds the user to the designated region.
Users/Removes the user from the designated region.
Users/Locks the account of the user.
Users/Unlocks the account of the user.
Authentication/01 Authorize Code Grant Access Token
Authentication/02 JWT Access Token
Authentication/03 Refresh Access Token
Authentication/04 Get User Info